43 research outputs found

    Lapin maatalouden rakenne ja tuotanto 2014

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    Lapin asukasluku ja elinkeinorakenne on vuosikymmenien vaihtuessa muuttunut paljon. Lappilaisen maaseudun yritystoiminnan peruskivi maatalous, on muuttunut rakenteeltaan ja lukumÀÀrĂ€isesti. Eniten maatiloja Lapissa oli vuonna 1969. Tuolloin tiloja Lapissa oli 11647 kpl. TĂ€stĂ€ tilojen mÀÀrĂ€ vĂ€heni tasaisesti ja nopea tilamÀÀrĂ€n lasku kĂ€ynnistyi 1980-luvulla. Vuoden 2014 tilaston mukaan maatiloja on enÀÀ 1612 kpl (MAVI 2015). LisÀÀntynyt teknologia 1990- luvun taitteessa viritti viljelijöiden keskuudessa ajatuksen toimin-nan kasvattamisesta. Rehunkorjuutekniikan kehittymisellĂ€ oli tĂ€hĂ€n tavattoman suuri merkitys. Kun aikaisemmin nautakarjarehun tekemiseen piti varata lĂ€hes koko kesĂ€ ja työt olivat suurelta osin kĂ€sityötĂ€, selvittiin 1990- luvulla samasta toimenpiteestĂ€ muutamalla pĂ€ivĂ€llĂ€ tehokkaan koneellistumisen vuoksi. Nykyisin suomalainen maatalous on voimakkaissa ristipaineissa. Euroopan Unionin maatalouspolitiikka ja globaalin talouspolitiikan ja elintarviketuotannon paineet heijastuvat suomalaiseen maatalouteen. NĂ€mĂ€ paineet nĂ€kyvĂ€t maataloudessamme nopeana tilojen koon muuttumisena. TĂ€mĂ€n globaalin paineen lisĂ€ksi omat vaikutuksensa on myös julkisuudessa nĂ€kyvĂ€llĂ€ viestillĂ€, jonka mukaan Suomen maatalous on ahdingossa. Asiasta tehdyt tutkimukset eivĂ€t anna siitĂ€ nĂ€in yksioikoista kuvaa, osalla tiloista tosiasiallisesti menee hyvin. NĂ€ihin negatiivisiin viesteihin tuo oman lisĂ€nsĂ€ kertomukset byrokratian aiheuttamasta kuormasta, valtavasta työmÀÀrĂ€stĂ€ ja jatkuvista viranomaistarkastuksista. Lapin maatalousyrittĂ€jien keski-ikĂ€ on hieman yli 50 vuotta ja se on aloittavien yrittĂ€jien vĂ€hĂ€i-syyden vuoksi edelleen nousussa. Lapin maito- ja lihayrittĂ€jĂ€t ovat keskimÀÀrin 45–55-vuotiaita ja omistavat noin 30–60 peltohehtaaria. TĂ€mĂ€ keski-ikĂ€isistĂ€ viljelijöistĂ€ ja keskikokoluokan maatiloista muodostuva ryhmĂ€ on siirtymĂ€ssĂ€ lĂ€hitulevaisuudessa iĂ€n, tai muun syyn myötĂ€ pois aktiiviviljelystĂ€. TĂ€ssĂ€ ryhmĂ€ssĂ€ on paljon sellaisia maatiloja, joiden kannattavuus on hyvĂ€ ja velkataakka pieni. Toisaalta osa nĂ€istĂ€ tiloista on ollut niin sanotusti toimintaansa jÀÀhdytteleviĂ€, yritysten viimeaikaiset investoinnit ovat olleet minimaalisia. Koska jatkajan olisi tehtĂ€vĂ€ suuria investointeja, tĂ€mĂ€ ”jÀÀhdyttelystrategia” vaarantaa sukupolvenvaihdoksen, tai muun omistajanvaihdoksen. Lapin kokonaismaitomÀÀrĂ€ oli vuonna 2014 92 milj. litraa ja maidontuottajia oli 380. Kun Lapin