47 research outputs found

    Interactive Role of Psychological Capital and Social Capital on Organizational Commitment and Effective Training of Faculty Members

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    Background & Objective: Psychological capital is a new concept in the field of positive psychology and plays an important role in an individual’s perceived and psychological health. The current study was undertaken with the aim of determining the relationship among and predicting organizational commitment and effective training through psychological capital and with regard to the mediator role of social capital. Methods: In this descriptive correlational research and standard and researcher-made questionnaires were used to collect data. The study population consisted of all faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran (n = 650). Using the Morgan table, 240 individuals were chosen through stratified random sampling. For data analysis, the Pearson correlation coefficient and deflator multiple regression were used in SPSS statistical software. Results: The research findings demonstrated a meaningful relationship between the variables. The interactive role of psychological capital and social capital on organizational commitment and effective training among faculty members of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences was approved. This means that among teachers with high social capital, an increase in psychological capital was associated with an increase in commitment and effective training. Conclusion: These findings indicate the necessity of recognizing the interactive role of psychological capital and social capital on organizational commitment and effective training. Key Words: Psychological capital, Social capital, Organizational commitment, Effective trainin

    Régulation de la synthèse de composés secondaires par les organismes photosynthétiques en conditions de stress

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    En condition de stress, les organismes photosynthétiques réorientent leur métabolisme vers la production de métabolites d’intérêt. Cette thèse vise à fournir de nouvelles informations sur ces processus chez les algues et les plantes supérieures. La 1ère partie est consacrée aux effets de 3 éclairements différents sur le métabolisme du carbone de la diatomée Phaeodactylum tricornutum. L'impact d’un éclairement supérieur à 300 µmol photons m-2 s-1 (ML) est tout à fait différent de celui obtenu pour un éclairement de 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1 tant au niveau physiologique que moléculaire. Dans nos conditions, la carence en carbone constitue la cause principale de l'apparition de la phase stationnaire. La synthèse des lipides est plus élevée sous un éclairement inférieur à ML. En revanche, la synthèse des protéines et de chrysolam-inarine augmente respectivement sous fort et faible éclairements. Les changements d’expression génique suggèrent que la conversion réversible du phosphoénol-pyruvate en pyruvate constitue une étape clé de l’orientation des intermédiaires dans les différentes voies de biosynthèse des molécules d’intérêt. L'état physiologique des cellules doit être considéré pour la comparaison d’échantillons. La 2ème partie du mémoire est consacrée aux effets de la quantité et de la qualité de la lumière délivrée par des LED (bleu, rouge, 70% de lumière rouge+30% de bleu et blanc) sur la régulation de la synthèse de métabolites secondaires chez 3 espèces de menthe prélevées dans la nature. La qualité de la lumière influence la stratégie d’utilisation du carbone par les plantes. Par exemple, la lumière rouge stimule le mieux la production de la synthèse de l'huile essentielle chez la menthe alors que le taux de fixation du carbone est similaire à celui trouvé dans les autres conditions d’illumination. Glomus mossae est le seul champignon mycorhizien à arbuscules à induire une augmentation supplémentaire de la production d’huile essentielle.Under stress, photosynthetic organisms reoriente their metabolism toward the production of high added value molecules. Regarding the importance of this process, it is surprising that the processes on which the reorientation relies are still not better understood. This thesis aims to provide new information regarding these processes. The 1st part of this thesis is dedicated to the effects of 3 different light intensities on the carbon metabolism of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The impact of light intensities higher than 300 µmol photons m-2 s-1 (ML) were different from those obtained with 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1 at the physiological and molecular levels. Carbon deficiency was responsible for the occurrence of plateau phase in cultures. Except lag phase, lipid synthesis was higher under ML In contrast, protein and chrysolaminarin syntheses increased under 1000 and 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1, respectively. Gene expression modifications suggest that the reversible conversion between phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate constitutes a key step for the orientation of intermediates to either high value molecules biosynthetic pathways. The physiological state of the cells should be taken into consideration when samples comparison is considered.The 2nd part of the report is dedicated to the effects of light quantity and quality (blue, red, 70% red+30% blue and white light delivered by LED) on the regulation of essential oil synthesis in 3 Mentha species collected in nature. The light quality impacts the strategy of carbon utilization by the plant. Typically, red light was the most effective for stimulating the production of essential oil in Mentha sp. while carbon fixation capacity was similar to that found in other ligthing conditions. Regardless the light intensity, Glomus mossae was the only arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus able to enhance additionally essential oil production

