30 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Kesehatan merupakan salah satu kebutuhan yang paling mendasar bagi manusia untuk menjadi produktif sehingga mendapatkan kehidupan yang layak. Puskesmas atau Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat merupakan fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan upaya kesehatan masyarakat dan upaya kesehatan perorangan tingkat pertama, dengan lebih mengutamakan upaya promotif dan preventif untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan masyarakat setinggi mungkin di wilayah kerjanya. Di puskesmas selain melayani pasien rawat jalan biasa terdapat pula pelayanan pasien rujukan rawat jalan dengan menggunakan BPJS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari dan mengatasi faktor apa saja yang menjadi penyebab terhambatnya proses alur prosedur yang telah ditetapkan mengenai pelayanan rujukan pasien BPJS, metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah analisis kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil dari penelitian saya selama menjalankan PKL (Praktik Kerja Lapangan) di UPTD Puskesmas Haurwangi ternyata hambatan alur prosedur pelayanan pendaftaran rujukan rawat jalan pasien BPJS cukup banyak, beberapa faktor diantaranya kelengkapan persyaratan administrasi dan tidak dibawanya pasien yang akan dirujuk itu sendiri. Sehingga saya selaku peneliti melakukan analisis pelayanan pendaftaran dengan metode kualitatif pendekatan deskriptif di Puskesmas Haurwangi untuk mencari solusi dari permasalahan tersebut, hasil dari variabel masukan, variabel proses konversi, dan alternatif pengembangan SOP ialah SDM yang kurang, sarana prasarana yang harus diperbaiki dan ditambahkan, dan metode (SOP) pelayanan pendaftaran rujukan pasien rawat jalan BPJS yang harus di evaluasi kembali. Kata kunci : Puskesmas, Rujukan, BPJS ABSTRACT Health is one of the most basic needs for people to be productive so as to get a decent life. Puskesmas or Community Health Center) is a health care facility that organizes public health efforts and first-level individual health efforts, with the priority of promotional and preventive efforts to achieve the highest level of public health in its working area. In puskesmas in addition to serving outpatients there are also regular outpatient referral services using BPJS. The purpose of this study is to study and overcome what factors are the cause of the stalled process of the established procedure flow regarding bpjs patient referral services, the research method used is qualitative analysis of descriptive approach. The results of my research during the running of pkl (Field Work Practice) in UPTD Puskesmas Haurwangi turned out to be obstacles in the flow of outpatient referral registration service procedures bpjs patients quite a lot, some factors including the completeness of administrative requirements and the absence of patients to be referred itself. So I as a researcher conducted an analysis of registration services with qualitative methods descriptive approach in Haurwangi Health Center to find solutions to the problem, the results of input variables, conversion process variables, and alternatives to sop development are lack of human resources, infrastructure facilities that must be improved and added, and methods (SOP) of bpjs outpatient referral registration services that must be re-evaluated. Keywords : Community Health Center, Referral, BPJ


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    This research aims to identify the design of information systems of outpatient medical record completeness by V-Model Method.Research methods used is qualitative method with descriptive approach. Data collection techniques used are by of observation, interviews, and the study of the literature. A method of software development model used the V-Model. From this research  found a problems there are still many unfilled outpatient medical record files,  Input of the data is not optimal which is occured of many errors and many delays in delivery reports frequently.Therefore, there are  some suggestion that is  given to resolve the problems in the system of the completeness of  medical record file  providing the socialisation on the importance of filling the medical record completely and Creating the information systems which are integrate and effective more


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    This study aims to analyze completeness of the surgical patient report at the hospital X  Bandung. The research method is qualitative with a descriptive approach and the data collected by observation, interview with medical records officer, heads of medical records and doctors. The technique of collecting sampel used is Purposive Sampling based on Slovin formula. The object of the study was 80 sample of the surgical report. Based on result : patient review identification 100%, review vital repots 65%, review on authenticity 90%, and long review 78%. with any problems the have: operation loading sheet to be incomplete, the doctor’s writing cant read clearly, doctor’s did not provide important reports. The advice the writer gives to fix the problem, conduct a verification of the operation report sheet, return your surgical report sheet to be equipped by the doctor, give 1x24 hours to complete the operation report shee

