3,699 research outputs found

    Arabic and English News Coverage on aljazeera.net

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    The controversial Al Jazeera network, with its Arabic and English news websites, is an interesting object for comparative study. This study compares the\ud two language versions in terms of their layouts and the structural features, regional and thematic coverage, and ideological perspective reflected in the headlines of\ud news reports. Content analysis and critical discourse analysis revealed differences between the two versions for all aspects except for thematic coverage, indicating\ud systematic biases in coverage, alongside efforts to present ideological balance. \ud \ud <br />\ud <br />\ud \ud Le réseau Al Jazeera, avec ses sites d’information en arabe et en anglais\ud représente un objet intéressant pour une étude comparative. Cette étude compare les versions dans les deux langues, en ce qui concerne la présentation et les\ud caractéristiques structurelles, la couverture régionale et thématique, ainsi que la perspective idéologique telle qu’elle est reflétée par les grands titres. L’analyse du\ud contenu et l’analyse du discours révèlent des différences entre les deux versions sur tous les aspects, sauf pour la couverture thématique et pointent un biais\ud systématique pour les domaines couverts et des efforts pour assurer un équilibre idéologiqu

    Screening of Coulomb interactions in transition metals

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    We discuss different methods of calculation of the screened Coulomb interaction UU in transition metals and compare the constraint local-density approximation (LDA) with the GW approach. We clarify that they offer complementary methods of treating the screening and should serve for different purposes. In the GW method, the renormalization of bare on-site Coulomb interactions between 3d electrons occurs mainly through the screening by the same 3d electrons, treated in the random phase approximation (RPA). The basic difference of the constraint-LDA method is that it deals with the neutral processes, where the Coulomb interactions are additionally screened by the ``excited'' electron, since it continues to stay in the system. This is the main channel of screening by the itinerant (4sp4sp) electrons, which is especially strong in the case of transition metals and missing in the GW approach, although the details of this screening may be affected by additional approximations, which typically supplement these two methods. The major drawback of the conventional constraint-LDA method is that it does not allow to treat the energy-dependence of UU. We propose a promising approximation based on the combination of these two methods. First, we take into account the screening of Coulomb interactions in the 3d-electron-line bands located near the Fermi level by the states from the subspace being orthogonal to these bands, using the constraint-LDA methods. The obtained interactions are further renormalized within the bands near the Fermi level in RPA. This allows the energy-dependent screening by electrons near the Fermi level including the same 3d electrons.Comment: 25 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    The Magnetic Ordering of the 3d Wigner Crystal

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    Using Path Integral Monte Carlo, we have calculated exchange frequencies as electrons undergo ring exchanges of 2, 3 and 4 electrons in a ``clean'' 3d Wigner crystal (bcc lattice) as a function of density. We find pair exchange dominates and estimate the critical temperature for the transition to antiferromagnetic ordering to be roughly 1×10−81 \times 10^{-8}Ry at melting. In contrast to the situation in 2d, the 3d Wigner crystal is different from the solid bcc 3He in that the pair exchange dominates because of the softer interparticle potential. We discuss implications for the magnetic phase diagram of the electron gas

    Magnetic anisotropy and spin-spiral wave in V, Cr and Mn atomic chains on Cu(001) surface: First principles calculations

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    Recent ab intio studies of the magnetic properties of all 3d transition metal(TM) freestanding atomic chains predicted that these nanowires could have a giant magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) and might support a spin-spiral structure, thereby suggesting that these nanowires would have technological applicationsin, e.g., high density magnetic data storages. In order to investigate how the substrates may affect the magnetic properties of the nanowires, here we systematically study the V, Cr and Mn linear atomic chains on the Cu(001) surface based on the density functional theory with the generalized gradient approximation. We find that V, Cr, and Mn linear chains on the Cu(001) surface still have a stable or metastable ferromagnetic state. However, the ferromagnetic state is unstable against formation of a noncollinear spin-spiral structure in the Mn linear chains and also the V linear chain on the atop sites on the Cu(001) surface, due to the frustrated magnetic interactions in these systems. Nonetheless, the presence of the Cu(001) substrate does destabilize the spin-spiral state already present in the freestanding V linear chain and stabilizes the ferromagnetic state in the V linear chain on the hollow sites on Cu(001). When spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is included, the spin magnetic moments remain almost unchanged, due to the weakness of SOC in 3d TM chains. Furthermore, both the orbital magnetic moments and MAEs for the V, Cr and Mn are small, in comparison with both the corresponding freestanding nanowires and also the Fe, Co and Ni linear chains on the Cu (001) surface.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Phys. D: Applied Physic

