541 research outputs found


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    Includes bibliographical references.The way in which indigenous people are represented in documentaries has radically changed within the last century. But "If there (still) is one overriding ethical/political / ideological! question to documentary filmmaking it may be, What to do with the people" (Nichols qtd. in Barbash and Taylor, 1997: p. 12). How can people and issues be represented appropriately? How can one make a documentary about somebody or something with a totally different cultural background to one's own without being unethical? The so-called expository documentary was the first prevailing documentary mode and tries to answer these questions with an authoritative voice-over commentary combined with a series of images that aim to be descriptive and informative. The voice-over approaches the spectator directly and offers facts or arguments that are illustrated by the images. It provides abstract information that the image cannot carry or comments on those actions and events that are unfamiliar to the target audience. This is exactly what some filmmakers reacted against - "to explain what the images mean, as if they don't explain themselves, or as if viewers can't be trusted to work the meaning out on their own. Indeed, the voice-over often seems to attribute a reduced meaning to the visuals; that is it denies them a density they might have by themselves" (Barbash and Taylor, 1997: p. 19). It is typical for the expository documentary style that the narrator speaks about or for other people. Some filmmakers see these voice-overs as "colonial, an enemy of the film, the voice of God" or even as "the (non-existent) view from somewhere" (Barbash and Taylor, 1997: p. 47)

    There\u27s A Sad Little Girl For Every Happy Little Boy

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    EXOhSPEC collimator mechanical design

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    The Exoplanet High-Resolution Spectrograph (EXOhSPEC) is a high-resolution spectrograph for the characterisation of exoplanets with the Thai National Telescope. The folded version of this instrument comprises one triplet lens to collimate the beam incident on the grating and to focus the beam reflected by the grating onto the camera. This collimator comprises three lenses L1, L2 and L3 of diameter varying between 50 mm and 60 mm. We specified the barrel to guarantee a maximum decenter of the lenses equal to 25 μm. The maximum error in the orientation of each single lens is specified to be lower than 0.03º. The proposed concept is based on a semi-kinematic mounting which is used to restrain these lenses with 6 and 30 N of preloads on the axial and lateral directions to ensure their stability. These preloads are applied to the lenses using the elastic pushing force of silicone elastomers and spring force from ball-plungers. We present the design of the collimator and the assembly method. Our Finite Element Analyses show that the maximum surface error induced by the preloads is lower than 60 nm Peak-To-Valley on each optical surface of L1, L2, and L3. We describe our manufacturing process using NARIT’s CNC machine and its validation using our Coordinate-Measuring Machine

    Infection-dependent MHC expression in the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus

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    The study focused on two main topics. On the one hand primers and a PCR protocol were developed to find a suitable housekeeping gene for quantitative real-time PCR. On the other hand this study explored the expression of genes related to an immune response in cell cultures and organs of living fish. The main focus lay on the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). The MHC has been studied for several years. This is mainly because of the central role of MHC molecules in the adaptive immune response and the high number of different alleles in vertebrate populations. Recent research suggests that – in addition to the variation in sequences of the genetic code – genetically based variations in expression of MHC genes do play a crucial role in evolutionary change. Up to now it has been shown that expression is heritable, i.e. expression has a genetic basis in three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Furthermore a negative correlation, which suggests a compensatory regulation of MHC genes, between expression levels and number of different MHC alleles has been shown. A positive correlation between MHC expression and parasite load has been shown as well. To date, research has focused on beta-actin as a housekeeping gene in expression analysis on Gasterosteus aculeatus. Recent research in other taxa suggests that beta-actin is not the most stable gene depending on the tissue and the taxa of the survey. In the study primers were developed in order to measure gene expression of candidate housekeeping genes and the immune response genes. Therefore sequences from the EST-library and the whole genome shotgun library of the stickleback have been used to find exon-intron boundaries. The mRNA has been amplified in a PCR reaction and the product has been sequenced to check the identity of the PCR product. Ten candidate genes including beta-actin were tested for stable gene expression in three different tissues and under several treatments. The data showed that beta-actin is a good housekeeping gene in most of the tissues and treatments, but other genes proved to be more stably expressed. As it was one of the most stable genes in all examined tissues, especially the L13a ribosomal binding protein seems to be a good candidate to replace beta-actin as a general housekeeping gene for expression analysis. In another experiment the expression of MHC genes was stimulated in cell cultures with lysates of two widespread parasites of the three-spined stickleback, i.e. Diplostomum pseudospathacaeum and Camallanus lacustris. In order to enhance comparability, cells from the same organ have been infected in these cultures. Therefore RNA-Extraction and realtime PCR were improved in a way that allowed us to measure gene expression and controls in 15 different PCR runs from only 105 cells. While MHC expression was higher in cells of formerly infected fish, no effect of cell treatment could have been shown. However the cell’s survival rate was higher in cultures that were infected with parasite lysate. Furthermore gene expression was measured at five times after being infected with Diplostomum pseudospathacaeum to explore the expression of genes correlated to immune response during the first eleven days.1. SUMMARY .................................................................. 5 2. DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG................................ 7 3. INTRODUCTION......................................................... 9 3.1. MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX................................................9 3.2. REAL-TIME PCR..................................................................................10 3.3. THESIS OUTLINE ..................................................................................11 4. MATERIAL AND METHODS........................................ 15 4.1. FISH FOR THE INFECTION EXPERIMENT ................................................15 4.2. TREATMENT OF CELL CULTURES .........................................................17 4.3. PRIMER DESIGN ...................................................................................19 4.4. SEQUENCING OF GENES .......................................................................20 4.5. RNA EXTRACTION AND REVERSE TRANSCRIPTION ..............................22 4.6. REAL-TIME PCR..................................................................................23 4.7. HOUSEKEEPING GENES ........................................................................24 4.8. DATA ANALYSIS AND STATISTICAL METHODS .....................................26 5. RESULTS .................................................................. 27 5.1. EVALUATION OF PCR CONDITIONS AND PRIMERS ...............................27 5.2. SELECTION OF HOUSEKEEPING GENES IN CELL CULTURES ...................29 5.2.1. Cultures of head kidney cells ...........................................................29 5.2.2. Cultures of spleen cells ....................................................................31 5.3. SELECTION OF HOUSEKEEPING GENES IN FISH......................................33 5.3.1. Expression in head kidneys ..............................................................33 5.3.2. Expression in spleens .......................................................................34 5.3.3. Expression in gills ............................................................................36 5.4. CELL CULTURES ..................................................................................38 5.4.1. MHC II-expression in cell cultures ..................................................38 5.4.2. Number of cells ................................................................................40 5.5 INFECTION EXPERIMENT......................................................................41 5.5.1. Immune response genes in spleens...................................................41 5.5.2 Immune response genes in head kidneys...........................................44 5.5.3 Immune response genes in gills.........................................................46 6. DISCUSSION............................................................ 49 6.1. PRIMER DESIGN AND PCR ...................................................................49 6.2. HOUSEKEEPING GENE..........................................................................51 6.3. CELL CULTURE EXPERIMENT ...............................................................53 6.4. INFECTION EXPERIMENT......................................................................56 7. LITERATURE ............................................................ 59 8. DANKSAGUNG.......................................................... 63 STELLUNGNAHME ........................................................ 6

