64 research outputs found

    Social impact bonds: From social innovation to responsible finance innovation

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    Las innovaciones sociales se están convirtiendo en un drenaje cada vez mayor en los presupuestos públicos nacionales y requieren de nuevas políticas innovadoras. Un instrumento financiero denominado Bonos de Impacto Social, podría ser útil para superar esta barrera. Siendo los bonos un instrumento financiero, los debates sobre la responsabilidad y la irresponsabilidad en la industria de los servicios de este tipo cobran especial relevancia. En una primera parte de este artículo se hace referencia a las innovaciones sociales y se define este concepto a partir de la mirada de diversos autores. Seguidamente, se describen los pasos y los sectores de la sociedad que se presentan en un proceso de innovación social. En una segunda parte, considerando que uno de los principales obstáculos para implementar una innovación social es su financiamiento, se describen los Bonos de Impacto Social y el pago por resultados asociado. En la tercera parte del artículo se discute acerca de la responsabilidad de las innovaciones financieras. El artículo finaliza con las conclusiones.Social innovations are becoming an increasing drain on national public budgets and require new innovative policies. A financial instrument called Social Impact Bonds could be useful to overcome this barrier. Being bond a financial instrument, the debates on responsibility and irresponsibility in the service industry of this type are particularly relevant. In this article, the first part refers to social innovations and this concept is defined from the eyes of several authors. Following, we describe the steps necessary to achieve an innovation of this kind, a of society. In a second part, considering that one of the main obstacles to implementing a social innovation is financing, social impact bonds and payment for the associated results are described. In the third part of the article, being Social Impact Bonds a financial instrument, we will discuss about the responsibility of financial innovations. The paper ends with conclusions


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    For more than twenty years, Argentina has been developing science, technology and innovation policies within the framework of the National Innovation Systems. Within this framework, as of 2003, a strong state impulse to the development of nanotechnology as a mobilizer of the productive fabric begins to be noticed. This impulse was mainly channeled through different financing to nanotechnological projects, which were intended to stimulate the country's economic growth. At an early stage of the development of a technology of tips such as nanotechnology, it is essential to carry out an analysis of the various financing initiatives from a framework of responsibility. The objective of the article is to analyze the relationship between financing and responsibility for the development of nanotechnology in Argentina. For this, in a first section, the financing destined to the development of nanotechnology in Argentina is analyzed, and what is understood by responsible development is defined. In a second section, nanotechnology projects are defined as a unit of analysis, the degree of responsibility variable is operationalized based on various characteristics of the projects, and a questionnaire is presented to gather information and classify them according to their degree of responsibility. In the last section, an analysis of the responses is carried out in two levels. The first level refers to a descriptive statistic. The second level analysis refers to a correlation of variables related to the financing and responsibility of nanotechnology.Desde hace más de veinte años, en Argentina se elaboran las políticas en ciencia, tecnología e innovación dentro del marco de los Sistemas Nacionales de Innovación. Dentro de este marco, a partir del 2003 comienza a advertirse un fuerte impulso estatal al desarrollo de la nanotecnología como movilizadora del entramado productivo. Este impulso estuvo canalizado principalmente por medio de diferentes financiamientos a proyectos nanotecnológicos, los cuales se proponían estimular el crecimiento económico del país. En una etapa temprana del desarrollo de una tecnología de punta como la nanotecnología, es fundamental la realización de un análisis de las diversas iniciativas de financiamiento desde un marco de responsabilidad. El objetivo del artículo es analizar la relación existente entre el financiamiento y la responsabilidad del desarrollo de la nanotecnología en Argentina. Para ello, en un primer apartado, se analiza el financiamiento destinado al desarrollo de la nanotecnología en Argentina, y se define lo que se entiende por desarrollo responsable. En un segundo apartado, se define a los proyectos de nanotecnología como unidad de análisis, se operacionaliza la variable grado de responsabilidad a partir de diversas características de los proyectos, y se presenta un cuestionario que permite reunir información y clasificarlos según su grado de responsabilidad. En el último apartado, se realiza un análisis de las respuestas en dos niveles. El primer nivel refiere a una estadística descriptiva. El análisis de segundo nivel refiere a una correlación de variables relacionadas con el financiamiento y la responsabilidad de la nanotecnología