maidontuotanto jaetaan tasaisesti kaikkien tuottajien kesken, on ikĂ€luokan 51–65 tuottama laskennallinen maitomÀÀrĂ€ 51 milj. litraa Lapin vuotuisesta maitomÀÀrĂ€stĂ€. Nuorempien ikĂ€ryhmien maitotiloja, 0–50 vuotta, oli156 tilaa ja Yli 65 -vuotiaita maidontuottajia oli 11 kpl. Huolestuttavaa tilarakenteessa on, ettĂ€ alle 51-vuotiaiden kokonaismÀÀrĂ€ on pienentynyt vuodesta 2008 lĂ€hes sadalla tilalla. Lapissa menestyvien tuotteiden kokonaiskulutuksen arvo on lĂ€hes 210 milj. €. Se on lĂ€hes puolet Lapin elintarvikkeiden kokonaiskulutuksesta, jonka arvo on n. 443 miljoonaa euroa. Naudanlihasta Lapissa jalostetaan arviolta n. 25 %. Poron jalostus Lapissa kattaa kokonaisuudessaan maakunnan kulutuksen, niin kuin myös lampaalla. NĂ€mĂ€ ovat kuitenkin kulutusmÀÀriltÀÀn niin pieniĂ€, ettĂ€ niillĂ€ ei ole kokonaisuuteen kovin suurta vaikutusta. Lapin kannalta merkittĂ€vimpiĂ€ jatkojalostuksen kannalta ovat maito ja naudanliha. Molemmissa puhutaan suurista mÀÀristĂ€ ja niille on myös mahdollista rakentaa merkittĂ€vĂ€ maakunnallinen pohjoinen imago. Voidaan arvioida, ettĂ€ 57 milj. euron jalostusarvo työllistĂ€isi suoraan lĂ€hes 700 henkilöÀ. VĂ€lillisen vaikutuksen kautta puhuttaisiin noin 3000–5000 hengen vuotuisesta työpanoksesta lappiin. Kun puhumme jalostusarvosta, työpaikoista ja elintarvikehankinnoista, emme puhu mistÀÀn abstraktista asiasta. Puhumme todellisista olemassa olevista. TehdessĂ€mme elintarvikehankintoja ja hankintasopimuksia, me samalla teemme pÀÀtöksiĂ€ työpaikoista ja maakunnan vakaudesta. Hankkimamme elintarvikkeet on joku jossain viljellyt, jalostanut, kuljettanut myyntiin ja toimittanut loppukĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€lle. Hankkimalla elintarvikkeita maakunnan ulkopuolelta, me samalla siirrĂ€mme työpanosta ja valuuttaa maakunnasta ulos. NykyisellĂ€ elintarvikehankinnalla me siirrĂ€mme maakunnasta ulos vuosittain 443 miljoonaa euroa ja tuhansia työpaikkoja. TĂ€stĂ€ elintarvikemÀÀrĂ€stĂ€ olisi lĂ€hes puolet mahdollista tuottaa ja jalostaa maakunnassa. Lapin maatalouden tulevaisuudelle on ehdottoman tĂ€rkeÀÀ panostaa toimenpiteisiin, joilla etsitÀÀn niitĂ€ maatiloja, jotka haluavat jatkaa ja kehittÀÀ yrittĂ€mistĂ€ tilalla. LisĂ€ksi on tĂ€rkeÀÀ tehdĂ€ toimenpiteitĂ€, joilla saadaan Lappiin maatilayrittĂ€jiĂ€ niiden tilalle, jotka haluavat luopua yrittĂ€jyydestĂ€ ja jĂ€ttÀÀ yrittĂ€misen nuoremmille. Huolimatta maatalouden alueellisesta rakennemuutoksesta, on tĂ€rkeÀÀ muistaa, ettĂ€ koko Lappi on aluetta, jossa maataloutta sen eri muodoissa voi harjoittaa kannattavasti. TĂ€hĂ€n on syytĂ€ myös yrittĂ€jiĂ€ kannustaa

