175 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan pemahaman siswa melalui model STAD dan PBL dalam pembelajaran IPS. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan keadaan siswa tidak menggunakan model pembelajaran yang bervariasi, sehingga suasana belajar menjadi tidak aktif dan pemahaman yang relatif kurang. Perlu adanya alternatif model pembelajaran salah satunya penerapan model kooperatif tipe STAD dan PBL. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Kuasi Eksperimen dengan menggunakan sistem kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol, pre test, tindakan, dan pos test. Teknik evaluasi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik tes dan non tes. Teknik tes untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa, dan teknik non tes untuk mengetahui aktivitas siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran STAD dapat lebih meningkatkan pemahaman siswa dalam aktivitas belajar daripada penggunaan model PBL. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam mengerjakan pretes dari tahap I sampai tahap IV. Kesimpulan yang diperolah dari penelitian ini adalah, bahwa penggunaan model pembelajaran STAD sangat menunjang terhadap peningkatan aktivitas dan pemahaman siswa di sekolah dasar.ĆĀ Dengan demikian, penggunaan model STAD dapat dijadikan salah satu model pembelajaran untuk diterapkan pada pembelajaran IPS.ĆĀ Kata kunci: Pemahaman, STAD, PBLĆ
PERAN PENYULUH PERTANIAN DALAM PENGEMBANGAN KELOMPOK TANI DI DESA TANAH ABANG KECAMATAN LONG MESANGAT KABUPATEN KUTAI TIMUR (The Role of Agricultural Extension in the Development of Farmer Groups in Tanah Abang Village Long Mesanggat Subregency East Kutai Regency)
Agricultural extension is a non-formal educational process that aims to improve the welfare of farmers. This study aimed to determine the role of Field Agricultural Extension (FAE) in the development of farmer groups. This research was conducted from March to May 2020 in Tanah Abang Village, Long Mesanggat Subregency, East Kutai Regency. Determination of samples number used a proportional sampling method with a total sample of 38 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed the role of FAE is as a motivator, educator, and facilitator. Growing farmer groups in terms farmer group institutions become strong and independent, increasing members ability in agribusiness development, and increasing groups ability in carrying out its functions
Keberadaan laut Indonesia yang luas dan posisi Indonesia yang strategis menjadikan
Indonesia sebagai poros maritim dunia sehingga Indonesia memiliki sumber daya alam laut
yang sangat potensial, salah satunya yaitu perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) yang
mempunyai potensi ikan yang melimpah. Banyaknya potensi ikan tidak lepas dari
keberadaan fitoplankton yang dapat diketahui dari kandungan klorofil-a dan Suhu
Permukaan Laut (SPL) melalui teknologi penginderaan jauh dengan memanfaatkan citra
aqua MODIS dan didukung dengan arah dan kecepatan angin citra QuickScat di perairan
NTT. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu dengan
menggunakan bahasa pemrograman untuk mengolah data SPL, klorofil-a dan angin dari
tahun 2003-2015 sehingga didapatkan pola spasial sebaran SPL, klorofil-a, arah dan
kecepatan angin untuk mengidentifikasi fenomena upwelling di perairan NTT yang
terbukti kaya akan nutrisi dan banyak mengandung fitoplankton sebagai pakan alami ikan
sehingga memberikan banyak pengaruh dalam peningkatan produktivitas ikan di perairan
NTT. Pengujian data dilakukan dengan menganalisis spasial sebaran data klorofil-a, SPL
dan angin terhadap daerah potensi ikan di perairan NTT. Hasil penelitian ini diperoleh peta
sebaran SPL, klorofil-a dan angin secara klimatologi untuk mengetahui sebab akibat
fenomena upwelling di perairan NTT. Fenomena upwelling di perairan NTT terjadi pada
bulan Mei sampai bulan September. Pada waktu upwelling, nilai sebaran klorofil-a berkisar
0,223-0,413 mg/m3 dengan rata-rata 0,329 mg/m3, sebaran klorofil-a tertinggi pada bulan
September. Nilai sebaran SPL berkisar 26,768-28,689 ā°C dengan rata-rata 27,548 ā°C,
sebaran SPL terendah pada bulan Agustus dan kecepatan angin pada saat upwelling
berkisar 3,654-5,351 m/s dengan rata-rata 4,715 m/s, kecepatan angin tertinggi pada bulan
Juli. Oleh karena itu, teradi keterlambatan waktu upwelling di perairan NTT
Identifikasi Kawasan Upwelling Berdasarkan Variabilitas Klorofil-a, Suhu Permukaan Laut Dari Data Citra Aqua Modis Tahun 2003-2015 Dan Arus (Studi Kasus: Perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur)