    Posibles indicadores del sector turismo para la autoridad macroprudencial en la Argentina

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    The term “macroprudential” is usually used in different ways. Sometimes it refers to macroprudential analysis, others to macro-prudential oversight and it also speaks of macroprudential regulation. In this paper, taking into account these concepts, an analysis of what is meant by macroprudential authority, how should it be implemented and should have powers to ensure the stability of the entire financial system is going to be done. Referring to the local economy, the Charter Reform of the Central Bank of Argentina has entered into force. In regard to financial regulation, within the reform, and unlike it was in force since 1992, it aims to not only to monitor, but to implement regulations on the local financial system to avoid the frequent abuses by various entities . To perform the analysis of the implementation of a macroprudential authority in Argentina, it is going to be considered the evolution of a particular sector of the real economy, namely tourism. Finally, a measure of this economic sector, that should to detect potential problems in the financial system, is proposed

    Posibles indicadores del sector turismo para la autoridad macroprudencial en la Argentina

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    The term “macroprudential” is usually used in different ways. Sometimes it refers to macroprudential analysis, others to macro-prudential oversight and it also speaks of macroprudential regulation. In this paper, taking into account these concepts, an analysis of what is meant by macroprudential authority, how should it be implemented and should have powers to ensure the stability of the entire financial system is going to be done. Referring to the local economy, the Charter Reform of the Central Bank of Argentina has entered into force. In regard to financial regulation, within the reform, and unlike it was in force since 1992, it aims to not only to monitor, but to implement regulations on the local financial system to avoid the frequent abuses by various entities . To perform the analysis of the implementation of a macroprudential authority in Argentina, it is going to be considered the evolution of a particular sector of the real economy, namely tourism. Finally, a measure of this economic sector, that should to detect potential problems in the financial system, is proposed

    Tecnologías de Big data y biopolítica: mecanismos relacionales de procesamiento de datos en época de pandemia mundial viral

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    The promises and risks associated with the development of big data technologies are exacerbated by the global viral pandemic known as COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, or coronaviruses. From an organizational point of view, a series of debates arise that, although in principle antagonistic, have outcomes in intermediate positions and question values of society. Faced with these questions, a very common practice in the face of the development of the coronavirus was to raise dystopian futures. Within this work, avoiding the proposal of "what is expected once it ends", the global viral pandemic is taken as the opening of a space to reflect on the development of Big data technologies and elaborate questions related to biopolitics. One of these questions is the following: how can practical categories, strategies, protocols and policies be developed to articulate and assign responsibilities in the relationship between humans and nonhumans? The answer to that question, surely, is not related to the approach of dystopian futures. Proposing scenarios based on "what is expected once it ends" is not a viable path. In this sense, the answer is related rather to the understanding of the agencies that exist in a mechanism in which, at least, humans, technologies, algorithms, data, and viruses interact. Understanding what is happening today is what enables policy development based on the allocation of responsibilities within the complex hybrid that represents the development of big data technologies


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    Technological innovations are presented with high expectations of future benefits and diffuse risks. Regarding innovations linked to nanotechnology, there is a high level of uncertainty as to how and to what extent the nanoparticles present in consumer products cause risks to society, through health and the environment. For this reason, it is necessary to incorporate a framework of responsibility for its development. The objective of this article is to make a proposal to incorporate a responsibility framework on the development of nanotechnology in Argentina. To complete it, in the first section, we describe a responsibility framework linked to the ethical, standardization and regulatory issues of nanotechnology, and warns of the need to consider local conditions to incorporate it. In the second section, we analyze the organizations that fostered some debate around ethical discussions, standardization and regulation related to the country's nanotechnology sector. Finally, in the third section, a concrete proposal is made to promote a framework of responsibility from the Argentine Nanotechnology Foundation. In this way, the article provides a concrete proposal to make responsible the nanotechnological development of Argentina.Las innovaciones tecnológicas se presentan con altas expectativas de beneficios futuros y riesgos difusos. Respecto a las innovaciones vinculadas con la nanotecnología, existe un elevado nivel de incertidumbre en cuanto a cómo y en qué grado las nanopartículas presentes en los productos de consumo ocasionan riesgos a la sociedad, a través de la salud y del medioambiente. Por esta razón se hace necesaria la incorporación de un marco de responsabilidad sobre su desarrollo. El objetivo del presente artículo es realizar una propuesta para incorporar un marco de responsabilidad sobre el desarrollo de la nanotecnología en Argentina. Para cumplimentarlo, en el primer apartado, se describe un marco de responsabilidad vinculado con las cuestiones éticas, de normalización y de regulación de la nanotecnología, y se advierte sobre la necesidad de considerar las condiciones locales para incorporarlo. En el segundo apartado, se analizan las organizaciones que propiciaron algún debate en torno a discusiones éticas, normalización y regulación vinculadas con el sector nanotecnológico del país. Finalmente, en el tercer apartado, se realiza una propuesta concreta para impulsar desde la Fundación Argentina de Nanotecnología un marco de responsabilidad. De este modo, el artículo aporta una propuesta concreta para hacer responsable el desarrollo nanotecnológico de Argentina

