70 research outputs found

    Association between obesity and periodontal disease. A systematic review of epidemiological studies and controlled clinical trials

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    Obesity is a very prevalent chronic disease worldwide and has been suggested to increase susceptibility of periodontitis. The aim of this paper was to provide a systematic review of the association between obesity and periodontal disease, and to determine the possible mechanisms underlying in this relationship. A literature search was carried out in the databases PubMed-Medline and Embase. Controlled clinical trials and observational studies identifying periodontal and body composition parameters were selected. Each article was subjected to data extraction and quality assessment. A total of 284 articles were identified, of which 64 were preselected and 28 were finally included in the review. All the studies described an association between obesity and periodontal disease, except two articles that reported no such association. Obesity is characterized by a chronic subclinical inflammation that could exacerbate other chronic inflammatory disorders like as periodontitis. The association between obesity and periodontitis was consistent with a compelling pattern of increased risk of periodontitis in overweight or obese individuals. Although the underlying pathophysiological mechanism remains unclear, it has been pointed out that the development of insulin resistance as a consequence of a chronic inflammatory state and oxidative stress could be implicated in the association between obesity and periodontitis. Further prospective longitudinal studies are needed to define the magnitude of this association and to elucidate the causal biological mechanisms

    Influence of anxiety and anesthetic vasoconstrictors upon hemodynamic parameters during dental procedures in controlled hypertensive and non-hypertensive patients

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    To determine the influence of dental anxiety and the vasoconstrictor used in local anesthesia upon different hemodynamic parameters - systolic (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP), heart rate (HR) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SatO2) - during den

    COVID-19, A new challenge in the dental practice

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    This review was conducted in order to learn the latest information about how to prevent cross-infection of COVID-19 in dentistry. The aim of this study is offer a clinical protocol to reduce the risk of infection of COVID-19 in dental settings. We carr

    Periodontal, salivary and IL-6 status in rheumatoid arthritis patients. A cross-sectional study

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    Background: The aim of this study was to determine whether saliva interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels are elevated in patients with rheumatoid arthritis versus a control group and examine the possible relationship between the oral condition and the risk of RA. Material and Methods: In 30 patients with RA and 30 healthy controls, different periodontal indices were recorded; sialometric measurements were taken to determine resting whole saliva, stimulated whole saliva and stimulated parotid saliva flow; and the saliva IL-6 levels were measured. Logistic regression analysis was performed, with the presence or absence of RA as dependent variable. Results: The patients with RA had a greater presence of bacterial plaque, a greater periodontal pocket depth, a larger percentage of medium-sized pockets, and greater periodontal attachment loss compared with the controls. Likewise, a decrease in resting and stimulated saliva flow was observed, together with an increase in saliva IL-6 levels. Logistic regression analysis reported that the plaque index is the principal differentiating factor of patients with RA. Stimulated parotid saliva flow was also significantly correlated to the presence of RA. Conclusions: The patients with RA showed a greater tendency to develop periodontal disease than the controls, with lower salivary flow and higher levels of IL-6 in saliva. Key words:Rheumatoid arthritis, periodontal disease, saliva, IL-6

    Nivel de Estrés Ocupacional en los Profesionales de Enfermería del Servicio de Medicina Varones y Medicina Mujeres del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado (HRHD) Arequipa - 2017

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    NIVEL DE ESTRÉS OCUPACIONAL EN LOS PROFESIONALES DE ENFERMERIA DEL SERVICIO DE MEDICINA VARONES Y MEDICINA MUJERES DEL HOSPITAL REGIONAL HONORIO DELGADO (HRHD) AREQUIPA – 2017. Presentado por las Bachilleres en Enfermería MAYTE ALEJANDRA BANDAN HERRERA, FRANCESCA SOFIA TORANZO MORA para optar el título profesional de LICENCIADAS EN ENFERMERÍA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA DE SANTA MARÍA, ubicada en la Urbanización San José S/N Umacollo. Teléfono 251210, Fax 054-219283, Apartado Postal 1350. Arequipa – Perú. La presente investigación tiene como objetivos determinar el nivel de estrés ocupacional en los profesionales de Enfermería del Servicio de Medicina Varones y Medicina Mujeres del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado, así como establecer cuáles son las diferencias y/o semejanzas del nivel de estrés ocupacional de las enfermeras del servicio de Medicina Varones y Medicina Mujeres del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado. Como hipótesis tenemos, dado que el estrés ocupacional es una respuesta corporal no específica del organismo frente a situaciones en la que las exigencias y presión del entorno laboral exceden la capacidad del trabajador para hacerle frente a las mismas y que se evidencia por signos y síntomas entre los cuales los que se presentan con mayor frecuencia son anhedonia, fatiga y ansiedad. Es probable que exista un nivel de estrés ocupacional alto en las enfermeras (os) del Servicio de Medicina Varones y Medicina Mujeres del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado, así como que existan diferencias y/o semejanzas en los niveles mencionados. En la presente investigación; el tipo de estudio es de campo y el nivel de estudio es descriptivo, comparativo; de corte transversal. Para la obtención de datos se utilizó como técnica el cuestionario y como instrumento 2 cedulas de preguntas. El tratamiento estadístico de los datos obtenidos es presentado en tablas y gráficos y como prueba estadística se usó el chi (x2). Se llegó como conclusión más importante que en los profesionales de enfermería de ambos servicios de medicina del Hospital Regional Honorio Delgado tienen un nivel de estrés ocupacional medio. PALABRAS CLAVES: NIVEL- ESTRÉS OCUPACIONAL - MEDICIN

