13,030 research outputs found

    The New Directive on the Right of Citizens of the Union and their Family Members to Move and Reside Freely within the Territory of the Member States - What Changes Does it Bring?

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    Wohnstandort, EU-Recht, Niederlassungsrecht, Freizügigkeit, Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion, Residential location, Community law, Freedom of establishment, Freedom of movement, European Economic and Monetary Union

    Book review

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    El impacto social de la crisis sobre la infancia

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    Las condiciones de la infancia en México son el resultado no sólo de las condiciones de crisis económica, sino también política y social. Son entre otras cosas, el resultado de la falta de un proyecto nacional que contemple las necesidades de todos sus miembros. La caída de la producción, el desempleo, la contención salarial, la inflación, la carestía y la contracción del gasto público de beneficio social han repercutido de manera especial en las condiciones de la niñez mexicana. Según estimaciones del Sistema Nacional para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia para 1986 existían en el país 5 millones de niños cuya situación es critica, debido a sus condiciones sociales y económicas

    Music Uses and Gratifications Among Youth

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    This study identified the uses and gratifications of music genres and communication needs among young adults. An online survey of young adults in the College of Liberal Arts at Rochester Institute of Technology was conducted. Seven communication factors were found to correlate with listening to 21 different music genres. A sense of identity was significantly related to alternative, indie, jazz, and new age music. Behavior was related to dance, easy listening, hip hop/rap, new age, pop, and world music. Interaction with others was related to easy listening and pop music. Knowledge was related to alternative, dance, easy listening, hip hop/rap, pop, and rhythm and blues. Needs was related to classical, electronic, Asian pop, pop, and world music. Negative moods management was related to alternative, Asian pop, rhythm and blues, and world music while positive moods management was related to alternative, electronic, indie, Asian pop, rhythm and blues, and world music

    Caracterización de las relaciones sociales de un grupo en cautiverio de Cebuella pygmaea (Primates: Callitrichidae)

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    In the cooperative breeding system of the pygmy marmoset, Cebuella pygmaea, the adult male and the oldest offspring help with the care of the infants. In this type of social system relationships among the individuals of the group are very important, and can be affected in stressful situations such as the ones existing in captivity. In my research I aimed to characterize the social behavior of a group of pygmy marmoset in captivity and to evaluate the possible effects of this and other factors, as age and sex on some social behaviors. I carried out this study in a captive group of pygmy marmoset in the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Yanacocha from 2014 through 2015. We made noninvasive observations (110 hours of direct observation) of the social behaviors with focal ad libitum sampling. The recorded behaviors were: contact, proximity, grooming, chasing, huddling, play, anogenital display, mounting, scent marking and simultaneous piloerection. I calculated the frequency per hour for each behavior. The most common behavior was grooming with 0,76 events per hour, and included both young and adults. The less common behaviors were mounting and simultaneous piloerection. We compared the frequency of each behavior between dyads. Each behavior was more frequent in a different dyad. I also found differences in the duration of the behaviors between dyads, but this was only significant for grooming. These differences suggest that there are effects of age and sex in the affiliative behaviors. I calculated the mean duration and the time invested in each behavior. The group inverted more time in grooming than in any other behavior. Grooming is related with the maintenance of the cohesion of the group. Contact had the largest mean duration, as it can occur when the animals rest. I carried out a correlation between the duration of the behaviors and found a strong and significant relationship between play and proximity. Finally, I analyzed the reciprocity in grooming. I found that there is reciprocity between the dyads, except for Adult-Juvenile and Subadult-Juvenile, suggesting that the frequency and the duration of grooming events increase with age.En el sistema de reproducción cooperativa del leoncillo, Cebuella pygmaea, el macho adulto y los hijos de mayor edad ayudan en el cuidado de los infantes. En este sistema las relaciones entre los individuos del grupo son de suma importancia y pueden verse afectadas en situaciones de estrés como las que existen en cautiverio. En nuestra investigación buscamos caracterizar el comportamiento social de un grupo de leoncillos en cautiverio y evaluar los posibles efectos de éste y de otros factores, como el sexo y la edad, sobre algunos comportamientos sociales. El estudio se realizó con un grupo de leoncillos en cautiverio del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Yanacocha en los años 2014 y 2015. Realizamos observaciones no invasivas (110 horas de observación directa) de los comportamientos sociales de los individuos con muestreos focales ad libitum. Los comportamientos de interés fueron: contacto, proximidad, acicalamiento, persecución, abrazos, juego, exhibición anogenital, cópula, marcación odorífera y piloerección simultánea. Calculamos la frecuencia por hora de cada uno de los comportamientos. El acicalamiento fue el comportamiento más frecuente con 0,76 eventos por hora e involucró a individuos jóvenes y adultos, la cópula y la piloerección simultánea fueron los comportamientos menos frecuentes. Se comparó la frecuencia de cada comportamiento entre diadas (parejas de individuos), cada comportamiento tuvo una diada en el que fue más frecuente. También, se encontraron diferencias en la duración de los comportamientos entre diadas, aunque solo en el acicalamiento estas diferencias fueron significativas. Estas diferencias sugieren que hay efectos de la edad y el sexo de los individuos sobre los comportamientos de afiliación. Se calculó la duración promedio y el tiempo invertido en cada comportamiento. El acicalamiento tuvo la mayor proporción de tiempo invertido, este comportamiento está relacionado con el mantenimiento de la cohesión grupal. El contacto tuvo la mayor duración promedio, ya que se puede dar mientras los animales descansan. Se realizó una correlación entre las duraciones de los diferentes comportamientos y se encontró una relación significativa y fuerte entre la duración relativa del juego y la proximidad. Por último, se analizó la reciprocidad en el acicalamiento, encontrando que dentro del grupo hay reciprocidad entre las diadas, excepto en la diada Adulto-Juvenil y la diada Subadulto-Juvenil, lo cual sugiere que la frecuencia y duración de los eventos de acicalamiento aumentan con la edad

