1,395 research outputs found

    The FERRUM Project: experimental and theoretical transition rates of forbidden [Sc II] lines and radiative lifetimes of metastable Sc II levels

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    Context. In many plasmas, long-lived metastable atomic levels are depopulated by collisions (quenched) before they decay radiatively. In low-density regions, however, the low collision rate may allow depopulation by electric dipole (E1) forbidden radiative transitions, so-called forbidden lines (mainly M1 and E2 transitions). If the atomic transition data are known, these lines are indicators of physical plasma conditions and used for abundance determination. Aims. Transition rates can be derived by combining relative intensities between the decay channels, so-called branching fractions (BFs), and the radiative lifetime of the common upper level. We use this approach for forbidden [Sc ii] lines, along with new calculations. Methods. Neither BFs for forbidden lines, nor lifetimes of metastable levels, are easily measured in a laboratory. Therefore, astrophysical BFs measured in Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) spectra of the strontium filament of Eta Carinae are combined with lifetime measurements using a laser probing technique on a stored ion-beam (CRYRING facility,MSL, Stockholm). These quantities are used to derive the absolute transition rates (A-values). New theoretical transition rates and lifetimes are calulated using the CIV3 code. Results. We report experimental lifetimes of the Sc ii levels 3d2 a3P0,1,2 with lifetimes 1.28, 1.42, and 1.24 s, respectively, and transition rates for lines from these levels down to 3d4s a3D in the region 8270-8390 A. These are the most important forbidden [Sc ii] transitions. New calculations for lines and metastable lifetimes are also presented, and are in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 5 pages. Accepted for A&

    A reconciled solution of Meltwater Pulse 1A sources using sea-level fingerprinting

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    The most rapid global sea-level rise event of the last deglaciation, Meltwater Pulse 1A (MWP-1A), occurred ∼14,650 years ago. Considerable uncertainty regarding the sources of meltwater limits understanding of the relationship between MWP-1A and the concurrent fast-changing climate. Here we present a data-driven inversion approach, using a glacio-isostatic adjustment model to invert for the sources of MWP-1A via sea-level constraints from six geographically distributed sites. The results suggest contributions from Antarctica, 1.3 m (0–5.9 m; 95% probability), Scandinavia, 4.6 m (3.2–6.4 m) and North America, 12.0 m (5.6–15.4 m), giving a global mean sea-level rise of 17.9 m (15.7–20.2 m) in 500 years. Only a North American dominant scenario successfully predicts the observed sea-level change across our six sites and an Antarctic dominant scenario is firmly refuted by Scottish isolation basin records. Our sea-level based results therefore reconcile with field-based ice-sheet reconstructions

    V453 Oph: a s-process enriched, but carbon-deficient RV Tauri star of low intrinsic metallicity

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    This paper reports the detection of a heavy element enriched RV Tauri variable with an abundance pattern that differs significantly from a standard s-process enriched object: V453 Oph. Based on optical high-resolution spectra, we determined that this object of low intrinsic metallicity ([Fe/H] = -2.2) has a mild, but significant, enrichment ([s/Fe] ~ +0.5) of heavy elements for which the distribution points to slow neutron capture nucleosynthesis. This result is strengthened by a comparative analysis to the non-enriched RV Tauri star DS Aqr ([s/Fe] = 0.0). Although V453 Oph is the first RV Tauri star showing a strong s-process signature, it is NOT accompanied by C enhancement, challenging our current nucleosynthetic models of post-AGB stars that predict a simultaneous enrichment in C and s-process elements. The low N abundance excludes CN cycling as being responsible for the low C abundance. We explore three different scenarios to explain the heavy element distribution in this evolved object: an enrichment of the parental cloud, an accretion scenario in which the chemical patterns were acquired by mass transfer in a binary system and an intrinsic enrichment by dredge-up.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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