1,256 research outputs found

    KPK Lecture notes Optics (Der Karlsruher Physikkurs)

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    Skriptum zur Experimentalphysikvorlesung Opti

    KPK Lecture notes Thermodynamics (Der Karlsruher Physikkurs)

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    Skriptum zur Experimentalphysikvorlesung Thermodynami

    KPK Lecture notes Electromagnetism (The Karlsruhe physics course)

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    Skriptum zur Experimentalphysikvorlesung Elektrodynami

    KPK Lecture notes Mechanics (Der Karlsruher Physikkurs)

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    Skriptum zur Experimentalphysikvorlesung Mechani

    Ser y tiempo y el Dasein

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    Aquest text ofereix una aproximació al concepte fonamental de ser-hi (Dasein), concepte que ajuda a aconseguir una comprensió de Ser i temps. Enfront de la interpretació habitual que redueix el concepte de ser-hi (Dasein) a l'àmbit de l'existència humana, es tratade mostrar que el aquí (Da) de l'ésser-hi (Dasein) no només indica l'obertura de l'existència humana i de les seves respectives estructures ontològiques, sinó que apunta sobretot cap a la pregunta pel sentit de l'ésser en general.This text offers an approach to the basic concept of Dasein, concept that helps to get an understanding of Being and Time. In front of the traditional interpretation that reduces the concept of Being-there (Dasein) to human existence, I show how the There (Da) of Being-there not only refers to the openness of human existence and its existential traits, but that it also points at the question of the meaning of being in general.Este texto ofrece una aproximación al concepto fundamental de ser-ahí (Dasein), concepto que ayuda a conseguir una comprensión de Ser y tiempo. Frente a la interpretación habitual que reduce el concepto de ser-ahí (Dasein) al ámbito de la existencia humana, se tratade mostrar que el ahí (Da) del ser-ahí (Dasein) no sólo indica la apertura de la existencia humana y de sus respectivas estructuras ontológicas, sino que apunta sobre todo hacia la pregunta por el sentido del ser en general

    Sein und Zeit und das Dasein

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    Este texto ofrece una aproximación al concepto fundamental de ser-ahí (Dasein), concepto que ayuda a conseguir una comprensión de Ser y tiempo. Frente a la interpretación habitual que reduce el concepto de ser-ahí (Dasein) al ámbito de la existencia humana, se trata de mostrar que el ahí (Da) del ser-ahí (Dasein) no sólo indica la apertura de la existencia humana y de sus respectivas estructuras ontológicas, sino que apunta sobre todo hacia la pregunta por el sentido del ser en general.This text offers an approach to the basic concept of Dasein, concept that helps to get an understanding of Being and Time. In front of the traditional interpretation that reduces the concept of Being-there (Dasein) to human existence, I show how the There (Da) of Being-there not only refers to the openness of human existence and its existential traits, but that it also points at the question of the meaning of being in general

    Heaviside’s Gravitoelectromagnetism: What is it good for and what not?

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    We learn and teach classical mechanics essentially as it was developed by Newton. The theory is more than 300 years old, but still useful for many pur- poses. However, even in contexts where it produces correct results, it has a flaw: it uses actions at a distance. In addition, it is not able to describe the transport and storage of energy in the gravitational field locally. The general theory of relativity not only eliminated the actions at a distance of Newtonian mechanics, but also predicted phenomena which the Newtonian the- ory of gravitation could not explain. However, for solving many problems and for an introduction of gravitation in a standard lecture, general relativity is too complicated, mainly because of the tensor calculus. To bridge the gap between these two theories we propose to use Heaviside’s the- ory of gravitoelectromagnetism. This theory has the same structure as Maxwell’s electromagnetism. It has the advantage that it does not describe forces as actions at a distance and that it allows to establish a local energy balance. We discuss the limits of applicability of Heaviside’s theory. It turns out that be- sides the well-known condition low field/slow motion, another condition must be satisfied. The theory is only applicable to quasi-stationary processes. In particu- lar, it cannot describe gravitational waves. Nevertheless, it is useful for teaching, because some major shortcomings of the Newtonian theory are avoided