    Epistemic opacity and epistemic transparency: organizations that produce, support and recreate them in platform economies

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    Los cambios tecnológicos de los últimos años han permitido la emergencia, la consolidación y –en algunos casos– el dominio de los negocios de plataformas. El crecimiento de este tipo de empresas ha sido muy veloz desde mediados de la década del noventa, propiciado por transformaciones tecnológicas y de conexión digital. Sin embargo, no todos los usos de las plataformas en internet son por parte de empresas, ni todas las empresas tienen una organización capitalista. Existen desarrollos digitales y plataformas cuyo modo es social solidario y se apoyan en la tradición del código abierto, el espacio compartido, el intercambio no lucrativo y el trabajo permanente de socialización de lo que se va generando como conocimiento. En este trabajo realizamos, en primer término, una revisión de la literatura del campo que denominamos Economía de Plataformas para situar el concepto de opacidad epistémica y explicar el poder de dominación que este modo construye. Pondremos a discusión la distinción entre dos posiciones. Una, que denominamos plataformas comerciales de lucro, con opacidad epistémica y dominación social, y otra, que llamamos de nitidez epistémica, en tanto son espacios públicos de acceso libre y gratuito para producir y compartir el común social y solidariamente.Technological changes in recent years have allowed the emergence, consolidation and -in some cases- dominance of platform businesses. The growth of this type of companies has been very fast since the mid-nineties, fostered by technological transformations and digital connection. However, not all uses of internet platforms are performed by companies, nor all companies have a capitalist organization. There are social-in-solidarity digital developments and platforms, based on open source, shared space, non-profit exchange, and a permanent work of socializing of what is being generated as knowledge. In this paper, we first present a literature review of the field we call Platform Economy, to position the concept of epistemic opacity and explain the power of domination built by this mode. We will discuss the differences between two positions. One, which we call commercial platforms for profit with epistemic opacity and social domination, and another, which we call epistemic transparency as they are free and open access public spaces to produce and share the capital stock jointly and severally.Facultad de Ciencias Económica


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    Mercado Libre is an organization that implements a platform business model and proposes growth strategies that involve the processing of large volumes of data provided by users. The implementation of these strategies not only increases the market value, but also increases the power of the organization. Within this essay the following questions are addressed: What are the characteristics of Mercado Libre's power as a platform and what are the organizational strategies it promotes to nurture that power? The objective is to characterize the platform power and identify different distortions in the communication initiative and labor relations of Mercado Libre. In the first section, based on a definition of platform business models, the dynamics of Mercado Libre as an organization are described. In a second part, the power of the platforms is characterized. In a third section, distortions in the communication initiative and labor relations of Mercado Libre are identified.Mercado Libre es una organización que implementa un modelo de negocios de plataforma y plantea estrategias de crecimiento que involucran el procesamiento de grandes volúmenes de datos aportados por los usuarios. La puesta en marcha de estas estrategias no solo aumenta el valor de mercado, sino que incrementa, también, el poder de la organización. Dentro de este trabajo se abordan las siguientes preguntas: ¿Cuáles son las características del poder de Mercado Libre como plataforma y cuáles son las estrategias organizacionales que impulsa para nutrir ese poder? El objetivo es caracterizar el poder de las plataformas e identificar diferentes distorsiones en la iniciativa de comunicación y las relaciones laborales de Mercado Libre. En la primera sección, a partir de una definición de modelos de negocios de plataforma, se describe la dinámica de Mercado Libre como organización. En la segunda sección se analiza el poder de las plataformas. En una tercera sección, se identifican distorsiones en la iniciativa de comunicación y las relaciones laborales de Mercado Libre

