900 research outputs found

    Pretherapy training and its effects on attitudes toward psychotherapy

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    Structure-Guided Design of Fluorescent S-Adenosylmethionine Analogs for a High-Throughput Screen to Target SAM-I Riboswitch RNAs

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    SummaryMany classes of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-binding RNAs and proteins are of interest as potential drug targets in diverse therapeutic areas, from infectious diseases to cancer. In the former case, the SAM-I riboswitch is an attractive target because this structured RNA element is found only in bacterial mRNAs and regulates multiple genes in several human pathogens. Here, we describe the synthesis of stable and fluorescent analogs of SAM in which the fluorophore is introduced through a functionalizable linker to the ribose. A Cy5-labeled SAM analog was shown to bind several SAM-I riboswitches via in-line probing and fluorescence polarization assays, including one from Staphylococcus aureus that controls the expression of SAM synthetase in this organism. A fluorescent ligand displacement assay was developed and validated for high-throughput screening of compounds to target the SAM-I riboswitch class

    Expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the DNA-binding domain of a Chlamydia trachomatis OmpR/PhoB-subfamily response regulator homolog, ChxR

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    This is the published version. Copyright 2009 by the International Union of Crystallography.Two-component signal transduction systems in bacteria are a primary mechan­ism for responding to environmental stimuli and adjusting gene expression accordingly. Generally in these systems a sensor kinase phosphorylates a response regulator that regulates transcription. Response regulators contain two domains: a receiver domain and an effector domain. The receiver domain is typically phosphorylated and as a result facilitates the DNA-binding and transcriptional activity of the effector domain. The OmpR/PhoB subfamily is the largest of the response-regulator subfamilies and is primarily defined by the winged helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif within the effector domain. The overall structure of effector domains is highly conserved and contains three defined elements that are critical for transcriptional regulation: a DNA major-groove binding helix, a DNA minor-groove binding wing and a transcriptional activation loop. These functional elements are often diverse in sequence and conformation and reflect the functional differences observed between individual subfamily members. ChxR from Chlamydia trachomatis is an atypical OmpR/PhoB response regulator homolog that has transcriptional activity in the absence of phos­phorylation. To facilitate the precise identification of the functional elements of the ChxR effector domain, this protein was cloned, expressed, purified and crystallized. Crystals were obtained from two separate mother liquors, producing two morphologically distinct crystals. The space group of both crystals was P43212 (or its enantiomorph P41212) with isomorphous unit-cell parameters; the crystals diffracted to 2.2-2.5 Å resolution

    Measurement of C1-Inhibitor function alone is sufficient for diagnosis of hereditary angioedema

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    The World Allergy Organisiation/European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (WAO/EAACI) 2017/2018 guidelines recommend measuring complement4 levels, followed by C1-inhibitor level and function for diagnosis of hereditary angioedema (HAE). We analysed 6 months’ worth of data generated in our laboratory which is a specialist regional immunology service and also provides laboratory service for the Barts Health immunology department, which is a GA2LEN/HAEi-Angioedema Centre of Excellence and Reference (ACARE) and hence, investigates a large number of patients for HAE. We found that an efficient and sensitive approach for laboratory diagnosis of HAE is to only test the C1-inhibitor function. This approach had a sensitivity of 100% and reduced the cost of laboratory investigations for HAE diagnosis by 45%

    Older patients’ experience of primary hypothyroidism: A qualitative study

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    Background - Primary hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder, more so in an increasing UK ageing population. There is no qualitative research examining the older patient perspective of symptoms, treatment and self‐management of hypothyroidism. Objective - In this study we explored the experience of hypothyroidism in older people and examined how this may influence their understanding and acceptance of diagnosis, treatment with Levothyroxine and the monitoring process. Design - We conducted semi‐structured interviews with 18 participants aged between 80 and 93 years. Interview transcripts were analysed using a thematic approach. Results - The themes involved older individuals’ knowledge about symptoms, confidence in diagnosis and understanding of clinical management regimen to understand hypothyroidism. Interpretation of the themes was informed by the Health Belief Model. Conclusion - Our findings can help to inform the development of interventions by treating clinicians and support staff to engage older patients in the long‐term management of this chronic condition

    Chlamydia trachomatis protein CT009 is a structural and functional homolog to the key morphogenesis component RodZ and interacts with division septal plane localized MreB

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Kemege, K. E., Hickey, J. M., Barta, M. L., Wickstrum, J., Balwalli, N., Lovell, S., Battaile, K. P. and Hefty, P. S. (2015), Chlamydia trachomatis protein CT009 is a structural and functional homolog to the key morphogenesis component RodZ and interacts with division septal plane localized MreB. Molecular Microbiology, 95: 365–382. doi:10.1111/mmi.12855, which has been published in final form at http://doi.org/10.1111/mmi.12855. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.Cell division in Chlamydiae is poorly understood as apparent homologs to most conserved bacterial cell division proteins are lacking and presence of elongation (rod shape) associated proteins indicate non-canonical mechanisms may be employed. The rod-shape determining protein MreB has been proposed as playing a unique role in chlamydial cell division. In other organisms, MreB is part of an elongation complex that requires RodZ for proper function. A recent study reported that the protein encoded by ORF CT009 interacts with MreB despite low sequence similarity to RodZ. The studies herein expand on those observations through protein structure, mutagenesis, and cellular localization analyses. Structural analysis indicated that CT009 shares high level of structural similarity to RodZ, revealing the conserved orientation of two residues critical for MreB interaction. Substitutions eliminated MreB protein interaction and partial complementation provided by CT009 in RodZ deficient E. coli. Cellular localization analysis of CT009 showed uniform membrane staining in Chlamydia. This was in contrast to the localization of MreB, which was restricted to predicted septal planes. MreB localization to septal planes provides direct experimental observation for the role of MreB in cell division and supports the hypothesis that it serves as a functional replacement for FtsZ in Chlamydia

