286 research outputs found

    The Inequitable Tax Benefits of Adoption

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    Archaeological Aspects of the Alaska Much Deposits

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    The following observations comprise the summation of evidence gleaned during the University of New Mexico\u27s expedition to Alaska in the summer of 1941. The purpose of this expedition was the survey of all data concerning the Paleo-Indian thus far discovered and the searching out of such additional evidence as could be found

    Drivers of Change: Explaining IMF Low Income Country Reform in the Post Washington Consensus

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    Through use of rationalist, constructivist, and historical structural theory, this study of IMF Low Income Country (LIC) policy change from 1996 to 2010 identifies potential causal variables and mechanisms that drive contemporary reform in the institution toward its poorest member states. Patterns uncovered through principal-agent analysis suggest that coalition formation between at least two actors is a necessary condition for LIC policy reform. Principal-agent analysis also establishes that discontinuity among powerful states gives IMF management and staff greater openings to initiate or block reform efforts. Constructivist analysis assesses if shifts in thinking among IMF insiders and the broader epistemic community of development economists have causal effect on LIC policy reform. Evidence gathered through process tracing methods shows that reform occurred after economic ideas that underwrote previous policy positions lost legitimacy among influential elites within and outside the IMF. Thus while IMF staff self -identify as rational technocrats, they are also driven by concerns of pursuing what the broader elite community deems as appropriate policy choices. When the boundaries of appropriateness change, we can expect reforms that are consistent with new frames of acceptable policy choices to emerge. Stepping outside of mainstream IR theory, historical structural analysis of IMF reform focuses on the interrelation of contemporary capitalist crisis, hegemony, and inclusive neoliberal development models. Here, the IMF is understood to hold a central role in the creation and perpetuation of the current geopolitical order underwritten by globalizing capitalism. Recent IMF LIC reforms that champion more participation, flexibility, and a nod toward Keynesian practices thus are seen as one component of a broader political project pushed by global elites to undermine potential challenges to the contemporary world order. Evidence gathered through discourse analysis and interviews shows that IMF staff and management were cognizant of growing resistance to Washington Consensus reforms and embraced less coercive and more participatory means to increase LIC buy in into concessionary lending programs. The scope and character of contemporary IMF reforms paralleled similar calls for rethinking how to `do\u27 development among global elites. This suggests that a component of IMF policy response in LICs is tied to a broader political project focused on building a more inclusive and hegemonic form of globalizing capitalism. The juxtaposition of three theoretical frameworks to examine the same phenomenon also provides a platform to evaluate current IR theory focused on IMF reform. Rationalist and positivist oriented constructivist approaches provide clear analytical roadmaps to cut through the complex dynamics found in the IMF, identify potential causal variables and mechanisms, and develop testable predictive hypotheses related to institutional reform. However, if studies of IMF LIC reform rely solely on current mainstream frameworks, explanation and analysis of how Fund policy change is interrelated with shifts and tensions in capitalist social structures and the power relations therein remain unexamined. This proves particularly critical when exploring why certain ideas considered market distorting remained off limits in contemporary IMF debates and how post Washington Consensus reforms reflect attempts by global elites to manage crisis points in the contemporary historical structure. In conclusion, I assess the merits of IMF research open to the use of positivist and historical relational paradigms. Such an approach will not produce one correct answer and suffers at some level from divergent baseline understandings of the social world. However, I maintain that despite this tension, the complexity of that world and processes of change within it merit space for mainstream and critical ontologies. Future studies of the IMF should explore more fully how diverse paths of inquiry can be effectively used to explain policy reform.

    Shock and vibration tests of a SNAP-8 NaK pump

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    The pump used for reactor cooling in the SNAP 8 space power system was subjected to the expected vehicle launch vibration, and shock loading in accordance with the SNAP 8 environmental specification. Subsequent disassembly revealed damage to the thrust bearing pins, which should be redesigned and strengthened. The unit was operational, however, when run in a test loop after reassembly

    A preliminary study of the mountain lion : felis oregonensis sp.

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    Bibliography: p. 58-59https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/unm_bulletin/1029/thumbnail.jp

    The Art of Controversy, and Other Posthumons Papers.

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    The utilitarian estimate of knowledge.

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    The identification of tobacco necrosis virus in deteriorating clones of aspen

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    History of fighting Squadron Forty-six: a log in narrative form of its participation in World War II

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    Preface: This history is dedicated to the Fighter Pilots of VF 46 with my admiration, respect and affection. It is a narrative of the Squadron from its inception to the end of its first and last carrier combat tour of duty. Opportunities of splashing large numbers of enemy planes in Turkey Shoots , enjoyed by some of our contemporary Air Groups, simply did not present themselves to 46. Any AGC will concede there is a great deal of luck in being assigned to Strikes or CAP where the hunting was good. We were not lucky in our assignments. Every opportunity to inflict damage on the enemy, however, was capitalized, thus contributing to their ultimate defeat in some of the most important actions of the war. To one who has participated enthusiastically in all forms of athletics for many years without ever having approached perfection in any, the expert is profoundly impressive. I can\u27t resist this opportunity, therefore, to express my feeling which borders on awe for the perfectionist in the most difficult of all physical achievements. I refer to Carrier Landings. They require more precise timing, hair-trigger thinking and faultless judgment than any form of physical accomplishment. Each move is under pressure and unless perfectly executed may result in serious injury or death. Timing, the sine qua non of success in all forms of athletics, is concededly most allusive in the Royal and Ancient game of golf. Here the problem of timing is between a moving object, the golf club, and a stationary one, the ball. Not so difficult a problem of timing presents itself · in all kinds of racquet games where both the racquet and the ball are in motion. fn both of the above type of games the motion of the club can be controlled at all times to meet the object whose course is predictable, and therefore can be anticipated. Yet with these advantages how many participants can be classified as experts? There are few Bobby Joneses, Byron Nelsons, Bill Tildens or Donald Budges. On the other hand, all Carrier pilots are experts in Carrier landings. Many perfect carrier landings are made with plane controls damaged by enemy flak on an itinerant base, 588 feet long by 71 feet wide, one-third of which may be covered by planes parked forward, heaving and bobbing in a rough sea. The club, in this case a six-ton Grumman Hellcat landing at a speed of 65 knots with damaged controls, must meet in perfect timing, an object, the deck, whose motion is unpredictable. All participants have to be experts. Necessity is the mother of perfection. The pilots in Fighting 46 were always willing to do their job from dawn to dusk, were modest in their claims, bending backward to give their fellow-pilot the credit in case a doubt existed, showed no evidence of false heroics and were gentlemen. Anything one can say falls short of tP,e truth. In the words of Commander Kenneth McCracken, Navigation Officer of the U.S.S. Independence, I regret that my medium is paper instead of bronze. Hibben Ziesing, LT. COMDR., U.S.N.R. A.C./.0., and Historical Officerhttps://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/1130/thumbnail.jp