198 research outputs found

    Katsaus YVA-menettelyn, kaavoituksen ja lupamenettelyn suhteesta

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    The Golgi in Cell Migration: Regulation by Signal Transduction and Its Implications for Cancer Cell Metastasis

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    Migration and invasion are fundamental features of metastatic cancer cells. The Golgi apparatus, an organelle involved in posttranslational modification and sorting of proteins, is widely accepted to regulate directional cell migration. In addition, mounting evidence suggests that the Golgi is a hub for different signaling pathways. In this paper we will give an overview on how polarized secretion and microtubule nucleation at the Golgi regulate directional cell migration. We will review different signaling pathways that signal to and from the Golgi. Finally, we will discuss how these signaling pathways regulate the role of the Golgi in cell migration and invasion. We propose that by identifying regulators of the Golgi, we might be able to uncover unappreciated modulators of cell migration. Uncovering the regulatory network that orchestrates cell migration is of fundamental importance for the development of new therapeutic strategies against cancer cell metastasis

    Hei ope minne mun pitÀÀ mennÀ ja onko mua joku vastassa? : Luokanopettajien nÀkemyksiÀ ensimmÀisen luokan oppilaan kuormittumisen tunnistamiseen ja ehkÀisemiseen

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    EnsimmÀisen luokan aloittaminen on suuri muutos lapsen elÀmÀssÀ (Fabian, 2000; Forss-Pennanen, 2006; Karikoski, 2008), joka haastaa lapsen stressinsÀÀtelyjÀrjestelmÀÀ aiheuttaen kuormittumista, jos tilannetta ei osata tulkita oikein koulussa tai kotona (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; Korkeila, 2008). Konu (2000) on tutkimuksissaan osoittanut opettajan opetuksen olevan keskeinen tekijÀ oppilaan hyvinvoinnin rakentumiselle koulussa. TÀmÀn laadullisen tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ ensimmÀistÀ luokkaa opettavien luokanopettajien nÀkemyksiÀ oppilaiden hyvinvoinnista ja kuormittumisesta ensimmÀisellÀ luokalla. Tutkimuksella tarkasteltiin, miten luokanopettajat tunnistavat kuormittuneen ensimmÀisen luokan oppilaan ja miten luokanopettajat pyrkivÀt ehkÀisemÀÀn oppilaiden kuormittumista. AineistonkeruumenetelmÀnÀ kÀytettiin teemahaastattelua, johon osallistui viisi luokanopettajaa, jotka opettivat ensimmÀistÀ luokkaa syksyllÀ 2022. Osallistujilla oli keskimÀÀrin 14 vuoden kokemus ensimmÀisen luokan opettamisesta. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisÀllönanalyysin keinoin. LisÀksi selvitettiin, kuinka paljon erilaisia oppilaan kuormittumisen ilmentymisen muotoja ja ehkÀisytapoja opettajat tunnistavat. Tulokset osoittivat kuormittumisen ilmenevÀn ensimmÀisellÀ luokalla yksilöllisesti esimerkiksi ylisuorittamisena, varmisteluna, kavereihin vertailemisena tai aggressiivisena ja konfliktisÀvyisenÀ kÀyttÀytymisenÀ. Kuormittumisen taustalla nÀhtiin olevan oppilaan epÀvarmuus osaamisestaan ja pÀrjÀÀvyydestÀÀn. Opettajien mukaan epÀvarmuuden kohteet muuttuvat syksystÀ kevÀÀseen siirryttÀessÀ akateemisten vaatimusten lisÀÀnnyttyÀ ja koulunkÀytÀnteiden tulessa tutuiksi. KeskeisimmÀksi kuormittumisen ehkÀisemisessÀ opettajat nostivat kiireettömÀn lÀsnÀolon, suunnitelmallisen oppilaan kohtaamisen ja tietoisen itsetunnon vahvistamiseen. Opetusta tulisi suunnitella lÀhtökohtaisesti eriyttÀmisen ja selkeÀn havainnollistamisen nÀkökulmasta, jotta oppilas voi kokea olonsa turvalliseksi ja vÀhemmÀn kuormittuneeksi. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ opettajalla on monia mahdollisuuksia ehkÀistÀ oppilaiden kuormittumista. Opettajien nÀkemyksistÀ ja opetustavoista koostettiin tietopaketti kuormittumista ehkÀisevÀn opetuksen suunnittelun avuksi ensimmÀisen luokan opettajille ja luokanopettajaopiskelijoille


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    A minimum-labeling approach for reconstructing protein networks acros

    Co-morbidities as predictors of airflow limitation among smokers in England

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    The prevalence of co-morbidities among patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is well documented in the literature. Therefore, this pilot study aimed to identify whether co-morbidities screening would enhance COPD case-finding. Smoking patients were approached at Croydon University Hospital and two local community pharmacies (CPs). Their co-morbidities, respiratory symptoms, smoking pack-years and exercise capacity were collected. Airflow limitation was determined using handheld spirometry (COPD-6) device. The prevalence of airflow limitation was 42% (n = 21/50). The main identified predictors of airflow limitation were: co-morbidities (OR = 9, CI: 1.04–77.81, p = 0.025), respiratory symptoms (OR = 33.54, CI: 1.06–11.77, p = 0.039) and smoking history of ≄20 pack-years (OR = 3.94, CI: 1.13–13.64, p = 0.029). CPs were the main location for case-finding. This study demonstrated the need to screen for co-morbidities for COPD case-finding within CPs

    Profitability of Trading Rules in MENA Stock Markets

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    Technical trading rules have been used in financial markets in order to examine their ability to yield a superior return. In the early empirical literature, a body of studies showed that trading rules do not outperform a simple buy and hold strategy. However, more recent research finds evidence that supports technical trading rules. This study examines the profitability of trading rules in 14 Middle East and North African (MENA) markets. The trading rules that used are: moving average trading rules (MA), trading range breakout (TRB) trading rules, filter trading rules, channel trading rules, Bollinger band (BB) trading rules and moving average coverage divergence (MACD) trading rules. The markets used in this work include the Bahrain stock market, the Jordan stock market, the Kuwait stock market, the Lebanon stock market, the Maltese stock market, the Morocco stock market, the Oman stock market, the Qatar stock market, the Saudi Arabian stock market, the Tunisia stock market, the Turkey stock market, the United Arab Emirates stock markets, the Cyprus stock market and the Egypt stock market. Our results indicate that according to mean return criterion, the best simple moving average (SMA), exponential moving average (EMA), triangular moving average (TMA), trading range breakout (TRB), filter and moving average coverage divergence (MACD) trading rules are for Turkey market. Malta, Bahrain and Oman have the highest percentage of rules that generate positive mean return. In terms of the Sharpe ratio, the best trading rules according to TMA, SMA, filter and channel trading rules are for Turkey market. Furthermore, Turkey has the highest percentage of rules that have a positive Sharpe ratio followed by Cyprus and Egypt. Controlling for data snooping, the results show that the number of trading rules that generate positive return comparing with buy and hold strategy has been reduced but there are still a large number of profitable rules through some markets

    Adaptation of endoplasmic reticulum exit sites to acute and chronic increases in cargo load

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102229/1/emboj2008136.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102229/2/emboj2008136-sup-0001.pd