    Alzheimer’s and Seizures: Interleukin-18, Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase and Quinolinic Acid

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    Emergent seizures are common in Alzheimer’s disease (AD), although the mechanisms mediating this are unknown. It is proposed that stress induced interleukin-18 (IL-18), via interferon-gamma (IFNy) and independently, increases indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and subsequent quinolinic acid (QA) in microglia. QA increases seizures and concurrently contributes to neuronal loss via excitotoxicity. The ApoE4 allele interacts with IL-18 polymorphisms to increase the risk of AD, and seems likely to potentiate the emergence of seizures. Concurrent changes in IDO and the kynurenine pathways at the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) have implications for treatment, including in the efficacy of different anti-hypertensives. Melatonin is proposed to inhibit these overlapping excitotoxic and neurodegenerative processes, and would be a useful adjunctive treatment

    When dementia is misdiagnosed

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore and discuss the implications of diagnostic uncertainty within services that diagnose and treat people with dementia. In particular, the difficulties associated with false positive dementia diagnoses. METHODS: Narrative review written by an Old Age Psychiatrist and a Cognitive Neurologist. RESULTS: Both false-positive and false-negative dementia diagnoses are made. These are more likely when apparent dementia is mild and in less typical cases, including when the patient is under 60, the diagnosis is less common or diagnosis has depended largely on brain imaging. In such cases, the passage of time is generally helpful in revealing diagnostic status. Reversing a dementia diagnosis can be very difficult for patients. CONCLUSION: Except in some rare situations, dementia diagnoses made in life are only "probable" and should be subject to review. Dementia diagnosis services should support patients through reversal of diagnoses. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    HyvÀÀ kansainvÀlistÀ biodiversiteettipÀivÀÀ!

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    NÀytÀ koko lehti</a

    GeeniVarat 2014

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    IlmestymispĂ€ivĂ€: KansainvĂ€linen biodiversiteettipĂ€ivĂ€ 22.5.2014 Ulkoasu ja taitto: www.digijiipee.net Paino: Painotalo Casper Oy Etukannen kuva: Auli BlĂ€uer Maito ja erityisesti siitĂ€ saatava voi oli tĂ€rkeĂ€ tuote keskiajalla. Maito-onnen parantamisesta taikakeinoin kuvassa varoittavat pirut ja astiaan naapurin lehmĂ€stĂ€ varastamaansa maitoa oksentava paraolento. Kuva Lohjan kirkosta.NĂ€ytĂ€ artikkelit2 HyvÀÀ kansallista biodiversiteettipĂ€ivÀÀ! : PÀÀkirjoitus 4 Maitipankki - Kalojen perimĂ€ tulevaisuuden tarpeisiin 6 Tulevaisuuden metsĂ€nviljelyaineistot viettĂ€vĂ€t 10 vuotta syvĂ€jÀÀssĂ€ 7 Suomenhevosella on yhteistĂ€ alkuperÀÀ siperialaisen jakutianhevosen kanssa 8 Geenit sukupolvien takaa rikastuttavat nykyisiĂ€ elĂ€inpopulaatioita 10 Vatukat ja mustaherukat vaaroilta tallessa kryotankissa 13 Geenivara-oppia kouluihin 14 HĂ€rkĂ€pavun ja herneen geenivarat talteen ja kĂ€yttöön 16 Tutkimus osoitti: suomenkarjan maitoa kannattaa jatkojalostaa 18 Ă„Ă€rimmĂ€isen Uhanalaiset kalalajimme - Voidaanko ne vielĂ€ elvyttÀÀ? 22 Mauste- ja rohdosyrttien geenivarakokoelmien uudet kodit 24 Yhteinen aarteemme 25 Suomen vahvimmin suojellut geenit 26 Kirjauutuus: Museopuutarha - perustaminen ja hoito 28 Keskiaikaiset elĂ€imet kuvina kirkkojen seinĂ€maalauksissa 30 Maatiaiskanan sĂ€ilytysohjelman tuloksia kartoitettiin 32 Lasten maatalousnĂ€yttely Jokioisten elonkierrossa 13.9.2014 (Ilmoitus


