238 research outputs found

    Immune related endonucleases and GTPases are not associated with tumor response in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with checkpoint inhibitors

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    Immune related endonucleases have recently been described as potential therapeutic targets and predictors of response to treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI). The aim is to evaluate the association between the expression of 5 biomarkers involved in the immune response (CD73, CD39, VISTA, Arl4d and Cytohesin-3) in parallel with the more common ICI-predictive markers, PD-L1 expression and Tumor Mutation Burden (TMB) with response to ICI therapy in an advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cohort. METHODS: Patients with advanced NSCLC treated with ICI single agent were divided into responders and non-responders according to RECIST v1.1 and duration of response (DOR) criteria. Immunohistochemistry was performed on pretreatment tumor tissue samples for PD-L1, CD73, CD39, VISTA, Arl4d, and Cytohesin-3 expression. TMB was estimated with NEOplus v2 RUO (NEO New Oncology GmbH) hybrid capture next generation sequencing assay. Resistance mutations in STK11/KEAP1 and positive predictive mutations in ARID1A/POLE were also evaluated. RESULTS: Included were 56 patients who were treated with ICI single agent. The median progression-free and overall survival for the whole cohort was 3.0 (95% CI, 2.4-3.6) and 15 (95% CI, 9.7-20.2) months, respectively. The distribution of CD73 in tumor cells and CD39, VISTA, Arl4d and Cytohesin-3 expression in immune cells were not different between responders and non-responders. Also, PD-L1 and TMB were not predictive for response. The frequency of STK11, KEAP1 and ARID1A mutations was low and only observed in the non-responder group. CONCLUSION: Separate and combined expression of 5 biomarkers involved in the immune response (CD73, CD39, VISTA, Arl4d, and Cytohesin-3) was not associated with response in our cohort of advanced NSCLC patients receiving single agent ICI. To confirm our findings the analysis of independent larger cohorts is warranted

    Spatial surface-pattern analyses and boundary detection techniques applied in forest ecology

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    [EN] We review methods for uni- and multivariate surface pattern analysis and boundary detection used in forest ecology. A continuous surface pattern is defined as the locations of points (trees) in the space and the associated variable or variables. We illustrate useful methods to describe spatial patterns and infer the generating processes. We show the statistical basis and applied examples of univariate methods for binary (join counts) and quantitative variables (Moran and Geary correlograms, semivariograms, fractal dimension). We explain the calculus and interpretation of multivariate methods to describe surface patterns (Mantel test and correlogram) and their relationships with ordination methods. Finally, we show examples of techniques for boundary detection. Most analysed patterns corresponded to Pinus uncinata forests from the upper altitudinal limit in the Pyrenees or from a relict population. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each methodology and their applications in forest ecology.[ES] En este trabajo se revisan los métodos de análisis univariable y multivariable de los patrones de superficies y de detección de fronteras más utilizados en ecología forestal. El patrón de superficies es un patrón espacial continuo definido por las posiciones de los puntos (árboles) en el espacio y una o varias variables asociadas a cada punto. Se ilustran métodos útiles para describir patrones espaciales e inferir los procesos que los generaron. Se muestra el fundamento estadístico y ejemplos aplicados de métodos de análisis univariables para variables binarias (conteo contiguo) y cuantitativas (correlogramas de Moran y Geary, semivariogramas, dimensión fractal). Se detalla el cálculo e interpretación de métodos multivariables para la descripción de patrones de superficies (correlograma y test de Mantel) y su relación con los métodos de ordenación. Finalmente, se muestran ejemplos de métodos para la detección de fronteras. La mayor parte de los patrones reales analizados provienen de bosques de Pinus uncinata del límite altitudinal superior en los Pirineos o bien de una población relíctica. Se discuten las ventajas y desventajas de cada metodología y sus aplicaciones en ecología forestal.Los datos de Vinuesa se obtuvieron en el proyecto AMB95-0160 (CICyT).Peer reviewe

