297 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study to determine the analysis of English needs for shariah economic department. Based on the objectives of students who focus on analyze targets and learning requirement. The subjects of this study were students of the Department of Islamic Economics STAI Diponegoro Tulungagung. The method in this research uses qualitative methods. Data collection methods were obtained from questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study in the form of a target analysis show that the goal of learning English for students in Islamic economics department be able to communicate using English actively. The results of the analysis of learning needs obtained are students needed the ability to speak directly and communicatively in order to prepare themselves to meet the demands of their profession in the future. It is shows that the desires of speaking students’ ability (speaking) it is very accordance with the needs of the job market which requires the ability to communicate in English well. The results of this reference are expected to be a reference for preparing syllabus and learning material

    Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa Yang Berintegrasi Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

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        ABSTRACT    This Aim of the study to integrate National Character Building in Teaching Learning English. Education quallity is the most important thing in a country. Education activity it doesn’t only about knowledge transfer from one person to the other . but how to built characteristic the next generations that have high intelectual and national characters building. The important thing of English in all grade in education, that is one of the way to built national character building in education world. Integration of National Character Building in teaching learning English is one of the great design to built the next generations to fight in the world space with the high national characteristic and nationalism for Indonesian Country.   Keyword: National Character Building, Teaching, Learning EnglishABSTRAK Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menggabungkan antara pendidikan karakter bangsa yang terintegrasi dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris. Kualitas Pendidikan merupakan hal terpenting dalam suatu bangsa, dimana kegiatan pendidikan bukanlah hanya transfer ilmu pengetahuan dari sesorang kepada orang lain. Melainkan pembentukan karakteristik generasi penerus yang memiliki intelektualitas tinggi dan memiliki nilai-nilai karakteristik kebangsaan. Pentingnya pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam semua jenjang pendidikan menjadikan pelajaran bahasa inggris menjadikan pelajaran bahasa inggris sebagai salah satu jalan untuk memperkuat pendidikan karakter bangsa dalam dunia pendidikan. Dengan mengintegrasikan pendidikan karakter bangsa dalam pembelajara bahasa inggris adalah suatu desain pembelajaran yang sangat tepat untuk mencetak generasi penerus bangsa yang bisa bersaing dalam skala dunia tetapi tetap memiliki karakteristik kebangsaan dan jiwa nasionalis yang tinggi terhadap bangsa Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Karakter Bangsa, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggri


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    ASEAN as a single market-based creation that is upheld by the components of freedom product flow, administration, business, work are taught and freed from the modular flow. That Indonesian stock creations will compete with ASEAN stock products nation. So, at that time, Indonesia had to regulate all fields, just like humans assets, Unique English Communication Skills. English Communication Limit (ECA) takes an important part in financial development to encourage the public financial and monetary developments around the world. English Communication Ability all of which must be regulated on an ongoing basis by government-owned and private companies or partnership. In the main year of MEA (Asean Economic Community) The development of a strong US dollar can have an impact on foreign trade. Indonesian public authorities have followed the Rupiah and all fields, calculate the English Communication English Skill (ECA) of Indonesian workers must be have ECA well. People may build their own per capita supply of capabilities through formal and casual instructions. Furthermore, they will be fine English communication skills, then, at that time, they will have the option of having a higher one pay. Key Word: ECA, SDM, and MEA         ABSTRAK   ASEAN sebagai pasar tunggal produksi yang didukung oleh arus bebas barangbarang,jasa,investasi,tenaga kerja terdidik and arus bebas modal.Produksi barangbarang Indonesia  akan penuh berkompetisi dengan barang-barangproduksi negara-negara ASEAN.Indonesia harus mempersiaapkan seluruh sektor.Satu sektor adalah sumber daya manusia,khususnya kemampuan berkomunikasi Bahasa Inggris Peranan komunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris sangatlah penting.Pergerakan ekonomi yang sangat cepat,mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional dan global.Kemampuan Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris (English Communication Ability) mutlak dipersiapkan secara berkesinambungan,baik pemerintah dan instansi swasta, begitu pula korporasi. Pada tahun pertama MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean) Pergerakan dollar US yang sangat kuat dapat mempengaruhi devisa negara.Guna memperkuat rupiah maka segala sektor harus disiapkan termasuk English Correspondence Ability (ECA).Para pekerja Indonesia harus mempunyai kemampuan Komunikasi Bahasa Inggris dengan baik.Para individu dapat meningkatkan pendapatan perkapita mereka melalui pendidikan formal dan casual. Kata Kunci : ECA, SDM, dan ME