    Aplikasi Radien untuk Pengolahan Data Rekam Medis dengan Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

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    This study aims to design an integrated patient development record complete information system at Bina Sehat General Hospital in Bandung. The research method that the author used in this research is a use qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. And for the software method used by the author in this study, the Waterfall development method is used. From the results of the research that has been done by the author, it was found, including the processing of the integrated patient development record completeness system that was running less effectively, there was still incomplete integrated patients’ development record. Therefore, the authors designed an information system the completeness of patient progress record integrated with the programing language used was Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, and the database used was Microsoft Access 2016. The suggestion that the author gave was the need to develop an integrated patient development record complete information system to facilitate processing the required information, the need for socialization about filling out patient progress record integrated to all officers

    Analisis Retensi Rekam Medis Rawat Jalan Aktif ke Inaktif di UPT Puskesmas Sukarasa

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    Medical record retention is an activity of transferring medical record documents from an active storage room to an inactive storage room. Based on a preliminary survey at UPT Puskesmas Sukarasa, it is known that the puskesmas has retained outpatient medical record files 2 times in 2018 and 2019. But the retention is not done according to the SOP. The purpose of the study was to determine the implementation of outpatient medical record file retention at UPT Puskesmas Sukarasa. This type of research is descriptive with a retrospective approach. The research instrument was carried out by observation, interviews and checklist forms. The object of the research is the implementation of active to inactive outpatient medical record retention at UPT Puskesmas Sukarasa. The research subjects are the officer in charge of medical records and the person in charge of registration who performs retention of outpatient medical records.It is also known that the UPT Puskesmas Sukarasa already has an SOP on retention of medical records, but the SOP has not been implemented due to the lack of special staff for retention and the accumulation of medical record files on active storage shelves. Files that are retained are files for 2016-2018 without looking at the last date of treatment but based on the year number in the medical record file. Then the file is immediately moved to the inactive storage rack. It can be concluded that the implementation of retention at UPT Puskesmas Sukarasa is not in accordance with the SOP.  It would be better if the retention is carried out according to the SOP with special and scheduled officers so that there is no accumulation of medical record files


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    Latar Belakang: Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja (K3) merupakan suatu upaya perlindungan kepada tenaga kerja dan orang lain yang memasuki tempat kerja terhadap bahaya dari akibat kecelakaan kerja. Fungsi penerapan K3 merupakan upaya untuk mencegah kecelakaan, kebakaran, peledakan, pencemaran, penyakit, di tempat kerja. Tujuan Penelitian:  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berpengaruh atau tidak keselamatan, kesehatan, kerja (K3) terhadap produktivitas kerja perekam medis di bagian filing. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi dan kuisioner dengan jumlah sampel 20 responden di unit rekam medis. Hasil Penelitian: Berdasarkan penelitian menunjukan bahwa K3 sangat berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja baik untuk keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja. Dari analisis data menggunakan program SPSS didapat dalam uji regresi linear mendapatkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 yang berarti keselamatan,  kesehatan kerja berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas kerja (α < 0.050). Kesimpulan:Dengan mendapatkan nilai signifikansi 0,000 berarti para petugas sudah melakukan penerapan keselamatan, kesehatan kerja dengan bai

    Sistem Informasi Korespondensi Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Menggunakan Microsoft Visual Studio

