434 research outputs found

    Viral delivery of antioxidant genes as a therapeutic strategy in experimental models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with no effective treatment to date. Despite its multi-factorial aetiology, oxidative stress is hypothesized to be one of the key pathogenic mechanisms. It is thus proposed that manipulation of the expression of antioxidant genes that are downregulated in the presence of mutant SOD1 may serve as a therapeutic strategy for motor neuronal protection. Lentiviral vectors expressing either PRDX3 or NRF2 genes were tested in the motor neuronal-like NSC34 cell line, and in the ALS tissue culture model, NSC34 cells expressing the human SOD1(G93A) mutation. The NSC34 SOD1(G93A) cells overexpressing either PRDX3 or NRF2 showed a significant decrease in endogenous oxidation stress levels by 40 and 50% respectively compared with controls, whereas cell survival was increased by 30% in both cases. The neuroprotective potential of those two genes was further investigated in vivo in the SOD1(G93A) ALS mouse model, by administering intramuscular injections of adenoassociated virus serotype 6 (AAV6) expressing either of the target genes at a presymptomatic stage. Despite the absence of a significant effect in survival, disease onset or progression, which can be explained by the inefficient viral delivery, the promising in vitro data suggest that a more widespread CNS delivery is needed

    Spatial mode storage in a gradient echo memory

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    Three-level atomic gradient echo memory (lambda-GEM) is a proposed candidate for efficient quantum storage and for linear optical quantum computation with time-bin multiplexing. In this paper we investigate the spatial multimode properties of a lambda-GEM system. Using a high-speed triggered CCD, we demonstrate the storage of complex spatial modes and images. We also present an in-principle demonstration of spatial multiplexing by showing selective recall of spatial elements of a stored spin wave. Using our measurements, we consider the effect of diffusion within the atomic vapour and investigate its role in spatial decoherence. Our measurements allow us to quantify the spatial distortion due to both diffusion and inhomogeneous control field scattering and compare these to theoretical models.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Electromagnetically induced transparency and four-wave mixing in a cold atomic ensemble with large optical depth

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    We report on the delay of optical pulses using electromagnetically induced transparency in an ensemble of cold atoms with an optical depth exceeding 500. To identify the regimes in which four-wave mixing impacts on EIT behaviour, we conduct the experiment in both rubidium 85 and rubidium 87. Comparison with theory shows excellent agreement in both isotopes. In rubidium 87, negligible four-wave mixing was observed and we obtained one pulse-width of delay with 50% efficiency. In rubidium 85, four-wave-mixing contributes to the output. In this regime we achieve a delay-bandwidth product of 3.7 at 50% efficiency, allowing temporally multimode delay, which we demonstrate by compressing two pulses into the memory medium.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Patient and public involvement and engagement in a doctoral research project exploring self-harm in older adults

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    Background: The contribution of involving patients and public in health research is widely reported, particularly within mental health research. Less is written about such contributions to doctoral research. The research focus of this doctoral research, self-harm in older adults, was put forward by a Patient Public Involvement Engagement (PPIE) group, who contributed to its development. Aims: Critically reflect on the process, potential impact and identify challenges and opportunities in involving robust PPIE in a doctoral study. Methods: Three PPIE members contributed to a systematic review (SR) and a qualitative study through a series of four workshops to meet the aims of the study. PPIE contributed to developing the SR review questions, protocol, data analysis and dissemination of findings. For the qualitative study, they helped develop research questions, protocol, public-facing documentation, recruitment strategies and data analysis. Involvement followed the GRIPP2-SF reporting checklist. Results: PPIE enhanced methodological rigour, data analysis, interpretation and dissemination of findings. Challenges included lack of ethical guidance, time-related pressures and ensuring support for PPIE members. These were successfully managed through ongoing dialogue and regular communication. Conclusions: PPIE can enhance the quality and depth of doctoral research, as lived experiences shared by PPIE members add to research's components. Exposing early-career researchers to PPIE can build research cultures sensitive to PPIE's potential contribution and develop the expertise needed to avoid tokenistic involvement. Capturing lay perspectives is essential in mental health research to ensure research findings are accessible and that findings inform clinical practice. However, clear guidance on the ethical dimensions to PPIE is needed

    Experience of and access to maternity care in the UK by immigrant women: a narrative synthesis systematic review