    Plastids of Marine Phytoplankton Produce Bioactive Pigments and Lipids

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    Phytoplankton is acknowledged to be a very diverse source of bioactive molecules. These compounds play physiological roles that allow cells to deal with changes of the environmental constrains. For example, the diversity of light harvesting pigments allows efficient photosynthesis at different depths in the seawater column. Identically, lipid composition of cell membranes can vary according to environmental factors. This, together with the heterogenous evolutionary origin of taxa, makes the chemical diversity of phytoplankton compounds much larger than in terrestrial plants. This contribution is dedicated to pigments and lipids synthesized within or from plastids/photosynthetic membranes. It starts with a short review of cyanobacteria and microalgae phylogeny. Then the bioactivity of pigments and lipids (anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic, anti-cancer, anti-obesity, anti-allergic activities, and cardio- neuro-, hepato- and photoprotective effects), alone or in combination, is detailed. To increase the cellular production of bioactive compounds, specific culture conditions may be applied (e.g., high light intensity, nitrogen starvation). Regardless of the progress made in blue biotechnologies, the production of bioactive compounds is still limited. However, some examples of large scale production are given, and perspectives are suggested in the final section

    Modélisation synthétique des régimes hydrologiques : évolution des modèles de synthèse QdF en cas d'échanges nappes - rivières actifs et activables : test sur un bassin très perméable, le Rival (Isère)

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    A synthesis model QdF presents strongly fittered and smothed relations between thresholds discharges, their continuous durations and their probabilities, in place of the detailed and somewhat scattered real time series of discharges. They are first derived from local (station) chronics of discharges, observed or simulated with continuous rain - discharge models. Their way of variations along the river, downstream or upstream, characterizes the runoff regimes and the effects of the eventual river management. This approch is tested on the Rival river, which has some very strong exchanges between Surface and Grounwater 5EGS) runoff. These EGS are estimated through the QdF models, comparing the actual regime with a regional one without those exceptionnal EGS, and also summarized in synthesis models with frequencies, durations, basin areas, etc..These avaluations are partially validated with a simplified physically based seepage-drainage model, exploiting the regional conductivities, and with a conceptual representation of a stream topopgraphy : MENR.Such model allows, in reciprocity, to estimate the ragime changes induced by river management, and in particular by flood management / Dans un modèle synthétique débit (Q), durée (d) et fréquence (F) noté QdF, il s'agit, symboliquement, de remplacer la dentelle des chroniques événementielles Q(t), par des courbes synthétiques Q(d(T) ) (T ou F représentant des probabilités). La détermination des QdF est d'abord ponctuelle, et limitée à chaque station observée en Q(t) ou simulée en Q(P(t)). La manière dont ces QdF se transfèrent vers l'aval (ou vers l'amont) peut caractériser tant les régimes naturels que les aménagements. Cette démarche a été appliquée et testée sur le bassin versant du Rival (Isère) qui a des interactions fortes et complexes entre la rivière et la nappe. On a comparé l'évolution réelle observée à celle qui résulterait d'une évolution classique régionale, toutes choses égales d'ailleurs, sans ENR (Echange Nappe Rivière) exceptionnels. Les différences trouvées, quantifiées dans le détail (selon d, T, Superficie, etc...) sont attribuables aux ENR. Pourvalider, on a élaboré un modèle physique simplifié MENR. En démarche inverse, on peut estimer les effets d'opérations d'aménagement hydraulique sur le régime des crues modélisé en QdF

    Régulation de la synthèse de composés secondaires par les organismes photosynthétiques en conditions de stress