    Integration of Tumor Mutation Burden and PD-L1 Testing in Routine Laboratory Diagnostics in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    In recent years, Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has evolved into a prime example for precision oncology with multiple FDA-approved "precision" drugs. For the majority of NSCLC lacking targetable genetic alterations, immune checkpoint inhibition (ICI) has become standard of care in first-line treatment or beyond. PD-L1 tumor expression represents the only approved predictive biomarker for PD-L1/PD-1 checkpoint inhibition by therapeutic antibodies. Since PD-L1-negative or low-expressing tumors may also respond to ICI, additional factors are likely to contribute in addition to PD-L1 expression. Tumor mutation burden (TMB) has emerged as a potential candidate; however, it is the most complex biomarker so far and might represent a challenge for routine diagnostics. We therefore established a hybrid capture (HC) next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay that covers all oncogenic driver alterations as well as TMB and validated TMB values by correlation with the assay (F1CDx) used for the CheckMate 227 study. Results of the first consecutive 417 patients analyzed in a routine clinical setting are presented. Data show that fast reliable comprehensive diagnostics including TMB and targetable alterations are obtained with a short turn-around time. Thus, even complex biomarkers can easily be implemented in routine practice to optimize treatment decisions for advanced NSCLC

    Sensitizing Protective Tumor Microenvironments to Antibody-Mediated Therapy

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    Therapy-resistant microenvironments represent a major barrier toward effective elimination of disseminated malignancies. Here, we show that select microenvironments can underlie resistance to antibody-based therapy. Using a humanized model of treatment refractory B cell leukemia, we find that infiltration of leukemia cells into the bone marrow rewires the tumor microenvironment to inhibit engulfment of antibody-targeted tumor cells. Resistance to macrophage-mediated killing can be overcome by combination regimens involving therapeutic antibodies and chemotherapy. Specifically, the nitrogen mustard cyclophosphamide induces an acute secretory activating phenotype (ASAP), releasing CCL4, IL8, VEGF, and TNFα from treated tumor cells. These factors induce macrophage infiltration and phagocytic activity in the bone marrow. Thus, the acute induction of stress-related cytokines can effectively target cancer cells for removal by the innate immune system. This synergistic chemoimmunotherapeutic regimen represents a potent strategy for using conventional anticancer agents to alter the tumor microenvironment and promote the efficacy of targeted therapeutics.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Ludwig Center for Molecular OncologyKathy and Curt Marble Cancer Research FundSingapore-MIT Alliance for Research and TechnologyGerman Research Foundation (KFO286)German Research Foundation (Fellowship)National Cancer Institute (U.S.) (Koch Institute Support (Core) Grant P30-CA14051

    The neural substrate and functional integration of uncertainty in decision making: an information theory approach

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    Decision making can be regarded as the outcome of cognitive processes leading to the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Borrowing a central measurement from information theory, Shannon entropy, we quantified the uncertainties produced by decisions of participants within an economic decision task under different configurations of reward probability and time. These descriptors were used to obtain blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal correlates of uncertainty and two clusters codifying the Shannon entropy of task configurations were identified: a large cluster including parts of the right middle cingulate cortex (MCC) and left and right pre-supplementary motor areas (pre-SMA) and a small cluster at the left anterior thalamus. Subsequent functional connectivity analyses using the psycho-physiological interactions model identified areas involved in the functional integration of uncertainty. Results indicate that clusters mostly located at frontal and temporal cortices experienced an increased connectivity with the right MCC and left and right pre-SMA as the uncertainty was higher. Furthermore, pre-SMA was also functionally connected to a rich set of areas, most of them associative areas located at occipital and parietal lobes. This study provides a map of the human brain segregation and integration (i.e., neural substrate and functional connectivity respectively) of the uncertainty associated to an economic decision making paradigm

    A Cre-conditional MYCN-driven neuroblastoma mouse model as an improved tool for preclinical studies

