225 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian untuk mencari lapisan akuifer telah dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Geolistrik Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES). Lokasi penelitian berada di sebelas titik yang tersebar di Kota Banda Aceh dengan panjang lintasan AB yang bervariasi dengan menggunakan alat Automatic Resistivity Meter (ARES). Data kemudian diolah menggunakan software EarthImager1D untuk memperoleh model penampang 1D bawah permukaan. Hasil interpretasi dari ke sebelas titik menunjukkan nilai resistivitas yang bervariasi dengan kedalaman rata-rata mencapai 50 m. Secara umum lapisan di bawah permukaan merupakan lapisan aluvial yang terdiri dari pasir, pasir lanauan hingga lempung. Dari hasil penampang bawah permukaan setiap titik pengukuran terdapat lapisan konduktif dengan nilai resistivita


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    This study focused on examining the management of learning information systems and its impact on organizational development. The research employed both interview and literature study methods to gather relevant material, data, and information from various sources such as books, journals, and articles pertaining to the subject matter. The findings of the study indicate that computer-based systems, particularly the School Information Management (SIM) system, enable educational institutions to efficiently and effectively carry out learning activities aligned with their organizational objectives. Computer-based management information systems offer numerous advantages, including speedy processing, high accuracy, and other beneficial features that contribute to organizational growth. In conclusion, this research establishes that management information systems play a crucial role in supporting the advancement of learning processes. By leveraging the benefits of these systems, educational institutions can foster development and progress in their learning environments

    Student Integrative Islamic Boarding School Education Management Model

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    The rapid development of higher education if not balanced with an intense spirituality, will be dangerous. Higher education integrated with pesantren attempts to balance technological progress and spiritual strength. Pesantren integrated with universities as part of the modern world and proved that the pesantren program is no longer considered old and backward. The existence of tertiary institutions that integrate pesantren is a form of public service in responding to various challenges in implementing education in Indonesia in a complete and balanced form between character and cognitive. The research method used to describe the integrity management model of pesantren education for students in Yogyakarta is qualitative descriptive with Data collection techniques in interviews, documentation, and observation. This study shows that: (1) The integration model of universities and pesantren in Yogyakarta is not carried out in one model. (2) Management of Islamic boarding school education carried out by the Tarbiyah Madani School of Science is linear integration management. (3) Educational Management Islamic boarding school conducted by Stikes Surya Global is a non-linear, fully integrated management type. (4) Management of Islamic boarding schools carried out by Unires Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta is a type of partial integration management (5) In implementing the management of Islamic boarding schools, Students in Yogyakarta are seen using good modern management. (6) Management of islamic boarding school students shows professional and accountable management in all elements


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    The independent curriculum rolled out by the Ministry of Education and Culture as the national curriculum is expected to be implemented optimally in 2025 for all stages in realizing students who have the character of a Pancasila student profile with six main characteristics: faith, fear of God Almighty, and have noble character, global diversity, mutual cooperation, independence, critical reasoning, and creative. In realizing this profile, it is implemented in project activities that are designed as creatively as possible and utilize the creative center media, namely the school's YouTube channel to provide meaningful experiences for students. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach with data sources obtained through interviews and observation. Interviews were conducted with two informants, namely MCC managers and educators. The observations made to students. The results showed that the existence of MCC greatly assisted schools and teachers in implementing activities to strengthen the Pancasila student profile project and increase student motivation

    Transformasi Digital Serta Integrasi Sistem Informasi Manajemen Perkembangan Santri Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Daarussalaam Bantul

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    Era disrupsi menawarkan inovasi, dinamisasi yang berpusat pada student-sentries. Penelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  mengetahui  transformasi  manajemen  fasilitas  pendidikan  pada  era  disrupsi teknologi,  dimana  tempat  penelitian  ini  dilakukan  di Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Daarussalaam BantulBantul. Metodologi dalam penelitian ini  menggunakan  pendekatan kualitatif dan penyajian datanya menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Untuk memeriksa keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi method yaitu dengan memanfaatkan berbagai metode sebagai pertimbangan. Analisis data pada penelitian ini dengan cara deskriptif (non statistik). Prosedur dalam analisis data, yaitu data reduction (reduksi data), data display (penyajian data), dan verification (penarikan kesimpulan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan  bahwa transformasi  manajemen  fasilitas  pendidikan  pada  era disrupsi  teknologi  yang  telah  dilakukan Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Daarussalaam BantulBantul terus  dilakukan  mulai  dari layanan pendidikan yang diarahkan berbasis teknologi baik fisik maupun non fisik dalam menunjang informasi kegiatan belajar mengajar. Pelaksanaan informasi hasil belajar siswa semua berbasis teknologi sebagai tuntutan adanya perkembangan teknologi yang terjadi semakin cepat demi mewujudkan peningkatan sistem informasi perkembangan santri di Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur’an Daarussalaam BantulBantul pada era disrupsi

