27 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Keberhasilan suatu perusahaan baik besar ataupun kecil, merupakan salah satu keputusan usaha yang harus di hadapi. Sehingga dalam mendirikan sebuah  perusahaan perlu di cermati lagi dalam menentukan sebuah lokasi yang strategis, sehingga perusahaan dengan menentukkan lokasi yang strategis juga ikut andil dalam keberhasilan suatu perusahaan yang akan di bangun.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan wawancara terhadap salah satu pihak Citra Kendedes Bakery, terdapat kesulitan dalam menentukan lokasi yang strategis dimana permasalahan tersebut meliputi; (1) Alur proses dalam menentukan lokasi masih dengan tahap perkiraan, (2) Minimnya informasi yang kurang jelas dan tepat saat di peroleh, (3) Sulitnya menentukan lokasi lantaran banyak toko roti yang berkembang di daerah kota malang dan sekitarnya.Dengan menguji coba implementasi yang di terapkan pada hasil penelitian dan wawancara pada pihak Citra Kendedes Bakery untuk menentukan lokasi yang strategis dengan metode naive bayes clasifier ini cukup akurat karena data training untuk sample pengklasifikasiannya bisa mengambil hasil sekitar 80% sehingga dapat mendukung suatu pengambilan keputusan dalam menentukan lokasi ABSTRACT The success of a company which is big or small, is a business decision that must be faced. So that in establishing a company needs to look again in setting  a strategic location, so companies with decide my strategic location also contribute in the success of a company that will be built. Based on the results of researchand interviews The image of one of the Citra Kendedes Bakery, there is difficulty in determining the strategic location where these issues include; 1) The flow of  the process is to determine the location of the estimated phase, 2) The minimal information is less clear and precise when obtained, 3) The difficulty of determining the location because many bakeries are growing in poor areas of the city and surrounding. With the implementation of the test is applied the results of research and interviews on the Citra Kendedes Bakery to determine the strategic location the method naive bayes clasifier This is quite accurate because the training data for sample classification results could take about 80% so that it can support Decision in determining the locationKeyword: Decision support system, Choising the location,Naive Bayes

    Hadirkan Semesta Di Depan Mata

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    Merupakan karya seni rupa berupa karya Seni poster, dengan judul Hadirkan Semesta Di Depan Mata karya dari Putra Akbar Wahyu Hidaya

    Application of the Finite State Machine Algorithm on 2D Platformer Rabbit Games vs Zombies

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    This research develops Android games by applying the FSM Algorithm (Finite State Machine) for the movement of NPC (Non-Player Character) to produce dynamic movements. The popular and legendary game with the appearance of side scroller is Super Mario Bross and Shovel Knight, the game is the most preferred game of its time to the present, but the game does not apply AI (Artificial Intelligence) so the game seems less challenging. The game is a concept game that is currently rarely used. Based on this, a side scroller-based survival game was created by implementing AI on NPCs on the Android platform. The AI used is the FSM Algorithm which functions to regulate enemy movements. The method used in developing multimedia products of this game uses MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle). Based on the tests that have been carried out, the alpha test results are functionally appropriate and the results of beta testing using UserAcceptence Test (UAT) obtained a value of 86.40% which is declared feasible to use and can be developed. The advantages of this game are the presence of shock elements in the form of landslides, bursts of water, rock rain, and attacks by eagle

    The Development of Problem Based Learning Google Sites-Assisted Digital Teaching Materials to Improve Students' Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability

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    Mathematics learning has a very important role in the educational environment. That one of the competency standards for graduates of the mathematics subject for elementary to secondary education units is so that students have the skills to think and act creatively, productively, critically, independently, collaboratively and communicatively. Based on these graduate competencies, it is clear that one of the thinking skills that students must have is critical thinking. The purpose of this study was to look at students' mathematical critical thinking skills whose learning used the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model through digital teaching materials . This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development model which consists of 5 (five) stages, namely: Analysis , Design , and Development , Implementation and Evaluation on MTs . The research subjects were 20 students of class VI I I MTS (twenty) students. Data collection techniques used were walkthroughs, questionnaires, questionnaires, interviews, and tests. Research data were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of data analysis are known that this research produces students' critical thinking mathematics for digital teaching materials through a problem-based learning model in a flat sided geometric content that is valid and has potential effects. In this case, mathematics teaching materials that are presented digitally with a problem-based learning approach model are obtained from the results of one-to-one revisions , expert revision, small group trials and large group trials . Furthermore, the prototype of digital teaching materials is in the form of Google sites This is in addition to being effective, efficient, valid and practical, it also has a potential effect to improve students' critical thinking skills in mathematics

