21 research outputs found

    Solar heating and cooling with absorption chiller and latent heat storage

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    Part of: Thermally driven heat pumps for heating and cooling. – Ed.: Annett KĂŒhn – Berlin: UniversitĂ€tsverlag der TU Berlin, 2013 ISBN 978-3-7983-2686-6 (print) ISBN 978-3-7983-2596-8 (online) urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458 [http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus4-39458]Performance figures and control strategies of an innovative solar heating and cooling system (SHC-System) composed of an aqueous lithium bromide-water single-effect absorption chiller with 10 kW cooling capacity, a dry heat rejection system and a low phase change temperature (28-29°C) latent heat storage based on salt hydrates are given. During cooling season the latent heat storage serves as a secondary heat sink supporting the dry air cooler at high ambient temperatures to ensure 32°C coolant to the absorption chiller at any time. In the heating season the latent heat storage buffers heat surplus of the solar collectors latently by melting the phase change material (PCM) calcium chloride hexahydrate. As a result of the constant temperature during charging, solar thermal collector efficiency is increased and furthermore the overall heat dissipation is reduced. The results on the one hand show a positive effect on the cooling capacity, electrical and thermal Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the absorption chiller, which are significantly increased especially at hot days compared to solely dry air cooled systems. On the other hand a high solar fraction in the heating period, due to constantly low storage temperatures, is achieved

    IEA SHC Task 42/ECES Annex 29 – A Simple Tool for the Economic Evaluation of Thermal Energy Storages

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    Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry (SHC 2015)Within the framework of IEA SHC Task 42 / ECES Annex 29, a simple tool for the economic evaluation of thermal energy storages has been developed and tested on various existing storages. On that account, the storage capacity costs (costs per installed storage capacity) of thermal energy storages have been evaluated via a Top-down and a Bottom-up approach. The Top-down approach follows the assumption that the costs of energy supplied by the storage should not exceed the costs of energy from the market. The maximum acceptable storage capacity costs depend on the interest rate assigned to the capital costs, the intended payback period of the user class (e.g. industry or building), the reference energy costs, and the annual number of storage cycles. The Bottom-up approach focuses on the realised storage capacity costs of existing storages. The economic evaluation via Top-down and Bottom-up approach is a valuable tool to make a rough estimate of the economic viability of an energy storage for a specific application. An important finding is that the annual number of storage cycles has the largest influence on the cost effectiveness. At present and with respect to the investigated storages, seasonal heat storage is only economical via large sensible hot water storages. Contrary, if the annual number of storage cycles is sufficiently high, all thermal energy storage technologies can become competitive.This study is part of IEA SHC Task 42 / ECES Annex 29 „Compact Thermal Energy Storage - Material Development and System Integration“ (http://task42.iea-shc.org). The work of ZAE Bayern is part of the project PC-Cools_V and supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy under the project code 03ESP138A. University of Zaragoza thanks the Spanish Government for the funding of their work under the projects ENE2008-06687-C02-02, ENE2011-28269-C03-01 and ENE2014-57262-R. University of Lleida would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group (2014 SGR 123). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° PIRSES-GA-2013-610692 (INNOSTORAGE) and European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovationprogramme under grant agreement No 657466 (INPATH-TES). Laia Miró would like to thank the Spanish Government for her research fellowship (BES-2012-051861). The University of the Basque Country acknowledges the financial support of the Spanish’s Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the MicroTES (ENE2012- 38633) research project. The responsibility for the content of this publication is with the author

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Crystallization Behavior of Octadecane on a Homogeneous Nucleus

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    Latent heat storages have the ability to contribute to a more sustainable energy supply network. However, phase change materials (PCM) used for latent heat storages often show supercooling. This phenomenon takes place whenever the PCM begins crystallizing below the freezing point and is one of the biggest drawbacks holding back the widespread use of PCM. Nucleation agents (NA) can be used to avoid the supercooling, yet the choice of an effective NA is not straightforward. In this work, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was tested in order to simulate the crystallization of Octadecane on a NA. The simulation results include density, phase change temperature and enthalpy as well as the crystal structure and lie in good agreement with literature values and the authors’ own experimental data. Further simulations of the crystallization process on different surfaces of homogeneous nuclei acting as a NA were performed. The results reflect the hypothesis that liquid molecules start crystallizing easier on surfaces exposing the whole chain side rather than the chain ends. With the result, that the choice of parameters for the MD simulation represent the Octadecane system reliably and further studies can be performed including heterogeneous NA

    Solar Heating and Cooling System with Absorption Chiller and Latent Heat Storage – A Research Project Summary

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    AbstractA reliable solar thermal cooling and heating system with high solar fraction and seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) is preferable. By now, bulky sensible buffer tanks are used to improve the solar fraction for heating purposes. During summertime when solar heat is converted into useful cold by means of sorption chillers the waste heat dissipation to the ambient is the critical factor. If a dry cooler is installed the performance of the sorption machine suffers from high cooling water temperatures, especially on hot days. In contrast, a wet cooling tower causes expensive water treatment, formation of fog and the risk of legionella and bacterial growth. To overcome these problems a latent heat storage based on a cheap salt hydrate has been developed to support a dry cooler on hot days, whereby a constant low cooling water temperature for the sorption machine is ensured. Therefore the need of a wet cooling tower is avoided and neither make-up water nor maintenance is needed. The same storage serves as additional low temperature heat storage for heating purposes allowing optimal solar yield due to constant low storage temperatures. Four pilot installations between 7kW and 90kW nominal cooling capacity were equipped with latent heat storages between 80 kWh and 240 kWh energy content. Annual in situ measurement data shows a positive effect on the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for cooling up to 11.4. Furthermore simulation results under different climatic conditions indicate raising efficiency up to 64% compared to a system with solely dry re-cooling. Long-term test bench measuring data concerning performance and durability as well as a new approach for a state of charge detection for latent heat storages are presented as well