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    Under stress, photosynthetic organisms reoriente their metabolism toward the production of high added value molecules. Regarding the importance of this process, it is surprising that the processes on which the reorientation relies are still not better understood. This thesis aims to provide new information regarding these processes. The 1st part of this thesis is dedicated to the effects of 3 different light intensities on the carbon metabolism of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. The impact of light intensities higher than 300 µmol photons m-2 s-1 (ML) were different from those obtained with 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1 at the physiological and molecular levels. Carbon deficiency was responsible for the occurrence of plateau phase in cultures. Except lag phase, lipid synthesis was higher under ML In contrast, protein and chrysolaminarin syntheses increased under 1000 and 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1, respectively. Gene expression modifications suggest that the reversible conversion between phosphoenolpyruvate and pyruvate constitutes a key step for the orientation of intermediates to either high value molecules biosynthetic pathways. The physiological state of the cells should be taken into consideration when samples comparison is considered.The 2nd part of the report is dedicated to the effects of light quantity and quality (blue, red, 70% red+30% blue and white light delivered by LED) on the regulation of essential oil synthesis in 3 Mentha species collected in nature. The light quality impacts the strategy of carbon utilization by the plant. Typically, red light was the most effective for stimulating the production of essential oil in Mentha sp. while carbon fixation capacity was similar to that found in other ligthing conditions. Regardless the light intensity, Glomus mossae was the only arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus able to enhance additionally essential oil production.En condition de stress, les organismes photosynthétiques réorientent leur métabolisme vers la production de métabolites d’intérêt. Cette thèse vise à fournir de nouvelles informations sur ces processus chez les algues et les plantes supérieures. La 1ère partie est consacrée aux effets de 3 éclairements différents sur le métabolisme du carbone de la diatomée Phaeodactylum tricornutum. L'impact d’un éclairement supérieur à 300 µmol photons m-2 s-1 (ML) est tout à fait différent de celui obtenu pour un éclairement de 30 µmol photons m-2 s-1 tant au niveau physiologique que moléculaire. Dans nos conditions, la carence en carbone constitue la cause principale de l'apparition de la phase stationnaire. La synthèse des lipides est plus élevée sous un éclairement inférieur à ML. En revanche, la synthèse des protéines et de chrysolam-inarine augmente respectivement sous fort et faible éclairements. Les changements d’expression génique suggèrent que la conversion réversible du phosphoénol-pyruvate en pyruvate constitue une étape clé de l’orientation des intermédiaires dans les différentes voies de biosynthèse des molécules d’intérêt. L'état physiologique des cellules doit être considéré pour la comparaison d’échantillons. La 2ème partie du mémoire est consacrée aux effets de la quantité et de la qualité de la lumière délivrée par des LED (bleu, rouge, 70% de lumière rouge+30% de bleu et blanc) sur la régulation de la synthèse de métabolites secondaires chez 3 espèces de menthe prélevées dans la nature. La qualité de la lumière influence la stratégie d’utilisation du carbone par les plantes. Par exemple, la lumière rouge stimule le mieux la production de la synthèse de l'huile essentielle chez la menthe alors que le taux de fixation du carbone est similaire à celui trouvé dans les autres conditions d’illumination. Glomus mossae est le seul champignon mycorhizien à arbuscules à induire une augmentation supplémentaire de la production d’huile essentielle

    Free-floating left atrial thrombi with acquired protein C deficiency in hepatitis

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    A 43-year-old woman with a recent history of confirmed hepatitis B presented with yellow sclera and dyspnea. Clinically, she had tachycardia and tachypnea as well as signs of jaundice and right upper quadrant pain. She was in sinus rhythm with a normal aspect of cardiac examination. She was treated with corticosteroids and her symptoms were partially relieved, however, her mild fever remained unchanged and a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) and transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) were done to rule out embolic or in situ infective endocarditis. Images from the TEE and TTE showed a ping-pong-like clot in the left atrium with a normal cardiac function and a normal mitral valve function. The mitral leaflets appeared to be normal with no regurgitation, and no clot was noted in other chambers or valves, including the atrial appendages. A differential diagnosis of infective vegetations, clots, or tumors was considered. The three subsequent blood cultures were negative. A complete thrombophilia assay revealed a severe reduced protein C factor, however, the IgG anti cardiolipin and lupus anticoagulant were normal. The woman’s anti-nuclear antibody and anti-double-stranded DNA were negative, confirming the diagnosis of acquired protein C deficiency. The patient underwent an open surgical removal of the clot and postoperative treatment with steroids, warfarin, and heparin. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the 13th day of operation in good condition. This case was interesting because we did not find any mitral valve pathology such as mitral stenosis, or arrhythmia like atrial fibrillation

    Design and validation of moral education appropriate to characteristics Elementary students in Iran Emphasizing the document on the fundamental transformation of education

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    Background: One of the important issues that contemporary education faces is the issue of moral education. The importance of ethical education in the education system, especially in the elementary period, is obvious and undeniable, and ethical education is also part of a curriculum that will boost the students' academic and practical skills. Method: This research is a qualitative research with a descriptive-analytical approach and its method is "Qualitative content analysis method" in particular. To identify the status of moral education in the elementary period, the primary data was obtained using qualitative and documentary analysis. To select interview samples, a targeted sampling method and specifically a snowball technique were used with 15 researchers involved in the subject and the "theoretical saturation criterion”. Findings and Conclusion: The results of the interview were arranged by using the selected coding and the final model was arranged in the form of four elements of goals (in the cognitive, emotional and emotional domain), principles, content and educational methods. Among the features of this pattern Can be native, attention to audience characteristics, scientific, specificity, simplicity, exquisiteness, realism, educational outlook, and active approach to teaching and learning