    The blurring boundaries between synchronicity and asynchronicity:new communicative situations in work-related Instant Messaging

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    Instant messaging is one of the most popular communication technologies in virtual teams, enabling interactions to intertwine whole working days, thus creating the sense of copresence for team members who are geographically dispersed. Through close linguistic analyses of naturally occurring data from a virtual team, this article discusses the implications of two novel communicative situations enabled by instant messaging: presence information and the persistence of transcript. The preliminary findings of this study indicate that these new communicative situations require the flouting or rethinking of previously existing interactional norms and that communicative practices employed by the team members are not yet conventionalized/normalized, the expectations and interpretations of interactional rituals and timing vary highly, even within the same virtual team

    Out-of-plane nesting driven spin spiral in ultrathin Fe/Cu(001) films

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    Epitaxial ultrathin Fe films on fcc Cu(001) exhibit a spin spiral (SS), in contrast to the ferromagnetism of bulk bcc Fe. We study the in-plane and out-of-plane Fermi surfaces (FSs) of the SS in 8 monolayer Fe/Cu(001) films using energy dependent soft x-ray momentum-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. We show that the SS originates in nested regions confined to out-of-plane FSs, which are drastically modified compared to in-plane FSs. From precise reciprocal space maps in successive zones, we obtain the associated real space compressive strain of 1.5+-0.5% along c-axis. An autocorrelation analysis quantifies the incommensurate ordering vector q=(2pi/a)(0,0,~0.86), favoring a SS and consistent with magneto-optic Kerr effect experiments. The results reveal the importance of in-plane and out-of-plane FS mapping for ultrathin films.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Non-collinear coupling between magnetic adatoms in carbon nanotubes

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    The long range character of the exchange coupling between localized magnetic moments indirectly mediated by the conduction electrons of metallic hosts often plays a significant role in determining the magnetic order of low-dimensional structures. In addition to this indirect coupling, here we show that the direct exchange interaction that arises when the moments are not too far apart may induce a non-collinear magnetic order that cannot be characterized by a Heisenberg-like interaction between the magnetic moments. We argue that this effect can be manipulated to control the magnetization alignment of magnetic dimers adsorbed to the walls of carbon nanotubes.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR

    On the Geometry of Surface Stress

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    We present a fully general derivation of the Laplace--Young formula and discuss the interplay between the intrinsic surface geometry and the extrinsic one ensuing from the immersion of the surface in the ordinary euclidean three-dimensional space. We prove that the (reversible) work done in a general surface deformation can be expressed in terms of the surface stress tensor and the variation of the intrinsic surface metric

    Exchange between deep donors in semiconductors: a quantum defect approach

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    Exchange interactions among defects in semiconductors are commonly treated within effective-mass theory using a scaled hydrogenic wave-function. However such a wave-function is only applicable to shallow impurities; here we present a simple but robust generalization to treat deep donors, in which we treat the long-range part of the wavefunction using the well established quantum defect theory, and include a model central-cell correction to fix the bound-state eigenvalue at the experimentally observed value. This allows us to compute the effect of binding energy on exchange interactions as a function of donor distance; this is a significant quantity given recent proposals to carry out quantum information processing using deep donors. As expected, exchange interactions are suppressed (or increased), compared to the hydrogenic case, by the greater localization (or delocalization) of the wavefunctions of deep donors (or `super-shallow' donors with binding energy less then the hydrogenic value). The calculated results are compared with a simple scaling of the Heitler-London hydrogenic exchange; the scaled hydrogenic results give the correct order of magnitude but fail to reproduce quantitatively our calculations. We calculate the donor exchange in silicon including inter-valley interference terms for donor pairs along the {100}\{100\} direction, and also show the influence of the donor type on the distribution of nearest-neighbour exchange constants at different concentrations. Our methods can be used to compute the exchange interactions between two donor electrons with arbitrary binding energy.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, RevTeX

    Heisenberg Spin Bus as a Robust Transmission Line for Perfect State Transfer

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    We study the protocol known as quantum state transfer for a strongly coupled antiferromagnetic spin chain or ring (acting as a spin bus), with weakly coupled external qubits. By treating the weak coupling as a perturbation, we find that perfect state transfer (PST) is possible when second order terms are included in the expansion. We also show that PST is robust against variations in the couplings along the spin bus and between the bus and the qubits. As evidence of the quantum interference which mediates PST, we show that the optimal time for PST can be smaller with larger qubit separations, for an even-size chain or ring.Comment: 6 figures,submitte
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