342 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of resistance of normal cells to TRAIL induced apoptosis vary between different cell types

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    AbstractResistance of normal cells to tumour necrosis factor related apoptosis inducing ligand (TRAIL) induced apoptosis is believed to be mediated by expression of two decoy receptors. Here we show that the expression and localisation of TRAIL receptors (TRAIL-Rs) vary between different cells and that resistance to TRAIL is mediated by different mechanisms. The decoy receptor, TRAIL-R3, appeared important in protection of endothelial cells, whereas lack of surface death receptor expression and as yet unknown intracellular inhibitor(s) of apoptosis downstream of caspase-3 may play a major role in protection of melanocytes and fibroblasts from TRAIL induced apoptosis, respectively. Differential subcellular location of decoy receptors may be an important determinant of their effectiveness in different types of normal cells

    Effects of climate and plant phenology on recruitment of moose at the southern extent of their range

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    Climate plays a fundamental role in limiting the range of a species, is a key factor in the dynamics of large herbivores, and is thought to be involved in declines of moose populations in recent decades. We examined effects of climate and growing-season phenology on recruitment (8–9 months old) of young Shiras moose (Alces alces shirasi) over three decades, from 18 herds, across a large geographic area encompassing much of the southern extent of their range. Recruitment declined in 8 of 18 herds during 1980–2009, whereas others did not exhibit a temporal trend (none showed a positive trend). During those three decades, seasonal temperatures increased, spring–summer precipitation decreased, and spring occurred earlier, became shorter in duration, and green-up occurred faster. Recruitment was influenced negatively by warm temperatures during the year before young were born, but only for herds with declining recruitment. Dry spring–summers of the previous year and rapid rates of spring green-up in the year of birth had similar negative influences across declining and stable herds. Those patterns indicate both direct (yeart) and delayed (yeart−1) effects of weather and plant phenology on recruitment of young, which we hypothesize was mediated through effects on maternal nutritional condition. Suppressed nutrition could have been induced by (1) increased thermoregulatory costs associated with warming temperatures and (2) shortened duration of availability of high-quality forage in spring. Progressive reductions in net energetic gain for species that are sensitive to climate may continue to hamper individual fitness and population dynamics

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 15

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. Stories include a notice about the change of shoes issues as part of military uniforms

    Hiroshima: a catástrofe atômica e suas testemunhas

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    Ao longo das duas Guerras Mundiais, observou-se o rompimento da humanidade com as normas de conduta inauguradas pelo Iluminismo, legitimando a violência como algo intrínseco à sociedade moderna. Essa mudança de valores foi acompanhada pelo crescente investimento científico e tecnológico, que atingiu um elevado desenvolvimento durante o século XX e trouxe, como um de seus resultados, os maiores genocídios realizados pelos Estados autoritários em nome de seus interesses políticos e econômicos. A barbárie nos leva a considerar um elemento para a reflexão: as testemunhas. Essas corporificam a necessidade de um resgate da humanização, da retomada dos valores morais perdidos com a banalização da violência. Assim, o testemunho confronta a história e demonstra que o desenvolvimento tecnológico não é sinônimo de desenvolvimento humano. Pelo contrário, permite questionar a verdadeira intenção das nações que, em busca de hegemonia, destroem maciçamente populações inteiras. Nesse contexto, emergem as seguintes questões: o que é o testemunho e qual a sua importância para a sociedade moderna? O que levou, historicamente, ao surgimento das testemunhas? Qual o contexto histórico que proporcionou o desenvolvimento da bomba atômica? Por que houve a necessidade, por parte das nações em guerra, de exterminarem milhares de pessoas, principalmente civis? Qual a consequência do rompimento das normas de civilidade pelas duas Guerras Mundiais? Para responder a essas perguntas, investigou-se o Museu Memorial da Paz de Hiroshima no que diz respeito à sua exposição permanente, seus objetivos no que se refere à luta contra o esquecimento da catástrofe atômica e à coleta de testemunhos. Após esse primeiro momento da pesquisa, procedeu-se ao estudo do contexto histórico que culminou nas atrocidades cometidas ao longo das duas Grandes Guerras, os resultados dos extermínios em massa para a sociedade moderna e, finalmente, o estudo sobre o trauma e o testemunho em relação aos sobreviventes do bombardeio atômico de Hiroshima

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 8

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 9

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. This issue includes acknowledgement of Bill Floring setting UMaine\u27s record for running the 100-yard dash in 10 seconds

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 12

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. This issue focuses on female student activities including the Women\u27s Debate Club and the Women\u27s Athletic Association. The editorial staff mentions the latest college fad: bicycle-riding

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 11

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. This issue covers termination of the biscuit throwing precedent at the annual class banquet

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 14

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. Campus coverage in this issue includes changes in rules governing the Senior Skulls in an effort to create a better spirit among the entire student body, by prohibiting the wearing of knickers, prep school insignia, and sports shoes

    The Freshman, vol. 1, no. 10 [issue misnumbered]

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. This issue includes an editorial exploring how to maintain self-identity in the face of academic stereotypes
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