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh rendahnya minat belajar peserta didik pada mata pelajaran fikih tahun ajaran 2021/2022 kelas VII  MTsN 4 Kota Padang. Disebabkan kurang bersemangatnya peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran karena pembelajaran fikih yang memuat tentang hukum-hukum Islam yang dikaji secara mendalam. Hal demikian  yang  membuat  peserta didik  bosan dalam mengikuti pembelajaran fikih. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kelayakan validitas, praktikalitas dari media. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan atau (research and development) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembaran penilaian oleh validator/ para ahli. Lembaran penilaian diberikan kepada 3 orang validator/ para ahli yaitu ahli materi, media dan bahasa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran video menggunakan Screencast O’Matic pada materi tayamum kelas VII di MTsN 4 Kota Padang. Setelah diuji kevalidan dari materi, media dan bahasa maka memperoleh hasil dari segi materi sangat valid (90,90), dari segi media memperoleh hasil sangat valid (92,30), dan dari segi bahasa juga memperoleh hasil sangat valid (90,26). Kepraktisan produk oleh pendidik sangat valid (89,5) dan oleh peserta didik skala kecil sangat praktis (85,4) dan dalam skala besar sangat praktis (83,5). Berdasarkan hasil analisis data media pembelajaran menggunakan Screencast O’Matic yang valid, dan praktis, maka penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk pembelajaran fikih.


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    The research is based on the reality depicted in the novel Bidadari-Bidadari Surga by Tere Liye that the human values of the millennial generation are currently starting to fade. Human value is a basic trait that humans have to love each other and not be concerned with self-interest. This study aims to provide input to the community, especially millennial generations, that human values must be maintained to obtain a harmonious life. Humanitarian problems arise when a sense of concern and tolerance for others suffers a setback due to the non-functioning of the institution optimally. The method used is descriptive qualitative showing the phenomena of human values in society by collecting written data in the forms of words, phrases and sentences containing human values in the novel. The data collection is done by means of note-taking method, referring to the topics of discussion. The results show that human values in the forms of love, sacrifice and tolerance are depicted in the novel Bidadari-Bidadari Surga by Tere Liye. The results of this study are expected to raise awareness among the millennial of the importance of human values for the continuity of peaceful and harmonious life to improve lifestyle quality on an ongoing basis

    The Effect of Genogram Technique on Students’ Career Decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar

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    This study is aimed to (1) describe the implementation of genogram technique in students’ career decision, (2) investigate students’ career decision, and (3) investigate the effect of genogram technique on students’ career decision. This study applied quantitative approach and implemented quasi experimental design as well as Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design to 20 samples. Data collection techniques applied in this research were career decision scale, observation, and interview.  This study implemented analytical statistic descriptive non parametric wilcoxon signed ranks test as data analysis technique. This study found that (1) there were low category of genogram technique implementation to affect students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar before the treatment, while its high category found after the treatment, (2) students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar was raised after genogram technique, and (3) genogram technique can increase students’ career decision in MAN 2 Kota Makassar