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    Neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer that originates from neural crest-derived cells, is the most common deadly solid tumor of infancy. Amplification of the MYCN oncogene, which occurs in approximately 20-25% of human neuroblastomas, is the most prominent genetic marker of high-stage disease. The availability of valid preclinical in vivo models is a prerequisite to develop novel targeted therapies. We here report on the generation of transgenic mice with Cre-conditional induction of MYCN in dopamine β-hydroxylase-expressing cells, termed LSL-MYCN;Dbh-iCre. These mice develop neuroblastic tumors with an incidence of >75%, regardless of strain background. Molecular profiling of tumors revealed upregulation of the MYCN-dependent miR-17-92 cluster as well as expression of neuroblastoma marker genes, including tyrosine hydroxylase and the neural cell adhesion molecule 1. Gene set enrichment analyses demonstrated significant correlation with MYC-associated expression patterns. Array comparative genome hybridization showed that chromosomal aberrations in LSL-MYCN;Dbh-iCre tumors were syntenic to those observed in human neuroblastomas. Treatment of a cell line established from a tumor derived from a LSL-MYCN;Dbh-iCre mouse with JQ1 or MLN8237 reduced cell viability and demonstrated oncogene addiction to MYCN. Here we report establishment of the first Cre-conditional human MYCN-driven mouse model for neuroblastoma that closely recapitulates the human disease with respect to tumor localization, histology, marker expression and genomic make up. This mouse model is a valuable tool for further functional studies and to assess the effect of targeted therapies

    Система управления персоналом в Управлении железнодорожного транспорта Алмалыкского Горно-Металлургического комбината

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    Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является разработка направлений по совершенствованию системы управления персоналом в управлении железнодорожного транспорта АО "АГМК". В результате исследования были разработаны мероприятия по повышению уровня управления персоналом в управлении железнодорожного транспорта АО "АГМК" Степень внедрения: одно из разработанных предложений планируется на внедрение в управлении персоналом железнодорожного транспорта АО "АГМК". Область применения: разработанные мероприятия по управлению персоналом предприятия, может быть использован на предприятии, в организации, фирме любой отрасли.Научная новизна работы заключается в обосновании необходимости формирования новой концепции управления персоналом на предприятии, в обобщении основных методов управления персонThe goal of the final qualifying work is to develop directions for improving the personnel management system in the management of the railway transport of JSC "AGMK". As a result of the research, measures were developed to improve the level of personnel management in the management of the railway transport of JSC "AGMK" Degree of implementation: one of the developed proposals is planned for implementation in the management of railway transport personnel of JSC "AGMK". Scope: developed measures for the management of the company's personnel, can be used at the enterprise, in the organization, the firm of any industry. The scientific novelty of the work is to justify the need to formulate a new concept of personnel management at the enterprise, to generalize the basic methods of personnel ma

    The prosurvival IKK-related kinase IKKϵ integrates LPS and IL17A signaling cascades to promote Wnt-dependent tumor development in the intestine

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    Constitutive Wnt signaling promotes intestinal cell proliferation, but signals from the tumor microenvironment are also required to support cancer development. The role that signaling proteins play to establish a tumor microenvironment has not been extensively studied. Therefore, we assessed the role of the proinflammatory Ikk-related kinase Ikkϵ in Wnt-driven tumor development. We found that Ikkϵ was activated in intestinal tumors forming upon loss of the tumor suppressor Apc. Genetic ablation of Ikkϵ in b-catenin-driven models of intestinal cancer reduced tumor incidence and consequently extended survival. Mechanistically, we attributed the tumor-promoting effects of Ikkϵ to limited TNF-dependent apoptosis in transformed intestinal epithelial cells. In addition, Ikkϵ was also required for lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and IL17A-induced activation of Akt, Mek1/2, Erk1/2, and Msk1. Accordingly, genes encoding proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines, and anti-microbial peptides were downregulated in Ikkϵ-deficient tissues, subsequently affecting the recruitment of tumor-associated macrophages and IL17A synthesis. Further studies revealed that IL17A synergized with commensal bacteria to trigger Ikkϵ phosphorylation in transformed intestinal epithelial cells, establishing a positive feedback loop to support tumor development. Therefore, TNF, LPS, and IL17A-dependent signaling pathways converge on Ikkϵ to promote cell survival and to establish an inflammatory tumor microenvironment in the intestine upon constitutive Wnt activation. � 2016 American Association for Cancer Research