61 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient Communication and Secure Federated Recommendation System via Low-rank Training

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    Federated Recommendation (FedRec) systems have emerged as a solution to safeguard users' data in response to growing regulatory concerns. However, one of the major challenges in these systems lies in the communication costs that arise from the need to transmit neural network models between user devices and a central server. Prior approaches to these challenges often lead to issues such as computational overheads, model specificity constraints, and compatibility issues with secure aggregation protocols. In response, we propose a novel framework, called Correlated Low-rank Structure (CoLR), which leverages the concept of adjusting lightweight trainable parameters while keeping most parameters frozen. Our approach substantially reduces communication overheads without introducing additional computational burdens. Critically, our framework remains fully compatible with secure aggregation protocols, including the robust use of Homomorphic Encryption. The approach resulted in a reduction of up to 93.75% in payload size, with only an approximate 8% decrease in recommendation performance across datasets. Code for reproducing our experiments can be found at https://github.com/NNHieu/CoLR-FedRec.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 4 table

    A Cosine Similarity-based Method for Out-of-Distribution Detection

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    The ability to detect OOD data is a crucial aspect of practical machine learning applications. In this work, we show that cosine similarity between the test feature and the typical ID feature is a good indicator of OOD data. We propose Class Typical Matching (CTM), a post hoc OOD detection algorithm that uses a cosine similarity scoring function. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks show that CTM outperforms existing post hoc OOD detection methods.Comment: Accepted paper at ICML 2023 Workshop on Spurious Correlations, Invariance, and Stability. 10 pages (4 main + appendix

    Class based Influence Functions for Error Detection

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    Influence functions (IFs) are a powerful tool for detecting anomalous examples in large scale datasets. However, they are unstable when applied to deep networks. In this paper, we provide an explanation for the instability of IFs and develop a solution to this problem. We show that IFs are unreliable when the two data points belong to two different classes. Our solution leverages class information to improve the stability of IFs. Extensive experiments show that our modification significantly improves the performance and stability of IFs while incurring no additional computational cost.Comment: Thang Nguyen-Duc, Hoang Thanh-Tung, and Quan Hung Tran are co-first authors of this paper. 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted to ACL 202

    Hexa Histidine–Tagged Recombinant Human Cytoglobin Deactivates Hepatic Stellate Cells and Inhibits Liver Fibrosis by Scavenging Reactive Oxygen Species

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: Anti-fibrotic therapy remains an unmet medical need in human chronic liver disease. We report the anti-fibrotic properties of cytoglobin (CYGB), a respiratory protein expressed in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the main cell type involved in liver fibrosis. APPROACH & RESULTS: Cygb-deficient mice which had bile duct ligation (BDL)-induced liver cholestasis or choline-deficient L-amino acid-defined (CDAA) diet-induced steatohepatitis significantly exacerbated liver damage, fibrosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. All these manifestations were attenuated in Cygb-overexpressing mice. We produced 6His-tagged recombinant human CYGB (His-CYGB), traced its bio-distribution and assessed its function in HSCs or in mice with advanced liver cirrhosis using thioacetamide (TAA) or 3,5-diethoxycarbonyl-1,4-dihydrocollidine (DDC). In cultured HSCs, extracellular His-CYGB was endocytosed and accumulated in endosomes via clathrin-mediated pathway. His-CYGB significantly impeded ROS formation spontaneously or in the presence of ROS inducers in HSCs, thus leading to the attenuation of collagen type I alpha 1 production and alpha-smooth muscle actin expression. Replacement the iron centre of the heme group with cobalt nullified the effect of His-CYGB. In addition, His-CYGB induced interferon-β secretion by HSCs which partly contributed to its anti-fibrotic function. Momelotinib incompletely reversed the effect of His-CYGB. Intravenously injected His-CYGB markedly suppressed liver inflammation, fibrosis and oxidative cell damage in TAA- or DDC-administered mice without adverse effects. RNA-seq analysis revealed the downregulation of inflammation and fibrosis-related genes and the upregulation of antioxidant genes in both cell culture and liver tissues. The injected His-CYGB predominantly localised to HSCs but not to macrophages, suggesting specific targeting effects. His-CYGB exhibited no toxicity in humanised liver chimeric PXB mice. CONCLUSIONS: His-CYGB could have anti-fibrotic clinical applications for human chronic liver diseases

    Logging intensity drives variability in carbon stocks in lowland forests in Vietnam