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    Technological developments in communication systems are still used by humans. From traditional methods to using modern methods in accordance with current technological developments. One way to communicate using traditional methods that are still used today is by using letters. Medical record correspondence is an activity of correspondence related to patient medical record information in this case at the hospital, namely making letters to be treated, letters to request diagnosis, letters to carry out treatment, letters to finish treatment, and letters to death. Making letters, still manually using Microsoft Word. The process of making a certificate takes 1-2 days, so it is necessary to have an information system that can speed up the making of a certificate to be more efficient and effective. The design method uses the SDLC method. The stages of the method are planning (planning), analysis (analysis), design (design), implementation (implementation), and system maintenance (maintenance), the correspondence information system that has been created can be concluded that the system can facilitate officers in making certificates and can also speed up the creation of letters.Abstrak - Perkembangan teknologi pada sistem komunikasi yang masih terpakai oleh manusia. Dari metode yang tradisional hingga menggunakan metode yang modern yang sesuai dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini. Salah satunya dengan cara berkomunikasi menggunakan metode tradisional yang masih dipakai pada saat ini adalah dengan menggunakan surat. Korespondensi rekam medis adalah suatu kegiatan dari surat menyurat yang berhubungan dengan informasi rekam medis pasien dalam hal ini di Rumah Sakit yaitu pembuatan surat untuk dirawat, surat untuk meminta diagnosa, surat untuk menjalankan pengobatan, surat untuk selesai pengobatan, dan surat untuk kematian. Pembuatan surat, masih secara manual dengan menggunakan Microsoft Word. Proses pembuatan surat keterangan memakan waktu 1-2 hari, sehingga diperlukan adanya sistem informasi yang dapat mempercepat pembuatan surat keterangan agar lebih efisien dan efektif. Metode perancangan menggunakan metode SDLC. Tahapan metode adalah perencanaan (planning), analisis (analysis), perancangan (design), implementasi (implementation), dan pemeliharaan sistem (maintenance), sistem informasi korespondensi yang telah dibuat ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem tersebut dapat memudahkan petugas dalam pembuatan surat keterangan dan juga dapat mempercepat dalam pembuatan surat


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    Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan yang telah dilakukan di RSAU Lanud Sulaiman, Peneliti mendapati terjadinya duplikasi penomoran pada berkas rekam medis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi duplikasi penomoran berkas rekam medis di RSAU Lanud Sulaiman dengan menerapkan metode fishbone. Jenis peneitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan dengan presentase pada bulan April sebesar 2,5% dari total 1.250 berkas, pada bulan Mei sebesar 4,4% dari total 381 berkas, dan pada bulan Juni sebesar 1,7% dari total 574 berkas. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut antara lain menambah petugas yang berpendidikan minimal D3 rekam medis, memberikan kesempatan kepada petugas rekam medis untuk melanjutkan pendidikannya ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi yaitu minimal D3 rekam medis, pengadaan Kartu Indeks Pasien (KIUP) dan merekrut petugas Information Technology (IT)  Rumah Sakit

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Kelengkapan Pengisian Resume Medis Rawat Jalan di Rumah Sakit

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    Hospital is an establishment that's engaged within the field of health service institutions that provide perfect health services for every individual who organizes outpatient, inpatient, and emergency services. By providing health services, hospitals must have complete data from patients in order that services get optimal results. At the time of service, the medical history department is that the most vital role. additionally, to provide services together with it, the medical history section also processes historical data from the patient. This medical record consists of registration, filling inpatient data, processing, data analysis, and documentation. If the medical record sheet is filled out completely and properly, the health history is going to be said to be appropriate and good. the tactic administered through chemical analysis resulted in the conclusion that the outpatient medical resume form in 2019 at the Bandung Hospital was found to possess an incomplete authentication review. The hospital must improve improvements in filling out the medical resume form for authentication that has got to be filled out completely because this authentication is proof that the doctor has done treatment for his patient

    Analisis Pengimplementasian Pendistribusian Berkas Rekam Medis Pasien Rawat Jalan Di Rumah Sakit X Bandung

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    Medical records are an important part of the treatment of patient health, one form of service in each public health facilities is the distribution of medical record files. Based on research conducted at Hospital X Bandung, in the distribution of medical records the system used has not fully used electronic, the data entered into the application will then be searched manually by the officer for further medical record files distributed to each polyclinic concerned. The purpose of this study is to find out how the distribution of outpatient medical records at Hospital X Bandung using descriptive qualitative research methods that are research that aims to explain and describe the on distributing outpatient medical record documents with subjects in this study is an outpatient medical record document at Hospital X Bandung while the object in this study is the medical record officer in the distribution and filing. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of the distribution of medical record files has been quite effective and in accordance with the standard of time that has been set and Standard Operating Procedure that has been made despite some problems and constraints that always occur at the time of distribution of medical records, one of them is the application system used errors or buffering, the code on each polyclinic is sometimes confused with each other, but the officers can solve the problem