17 research outputs found

    Thyroid Hormone Transporters

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    Thyroid hormone transporters at the plasma membrane govern intracellular bioavailability of thyroid hormone. Monocarboxylate transporter (MCT) 8 and MCT10, organic anion transporting polypeptide (OATP) 1C1, and SLC17A4 are currently known as transporters displaying the highest specificity toward thyroid hormones. Structure-function studies using homology modeling and mutational screens have led to better understanding of the molecular basis of thyroid hormone transport. Mutations in MCT8 and in OATP1C1 have been associated with clinical disorders. Different animal models have provided insight into the functional role of thyroid hormone transporters, in particular MCT8. Different treatment strategies for MCT8 deficiency have been explored, of which thyroid hormone analogue therapy is currently applied in patients. Future studies may reveal the identity of as-yet-undiscovered thyroid hormone transporters. Complementary studies employing animal and human models will provide further insight into the role of transporters in health and disease. (E

    Thyroid Hormone Transporters MCT8 and OATP1C1 Control Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

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    Thyroid hormone (TH) transporters are required for the transmembrane passage of TH in target cells. In humans, inactivating mutations in the TH transporter MCT8 cause the Allan-Herndon-Dudley syndrome, characterized by severe neuromuscular symptoms and an abnormal TH serum profile, which is fully replicated in Mct8 knockout mice and Mct8/Oatp1c1 double-knockout (M/O DKO) mice. Analysis of tissue TH content and expression of TH-regulated genes indicate a thyrotoxic state in Mct8-deficient skeletal muscles. Both TH transporters are upregulated in activated satellite cells (SCs). In M/O DKO mice, we observed a strongly reduced number of differentiated SCs, suggesting an impaired stem cell function. Moreover, M/O DKO mice and mice lacking both transporters exclusively in SCs showed impaired skeletal muscle regeneration. Our data provide solid evidence for a unique gate-keeper function of MCT8 and OATP1C1 in SC activation, underscoring the importance of a finely tuned TH signaling during myogenesis. In this article, Mayerl and colleagues demonstrate that the thyroid hormone transporters MCT8 and OATP1C1 are unique gate-keepers in activated muscle stem cells. The expression of both transporters increases upon activation of muscle stem cells, while loss of MCT8 and OATP1C1 expression results in impaired muscle stem cell differentiation

    Monocarboxylate transporter 8 modulates the viability and invasive capacity of human placental cells and fetoplacental growth in mice

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    Monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) is a well-established thyroid hormone (TH) transporter. In humans, MCT8 mutations result in changes in circulating TH concentrations and X-linked severe global neurodevelopmental delay. MCT8 is expressed in the human placenta throughout gestation, with increased expression in trophoblast cells from growth-restricted pregnancies. We postulate that MCT8 plays an important role in placental development and transplacental TH transport. We investigated the effect of altering MCT8 expression in human trophoblast in vitro and in a Mct8 knockout mouse model. Silencing of endogenous MCT8 reduced T3 uptake into human extravillous trophoblast-like cells (SGHPL-4; 40%, P<0.05) and primary cytotrophoblast (15%, P<0.05). MCT8 over-expression transiently increased T3 uptake (SGHPL-4∶30%, P<0.05; cytotrophoblast: 15%, P<0.05). Silencing MCT8 did not significantly affect SGHPL-4 invasion, but with MCT8 over-expression T3 treatment promoted invasion compared with no T3 (3.3-fold; P<0.05). Furthermore, MCT8 silencing increased cytotrophoblast viability (∼20%, P<0.05) and MCT8 over-expression reduced cytotrophoblast viability independently of T3 (∼20%, P<0.05). In vivo, Mct8 knockout reduced fetal:placental weight ratios compared with wild-type controls at gestational day 18 (25%, P<0.05) but absolute fetal and placental weights were not significantly different. The volume fraction of the labyrinthine zone of the placenta, which facilitates maternal-fetal exchange, was reduced in Mct8 knockout placentae (10%, P<0.05). However, there was no effect on mouse placental cell proliferation in vivo. We conclude that MCT8 makes a significant contribution to T3 uptake into human trophoblast cells and has a role in modulating human trophoblast cell invasion and viability. In mice, Mct8 knockout has subtle effects upon fetoplacental growth and does not significantly affect placental cell viability probably due to compensatory mechanisms in vivo