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    Background: The levet of beta-amyloid (Ap) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSS) can beused asa marker to detect cognitive impairment, but fhe CSS retrieval technique is invasive. so if r'snecessa4z fo find biomarkers that are relatively easy, cheap and reliable. Therefore, biomarkersthat can be measured in blood is needed.Aims: To determine fhe association of the blood levels of BACE-I, AB and 4HNE with ischemiccognitive functisn after stroke event.Methads: This study was an observational study with cross sectional design using cases andcontrols. A number af 84 patients with ischemic stroke and 42 normal subjecfs as controls wereenrolled. Cognitive function u/as assessed 3 months aftdr stroke event using MoCA-lna testand measurement of blood levels of BACE1-1, 4p40, AP42 and 4HNE was conducted within72 hours of onset of stroke. Regression statistical analysis was used to determine the mostdaminant factars related to the occurrence of impaired cognitive function after stroke event.Resuffs; ln bivariate analysis, we found a significant assocrafion between cognitive impairmentafter stroke with high blood levels of BACE1 (p = 0.004, OR = 1.714), low levels of AB40 (p =A.0001, AR = 14.80) and low /eve/s of AB42 @ = A.U7, OR = 3.44). There was no significantassociation between the blood levels of 4HNE with impaired cognitive function after strokeevent. ln multivariate analysis, we found low low plasma level of 4840, high level of BACE-1,and low level of AB42 were variables strongly related with cognitive impairment after ischemicstroke subsequently based on the strength of correlation.Canclusians: Low levels of 4840, ttigh levels of BACE-I and low ievels of Ap42 are associatedwith the incidence of impaired cagnitive functian after ischemic stroke.M}(A, Volume 37, Nomor.Supl. 2, November 2014MKA, Volume 37, Nomor.Supl. 2, November 2014 http:/imka.fk. u nand.ac. id/ABSTRAKLatar Belakang : Kecacatan pascastroke diperberat oleh terganggunya fungsi kognitif. Metodediagnostik yang tersedia sekarang, tidak cukup sensitif bila digunakan sebagai upaya untukmenemukan gangguan kognitif pascastroke secara dini. Kadar beta-amyloid (AP) di cairanserebrospinal (CSS) dapat dijadikan sebagai penanda telah terjadinya gangguan kognitif,namun teknik pengambilan CSS adalah invasive, sehingga perlu dicari biomarker yang relatifmudah, murah dan dapat dipercaya. Untuk itu perlu dicarai biomarker pada plasma.Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan kadar BACE-1, AB dan 4HNE plasma dengan fungsikognitif pascastroke iskemik.Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat observasional dengan disain cross sectional, menggunakankasus dan kontrol. Mengikutkan 84 penderita pascastroke iskemik dan 42 subjek normalsebagai kontrol. Fungsi kognitif diperiksa 3 bulan pascastroke dengan test MoCA-lna danpemeriksaan kadar BACEI-1, AF40, AP42 dan 4HNE plasma dalam 72 jam onset stroke.. Analisa regresi statitistik digunakan untuk menetapkan faktor mana yang paling dominanhubungannya dengan terjadinya gangguan fungsi kognitif pascastroke iskemik.Hasil : Pada analisis bivariat, ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara gangguan kognitifpascastroke dengan tingginya kadar BACE1 (p=0,004, OR= 4,714), rendahnya kadar AP40(p=0,0001, OR=14,80) dan rendahnya kadar AP42 (p=0,0t7, OR=3,44). Tidak ditemukanhubungan yang bermakna antara kadar 4HNE dengan gangguan fungsi kognitif pascastroke.Pada analisis multivariat, didapatkan rendahnya kadar AB40 dan tingginya kadar BACE-1 plasma sebagai variabel yang kuat hubungannya dengan kejadian gangguan kognitifpascastroke iskemik.Kesimpulan : Rendahnya kadar AB40 dan tingginya kadar BACE-1 plasma berhubungandengan kejadian gangguan fungsi kognitif pascastroke iskemik.6

    Talven tuhot hedelmÀpuissa ja marjapensaissa vuonna 1947

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    Lately there have been injurious winters for the cultivation of fruit in Finland in 1915—1917, 1927—1929 and 1939—1942. The winter 1946—1947 again damaged fruit trees and the berry-bushes gooseberry, currant and raspberry; this damage was most severe in the best areas for cultivation of fruit in Varsinais-Suomi (Ab) and Satakunta (St). In these areas about 10—75 % of the fruit trees and 75—80 % of the berry-bushes were injured or died. Slight injuries generally have been noted in Uusimaa (N), HĂ€me (Ta), in the Valley of Kokemakiriver (St) and in the neighbourhood of Tampere (Ta). In southern Pohjanmaa (Oa) fruit trees and berry-bushes have been injured, too. The limit of the general injury-area is drawn through Vaasa (Oa), Alavus (Oa) and Virolahti (Ka). This limit closely follows the contour-line, to the west and southwest of which the depht of snow on March 15th was 30 cm or less (fig. 2). In the injury-area mentioned damage was such that the leaves expanded slowly in the spring, the flower buds, that appeared abundantly, opened slowly and the leaves and fruit were smaller than normally. In severely damaged trees the flower buds did not open, but dried up (fig. 1). In damaged trees, the cambium was generally brownish, the wood drier than normally, the roots, however, were generally white within and vigorous. The leaves of the berry-bushes expanded slowly in the spring; later in summer a many of the branches of damaged bushes died. These bushes generally grew new branches from their root. The damage to fruit trees and berry-bushes was due to the drying of the parts above ground in the spring, when the warm and sunny weathers induced activity of the vital functions in the plants. The soil was, however, deeply frozen because of the thin winter snowcover and when the thaw waters and rainwaters in May, with a little amount of rain, did not melt the ice, the roots were still in June in the frozen soil and did not absorb enough water from the soil, which even apart from this was too dry, to make up the evaporated moisture. Then the soft surface parts of the trees, rind and buds, were damaged. In summer the roots may perhaps have absorbed a normal amount of water, but because of the damage to the vascular system in the rind the flowing of solutions in the summer was not normal, and the shoots, leaves and fruits grew weakly. The damage to fruit trees was neither due to properties the variety and stock nor the age of trees (6). In the central parts of the country twigs of trees and sapling fruit trees were frozen because of the severe frost in winter. It can be estimated that 20—25 % of the fruit yield in Finland in 1947 was lost for the winter injuries