    Adult digit ratio (2D:4D) is not related to umbilical cord androgen or estrogen concentrations, their ratios or net bioactivity

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    Background: Ratio of second digit length to fourth digit length (2D:4D) has been extensively used in human and experimental research as a marker of fetal sex steroid exposure. However, very few human studies have measured the direct relationship between fetal androgen or estrogen concentrations and digit ratio. Aims: We investigated the relationships between both androgen and estrogen concentrations in umbilical cord blood and digit ratio in young adulthood. In addition we calculated measures of total serum androgen and total estrogen bioactivity and investigated their relationship to digit ratio. Study design: Prospective cohort study. Subjects: An unselected subset of the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study (159 female; 182 male). Outcome measures: Cord serum samples were collected immediately after delivery. Samples were assayed for androgen (testosterone, Δ4-androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone) and estrogen (estrone, estradiol, estriol, estetrol) concentrations using liquid-chromatography mass-spectrometry. Digit ratio measurements were taken from hand photocopies at age 19–22 years. Results: For both males and females, there were no significant correlations between digit ratio and any androgen or estrogen concentrations considered individually, the testosterone to estradiol ratio, total androgen bioactivity measure or ratio of androgen to estrogen bioactivity (all p > .05). In males, but not females, total estrogen bioactivity was negatively correlated with left hand digit ratio (r = − .172, p = .02), but this relationship was no longer significant when adjusted for variables known to affect sex steroid concentrations in cord blood. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that digit ratio is not related to fetal androgens or estrogens at late gestation

    Improvement of neuropathology and transcriptional deficits in CAG 140 knock-in mice supports a beneficial effect of dietary curcumin in Huntington's disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Backgound</p> <p>No disease modifying treatment currently exists for Huntington's disease (HD), a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the formation of amyloid-like aggregates of the mutated huntingtin protein. Curcumin is a naturally occurring polyphenolic compound with Congo red-like amyloid binding properties and the ability to cross the blood brain barrier. CAG140 mice, a knock-in (KI) mouse model of HD, display abnormal aggregates of mutant huntingtin and striatal transcriptional deficits, as well as early motor, cognitive and affective abnormalities, many months prior to exhibiting spontaneous gait deficits, decreased striatal volume, and neuronal loss. We have examined the ability of life-long dietary curcumin to improve the early pathological phenotype of CAG140 mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>KI mice fed a curcumin-containing diet since conception showed decreased huntingtin aggregates and increased striatal DARPP-32 and D1 receptor mRNAs, as well as an amelioration of rearing deficits. However, similar to other antioxidants, curcumin impaired rotarod behavior in both WT and KI mice and climbing in WT mice. These behavioral effects were also noted in WT C57Bl/6 J mice exposed to the same curcumin regime as adults. However, neither locomotor function, behavioral despair, muscle strength or food utilization were affected by curcumin in this latter study. The clinical significance of curcumin's impairment of motor performance in mice remains unclear because curcumin has an excellent blood chemistry and adverse event safety profile, even in the elderly and in patients with Alzheimer's disease.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Together with this clinical experience, the improvement in several transgene-dependent parameters by curcumin in our study supports a net beneficial effect of dietary curcumin in HD.</p

    Quantification of human C1 esterase inhibitor protein using an automated turbidimetric immunoassay

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    BACKGROUND: Impaired levels or function of C1 inhibitor (C1-INH) results in angioedema due to increased bradykinin. It is important to distinguish between angioedema related to C1-INH deficiency and that caused by other mechanisms, as treatment options are different. In hereditary (HAE) and acquired (AAE) angioedema, C1-INH concentration is measured to aid patient diagnosis. Here, we describe an automated turbidimetric assay to measure C1-INH concentration on the Optilite® analyzer. METHODS: Linearity, precision, and interference were established over a range of C1-INH concentrations. The 95th percentile reference interval was generated from 120 healthy adult donors. To compare the Optilite C1-INH assay with a predicate assay used in a clinical laboratory, samples sent for C1-INH investigation were used. The predicate results were provided to allow comparison. RESULTS: The Optilite C1-INH assay was linear across the measuring range at the standard sample dilution. Intra and interassay variability was <6%. The 95th percentile adult reference interval for the assay was 0.21-0.38 g/L. There was a strong correlation between the Optilite concentrations and those generated with the predicate assay (R2 = 0.94, P < 0.0001, slope y = 0.83x). All patients with Type I HAE (n = 24) and AAE (n = 3) tested had concentrations below the measuring range in both assays, while all patients with unspecified angioedema (UAE), not diagnosed with HAE or AAE had values within the reference range. CONCLUSION: The Optilite assay allows the automated and precise quantification of C1-INH concentrations in patient samples. It could therefore be used as a tool to aid the investigation of patients with angioedema