    Bungalow Love-Nest

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    Contains advertisements and/or short musical examples of pieces being sold by publisher.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mmb-vp/6789/thumbnail.jp

    Lost-My-Baby Blues

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    Little Butterfly (Give Your Heart To Me)

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    With Ukulele arrangement. Contains advertisements and/or short musical examples of pieces being sold by publisher.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/mmb-vp/7093/thumbnail.jp

    The Hoop of Learning: A Holistic, Multisystemic Model for Facilitating Educational Resilience among Indigenous Students

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    Indigenous communities in the United States have a wealth of cultural and social resources that can facilitate educational resilience among Native students. This article reviews the historical context, contemporary trends, and current challenges related to education of Indigenous students. The authors present an innovative middle school-to-high school-to-college bridge program as one example of many positive educational initiatives currently developing across the country

    "Markttest" öffentlicher Dienstleistungen: Einführung von Wettbewerb durch flächendeckende Angebotsbeiziehung ; Konzept des Personalrates Stadt Detmold

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    "Seit gut fünf Jahren wird in der Stadt Detmold an der Umsetzung des Neuen Steuerungsmodells (NSM) gearbeitet. Die fortlaufenden Veränderungen, die sich letztlich an der Marktfähigkeit der erstellten Dienstleistungen und Produkte, d.h. vor allem an Effizienz und Effektivität messen lassen müssen, werden aus der Sicht eines Personalrates, der sich aktiv in den Umgestaltungsprozeß eingeschaltet hat, reflektiert. Dabei gewinnen Aspekte Bedeutung, die in der bisherigen Diskussion über Reformbemühungen des Öffentlichen Dienstes weniger beachtet wurden: Es reicht nicht aus zu erklären, daß die Beschäftigten die wichtigste Ressource für moderne Dienstleistungen darstellen, sondern es muß ihren Interessen systematisch Rechnung getragen werden. Dabei gilt es, die unterschiedliche Betroffenheit der Beschäftigtengruppen zu berücksichtigen. Geschieht dies nicht, läuft der Veränderungsprozeß Gefahr, stecken zu bleiben. Der Personalrat gerät, wenn er sich auf die Beteiligung am Modernisierungsprozeß einläßt, in Widersprüche, da er sich mit heterogenen Interessen auseinandersetzen muß. Für den Personalrat ist es darum wichtig, von einer erarbeiteten Position zur Funktion des Öffentlichen Dienstes auszugehen. Auf dieser Grundlage können zum einen Qualitätsmaßstäbe für die Beurteilung von Veränderungsprojekten sowie deren Resultate gewonnen und zum anderen Schutzmechanismen entwickelt werden, die verhindern, daß Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einseitig zu Lasten der Arbeitsbedingungen entwickelt wird. Für den Personalrat bedeutete die aktive Mitarbeit am Modernisierungsprozeß, daß er sich von seiner Rolle als Interessenvertreter zu einem Veränderungsagenten weiterentwickelte. Diese Entwicklung gilt es, auch in Zusammenarbeit mit den betroffenen Gewerkschaften, weiter zu reflektieren." (Autorenreferat