18 research outputs found

    Managing biological invasions: charting courses to desirable futures in the Cape Floristic Region

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    Invasive species alter the functioning of natural ecosystems, creating ‘‘novel ecosystems’’ comprising species occurring in combinations with no analogs within a given biome. This poses major challenges for managers who cannot rely exclusively on previous experiences. Multiple factors that drive invasion and which interact in complex ways demand innovative management approaches. We show the utility of scenario planning in considering options for management in a region with substantial problems with invasive alien plants: South Africa’s Cape Floristic Region. The approach allows us to identify the driving forces that shape the status and trajectories of major woody invasive plants and to identify sensible strategies by considering a set of scenarios based on the main uncertainties that encapsulate the linkages between the various components of the management of biological invasions. Attitudes of landowners and management capacity are shown to be the crucial uncertainties influencing the spread of major invasive species; axes based on these factors define our scenarios. Mapping current management projects onto scenario axes highlighted key differences among areas. These insights can assist in directing particular management units toward more desirable futures. Our study highlights the need to link social, political and legal constraints with ecological processes to assure the effectiveness of management operations in controlling biological invasions.Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biolog

    Untersuchungen zu genregulatorischen Biomarkern fĂŒr EGFR-Inhibitor-vermittelte Hautreaktionen

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    Bei der Behandlung von Tumoren mit Inhibitoren des epidermalen Wachstumsfaktorrezeptors (epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor, EGFRI) treten bei der Mehrzahl der Patienten typische Hautreaktionen, wie akneiforme Exantheme, als Nebenwirkung auf. Da die Schwere dieser Hautreaktionen mit einer verlĂ€ngerten Überlebenszeit der Patienten korreliert, wird sie in der klinischen Praxis als Marker fĂŒr die Dosierung und prognostisch fĂŒr den Therapieerfolg der EGFRI angesehen. Da die Hautreaktionen aber verzögert eintreten, sind alternative Biomarker wĂŒnschenswert, die sich schneller bestimmen lassen. Die Pathophysiologie der EGFRI-vermittelten Hautreaktionen ist noch nicht vollstĂ€ndig aufgeklĂ€rt. Wir untersuchen daher die zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen, insbesondere den Zusammenhang zwischen EGFR-Inhibition und der Produktion proinflammatorischer Zytokine in Keratinozyten (in vitro) und bei Patienten wĂ€hrend einer Behandlung mit EGFR-Inhibitoren. In diesem Zusammenhang untersuchen wir auch den Einfluss regulatorischer Biomarker, wie z.B. microRNAs. Das Ziel ist es, mögliche prĂ€diktive Biomarker fĂŒr EGFRI-vermittelte Hautreaktionen zu identifizieren, um Patienten mit unzureichendem Therapieansprechen frĂŒhzeitig erkennen und gegebenenfalls schneller alternative Therapien beginnen zu können

    Managing biological invasions: Charting courses to desirable futures in the Cape Floristic Region

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    Invasive species alter the functioning of natural ecosystems, creating "novel ecosystems" comprising species occurring in combinations with no analogs within a given biome. This poses major challenges for managers who cannot rely exclusively on previous experiences. Multiple factors that drive invasion and which interact in complex ways demand innovative management approaches. We show the utility of scenario planning in considering options for management in a region with substantial problems with invasive alien plants: South Africa's Cape Floristic Region. The approach allows us to identify the driving forces that shape the status and trajectories of major woody invasive plants and to identify sensible strategies by considering a set of scenarios based on the main uncertainties that encapsulate the linkages between the various components of the management of biological invasions. Attitudes of landowners and management capacity are shown to be the crucial uncertainties influencing the spread of major invasive species; axes based on these factors define our scenarios. Mapping current management projects onto scenario axes highlighted key differences among areas. These insights can assist in directing particular management units toward more desirable futures. Our study highlights the need to link social, political and legal constraints with ecological processes to assure the effectiveness of management operations in controlling biological invasions. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.Articl

    Seeds of good anthropocenes: developing sustainability scenarios for Northern Europe

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    Scenario development helps people think about a broad variety of possible futures; however, the global environmental change community has thus far developed few positive scenarios for the future of the planet and humanity. Those that have been developed tend to focus on the role of a few common, large-scale external drivers, such as technology or environmental policy, even though pathways of positive change are often driven by surprising or bottom-up initiatives that most scenarios assume are unchanging. We describe an approach, pioneered in Southern Africa and tested here in a new context in Northern Europe, to developing scenarios using existing bottom-up transformative initiatives to examine plausible transitions towards positive, sustainable futures. By starting from existing, but marginal initiatives, as well as current trends, we were able to identify system characteristics that may play a key role in sustainability transitions (e.g., gender issues, inequity, governance, behavioral change) that are currently under-explored in global environmental scenarios. We suggest that this approach could be applied in other places to experiment further with the methodology and its potential applications, and to explore what transitions to desirables futures might be like in different places