19 research outputs found

    Coreferential Devices in the Quranic Interpretation

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    This article mainly discusses the coreference in the Quranic interpretation of  Surah Albaqarah by  Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The aims of the research are: to describe and explain the coreference types found in the Quranic interpretation, the  coreference devices, and relationship types of the coreferential devices. The is a kind of descriptive qualitative research. The population consisted 286 interpretation texts of Surah Al-Baqarah with 112 samples taken as the data of the research chosen by using  purposive sampling technique. The result of the research shows that the coreference types found in the Quranic interpretation are: repetition (6,55%), lexical change  (18,03%), substitution (50,81%) and ellipsis (24,59%). Meanwhile,  the coreferential  devices found are: repetition, lexical change,  and  substitution. Finally,  the relationship types of the co-referential devices are anaphoric (88,52%) and cataphoric (11,48%


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    Community empowerment is how to make people have the ability and independence in utilizing the existing potentials. In Banding Agung Village, Pesawaran Lampung, the abundant water resources available can be used for freshwater aquaculture activity as a strategy for empowering the community. The study aims to  explore the strategies of community empowerment based on freshwater aquaculture activity, and  to find out  the  factors inhibiting  the community empowerment. This is a kind of descriptive qualitative research using case study framework. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation and analyzed qualitatively employing data reduction, data display, and data verification. The findings indicated that some strategies have been implemented in empowering the community based on the freshwater aquaculture activity, consisting of building the community awareness on the importance of  fish farming group (pokdakan), building institutional capacity through education, training and workshop of fish farming management, and putting group members’ knowledge and skill into practice.  In the implementation of the strategies, some obstacles were found as the factors inhibiting the community empowerment, namely lack of community participation, lack of  knowledge and capital, minimum assistance and counseling, and less involvement of the village government. The study recommends several alternative actions for a better implementation of the community empowerment

    Personal Deictic Expression in The Quran: A Pragmatic Study on The English Interpretation of Surah Al-Baqarah

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    This study aims to find out and describe the pronouns used as personal deictic expressions in the Quran, the function, and the use of personal deictic expression. This is a kind of descriptive qualitative research.  The data are verses of Surah Al-Baqarah containing personal deictic expression chosen by purposive sampling technique. The researcher used a documentation method and  a note-taking  technique  in collecting the data. The result of the research shows that there 22 pronouns used as personal deictic expression in the Quran. They include I, We, You, They, He, She, It,My, Our, Your, Their, His, Her, Its, Me, Us, Them, Him, Yourselves, Themselves, Himself, Herself. Moreover, the function of personal deictic expression covers Subject, Object, Object of preposition, and Possessive. Meanwhile, the personal deictic expressions are used anaphorically, deictically, and cataphorically.


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    Multimodality has been studied in relation to a variety of text genres, but it has yet to be used to textbook covers. This paper is aimed at examining the representational meaning of visual resources in the covers of selected English textbooks and how the verbal and visual modes strengthen each other’s meaning. This is a qualitative research that uses a multimodal discourse analysis paradigm. Visual and verbal data were gained from two covers of selected English textbooks. The analysis includes representational meaning (Kress van Leeuwen, 2006), text generic structure (Cheong, 2004),  and intersemiotic complementarity (Royce, 2007). The findings indicate that the representational meaning consists of  narrative and conceptual representations within the structures of   lead, display, announcement and emblem. Through the relationships of repetition, synonymy, and meronymy, verbal and visual modes help each other build cohesiveness. The cohesion signifies the relation between visual images and  verbal texts to convey meaningful messages of the covers. Certain implications were also elaborated in this study

    Village SDGs and Social Mapping: Efforts to Recognize the Potential of Village Towards Achieving the SDGs

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    The article focuses on efforts to describe social mapping in recognizing the potential of Kiluan Negeri Village in supporting the achievement of village Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This qualitative study uses several data collection techniques, including interviews, focus group discussions, and unstructured observation. The results of the study show that in the environmental aspect, there is no integrated environmental management mechanism in Kiluan Negeri Village; in the social aspect, Kiluan Negeri Village has a good enough social capital to start optimizing the potential of the village they have; and in the economic aspect, the Kiluan Negeri Village holds great potential in the field of the tourism economy. For this reason, it is necessary to establish partnerships (government, private sector, academia, media) and explore collaboration with other villages

    Analysis of Presupposition in John Mulaney’s Stand Up Comedy

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    This study aims to analyze the types of presupposition used in Stand Up Comedy “There's a Horse in The Hospital” By John Mulaney on YouTube and to describe the most dominant type of presupposition by using Yule’s theory. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data were examined in the form of words, sentences or utterances that contain presuppositions. The findings showed that there were 31 data of presuppositions which consisted of 18 existential presuppositions, 4 factive presuppositions, 4 lexical presuppositions, 2 structural presuppositions, 1 non-factive presupposition, and 2 counterfactual presuppositions. Existential presupposition is the most dominant type which can be seen from the larger amount and percentage of data than others


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    After the Covid-19 pandemic had a huge impact on the community, especially in the health and economic sectors, we conducted a survey and data collection in the RT 05 RW 04 Gunung Anyar area, Some of the problems we found were high blood pressure or hypertension problems in public health and we also found some problems in MSME players who are not familiar with marketing using internet networks or digital marketing. With this, we approach with observation methods or observation and data collection in the hope that it can be accepted by the people in the region. We conduct a work program, namely training on antihypertensive herbal drink processing and MSME consultation and MSME consultation. With this work program, we hope to help the community towards health, especially hypertension and MSME actors begin to understand digital marketing or digital marketing through the internet network