    Parkinsonin taudin lÀÀkkeiden erityiskorvausoikeuden saajien mÀÀrĂ€n muutos vuosina 1996–2015

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    LĂ€htökohdat Tutkimme Parkinsonin taudin lÀÀkkeiden erityiskorvausoikeuden saajien mÀÀrĂ€n muutosta vuosien 1996–2015 aikana. Selvitimme myös, kuinka suurella osalla heistĂ€ oli taudin erotus- ja poissulkudiagnoosien mukaisia sairauksia, ja muuttuiko tĂ€mĂ€ osuus seurannan aikana.MenetelmĂ€t Tutkimus oli osa rekisteripohjaista FINPARK-tutkimusta, ja siihen kuuluivat 35 vuotta tĂ€yttĂ€neet, vuosina 1996–2015 Parkinsonin taudin lÀÀkkeiden erityiskorvausoikeuden saaneet henkilöt (n = 29 847). Tiedot erotus- ja poissulkudiagnooseista kerĂ€ttiin hoitoilmoitusrekisteristĂ€ kahden vuoden ajalta ennen ja jĂ€lkeen korvausoikeuden saannin.Tulokset Korvausoikeuden saaneiden mÀÀrĂ€ kasvoi tutkimusaikana 0,012 prosenttiyksikköÀ suhteessa koko Suomen 35 vuotta tĂ€yttĂ€neeseen vĂ€estöön. Korvausoikeuden saajista 20–30 %:lla oli Parkinsonin taudin lisĂ€ksi poissulkudiagnooseja, joista yleisimpiĂ€ olivat ekstrapyramidaali- ja liikehĂ€iriöt sekĂ€ etenevĂ€t neurodegeneratiiviset muistisairaudet.PÀÀtelmĂ€t Parkinsonin tautia sairastavien henkilöiden vĂ€estöön suhteutettu mÀÀrĂ€ kasvoi seuranta-aikana. Noin joka neljĂ€nnellĂ€ lÀÀkkeiden erityiskorvausoikeuden saaneista oli kirjaus poissulkudiagnoosista kahden vuoden ajalta ennen tai jĂ€lkeen korvausoikeuden saannin. TĂ€mĂ€ kertoo kliinisen diagnostiikan epĂ€varmuudesta Parkinsonin taudin varhaisvaiheessa.</p

