3,216 research outputs found

    New Mechanism of Flavor Symmetry Breaking from Supersymmetric Strong Dynamics

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    We present a class of supersymmetric models in which flavor symmetries are broken dynamically, by a set of composite flavon fields. The strong dynamics that is responsible for confinement in the flavor sector also drives flavor symmetry breaking vacuum expectation values, as a consequence of a quantum-deformed moduli space. Yukawa couplings result as a power series in the ratio of the confinement to Planck scale, and the fermion mass hierarchy depends on the differing number of preons in different flavor symmetry-breaking operators. We present viable non-Abelian and Abelian flavor models that incorporate this mechanism.Comment: 24 pp. LaTe

    Bloch-Nordsieck Violation in Spontaneously Broken Abelian Theories

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    We point out that, in a spontaneously broken U(1) gauge theory, inclusive processes, whose primary particles are mass eigenstates that do not coincide with the gauge eigenstates, are not free of infrared logarithms. The charge mixing allowed by symmetry breaking and the ensuing Bloch-Nordsieck violation are here analyzed in a few relevant cases and in particular for processes initiated by longitudinal gauge bosons. Of particular interest is the example of weak hypercharge in the Standard Model where, in addition, left-right mixing effects arise in transversely polarized fermion beams.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    The mouse alpha-globin cluster: A paradigm for studying genome regulation and organization

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    The mammalian globin gene clusters provide a paradigm for studying the relationship between genome structure and function. As blood stem cells undergo lineage specification and differentiation to form red blood cells, the chromatin structure and expression of the α-globin cluster change. The gradual activation of the α-globin genes in well-defined cell populations has enabled investigation of the structural and functional roles of its enhancers, promoters and boundary elements. Recent studies of gene regulatory processes involving these elements at the mouse α-globin cluster have brought new insights into the general principles underlying the three-dimensional structure of the genome and its relationship to gene expression throughout time

    Possibility of the new type phase transition

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    The scalar field theory and the scalar electrodynamics quantized in the flat gap are considered. The dynamical effects arising due to the boundary presence with two types of boundary conditions (BC) satisfied by scalar fields are studied. It is shown that while the Neumann BC lead to the usual scalar field mass generation, the Dirichlet BC give rise to the dynamical mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. Due to the later, there arises the possibility of the new type phase transition from the normal to spontaneously broken phase. The decreasing in the characteristic size of the quantization region (the gap size here) and increasing in the temperature compete with each other, tending to transport the system in the spontaneously broken and in the normal phase, respectively. The system evolves with a combined parameter, simultaneously reflecting the change in temperature and in the size. As a result, at the critical value of this parameter there occurs the phase transition from the normal phase to the spontaneously broken one. In particular, the usual massless scalar electrodynamics transforms to the Higgs model

    Does Magnetic Charge Imply a Massive Photon ?

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    In Abelian theories of monopoles the magnetic charge is required to be enormous. Using the electric-magnetic duality of electromagnetism it is argued that the existence of such a large, non-perturbative magnetic coupling should lead to a phase transition where magnetic charge is permanently confined and the photon becomes massive. The apparent masslessness of the photon could then be used as an argument against the existence of such a large, non-perturbative magnetic charge. Finally it is shown that even in the presence of this dynamical mass generation the Cabbibo-Ferrari formulation of magnetic charge gives a consistent theory.Comment: 10 pages LaTe

    Probing the Higgs mechanism via γγW+W\gamma\gamma\to W^+W^-

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    We investigate the sensitivity of the reaction γγW+W\gamma\gamma\to W^+W^- to the Higgs sector based on the complete one-loop corrections in the minimal Standard Model and the gauged non-linear σ\sigma-model. While this sensitivity is very strong for the suppressed cross-section of equally polarized photons and longitudinal W bosons, it is only marginal for the dominant mode of transverse polarizations. The corrections within the σ\sigma-model turn out to be UV-finite in accordance with the absence of \log\MH terms in the Standard Model with a heavy Higgs boson.Comment: 12 pages uuencoded postscrip

    The 1965 Iowa corn yield test

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    The results of the Iowa Corn Yield Test are published to aid Iowa farmers in selecting corn varieties adapted to their farms. This is the forty-sixth consecutive year for the Iowa Corn Yield Test- since its beginning in 1920 and the sixth consecutive year in which a picker-sheller has been used to harvest a majority of the test fields. Individual year yield data are presented for corn varieties entered two or more consecutive years in a district. One-, two- and three-year yield averages are presented in tables 1 to 6 for both high and normal plant populations for each district. Information concerning other attributes of the entries tested are listed in tables 1 to 6. This is the third year of the district arrangement shown in fig. 1 and the third year in which all entries are compared at both high and normal plant populations at each location. The presentation of data for the varieties tested does not imply approval or endorsement by the authors or by the agencies sponsoring or conducting the test. The entry names listed in the tables are their brand and variety designations

    Observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2 superconductor

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    We report observation of Leggett's collective mode in a multi-band MgB2 superconductor with T_c=39K arising from the fluctuations in the relative phase between two superconducting condensates. The novel mode is observed by Raman spectroscopy at 9.4 meV in the fully symmetric scattering channel. The observed mode frequency is consistent with theoretical considerations based on the first principle computations.Comment: Accepted for PR

    Genetic Polymorphism in Evolving Population

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    We present a model for evolving population which maintains genetic polymorphism. By introducing random mutation in the model population at a constant rate, we observe that the population does not become extinct but survives, keeping diversity in the gene pool under abrupt environmental changes. The model provides reasonable estimates for the proportions of polymorphic and heterozygous loci and for the mutation rate, as observed in nature