247 research outputs found

    Deciphering the genetic architecture of native resistance and tolerance to western corn rootworm larval feeding

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    Plants can exploit complex suites of biochemical, morphological, and physiological mechanisms to defend against herbivory. This research expands that body of knowledge by investigating mechanisms of defense in maize (Zea mays) against one of its most economically important pests, the western corn rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, WCR). Natural variation for resistance and tolerance to WCR larval herbivory has been previously reported; however, characterization of the underlying genetic architecture has remained elusive. The results from three separate studies are presented that confirm heritable variation exists for WCR resistance that is both experimentally tractable and reproducible. The findings highlight that both genetic and environmental components contribute to the observed variation and interactions exist between rootworm population dynamics and root phenology. Using F2, BC1, and DH populations capturing natural variation for three native resistance traits, we demonstrate that discrete regions on chromosomes 2, 3, 5, and 7 are consistently associated with a resistance phenotype. QTL co-localized across analysis populations that were evaluated in different locations and years. Among 21 QTL fixed in the DH population, between 46% and 56% of the variation was explained for three resistance traits. The alleles were found to act robustly by reducing node-injury and increasing root biomass, which was confirmed in hybrid testcrosses. In a separate study, we identified particular physiological and genetic mechanisms of response to WCR root herbivory and revealed evidence of genetic overcompensation. A QTL on c3 (bin 3.05) was localized to a 2.8 cM region and was associated with increased growth rate under high herbivory. The sps2 gene involved in regulating source-sink transition fell precisely within the QTL interval, and is a possible candidate in the herbivory stress response. These results advance our current understanding of host-plant defense and also provide a route for applied maize improvement by providing a genetic framework for native resistance that can be exploited to reduce larval feeding damage by WCRs

    Desigualdades socioeconómicas en la presión arterial alta y factores de riesgo adicionales de enfermedad cardiovascular entre las personas mayores en Colombia: resultados de un estudio representativo a nivel nacional

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    Background Studies in high-income countries have documented a consistent gradient between socio-economic status (SES) and high blood pressure (HBP), a key risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, evidence from Latin American countries (LA) remains comparatively scarce and inconclusive. Data Data for 3,984 individuals came from a nationally representative survey of individuals aged 60 years or above in Colombia (Encuesta de Salud, Bienestar y Envejecimiento) (SABE) conducted in 2015. SES was measured by educational achievement and household assets. CVD risk factors included objectively measured HBP and body mass index (BMI), as well as behaviors (smoking, alcohol consumption, fruit and vegetables intake, and physical activity). Methods Bivariate methods and multivariate regression models were used to assess associations between SES with HBP as well as additional risk factors for CVD. Results Individuals with lower SES have significantly higher risk of suffering from HBP. Compared to those with no formal education, individuals with secondary or post-secondary education have a 37% lower risk of HBP (odds ratio [OR] = 0.63, P-value<0.001). Being in the highest asset quartile (most affluent) is associated with a 44% lower risk (OR = 56, P-value = 0.001) of HBP compared to those in the lowest asset quartile (most deprived). Individuals with lower SES are more likely to smoke, not engage in regular physical activity and not regularly consume fruits or vegetables. In contrast, individuals with higher SES are more likely to consume alcohol and, those with more assets, more likely to be obese. Conclusions Among older Colombians there exists a marked SES gradient in HBP as well as several additional risk factors for CVD. The results highlight the importance of a public health approach towards HBP and additional CVD risk factors that takes into account the specific conditions of older individuals, especially among disadvantaged groups

    AC and DC Short-Circuit Calculations in Electrical Networks

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    Práce se zabývá metodikou výpočtu zkratových poměrů v sítích způsobených nepříznivými atmosférickými vlivy nebo poruchami jednotlivých prvků, které jsou v dané síti zapojeny. Navrhování a modelování stejnosměrných a střídavých sítí má za účel analýzy jejich chování při různých typech zkratů, které se v praxi mohou vyskytnout. Cílem výpočtů je zjišťování exaktních minimálních hodnot zkratů v sítích pro nastavení ochran, které jsou zodpovědné za správný a bezpečný provoz jednotlivých částí sítě, a také zjišťování maximálních hodnot zkratů, za účelem kontroly dimenzování jednotlivých zařízení. Na konci práce jsou uvedeny výsledky pro porovnání matematického řešení podle normy IEC 60909-0 a IEC 61660-1 a řešení pomocí modelovacího programu DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Jsou uvedené také chyby výpočtů, odchylky a vyhodnocení jednotlivých metod řešení.This thesis deals with the methodology of calculation of short-circuit conditions in the network caused by adverse atmospheric influences or failures in the individual elements that are installed in the given network. Designing and modeling of DC and AC networks is done in order to analyze their behavior under different types of short-circuits that may occur in practice. The purpose of the calculations is to determine the exact minimum short-circuit values in the networks for setting up protections, which are responsible for the correct and safe operation of individual parts of the network, and also, to determine the maximum short-circuit currents in order to check the short-circuit ratings of individual components in the network. At the end, comparison of mathematical solution according to the standards IEC 60909-0 and IEC 61660-1 and of solution using modeling program DIgSILENT PowerFactory are presented. Calculation errors, deviations and evaluation of individual solution methods are shown as well.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn

    Creation of laboratory tasks for network operation and control

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    Práce se zabývá systémem hromadného dálkového ovládání (HDO) jako řídícího a automatizačního systému pro nízkonapěťové a vysokonapěťové elektrické sítě. Obsahuje také hlavní charakteristiky provozu, způsoby konfigurace, kontrolní metody a způsoby jakým jsou připojeny na distribuční nebo přenosové sítě, a to pomocí impulzů s různými frekvencemi. Systém HDO pracuje současně s elektroměry, které jsou zodpovědné za správné měření potřebné energie, buď domácností anebo z jedné konkrétní oblasti. Práce se také zabývá různými typy elektroměrů s příslušnými poruchami měření a typy elektroměrů používanými pro každou napěťovou hladinu. Závěry této práce ukazují, jak vypadají laboratorní úlohy elektroměrů a sytému HDO, schémata zapojení a výsledné charakteristiky každého zařízení. Úkolem realizace těchto úloh je nejen získání přesnosti zařízení, ale také ověření správných funkcí jak elektroměrů, tak systému HDO.The thesis deals with the system of mass remote control (HDO) as the main control and automation system for low voltage and high voltage electrical networks. It also contains the main operating characteristics, configuration methods and control methods, and how they are connected to distribution or transmission networks, using pulses of different frequencies. The HDO system works at the same time with electricity meters that are responsible for the correct measurement of the required energy either by households or by one specific area. The thesis also deals with diverse types of meters with the relevant measurement errors and types of meters used for each voltage level. The conclusions of this paper show how the electrometers and HDO tests, the wiring diagrams and the resulting characteristics of each device look like. The task of performing these tests is not only to obtain the accuracy of the device but also to verify the correct functions of both the meters and the HDO system.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvelmi dobř