100 research outputs found

    Effect of internal mass in the lattice Boltzmann simulation of moving solid bodies by the smoothed-profile method

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    A computational method for the simulation of particulate flows that can efficiently treat the particle-fluid boundary in systems containing many particles was developed based on the smoothed-profile lattice Boltzmann method (SPLBM). In our proposed method, which we call the improved SPLBM (iSPLBM), for an accurate and stable simulation of particulate flows, the hydrodynamic force on a moving solid particle is exactly formulated with consideration of the effect of internal fluid mass. To validate the accuracy and stability of iSPLBM, we conducted numerical simulations of several particulate flow systems and compared our results with those of other simulations and some experiments. In addition, we performed simulations on flotation of many lightweight particles with a wide range of particle size distribution, the results of which demonstrated the effectiveness of iSPLBM. Our proposed model is a promising method to accurately and stably simulate extensive particulate flows

    Enhanced expression of complement C5a receptor mRNA in human diseased kidney assessed by in situ hybridization

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    Enhanced expression of complement C5a receptor mRNA in human diseased kidney assessed by in situ hybridization.BackgroundAnaphylatoxin C5a mediates inflammatory responses through interaction with a specific C5a receptor (C5aR), the expression of which is thought to be restricted to peripheral blood leukocytes. Although the presence of C5aR on cultured mesangial cells and tubular epithelial cells has recently been documented, the tissue distribution of C5aR in diseased kidney has not yet been determined.MethodsImmunohistochemistry and nonradioactive in situ hybridization for C5aR were performed in 34 tissue samples of kidneys from patients with various renal diseases, including 4 with minimal change nephrotic syndrome (MCNS), 5 with membranous nephropathy (MN), and 25 with mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (mesGN; 15 patients with IgA nephropathy, 5 with non-IgA mesGN, and 5 with lupus nephritis). Normal portions of surgically resected kidney served as the control.ResultsIn normal kidneys, C5aR protein was detected in tubular epithelial cells, while C5aR mRNA was detected in a few glomerular cells, tubular epithelial cells, and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. In MCNS, the distribution of C5aR protein and mRNA was similar to that in normal kidneys. In MN and mesGN, C5aR protein and mRNA were detected in mesangial cells, glomerular epithelial and endothelial cells, Bowman's capsule cells, tubular cells, infiltrating cells, and vascular endothelial and smooth muscle cells. The glomerular expression of C5aR mRNA and protein correlated positively with the degree of mesangial hypercellularity and mesangial matrix expansion in mesGN. In the tubulointerstitium, interstitial expression of C5aR mRNA correlated positively with the degree of tubular atrophy and interstitial broadening in mesGN. Furthermore, the interstitial expression of C5aR mRNA correlated positively with the level of serum creatinine.ConclusionsOur results indicate that renal cells produce C5aR and that activation of C5a/C5aR pathway on renal cells may be involved in tissue injury in mesGN

    Enzyme replacement therapy with pabinafusp alfa for neuronopathic mucopolysaccharidosis II : an integrated analysis of preclinical and clinical data

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    Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) improves somatic manifestations in mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS). However, because intravenously administered enzymes cannot cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), ERT is ineffective against the progressive neurodegeneration and resultant severe central nervous system (CNS) symptoms observed in patients with neuronopathic MPS. Attempts to surmount this problem have been made with intrathecal and intracerebroventricular ERT in order to achieve CNS effects, but the burdens on patients are inimical to long-term administrations. However, since pabinafusp alfa, a human iduronate-2-sulfatase fused with a BBB-crossing anti-transferrin receptor antibody, showed both central and peripheral efficacy in a mouse model, subsequent clinical trials in a total of 62 patients with MPS-II (Hunter syndrome) in Japan and Brazil substantiated this dual efficacy and provided an acceptable safety profile. To date, pabinafusp alfa is the only approved intravenous ERT that is effective against both the somatic and CNS symptoms of patients with MPS-II. This article summarizes the previously obtained preclinical and clinical evidence related to the use of this drug, presents latest data, and discusses the preclinical, translational, and clinical challenges of evaluating, ameliorating, and preventing neurodegeneration in patients with MPS-II

    A Rare Case Oesophageal Perforation by a Fish Bone, Leading to Pericardial Penetration and Cardiac Tamponade