The existence of Indonesian sea which is widely and strategic becoming Indonesia as the world maritime axis that is why Indonesia have potential sea natural resources, one of them is East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) where have great fish potential. A lot of fish potential is related to fitoplankton existence which can know from chlorophyll-a and sea surface temperature by remote sensing with using Aqua MODIS imagery and also complemented with the wind vector and wind velocity from QuickScat Imagery in NTT sea.The data processing method in this research was used IDL to process sea surface temperature, chlorophyll-a and tide from 2013 until 2015, therefore sea surface temperature distribution spatial pattern, chlorophyll-a, vector and speed of wind to identify upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea which proven a lot of nutrition and a lot of fitoplankton as natural feed for fish therefore it can get impact for rising fish productivity in NTT sea. The test of data is required by analyzed distribution of clorophyll-a, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind to fish potential area in NTT sea.This research product are sea surface temperature distribution map and tide map, based on climatology this is to know cause and effect of upwelling in NTT sea. Upwelling phenomenon in NTT sea is happened on May until december. When the upwelling happens, chlorophyll-a value is about 0,223 until 0,413 mg/m3with the average is 0,329 mg/m3, the highest distribution of chlorophyll-a is on September. Sea surface temperature value distribution between 26,768-28,689 ā°C with the average is 27,548 ā°C, and The lowest distribution is on August and wid speed when upwelling happens is about 3,654-5,351 m/s with the average is 4,715 m/s, The highest wind speed is on July. Therefore, it makes upwelling time late in NTT sea
The Effects of Grammar Mastery and Vocabulary Mastery Towards Students Argumentative Writing
The aim of the research is to obtain the empirical data and analyze the effects of grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery towards studentsā argumentative writing. Research method is survey with multiple correlation technique. This research was conducted at privates senior high schools in Cibinong, in school year 2011-2012. Collecting data was done by using two kinds of instruments, multiple choice and essay writing. Multiple choice tests are used to measure the grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery of the studentsā. Essay writing is used to assess the argumentative writing especially analytical exposition. It shows that there are effects of grammar mastery and vocabulary mastery towards studentsā argumentative writing.Key Words: Grammar Mastery, Vocabulary Mastery, and Students Argumentative Writing
Relationship of Behavioral Factors with Existence of Aedes Aegypti in Buffer Area of Tanjung Intan Cilacap Port 2018
Background :DHF cases in the buffer area of Tanjung Intan Cilacap port is still high. Incident Rate (IR) reaches 0.54 per 1000 population. Density of DHF vectors is still abovethe required, HI 23.3%. The presence of Aedes aegypti larvae is influenced by several factors, one of which is behavior factor. This study aims to determine the relationship of behavior factors with the presence of larvae Ae. aegypti in buffer area of Tanjung Intan Cilacap Port.Methods: This is an observational analytical study with cross sectional design. The sample was chosen multistage sampling with 385 houses. This research uses data collection method through observation and interview. The study was conducted from May to June 2018. Results: The study yielded the following data. HI (28.1%), CI (26.13%), BI (37.9%). The chi-square analysis showed that variables related to the presence of larvae Ae. aegypti is Knowledge (p = 0,005), Attitude (p = 0,010) and Action (p = 0,039).Conclusion: Increased knowledge is needed to support the success of mosquito nest eradication programs (PSN).
Efficient market hyphotesis is still an interesting debate, because there are still pros and cons among practitioners and academics in finance. One market anomaly that is contrary to the theory of efficient capital markets is the January effect or year-end effect is one of the effects on a calendar that is small capitalized stocks tend to rise in price in January. This study aims to determine the effect of the January effect on abnormal return and trading volume activity on LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Analysis using one way anova shows that abnormal returns occur in the January effect phenomenon while the January effect does not occur in trading volume
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