28 research outputs found

    Baryonic and mesonic 3-point functions with open spin indices

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    We have implemented a new way of computing three-point correlation functions. It is based on a factorization of the entire correlation function into two parts which are evaluated with open spin- (and to some extent flavor-) indices. This allows us to estimate the two contributions simultaneously for many different initial and final states and momenta, with little computational overhead. We explain this factorization as well as its efficient implementation in a new library which has been written to provide the necessary functionality on modern parallel architectures and on CPUs, including Intel's Xeon Phi series.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of Lattice 201

    Lattice QCD with Domain Decomposition on Intel Xeon Phi Co-Processors

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    The gap between the cost of moving data and the cost of computing continues to grow, making it ever harder to design iterative solvers on extreme-scale architectures. This problem can be alleviated by alternative algorithms that reduce the amount of data movement. We investigate this in the context of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics and implement such an alternative solver algorithm, based on domain decomposition, on Intel Xeon Phi co-processor (KNC) clusters. We demonstrate close-to-linear on-chip scaling to all 60 cores of the KNC. With a mix of single- and half-precision the domain-decomposition method sustains 400-500 Gflop/s per chip. Compared to an optimized KNC implementation of a standard solver [1], our full multi-node domain-decomposition solver strong-scales to more nodes and reduces the time-to-solution by a factor of 5.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, presented at Supercomputing 2014, November 16-21, 2014, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, speaker Simon Heybrock; SC '14 Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, pages 69-80, IEEE Press Piscataway, NJ, USA (c)201

    A nested Krylov subspace method to compute the sign function of large complex matrices

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    We present an acceleration of the well-established Krylov-Ritz methods to compute the sign function of large complex matrices, as needed in lattice QCD simulations involving the overlap Dirac operator at both zero and nonzero baryon density. Krylov-Ritz methods approximate the sign function using a projection on a Krylov subspace. To achieve a high accuracy this subspace must be taken quite large, which makes the method too costly. The new idea is to make a further projection on an even smaller, nested Krylov subspace. If additionally an intermediate preconditioning step is applied, this projection can be performed without affecting the accuracy of the approximation, and a substantial gain in efficiency is achieved for both Hermitian and non-Hermitian matrices. The numerical efficiency of the method is demonstrated on lattice configurations of sizes ranging from 4^4 to 10^4, and the new results are compared with those obtained with rational approximation methods.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, minor corrections, extended analysis of the preconditioning ste

    QPACE 2 and Domain Decomposition on the Intel Xeon Phi

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    We give an overview of QPACE 2, which is a custom-designed supercomputer based on Intel Xeon Phi processors, developed in a collaboration of Regensburg University and Eurotech. We give some general recommendations for how to write high-performance code for the Xeon Phi and then discuss our implementation of a domain-decomposition-based solver and present a number of benchmarks.Comment: plenary talk at Lattice 2014, to appear in the conference proceedings PoS(LATTICE2014), 15 pages, 9 figure

    Short-recurrence Krylov subspace methods for the overlap Dirac operator at nonzero chemical potential

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    The overlap operator in lattice QCD requires the computation of the sign function of a matrix, which is non-Hermitian in the presence of a quark chemical potential. In previous work we introduced an Arnoldi-based Krylov subspace approximation, which uses long recurrences. Even after the deflation of critical eigenvalues, the low efficiency of the method restricts its application to small lattices. Here we propose new short-recurrence methods which strongly enhance the efficiency of the computational method. Using rational approximations to the sign function we introduce two variants, based on the restarted Arnoldi process and on the two-sided Lanczos method, respectively, which become very efficient when combined with multishift solvers. Alternatively, in the variant based on the two-sided Lanczos method the sign function can be evaluated directly. We present numerical results which compare the efficiencies of a restarted Arnoldi-based method and the direct two-sided Lanczos approximation for various lattice sizes. We also show that our new methods gain substantially when combined with deflation.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures; as published in Comput. Phys. Commun., modified data in Figs. 2,3 and 4 for improved implementation of FOM algorithm, extended discussion of the algorithmic cos