    Tecnologías de Big data y biopolítica: mecanismos relacionales de procesamiento de datos en época de pandemia mundial viral

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    The promises and risks associated with the development of big data technologies are exacerbated by the global viral pandemic known as COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, or coronaviruses. From an organizational point of view, a series of debates arise that, although in principle antagonistic, have outcomes in intermediate positions and question values of society. Faced with these questions, a very common practice in the face of the development of the coronavirus was to raise dystopian futures. Within this work, avoiding the proposal of "what is expected once it ends", the global viral pandemic is taken as the opening of a space to reflect on the development of Big data technologies and elaborate questions related to biopolitics. One of these questions is the following: how can practical categories, strategies, protocols and policies be developed to articulate and assign responsibilities in the relationship between humans and nonhumans? The answer to that question, surely, is not related to the approach of dystopian futures. Proposing scenarios based on "what is expected once it ends" is not a viable path. In this sense, the answer is related rather to the understanding of the agencies that exist in a mechanism in which, at least, humans, technologies, algorithms, data, and viruses interact. Understanding what is happening today is what enables policy development based on the allocation of responsibilities within the complex hybrid that represents the development of big data technologies


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    In recent times, the concept of social innovation has gained great relevance, given the need to respond to inequality and poverty issues. It usually appears as part of the toolkit that promotes social justice. Therefore, the success of the innovation is related to the social impacts that it is pursuing,to counteract social vulnerability situations. (OECD. Publishing.2012; Warnock, R.,2014) Moreover, social innovations are becoming a growing drainage of national public budgets and they require new disruptive and innovative policies, developed not only by governments, but also by all other sectors (private, nonprofit and informal). Generally, finances are perceived as the principal barrier in all sectors, especially in third sector organizations, and they have a direct impact in the scope of the innovations. While social impact assessment is now a practice with a growing international presence, in the field of innovation it has not been one of the aspects that has developed the most, arguably being one of its weakest points and a major policy challenge. (González, F. J. G., Durlan, C., Gómez, S. C., & Mendizábal, G. A., 2014). The aim of this study is to propose the construction of an index to quantify the probability of impact of social innovations under the objectives in quantitative and qualitative terms. The model is exploratory in nature and seeks to introduce a new perspective in terms of social impact measurement.En el último tiempo, el concepto de innovación social ha adquirido gran importancia en vista de la necesidad de responder a los desafíos vinculados a problemáticas de desigualdad y pobreza y suele aparecer como parte del herramental que promueve la justicia social. Por consiguiente, el éxito de la innovación estará vinculado a los impactos sociales que se buscará alcanzar, para contrarrestar situaciones de vulnerabilidad social. (OECD. Publishing.2012; Warnock, R., 2014). Por otra parte, las innovaciones sociales se están convirtiendo en un drenaje cada vez mayor en los presupuestos públicos nacionales y requieren de nuevas políticas innovadoras y disruptivas, pensadasno sólo por los gobiernos, sino también por los demás sectores (privado, sin fines de lucro e informal). Generalmente, las finanzas son percibidas como la principal barrera en todos los sectores, especialmente en las organizaciones del tercer sector, y tienen un impacto directo en los niveles deinnovación. Si bien la evaluación del impacto social constituye actualmente una práctica creciente a nivel internacional, en el campo de las innovaciones no ha sido uno de los aspectos que mayor desarrollo ha experimentado y conforma tal vez uno de los puntos más endebles y principales desafíos de política. (González, F. J. G., Durlan, C., Gómez, S. C., & Mendizábal, G. A., 2014). El objetivo del presente trabajo es proponer la construcción de un índice que permita cuantificar laprobabilidad de impacto de las innovaciones sociales en virtud de los objetivos propuestos, en términos cuantitativos y cualitativos. El modelo es de carácter exploratorio y busca introducir una nueva perspectiva en términos de medición del impacto social