    Urgensi Media Digital Dalam Proses Pembelajaran Bagi Guru Sekolah Dasar

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    Artikel ini adalah membahas tentang urgensi media digital dalam proses pembelajaran bagi guru Sekolah Dasar. Media digital sebagai instrument teknologi informasi memiliki andil yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari kehidupan manusia modern. Penggunaan media digital dengan platform yang sederhana hingga yang rumit dapat dijadikan media bagi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan penyajian secara deskriptif. Informan pada penelitian ini yaitu 4 guru kelas yang berada di SDS IT Al-Jauhar. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa siswa SDS IT Al-Jauhar, Duri, yang mendapatkan materi pembelajaran dengan fasilitas media digital mengalami peningkatan signifikan dalam kreatifitas, keaktifan di dalam kelas hingga peningkatan nilai-nilai mata pelajaran. Ini memberikan dampak positif terhadap guru-guru yang mengajar, bahwa media digital sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran

    Rasch Model Analysis: Teacher Commitment Indicators by Experts Judgment

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    Teacher commitment is the key to success in educational institutions. The school needs to measure the teacher's commitment to improving the quality of the school. The purpose of this study was to model expert judgment in the reliabilities and validity tests of Teacher commitment instruments using the Rasch model. The study involving 12 experts was conducted using a survey by assessing 18 items. Experts (respondents) are asked to evaluate the consistency of each item to represent one part of the Teacher commitment instrument. Expert judgment results using Rasch model analysis show that the average value of the logit scale is higher than logit 0.0. It is understood that more answering experts agree across a variety of items. The value Cronbach alpha, measuring reliability, i.e., the interaction between the person and the item as a whole, is seen as a value of 0.99, which means excellent. Person reliability value is estimated at 0.89, and item reliability is estimated at 0.60, indicating that the consistency of respondents' answers is good. However, the quality of items in the infrastructure is poor. It shows 17 items recommended being used as instruments to measureTeacher commitment, while 11 items are advised to be repaired


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    Competition between schools in the world of education is in fact unavoidable. The competition is getting more intense every year given the emergence of many private schools. For private schools, especially at the high school level, the most crucial thing is how to increase public interest, which is expected to have a direct impact on increasing new student admissions at the school. Social media is considered as one of the strategies that has a strong impact in efforts to increase the acceptance of new students in the midst of increasing competition between schools, especially in private high schools which are increasingly emerging lately. This research method is descriptive qualitative. The subjects of this study were 2 people including the head of the new student admissions team in high school, namely the Deputy Head of Public Relations, and the head of a private high school. The object of this research is the school's social media. The results of this study show that various social media are used such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Tiktok. The social benefits in increasing new student admissions are for school promotion media, branding, reaching a wide area more effectively and increasing the interest of prospective students. Social media management must also be considered to maximize the use of social media in increasing new student admissions


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    Digital marketing is a marketing strategy using digital media and the internet through branding.  In the current digital era, information dissemination is easy to reach widely, but for the world of education which has a level of competitive competition, digital marketing has not been fully utilized, although several private schools in the city of Bandung have generally carried out publications and promotions on social media accounts,  but still in the form of updating information not yet to marketing, especially during the new student admissions period, it was seen that the empowerment of digital platforms was still weak.  The purpose of this research is to find out to what extent digital marketing is utilized during the admission period for new students at private schools in Bandung, the method used in this study uses a qualitative data analysis model through the Case Study approach where the data obtained will be processed into a solution in implementing digital marketing in  private school

    HOTS-Based Learning Management in the Process of Improving Student Academic Quality in Inclusive Schools

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    HOTS-based learning management is an activity that includes the process of planning, organizing, implementing and evaluating. This study aims to describe HOTS-based learning management in improving the Academic Quality of Students. The research method used in this research is qualitative with case study method. The data collection process was carried out using observation and interview techniques conducted at SDN Sendangadi 2. Interviews were conducted with the principal and several upper class teachers (grades 4, 5 and 6) and observations were made by observing the learning carried out by classroom teachers. The results of this study indicate that the achievement of HOTS-based learning management is successful with the support of many parties, including: teachers, students, principals and the learning environment
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