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    Model pembelajaran Direct Instruction adalah pembelajaran terstruktur dengan cara mengajar tahap per tahap, dipersiapkan untuk membantu siswa dalam belajar. Pembelajaran ini bersifat teacher centered . Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks model pembelajaran Direct Instruction, 2) hasil belajar siswa pada penerapan model Direct Instruction , dan 3) respon siswa terhadap penerapan model Direct Instruction kompetensi mengukur tubuh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Dilaksanakan di SMKN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo. Subjek penelitian adalah 32 siswa kelas X Tata Busana 2 SMKN 1 Jabon Sidoarjo.  Menggunakan metode  pengumpulan data berupa  metode observasi, tes dan angket, dengan instrumen lembar observasi, lembar tes pengetahuan dan kinerja, serta lembar angket respon. Melibatkan 2 orang observer. Teknik validasi instrumen menggunakan teknik judgment expert oleh guru mata pelajaran.  Menggunakan metode analisis data berupa analisis deskriptif dengan kategorisasi nilai serta menghitung rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks mencapai rata-rata 87,5% dengan kategori keberhasilan sangat tinggi, 2) hasil belajar siswa mencapai ketuntasan 87,5% dengan kategori sangat baik melebihi standar ketuntasan belajar klasikal yang berlaku yaitu 75%, 3) respon siswa mencapai rata-rata 93,4% dengan kategori sangat baik.   Kata Kunci: mengukur tubuh, pembelajaran direct instruction

    The Improvement of The Competency of Science Teachers Using Science KIT: Optimizing Scientific Learning

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    Based on observations and interviews with a science teacher at a junior high school in Pesisir Selatan Regency, it is known that there are still many science teachers who have not carried out practicum activities in scientific learning. Science kits are rarely used by teachers in science learning. The main reason is that the competence of science teachers in operating the science kit is still low. To improve the competence of science teachers in using KIT, it is very necessary to carry out activities to optimize the use of KIT for science teachers. The purpose of this study was to improve the competence of science teachers in using IPA KIT as a support for scientific learning. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest using multiple choice test instruments at the beginning and at the end of the study. From the results of this study, it is known that there is an increase in the competence of science teachers in using science kits, with the percentage increase of 29.25%


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    Exposing  hubris syndrome, a behavior pattern that is not in accordance with the norms of standard behavior and becomes part of a mental disorder is  the objective of the study. This syndrome usually occurs in someone with power in hand, tending to be tyrannical and feeling to be   always right. In the study of literature Hubris syndrome refers to the tragic flaw that brings a person, usually an important figure, to a self-destruction. Hubris syndrome can occur to anyone. The method used is descriptive qualitative tied to things experienced by the community termed a social phenomenon. The results show that the central figure in this novel, a captain of a whale hunting vessel, experiences hubris syndrome with three prominent patterns of behavior: narcissistic propensity, excessive confidence and loneliness. In the first pattern, the person concerned feels like a superhuman deserving to be admired and attended to. The second, excessive self-confidence cannot be accepted by rational thinking. The third is the consequence of the first two patterns of living a life of solitude because of losing contact with the surroundings. The storyline ends tragically; the entire crew is killed by the whale and only one left and becomes a narrator. Hubris syndrome in the novel is a reality meaning that anyone who has a certain position tends to have Hubris syndrome and this is in line with the findings in the field with a percentage reaching 92

    Coreferential Devices in the Quranic Interpretation

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    This article mainly discusses the coreference in the Quranic interpretation of  Surah Albaqarah by  Abdullah Yusuf Ali. The aims of the research are: to describe and explain the coreference types found in the Quranic interpretation, the  coreference devices, and relationship types of the coreferential devices. The is a kind of descriptive qualitative research. The population consisted 286 interpretation texts of Surah Al-Baqarah with 112 samples taken as the data of the research chosen by using  purposive sampling technique. The result of the research shows that the coreference types found in the Quranic interpretation are: repetition (6,55%), lexical change  (18,03%), substitution (50,81%) and ellipsis (24,59%). Meanwhile,  the coreferential  devices found are: repetition, lexical change,  and  substitution. Finally,  the relationship types of the co-referential devices are anaphoric (88,52%) and cataphoric (11,48%
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