    Konsep-Konsep Kepemimpinan Islam dalam Masyarakat

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    Nabi Adam AS sebagai manusia pertama di muka bumi mendapat tugas dari Allah sebagai pemegang amanah kepemimpinan. Dari Nabi Adam as, proses kepemimpinan terus berlanjut sampai kepada keturunan dan cucu-cucu beliau, bahkan sampai saat ini. Dengan demikian, kepemimpinan merupakan sunatullah yang terus berlaku di muka bumi ini. Karena itulah, dalam ajaran Islam urgensi kepemimpinan dalam komunitas muslim merupakan suatu keniscayaan. Proses kepemimpinan pada dasarnya merupakan gejala sosial, karena berlangsung dalam interaksi antar manusia sebagai makhluk sosial. Kepemimpinan tidak dapat dilepaskan hubungannya dengan situasi sosial yang terbentuk dan sedang berlangsung di lingkungan masyarakat. Oleh karena situasi social itu selalu berkembang dan dapat berubah-ubah, maka tidak satupun cara bertindak yang dapat dipergunakan secara persis sama dalam menghadapi dua situasi yang terlihat sama, apalagi untuk situasi yang berbeda dilingkungan masyarakat tersebut Meskipun kepemimpinan merupakan hal yang penting untuk dilaksanakan, menjadi pemimpin tidaklah semudah membalik telapak tangan. Untuk mengetahui lebih jauh mengenai kepemimpinan di dalam masyarakat, perlu diketahui tentang konsep dasar kepemimpinan, khususnya dalam masyarakat Islam yang meliputi: pentingnya pemimpin, berbagai sebab munculnya kepemimpinan, fungsi-fungsi kepemimpin, bentuk-bentuk kepemimpinan serta karakteristik pemimpin ideal dalam masyarakat Islam.   Abstract: Prophet Adam AS as the first man on earth had the task of God as a fiduciary leadership. From Adam’s, the leadership process continues until the descent and his grandchildren, even to this day. Thus, the leadership of the laws that continue to prevail in the face of this earth. Therefore, in Islam urgency of leadership in the Muslim community is a necessity. Leadership process is basically a social phenomenon, because it takes place in the interaction between humans as social beings. Leadership can not be released to do with social situations that are formed and are taking place in society. Therefore it is always evolving social situations and can change, then none ways of acting that can be used in exactly the same in the face of two situations that look the same, especially for different situations in the community environment. Although leadership is important to be implemented, be a leader is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. To learn more about leadership in the community, need to know about the basic concepts of leadership, especially in Islamic societies which include: the importance of leadership, for the emergence of a variety of leadership, leadership functions, forms of leadership, as well as the characteristics of the ideal leader in Islamic societies


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    ABSTRACTProphet Adam AS as the first man on earth had the task of God as a fiduciary leadership. From Adam’s, the leadership process continues until the descent and his grandchildren, even to this day. Thus, the leadership of the laws that continue to prevail in the face of this earth. Therefore, in Islam urgency of leadership in the Muslim community is a necessity. Leadership process is basically a social phenomenon, because it takes place in the interaction between humans as social beings. Leadership can not be released to do with social situations that are formed and are taking place in society. Therefore it is always evolving social situations and can change, then none ways of acting that can be used in exactly the same in the face of two situations that look the same, especially for different situations in the community environment. Although leadership is important to be implemented, be a leader is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. To learn more about leadership in the community, need to know about the basic concepts of leadership, especially in Islamic societies which include: the importance of leadership, for the emergence of a variety of leadership, leadership functions, forms of leadership, as well as the characteristics of the ideal leader in Islamic societies.Keywords: Leadership, Islamic societie

    Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Bumn (Non-bank) Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    Purchasing of stocks is one of the alternate investation that is interesting for the investors, because there are two returns that will be expected. The first is dividend, Second is Capital Gains. The benefit ability of high companies can also increase the stock prices. Ratio - the ratio of liquidity such as Current Ratio (CR), profitability such as Return on Investment (ROI) and Return on Equity (ROE), and the ratio of activities such as Total Asset Turnover (TATO) can affect the company's stock price.This research aims to determine the effect of the ratio of Current Ratio (CR), Return on Investment (ROI), Return on Equity (ROE) and Total Asset Turnover (TATO) on Stock Prices. Population as well as the sample in this research is a state-owned company financial / BUMN data listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2010 and 2012 and it is obtained 13 state-owned companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Data collection in this research is done by downloading the Annual Report the companies through the website www.idx.co.id . In the data analysis uses the classical assumption test, simple linear regression and multiple regression test with SPSS program.The results show variable Current Ratio (CR) has an influence on the stock price of 0.220,but not significant. Variable Return on Investment (ROI) has an influence on the stock price of 0.360, but not significant. Variable Return on Equity (ROE) have an influence on the stock price of 0.655. Variable Total Asset Turnover (TATO) has an influence on the stock price of 0,439. Variable Current Ratio (CR), Return on Investment (ROI), Return on Equity (ROE) and Total Asset Turnover (TATO) have a positive influence simultaneously to the stock prices that is equal to 77,6%. This suggests that all of Current Ratio (CR), Return on Investment (ROI), Return on Equity (ROE) and Total Asset Turnover (TATO) 2010-2012 State Owned Company can affect the stock prices

    Rebranding Dhea Bordir sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

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    Dhea Bordir is a fashion company with a product that is focusing in kebaya product either traditional kebaya or contemporary kebaya. Dhea Bordir founded in 1997 by Dewi Asia Arifin in Sidoarjo, East Java. Until 2015 Dhea Bordir still do not have a consistent brand identity that can representing Dhea Bordir product. In conducting promotional activities, Dhea Bordir only depend on mouth-to-mouth promotion. Based on the problem has been discussed, So the formulation problems of research is How to do rebranding Dhea Bordir to increase the brand awareness. The problems that will be discussed in this research was he concept of design and its application in rebranding and promotion media which covering; brand identity, packaging, and Prints promotional media wich including catalogue and brochure and also website promotion