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    Forest degradation in the tropics is generating large carbon (C) emissions. In tropical Asia, logging is the main driver of forest degradation. For effective implementation of REDD+ projects in logged forests in Southeast Asia, the impacts of logging on forest C stocks need to be assessed. Here, we assess C stocks in logged lowland forests in central Vietnam and explore correlations between logging intensity, soil, topography and living aboveground carbon (AGC) stocks. We present an approach to estimate historical logging intensities for the prevalent situation when complete records on logging history are unavailable. Landsat analysis and participatory mapping were used to quantify the density of historical disturbances, used as a proxy of logging intensities in the area. Carbon in AGC, dead wood, belowground carbon (BGC) and soil (SOC) was measured in twenty-four 0.25 ha plots that vary in logging intensity, and data on recent logging, soil properties, elevation and slope were also collected. Heavily logged forests stored only half the amount of AGC of stems ≥10 cm dbh as lightly logged forests, mainly due to a reduction in the number of large (≥60 cm dbh) trees. Carbon in AGC of small trees (5–10 cm dbh), dead wood and BGC comprised only small fractions of total C stocks, while SOC in the topsoil of 0–30 cm depth stored ~50% of total C stocks. Combining logging intensities with soil and topographic data showed that logging intensity was the main factor explaining the variability in AGC. Our research shows large reductions in AGC in medium and heavily logged forests. It highlights the critical importance of conserving big trees to maintain high forest C stocks and accounting for SOC in total C stock estimates

    Research Trends in Evidence-Based Medicine: A Joinpoint Regression Analysis of More than 50 Years of Publication Data

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    Background Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has developed as the dominant paradigm of assessment of evidence that is used in clinical practice. Since its development, EBM has been applied to integrate the best available research into diagnosis and treatment with the purpose of improving patient care. In the EBM era, a hierarchy of evidence has been proposed, including various types of research methods, such as meta-analysis (MA), systematic review (SRV), randomized controlled trial (RCT), case report (CR), practice guideline (PGL), and so on. Although there are numerous studies examining the impact and importance of specific cases of EBM in clinical practice, there is a lack of research quantitatively measuring publication trends in the growth and development of EBM. Therefore, a bibliometric analysis was constructed to determine the scientific productivity of EBM research over decades. Methods NCBI PubMed database was used to search, retrieve and classify publications according to research method and year of publication. Joinpoint regression analysis was undertaken to analyze trends in research productivity and the prevalence of individual research methods. Findings Analysis indicates that MA and SRV, which are classified as the highest ranking of evidence in the EBM, accounted for a relatively small but auspicious number of publications. For most research methods, the annual percent change (APC) indicates a consistent increase in publication frequency. MA, SRV and RCT show the highest rate of publication growth in the past twenty years. Only controlled clinical trials (CCT) shows a non-significant reduction in publications over the past ten years. Conclusions Higher quality research methods, such as MA, SRV and RCT, are showing continuous publication growth, which suggests an acknowledgement of the value of these methods. This study provides the first quantitative assessment of research method publication trends in EBM

    Chemosensory and hyperoxia circuits in <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> males influence sperm navigational capacity

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    <div><p>The sperm’s crucial function is to locate and fuse with a mature oocyte. Under laboratory conditions, <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> sperm are very efficient at navigating the hermaphrodite reproductive tract and locating oocytes. Here, we identify chemosensory and oxygen-sensing circuits that affect the sperm’s navigational capacity. Multiple Serpentine Receptor B (SRB) chemosensory receptors regulate Gα pathways in gustatory sensory neurons that extend cilia through the male nose. SRB signaling is necessary and sufficient in these sensory neurons to influence sperm motility parameters. The neuropeptide Y pathway acts together with SRB-13 to antagonize negative effects of the GCY-35 hyperoxia sensor on spermatogenesis. SRB chemoreceptors are not essential for sperm navigation under low oxygen conditions that <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> prefers. In ambient oxygen environments, SRB-13 signaling impacts gene expression during spermatogenesis and the sperm’s mitochondria, thereby increasing migration velocity and inhibiting reversals within the hermaphrodite uterus. The SRB-13 transcriptome is highly enriched in genes implicated in pathogen defense, many of which are expressed in diverse tissues. We show that the critical time period for SRB-13 signaling is prior to spermatocyte differentiation. Our results support the model that young <i>C</i>. <i>elegans</i> males sense external environment and oxygen tension, triggering long-lasting downstream signaling events with effects on the sperm’s mitochondria and navigational capacity. Environmental exposures early in male life may alter sperm function and fertility.</p></div

    IRDRC: An Intelligent Real-Time Dual-Functional Radar-Communication System for Automotive Vehicles

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    © 2012 IEEE. This letter introduces an intelligent Real-time Dual-functional Radar-Communication (iRDRC) system for autonomous vehicles (AVs). This system enables an AV to perform both radar and data communications functions to maximize bandwidth utilization as well as significantly enhance safety. In particular, the data communications function allows the AV to transmit data, e.g., of current traffic, to edge computing systems and the radar function is used to enhance the reliability and reduce the collision risks of the AV, e.g., under bad weather conditions. The problem of the iRDRC is to decide when to use the communication mode or the radar mode to maximize the data throughput while minimizing the miss detection probability of unexpected events given the uncertainty of surrounding environment. To solve the problem, we develop a deep reinforcement learning algorithm that allows the AV to quickly obtain the optimal policy without requiring any prior information about the environment. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms baseline schemes in terms of data throughput, miss detection probability, and convergence rate
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