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    © 2019 Author(s). One in four births in the UK is to foreign-born women. In 2016, the figure was 28.2%, the highest figure on record, with maternal and perinatal mortality also disproportionately higher for some immigrant women. Our objective was to examine issues of access and experience of maternity care by immigrant women based on a systematic review and narrative synthesis of empirical research. Review methods: A research librarian designed the search strategies (retrieving literature published from 1990 to end June 2017). We retrieved 45 954 citations and used a screening tool to identify relevance. We searched for grey literature reported in databases/websites. We contacted stakeholders with expertise to identify additional research. Results: We identified 40 studies for inclusion: 22 qualitative, 8 quantitative and 10 mixed methods. Immigrant women, particularly asylum-seekers, often booked and accessed antenatal care later than the recommended first 10 weeks. Primary factors included limited English language proficiency, lack of awareness of availability of the services, lack of understanding of the purpose of antenatal appointments, immigration status and income barriers. Maternity care experiences were both positive and negative. Women with positive perceptions described healthcare professionals as caring, confidential and openly communicative in meeting their medical, emotional, psychological and social needs. Those with negative views perceived health professionals as rude, discriminatory and insensitive to their cultural and social needs. These women therefore avoided continuously utilising maternity care. We found few interventions focused on improving maternity care, and the effectiveness of existing interventions have not been scientifically evaluated. Conclusions: The experiences of immigrant women in accessing and using maternity care services were both positive and negative. Further education and training of health professionals in meeting the challenges of a super-diverse population may enhance quality of care, and the perceptions and experiences of maternity care by immigrant women

    Can the quality of social research on ethnicity be improved through the introduction of guidance? Findings from a research commissioning pilot exercise

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    As the volume of UK social research addressing ethnicity grows, so too do concerns regarding the ethical and scientific rigour of this research domain and its potential to do more harm than good. The establishment of standards and principles and the introduction of guidance documents at critical points within the research cycle might be one way to enhance the quality of such research. This article reports the findings from the piloting of a guidance document within the research commissioning process of a major funder of UK social research. The guidance document was positively received by researchers, the majority of whom reported it to be comprehensible, relevant and potentially useful in improving the quality of research proposals. However, a review of the submitted proposals suggested the guidance had had little impact on practice. While guidance may have a role to play, it will need to be strongly promoted by commissioners and other gatekeepers. Findings also suggest the possibility that guidance may discourage some researchers from engaging with ethnicity if it raises problems without solutions; highlighting the need for complementary investments in research capacity development in this area

    An ethnographic investigation of maternity healthcare experience of immigrants in rural and urban Alberta, Canada

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    Background: Canada is among the top immigrant-receiving nations in the world. Immigrant populations may face structural and individual barriers in the access to and navigation of healthcare services in a new country. The aims of the study were to (1) generate new understanding of the processes that perpetuate immigrant disadvantages in maternity healthcare, and (2) devise potential interventions that might improve maternity experiences and outcomes for immigrant women in Canada. Methods: The study utilized a qualitative research approach that focused on ethnographic research design and data analysis contextualized within theories of organizational behaviour and critical realism. Data were collected over 2.5 years using focus groups and in-depth semistructured interviews with immigrant women (n = 34), healthcare providers (n = 29), and social service providers (n = 23) in a Canadian province. Purposive samples of each subgroup were generated, and recruitment and data collection – including interpretation and verification of translations – were facilitated through the hiring of community researchers and collaborations with key informants. Results: The findings indicate that (a) communication difficulties, (b) lack of information, (c) lack of social support (isolation), (d) cultural beliefs, e) inadequate healthcare services, and (f) cost of medicine/services represent potential barriers to the access to and navigation of maternity services by immigrant women in Canada. Having successfully accessed and navigated services, immigrant women often face additional challenges that influence their level of satisfaction and quality of care, such as lack of understanding of the informed consent process, lack of regard by professionals for confidential patient information, short consultation times, short hospital stays, perceived discrimination/stereotyping, and culture shock. Conclusions: Although health service organizations and policies strive for universality and equality in service provision, personal and organizational barriers can limit care access, adequacy, and acceptability for immigrant women. A holistic healthcare approach must include health informational packages available in different languages/media. Health care professionals who care for diverse populations must be provided with training in cultural competence, and monitoring and evaluation programs to ameliorate personal and systemic discrimination
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