    Control of paratuberculosis: who, why and how. A review of 48 countries

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    Paratuberculosis, a chronic disease affecting ruminant livestock, is caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). It has direct and indirect economic costs, impacts animal welfare and arouses public health concerns. In a survey of 48 countries we found paratuberculosis to be very common in livestock. In about half the countries more than 20% of herds and flocks were infected with MAP. Most countries had large ruminant populations (millions), several types of farmed ruminants, multiple husbandry systems and tens of thousands of individual farms, creating challenges for disease control. In addition, numerous species of free-living wildlife were infected. Paratuberculosis was notifiable in most countries, but formal control programs were present in only 22 countries. Generally, these were the more highly developed countries with advanced veterinary services. Of the countries without a formal control program for paratuberculosis, 76% were in South and Central America, Asia and Africa while 20% were in Europe. Control programs were justified most commonly on animal health grounds, but protecting market access and public health were other factors. Prevalence reduction was the major objective in most countries, but Norway and Sweden aimed to eradicate the disease, so surveillance and response were their major objectives. Government funding was involved in about two thirds of countries, but operations tended to be funded by farmers and their organizations and not by government alone. The majority of countries (60%) had voluntary control programs. Generally, programs were supported by incentives for joining, financial compensation and/or penalties for non-participation. Performance indicators, structure, leadership, practices and tools used in control programs are also presented. Securing funding for long-term control activities was a widespread problem. Control programs were reported to be successful in 16 (73%) of the 22 countries. Recommendations are made for future control programs, including a primary goal of establishing an international code for paratuberculosis, leading to universal acknowledgment of the principles and methods of control in relation to endemic and transboundary disease. An holistic approach across all ruminant livestock industries and long-term commitment is required for control of paratuberculosis

    Impact of Oatp1c1 deficiency on thyroid hormone metabolism and action in the mouse brain

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    Organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1c1 (Oatp1c1) (also known as Slco1c1 and Oatp14) belongs to the family of Oatp and has been shown to facilitate the transport of T 4. In the rodent brain, Oatp1c1 is highly enriched in capillary endothelial cells and choroid plexus structures where it may mediate the entry of T 4 into the central nervous system. Here, we describe the generation and first analysis of Oatp1c1-deficient mice. Oatp1c1 knockout (KO) mice were born with the expected frequency, were n

    Athyroid Pax8-/- mice cannot be rescued by the inactivation of thyroid hormone receptor α1

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    The Pax8-/- mouse provides an ideal animal model to study the consequences of congenital hypothyroidism, because its only known defect is the absence of thyroid follicular cells. Pax8-/- mice are, therefore, completely athyroid in postnatal life and die around weaning unless they are substituted with thyroid hormones. As reported recently, Pax8-/- mice can also be rescued and survive to adulthood by the additional elimination of the entire thyroid hormone receptor α (TRα) gene, yielding Pax8 -/-TRαo/o double-knockout animals. This observation has led to the hypothesis that unliganded TRα1 might be responsible for the lethal phenotype observed in Pax8-/- animals. In this study we report the generation of Pax8-/- TRα1-/- double-knockout mice that still express the non-T3-binding TR isoforms α2 and Δα2. These animals closely resemble the phenotype of Pax8-/- mice, including growth retardation and a completely distorted appearance of the pituitary with thyrotroph hyperplasia and hypertrophy, extremely high TSH mRNA levels, reduced GH mRNA expression, and the almost complete absence of lactotrophs. Like Pax8-/- mice, Pax8-/-TRα1-/- compound mutants die around weaning unless they are substituted with thyroid hormones. These findings do not support the previous interpretation that the short life span of Pax8-/- mice is due to the negative effects of the TRα1 aporeceptor, but, rather, suggest a more complex mechanism involving TRα2 and an unliganded TR isoform. Copyrigh

    Tetrac can replace thyroid hormone during brain development in mouse mutants deficient in the thyroid hormone transporter Mct8

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    The monocarboxylate transporter 8 (MCT8) plays a critical role in mediating the uptake of thyroid hormones (THs) into the brain. In patients, inactivating mutations in the MCT8 gene are associated with a severe form of psychomotor retardation and abnormal serum TH levels. Here, we evaluate the therapeutic potential of the TH analog 3,5,3′,5′-tetraiodothyroacetic acid (tetrac) as a replacement for T4 in brain development. Using COS1 cells transfected with TH transporter and deiodinase constructs, we could show that tetrac, albeit not being transported by MCT8, can be metabolized to the TH receptor active compound 3,3′,5-triiodothyroacetic acid (triac) by type 2 deiodinase and inactivated by type 3 deiodinase. Triac in turn is capable of replacing T3 in primary murine cerebellar cultures where it potently stimulates Purkinje cell development. In vivo effects of tetrac were assessed in congenital hypothyroid Pax8-knockout (KO) and Mct8/Pax8 double-KO mice as well as in Mct8-KO and wild-type animals after daily injection of tetrac (400 ng/g body weight) during the first postnatal weeks. This treatment was sufficient to promote TH-dependent neuronal differentiation in the cerebellum, cerebral cortex, and striatum but was ineffective in suppressing hypothalamic TRH expression. In contrast, TSH transcript levels in the pituitary were strongly downregulated in response to tetrac. Based on our findings we propose that tetrac administration offers the opportunity to provide neurons during the postnatal stage with a potent TH receptor agonist, thereby eventually reducing the neurological damage in patients with MCT8 mutations without deteriorating the thyrotoxic situation in peripheral tissues. Copyrigh

    The multispecific thyroid hormone transporter OATP1C1 mediates cell-specific sulforhodamine 101-labeling of hippocampal astrocytes

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    Sulforhodamine 101 (SR101) is widely used for astrocyte identification, though the labeling mechanism remains unknown and the efficacy of labeling in different brain regions is heterogeneous. By combining region-specific isolation of astrocytes followed by transcriptome analysis, two-photon excitation microscopy, and mouse genetics, we identified the thyroid hormone transporter OATP1C1 as the SR101-uptake transporter in hippocampus and cortex