    Internet searches as a leading indicator of house purchases in a subnational framework: the case of Spain

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    [EN] Most people use web search tools to collect information on goods or services they intend to buy. Given the prominence of Google among the search engines and the availability of Google trends (GT) as a tool packaging some characteristics of those searches (geography, topic, categories, among others) it is only natural to use this instrument in order assess trends in the market. In this paper we build indicators reflecting the real estate market stance. To do so we rely GT’s TOPIC´s option that approximates the concept (housing, purchase, sale ...) instead of the exact wordings used by searchers. This approach is particularly useful in a country with several official languages and an important foreign market. The baseline quarterly model describes house sales (measured by its year-onyear growth rate) as an autoregressive AR (1/4) model and unemployment rate as a covariate. The alternative augments the baseline with contemporary a Google indicator. The models are estimated for 2004Q1-2014Q4 and recursive one period ahead forecasts are made for 2015Q1-2018Q4. The inclusion of Google indicator reduces the EAM of prediction errors (outside the sample) from 0.077 to 0.034. The forecasts also have greater accuracy and lower bias. The same procedure has been replicated for regions with very similar results for the main regional markets (Madrid and Catalonia) and more unequal in other regions.Artola, C.; Herrera De La Cruz, J. (2020). Internet searches as a leading indicator of house purchases in a subnational framework: the case of Spain. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 338-338. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/148776OCS33833

    Regeneración urbana desde fuera: cuerpo social, urdimbres y deseos

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    Si el cuerpo social, sus formas de vida y deseos han estado en gran medida excluidos de los procesos rehabilitadores -especialmente cuando salimos del espacio de la casa (inmueble o soporte edificado) y pasamos al lugar del encuentro, al tejido urbano-, cualquier ensayo que se plantee la regeneración de nuestras ciudades pasa por recuperar la empatía con la ciudadanía. La relevancia de estos actores a la hora de guiar e informar a la arquitectura y al urbanismo, y desde ella a los agentes y administradores, para una re-generación urbana eficiente es incuestionable. Atender a las cuestiones más básicas y sencillas, a las más cotidianas y por lo general más vindicativas, supone actitud distinta y visión crítica que nos permite ver el estado de la cuestión de otra manera. Situándonos fuera del sistema unitario establecido por la técnica, allí donde no existen fórmulas preestablecidas, quizás seamos capaces de desvelar lo que se ha negado o excluido, sacar a la superficie lo reprimid

    A machine learning approach for banks classification and forecast

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    n this research, a classification model is developed for the banking sector using the machine earning technique GLMNET. In the first place, a clustering process was developed, where 3 clearly differentiated groups were found. Subsequently, a Fuzzy analysis was performed finding the probabilities of transition of the banks to each group found, finally, the GLMNET algorithm was implemented, the automatic classification of the banks according to their financial items, obtaining a result of 95% accuracy. © 2019 International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA)

    Techniques for recognizing textual entailment and semantic equivalence

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    After defining what is understood by textual entailment and semantic equivalence, the present state and the desirable future of the systems aimed at recognizing them is shown. A compilation of the currently implemented techniques in the main Recognizing Textual Entailment and Semantic Equivalence systems is given

    Comparative study of different methods for determining moisture in differents food matrices

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    The determination of moisture in food is a very important process because the moisture content affects the processing capacity, the shelf life, and the quality of the product. Therefore, moisture content determination plays a key role in ensuring quality in many industries, such as food, pharmaceutical and chemical.The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences between the internal method used in Laboratorios Vital and different external methods of the Official Association of Analytical Chemists (AOAC) or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). External methods evaluated were: ISO 662:2016, ISO 3727-1:2001, ISO 665:2001, AOAC 984.25, AOAC 931.04, AOAC 926.08, AOAC 968.11, AOAC 934.01, AOAC 941.08, AOAC 925,45C, ISO 5537:2004, ISO 579:2013 and AOAC 934.06. By means of this study, what is intended is to demonstrate the validity of the internal method being that each external method of the AOAC or ISO has associated the use of a specific temperature and time which would require more time to perform the moisture determination.To carry out this study, 12 different food matrices were introduced in a Dinko D60D stove: butter, oil seeds, frozen chips, chocolate, cheese, roasted coffee, tea, ice cream, honey, milk powder, coke and dried fruit.Moisture analysis were performed for 5 non-consecutive days and every day 2 replicates of each food matrix were analyzed.After carrying out the different tests, the results were compared and it was observed that there were no significant differences in the determination of the percentage of moisture. This allows to confirm that the internal method used by the company is reliable for the determination of this parameter, which has clear economic advantages for the analytical laboratory that reduces the time of delivery of data to customers by almost a week