The 1965 Iowa corn yield test


The results of the Iowa Corn Yield Test are published to aid Iowa farmers in selecting corn varieties adapted to their farms. This is the forty-sixth consecutive year for the Iowa Corn Yield Test- since its beginning in 1920 and the sixth consecutive year in which a picker-sheller has been used to harvest a majority of the test fields. Individual year yield data are presented for corn varieties entered two or more consecutive years in a district. One-, two- and three-year yield averages are presented in tables 1 to 6 for both high and normal plant populations for each district. Information concerning other attributes of the entries tested are listed in tables 1 to 6. This is the third year of the district arrangement shown in fig. 1 and the third year in which all entries are compared at both high and normal plant populations at each location. The presentation of data for the varieties tested does not imply approval or endorsement by the authors or by the agencies sponsoring or conducting the test. The entry names listed in the tables are their brand and variety designations

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