1,459 research outputs found

    Ekologi Keong Darat Di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    ABCTRACTThe Ecology of Landsnail in Ciremai National Park. Twice fieldworks in order tocollect landsnails of Ciremai National Park were conducted, approximately in ArgamuktiVillage of western part of the park and Linggajati Village of eastern part of the park.They resulted 48 species of landsnails of 15 families. Thirty two species were found inArgamukti whereas 28 species were found in Linggajati. However, biodiversity indexescomparison for both locations were unsignificant at 95% level of confidence. Bothlocations were also populated by specific landsnails, only 40% of the whole landsnailswere live in Argamukti and Linggajati. The highest densities in entire locations weredominated by microsnails and mostly were live in lower latitude. Cluster analysis forspecies and habitat used NTSYSpc 2.10p. programs for Jaccard similarity index revealed6 groups of species and habitats respectively


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep Kepemimpinan pada Drumband SMA Negeri 3 Kayuagung. Masalah difokuskan pada Kepemimpinan drum major/ majorette dan field commander/ gitapati. Penelitian mengunakan Metode kualitatif. Data-data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi, selanjutnya dianalisis secara tringuluasi.  Berdasarkan kajian terkait konsep kepemimpinan drumband SMA Negeri 3 Kayuagung ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa Drum band SMA Negeri 3 Kayuagung dipimpin oleh drum major/ majorette dan field commander/ gitapati. “Drum major (sebutan pemimpin pria) dan majorette (sebutan pemimpin wanita) adalah pimpinan barisan drumband sambil membawa tongkat panjang disebut baton. Sedangkan, field commander atau gitapati adalah pimpinan (terutama pimpinan musiknya) dalam defile atau display. Lancarnya atau suksesnya penyajian drumband itu tergantung dari kepemimpinan, aba-aba dan Kode drum major/ majorette dan field commander/ gitapati. Kepemimpinan drum major/ majorette dan field commander/ gitapati ini untuk menjaga kerapian susunan barisan dan keteraturan penyajian Drumband SMA Negeri 3 Kayuagun

    Kesadaran Beragama dalam Perspektif Ihsan: Pengalaman Pertaubatan Preman

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    The initial aim was to analyze and evaluate the development of thuggery religious awareness, in order to obtain an overview of the processes, patterns, and factors that influence it. This has done because the subject has changed behavior in religious awareness. This research method has used a qualitative approach, case studies. The sample in this study has used a purposive sampling technique, while the key informants snowball sampling technique. The focus of this research is the religious awareness behavior of thuggery. The data collected by observation, interview, the questionnaire as a guide, and documentation. The results of the study show that religious awareness is a condition that must achieved through the struggle of the person concerned. Strong intrinsic motivation plays a role in religious awareness and repentance. The bad behavior of thuggery has caused by a bad social environment. Family and friends can help someone to repent. The Ulama guidance becomes the way of religious awareness. Childhood religious education plays an important role in fostering adult religious awareness


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    Snails inventory in the southern part of Gunung Halimun National Park (GHNP) was conducted in two locations i.e., Ciptarasa and Simaresmi,in July and November 2000.It was found 36 species of snails that belongs to 16 families.It means that snails in the southern part of GHNP differs from that of the central part of the Park. Those snails were discovered in 9 habitat types

    Keong Darat Diplommatina Spp (Moluska, Gastropoda) Di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

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    Land Snail Diplommatina spp (Mollusc, Gastropoda) at Ciremai Mountain National Park.The microscopies of land snail Diplommatinids depend on the water resources. This memberof mollusc can be used as a forest indicator. The results of the study shown that 50% JavanDiplommatinids found in this park. The study also indicated that Palatungan, Linggarjati andApuy (Argamukti) has Shannon and Weiner diversity: 1.33, 0.85, and 0.84, respectively

    Snails Composition in the Southern Part of Gunung Halimun National Park

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    Snails inventory in the southern part of Gunung Halimun National Park (GHNP) was conducted in two locations i.e., Ciptarasa and Simaresmi,in July and November 2000.It was found 36 species of snails that belongs to 16 families.It means that snails in the southern part of GHNP differs from that of the central part of the Park. Those snails were discovered in 9 habitat types

    Kajian Tekno Ekonomi Migrasi Jaringan Berbasis XDSL ke FTTx GPON di Daerah Perkotaan

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    Penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi dibidang telekomunikasi menghadapi tantangan utamayaitu meningkatnya kebutuhan bandwidth secara signifikan dari tahun ketahun. Permasalahan yang dihadapi di Indonesia saat ini adalah sebagian besar jaringan telekomunikasi broadband masih mengunakan DSL berbasis kawat tembaga sebagai media utama akses jaringan. Kondisi ini jika tidak diantisipasi oleh operator penyedia jasa jaringan telekomunikasi, memungkinkan terjadinya bottleneck ketika bertambahnya kebutuhan akan konvergensi layanan telekomunikasi seperti triple-play service. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu kajian tekno ekono mimigrasi jaringan akses untuk sebagai dasar pemilihan teknologi beserta aspek ekonominya yang dapat memenuhi tuntutan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan kajian tekno-ekonomi terhadap migrasi jaringan DSL berbasis tembaga keteknologi jaringan FTTx GPON pada daerah perkotaan menggunakan metode STEM (Strategic Telecom Evaluation Model). Metode tersebut berbasis pada pembagian kelas densitas rumah tangga pada area tertentu menjadi empat kelas kepadatan yaitu; sangat tinggi, tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Dari hasil kajian diperoleh untuk daerah dengan kepadatan rumah tangga sangat tingi dan tinggi jaringan akses layak secara teknologi dan ekonomi untuk migrasi dari jaringan berbasis kabel tembaga kelayanan berbasis kabel optic FTTx GPON, untuk daerah dengan kepadatan sedang dilayani oleh dua teknologi yaitu VDSL dan GPON, sedangkan untuk daerah kepadatan rendah hanya dilayani oleh teknologi VDSL. Dengan demikian operator dapat menggunakan hasil kajian ini untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam rangka migrasi jaringan akses

    Human Resources and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study

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    Human Resources (HR) is one of the most important factors that cannot even be separated from an organization, be it a company or an institution. Business in society scholars have developed many theoretical frameworks intended to map and measure business organisations' roles and impacts in civil society. This is a concern about the relationship between human resources and Corporate Social Responsibility. Quality CSR programs are considered capable of increasing domestic economic development The method used is a qualitative method through a descriptive study. Human resources are the most important asset as the subject of implementing company policies and operational activities. Resources owned by the company such as machines provide optimum results