    ElÀinaiheiset luonnonkasvien nimet kansankielessÀ

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    Animal themes in vernacular names of wild-growing plants (englanti)2/1998 (102)Jarna KarhuAnimal themes in vernacular names of wild-growing plants In the article the writer discusses the vernacular names of wild-growing plants that include the name of an animal, such as koiranputki (koira 'dog'; Engl. 'cow parsley'), kissankello (kissa 'cat'; Engl. 'harebell') and hevonhierakka (hevonen 'horse'; Engl. 'northern dock'). Most animal-themed plant names are compounds whose modifier is the genitive form of an animal name, and whose principal element is a nominal with the meaning of a plant. The most commonly occurring animals in vernacular plant names are hevonen, nauta 'bovine animal' (also hrk 'ox, bull', lehm 'cow', mulli 'bull calf'), koira, harakka 'magpie' and sika 'pig'.Animal-themed names have been used above all for plants which are not useful to man, and in particular for plants which are not fit to eat especially berries. For example variksenmarja (Engl. 'crowberry', Empetrum nigrum) has commonly been called harakanmustikka, karhunmustikka, kissanmustikka or sianmustikka (mustikka 'blueberry, bilberry', modified by magpie, bear, cat and pig, respectively). From these names it is clear that variksenmarja has been compared with the edible berry mustikka.There are also many names which have been motivated by the shape of the plant or a part of it, for example the name koirankieli (kieli 'tongue'; Engl. 'hound's-tongue') is motivated by the plant's oblong leaves, and hrnsilm (silm 'eye'; Engl. 'cat's-ear') by the bright-coloured flowers or blossoms. If the name features hevonen, hrk or karhu, this could indicate that the plant is large in size. Correspondingly, hiiri 'mouse', kissa and lintu 'bird' often suggest smallness or slenderness. A plant name may also feature the name of the animal for which the plant has been used as medication or food, or which can be driven away using the plant. Some plants, on the other hand, which grow either in water or wet places may have fish-themed names. Folk etymology, too, has played a part in the creation of some animal-themed names, for example the name kamomillakukka 'camomile flower' has given rise to kamelinkukka (kameli 'camel').The writer has analysed the age of animal-themed names by searching for their Estonian equivalents. Estonian dialects contain so many exact equivalents for the Finnish names that it is possible to conclude that at least a proportion of the animal-themed plant names have their origin in the Proto-Finnic period. Animal themes are also included in many formal plant names. Popular amongst these are the names of undomesticated animals, in contrast to the domestic animals more popular in vernacular names. The most popular animals in formal plant names are kurki 'crane' and koira.The greatest influence on the establishment of Finnish names for wild-growing plants has been Elias Lnnrot. In Lnnrot's Flora Fennica (1860), plants were given formal Finnish names for the first time. Lnnrot turned many vernacular names into formal plant names, amongst them sianpuolukka (Engl. 'bearberry'), harakankello (Engl. 'spreading bellflower') and variksenmarja. Lnnrot also translated many Swedish and scientific plant names into Finnish and coined names himself using structural models from vernacular names

    Neuropsychology/computerized neuropsychological assessment

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    AbstractBackgroundDifferential diagnostics in dementia is challenging. To date, the basic assessment still includes imaging of the brain and cognitive testing with pen and paper. Web‐based cognitive tests however hold potential for standardized and low‐cost screening in clinical workup. How they perform when combined with imaging of the brain is unknown. We therefore evaluated the accuracy of a new web‐based cognitive battery (Muistikko [1]) detecting different types of dementia, when combined with brain MRI, and compared this to traditional cognitive testing and MRI.MethodWe included 229 subjects from two memory clinic cohorts (PredictND and VPH‐DARE), consisting of 188 controls, 29 patients with Alzheimer's dementia (AD), 7 with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and 5 with vascular dementia (VaD) (Table 1). All patients performed a traditional cognitive test battery (consisting of MMSE, RAVLT, TMT‐A and B, Animal Fluency), web‐based cognitive testing and had MRI of the brain. Although Muistikko is composed of seven subtasks, only global cognitive score (GCS) was used as defined in [1]. From MRI, multiple imaging biomarkers were defined [2]. Disease‐state index classifier was developed from the predictors [2]. Cross‐validation was used to calculate balanced accuracy (BACC; average of sensitivities for each diagnostic group). Given the class imbalance, we also calculated prevalence corrected accuracy (PACC).ResultBACC was 66 % and PACC 64% when using the traditional cognitive test battery + MRI. Both BACC and PAC were 69 % when using the web‐based cognitive testing + MRI (Table 2). Of note, since we compare four diagnostic groups, BACC by guessing would be 25%.ConclusionThis study shows that combining web‐based cognitive tests with MRI data results in high accuracy when separating different types of dementia. The results were comparable with the standard traditional work‐up. Web‐based cognitive testing is therefore a promising tool to support the clinician in the daily challenge of differential diagnostics, especially when combined with MRI data. References: [1] Paajanen, S. et al. Detecting cognitive disorders using Muistikko web‐based cognitive test battery. Alzheimer's & Dementia 13(7):Supplement,P234‐P235,2017 [2] Bruun, M. et al. Evaluating combinations of diagnostic tests to discriminate different dementia types. Alzheimers Dement 2018 Aug17;10:509‐51