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    An 82-year-old woman swallowed a fish bone and presented to our hospital 3 days later when she had breathing difficulty and became hypotensive. Chest computed tomography (CT) showed a linear structure with high bone density extending from the oesophagus into the pericardium, along with pericardial effusion, air, and a left pleural effusion. We diagnosed the patient with oesophageal perforation by a foreign body (a fish bone) leading to pericardial penetration, cardiac tamponade, and left empyema. The patient underwent emergency surgery. Pericardial fenestration and drainage of the pericardial and thoracic cavities were performed. Chest CT showed a recurrent abscess cavity in the pericardium on day 6. A pigtail catheter was placed in the recurrent abscess cavity under CT guidance for drainage. The patient gradually improved and was discharged after 5 months

    An international comparative study of end-of-life vehicle (ELV) recycling systems

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    End-of-life vehicles (ELV) have become a global concern as automobiles have become popular worldwide. An international workshop was held to gather data and to discuss 3R policies and ELV recycling systems, their background and present situation, outcomes of related policies and programs, the framework of recycling and waste management, and case studies on related topics in several countries and regions, as well as the essential points of the comparison. Legislative ELV recycling systems are established in the EU, Japan, Korea, and China, while in the US, ELV recycling is managed under existing laws on environmental protection. Since automobile shredding residue (ASR) has a high calorific value and ash content, and includes heavy metals as well as a mass of unclassified fine particles, recycling ASR is considered highly difficult. Countries with a legislative ELV system commonly set a target for recovery rates, with many aiming for more than 95 % recovery. In order to reach this target, higher efficiency in ASR recovery is needed, in addition to material recycling of collectable components and metals. Environmentally friendly design was considered necessary at the planning and manufacturing stages, and the development of recycling systems and techniques in line with these changes are required for sound ELV management

    Waste prevention for sustainable resource and waste management

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    Although the 2Rs (reduce and reuse) are considered high-priority approaches, there has not been enough quantitative research on effective 2R management. The purpose of this paper is to provide information obtained through the International Workshop in Kyoto, Japan, on 11–13 November 2015, which included invited experts and researchers in several countries who were in charge of 3R policies, and an additional review of 245 previous studies. It was found that, regarding policy development, the decoupling between environmental pressures and economy growth was recognized as an essential step towards a sustainable society. 3R and resource management policies, including waste prevention, will play a crucial role. Approaches using material/substance flow analyses have become sophisticated enough to describe the fate of resources and/or hazardous substances based on human activity and the environment, including the final sink. Life-cycle assessment has also been developed to evaluate waste prevention activities. Regarding target products for waste prevention, food loss is one of the waste fractions with the highest priority because its countermeasures have significant upstream and downstream effects. Persistent organic pollutants and hazardous compounds should also be taken into account in the situation where recycling activities are globally widespread for the promotion of a material-cycling society

    Representativeness of individual external doses estimated for one quarter of residents in the Fukushima Prefecture after the nuclear disaster: the Fukushima Health Management Survey

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    After the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, the Fukushima Health Management Survey (FHMS) was launched. The Basic Survey, a component of FHMS, is a questionnaire used to survey residents across the Fukushima Prefecture about their behaviour in the first 4 months after the accident. The questionnaire findings are used to determine individual external doses by linking behaviour data to a computer programme with daily gamma ray dose rate maps, drawn after the accident. Through 30 June 2015, the response rate was only 27.2% (558 550 population), indicating that the findings might not be generalisable because of poor representativeness of the population. The objective of this study was to clarify if the data from the FHMS Basic Survey were representative of the entire population, by conducting a new survey to compare the external doses between non-respondents and respondents in the previous survey. A total of 5350 subjects were randomly selected from 7 local regions of Fukushima Prefecture. An interview survey was conducted with the non-respondents to the FHMS Basic Survey. A total of 990 responses were obtained from the previous non-responders by interview survey. For the regions Kempoku, Kenchu, Kennan, Aizu, Minami-Aizu, Soso, and Iwaki, differences in mean effective dose (95% confidence interval) in mSv between the non-responders and previous responders were 0.12 (0.01-0.23), -0.09 (-0.21-0.03), -0.06 (-0.18-0.07), 0.05 (-0.04-0.14), 0.01 (-0.01-0.02), 0.09 (0.01-0.17), 0.09 (0.00-0.17), respectively. The differences fall neither within the interval (-∞, -0.25) nor within the interval (0.25, ∞). These findings imply that mean effective doses between the previous and new respondents were not different, with a significantly indifferent region of 0.25 mSv according to equivalence tests. The present study indicates that the dose distribution obtained from about one-quarter of Fukushima residents represents the dose distribution for the entire Fukushima Prefecture