376 research outputs found

    Modelling of a Resonant Charging Circuit for a Solid-State Marx Generator

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    For the pulsed electric field treatment of plant material on an industrial scale, Marx-type pulse modulators are used as a pulse source. The combination of a conventional Marx generator design equipped with solid-state switches with the concept of resonant charging via current-compensated chokes enables the set-up of a Marx generator having only one active semiconductor switch per stage. Thereby, the pulse shape is defined by the passive components of the RLC-pulse circuit. In the course of the design of such a resonant charging circuit, common-mode current components through the current-compensated chokes need to be considered. Moreover, especially for a generator having its ground connection at its centre, induced voltages versus ground need to be addressed. Therefore, an investigation based on circuit simulations has been made. The simulations showed that the common-mode current components decay to zero just after the resonant charging process and cause a voltage transient at the terminal of the power supply, which needs to be floating versus ground. In order to reduce the amplitude of this transient, the effects of adding a damping resistor have been studied. However, adding this resistor may involve an increase in the common-mode current components. Moreover, the common-mode current components of different chokes are influenced by the on-time of the switches. In the paper, based on the simulation results, different operation modes with and without the damping resistor are discussed. Thereby, the on-time of the switches has been varied. Selected simulation results have been verified by means of measurements

    Chaotic duality in string theory

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    We investigate the general features of renormalization group flows near superconformal fixed points of four dimensional N=1 gauge theories with gravity duals. The gauge theories we study arise as the world-volume theory on a set of D-branes at a Calabi-Yau singularity where a del Pezzo surface shrinks to zero size. Based mainly on field theory analysis, we find evidence that such flows are often chaotic and contain exotic features such as duality walls. For a gauge theory where the del Pezzo is the Hirzebruch zero surface, the dependence of the duality wall height on the couplings at some point in the cascade has a self-similar fractal structure. For a gauge theory dual to P 2 blown up at a point, we find periodic and quasiperiodic behavior for the gauge theory couplings that does not violate the a conjecture. Finally, we construct supergravity duals for these del Pezzos that match our field theory beta functions

    Inhibition of the photoinduced structural phase transition in the excitonic insulator Ta2_2NiSe5_5

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    Femtosecond time-resolved mid-infrared reflectivity is used to investigate the electron and phonon dynamics occurring at the direct band gap of the excitonic insulator Ta2_2NiSe5_5 below the critical temperature of its structural phase transition. We find that the phonon dynamics show a strong coupling to the excitation of free carriers at the \Gamma\ point of the Brillouin zone. The optical response saturates at a critical excitation fluence FC=0.30 ± 0.08F_C = 0.30~\pm~0.08~mJ/cm2^2 due to optical absorption saturation. This limits the optical excitation density in Ta2_2NiSe5_5 so that the system cannot be pumped sufficiently strongly to undergo the structural change to the high-temperature phase. We thereby demonstrate that Ta2_2NiSe5_5 exhibits a blocking mechanism when pumped in the near-infrared regime, preventing a nonthermal structural phase transition

    Do We Still Need Non-Maximum Suppression? Accurate Confidence Estimates and Implicit Duplication Modeling with IoU-Aware Calibration

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    Object detectors are at the heart of many semi- and fully autonomous decision systems and are poised to become even more indispensable. They are, however, still lacking in accessibility and can sometimes produce unreliable predictions. Especially concerning in this regard are the -- essentially hand-crafted -- non-maximum suppression algorithms that lead to an obfuscated prediction process and biased confidence estimates. We show that we can eliminate classic NMS-style post-processing by using IoU-aware calibration. IoU-aware calibration is a conditional Beta calibration; this makes it parallelizable with no hyper-parameters. Instead of arbitrary cutoffs or discounts, it implicitly accounts for the likelihood of each detection being a duplicate and adjusts the confidence score accordingly, resulting in empirically based precision estimates for each detection. Our extensive experiments on diverse detection architectures show that the proposed IoU-aware calibration can successfully model duplicate detections and improve calibration. Compared to the standard sequential NMS and calibration approach, our joint modeling can deliver performance gains over the best NMS-based alternative while producing consistently better-calibrated confidence predictions with less complexity. The \hyperlink{https://github.com/Blueblue4/IoU-AwareCalibration}{code} for all our experiments is publicly available

    The on-shell expansion: from Landau equations to the Newton polytope

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    We study the application of the method of regions to Feynman integrals with massless propagators contributing to off-shell Green’s functions in Minkowski spacetime (with non-exceptional momenta) around vanishing external masses, p2i→0. This on-shell expansion allows us to identify all infrared-sensitive regions at any power, in terms of infrared subgraphs in which a subset of the propagators become collinear to external light like momenta and others become soft. We show that each such region can be viewed as a solution to the Landau equations, or equivalently, as a facet in the Newton polytope constructed from the Symanzik graph polynomials. This identification allows us to study the properties of the graph polynomials associated with infrared regions, as well as to construct a graph-finding algorithm for the on-shell expansion, which identifies all regions using exclusively graph-theoretical conditions. We also use the results to investigate the analytic structure of integrals associated with regions in which every connected soft subgraph connects to just two jets. For such regions we prove that multiple on-shell expansions commute. This applies in particular to all regions in Sudakov form-factor diagrams as well as in any planar diagram

    Binomial edge ideals and conditional independence statements

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    AbstractWe introduce binomial edge ideals attached to a simple graph G and study their algebraic properties. We characterize those graphs for which the quadratic generators form a Gröbner basis in a lexicographic order induced by a vertex labeling. Such graphs are chordal and claw-free. We give a reduced squarefree Gröbner basis for general G. It follows that all binomial edge ideals are radical ideals. Their minimal primes can be characterized by particular subsets of the vertices of G. We provide sufficient conditions for Cohen–Macaulayness for closed and nonclosed graphs.Binomial edge ideals arise naturally in the study of conditional independence ideals. Our results apply for the class of conditional independence ideals where a fixed binary variable is independent of a collection of other variables, given the remaining ones. In this case the primary decomposition has a natural statistical interpretation
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