    Prior oral conditions in patients undergoing heart valve surgery

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    Patients scheduled for heart valve surgery should be free of any oral infectious disorders that might pose a risk in the postoperative period. Few studies have been made on the dental conditions of such patients prior to surgery. The present study describes the most frequent prior oral diseases in this population group. A prospective, observational case-control study was designed involving 60 patients (30 with heart valve disease and 30 controls, with a mean age of 71 years in both groups). A dental exploration was carried out, with calculation of the DMFT (decayed, missing and filled teeth) index and recording of the periodontal parameters (plaque index, gingival bleeding index, periodontal pocket depth, and attachment loss). The oral mucosa was also examined, and panoramic X-rays were used to identify possible intrabony lesions. Significant differences in bacterial plaque index were observed between the two groups (p<0.05), with higher scores in the patients with valve disease. Probing depth and the presence of moderate pockets were also greater in the patients with valve disease than among the controls (p<0.01). Sixty percent of the patients with valve disease presented periodontitis. Patients scheduled for heart valve surgery should be examined for possible active periodontitis before the operation. Those individuals found to have periodontal disease should receive adequate periodontal treatment before heart surgery

    Burned or engaged teachers? The role of mindfulness, self-efficacy, teacher and students’ relationships, and the mediating role of intrapersonal and interpersonal mindfulness

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    This study had the goal to examine factors that are associated with burnout and engagement among teachers from diverse educational stages. Among these factors, we analyzed socio-demographic aspects, such as gender, age and years of experience, and other psychological teacher-related variables like teacher’s self-efficacy and teacher-student relationships. We also considered the potential mediating role of mindfulness in these relationships. The sample was made up by 425 Spanish teachers who answered an online survey. We administered the following measures: Revised version of the Teacher’s Burnout Questionnaire, Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Mindfulness in Teaching Scale –which distinguished between intrapersonal and interpersonal mindfulness-, Teacher’s Sense of Self-efficacy Scale, and some questions related to the relationships between students and teachers in the classroom. We conducted a mediational analysis through structural equation modeling (SEM). Our findings indicated that both intrapersonal and interpersonal mindfulness mediated the relation between self-efficacy, which played a direct and an indirect role, the teacher-student relationship, and burnout and engagement. The socio-demographic variables of gender and years of experience played a significant role in mindfulness. The teachers with more self-efficacy were more likely to pay attention to their daily activity and to show more receptivity with their students, which resulted in lower burnout and more engagement. In addition, better relationships with students led to higher intrapersonal mindfulness levels, which mediated the relation with burnout and engagement. These relations varied depending on specific burnout and engagement dimensions. We discuss the implications of these findings for improving teachers´ implication in the education field. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Sudden hearing loss: National survey in Spain

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Acta Otorrinolaringológica 67.2 (2016): 59-65, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.otorri.2015.03.003The objective of our study was to identify the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the different ENT Departments of Spain with respect to sudden deafness. We wanted to establish a basis to help to create a new nation-wide consensus, unifying treatment, diagnostic and follow-up criteria for this disease. Methods: We carried out an anonymous Internet survey, addressing Spanish ENT doctors nation-wide (n = 2,029), gathering in 33 questions different aspects about diagnostic criteria, additional tests, treatment procedures and prognostic factors in sudden deafness, according to the different protocols and experience of the participants in the survey. Results: A total of 293 Spanish ENT doctors (14%) took part anonymously. In relation to diagnostic criteria, is the most noteworthy was the requisite of a confirmed neurosensorial loss (91.1%) followed by "initiated in less than three days" (75%) and 3 consecutive frequencies affected (76.4%). More than half of the participants requested an MRI of the IAC/CPA (68.7%) and 88.2% used gadolinium in this test. The prognostic factor most frequently considered was delay in commencement of treatment onset (84.8%).As far as treatment of primary cases, most of the responders agreed on the use of corticosteroids (99.7%). Oral administration was the most widely used (66%), followed by intravenous (29.6%) and intratympanic (1.4%) administration. Ninety-two percent had not had any major complications with systemic steroids. Intratympanic treatments were used by 70% of responders for rescue in failure. Conclusions: In Spain there is currently a significant disparity of concepts regarding the diagnosis of sudden deafness, and more agreement as to using steroids as their treatment. This highlights the need to implement measures to promote a better approach, which would be homogeneous and consensual, to this condition.Introducción: El objetivo de nuestro estudio es identificar las actitudes diagnósticas y terapéuticas que se llevan a cabo en los diferentes servicios de otorrinolaringología (tanto del ámbito privado como público) en España con respecto a la sordera súbita. Esto permitirá establecer una base que ayude a generar un nuevo consenso a nivel nacional, unificando criterios para el tratamiento, diagnóstico y seguimiento de esta patología. Material y métodos: Se realizó una encuesta anónima por Internet, dirigida a otorrinolaringólogos españoles a nivel nacional (n = 2.029 especialistas afiliados a la SEORL), recopilando en 33 preguntas diferentes aspectos en relación a los criterios diagnósticos, pruebas complementarias, pautas de tratamiento y factores pronósticos en la sordera súbita, según los diferentes protocolos instaurados y experiencia de los participantes en la encuesta. Resultados: Participaron 293 otorrinolaringólogos españoles de forma anónima (14% del total). Respecto a criterios diagnósticos, destaca el requerimiento de confirmar una hipoacusia neurosensorial (91,1%), de inicio en menos de tres días (75%) y afectación de tres frecuencias consecutivas (76,4%). Más de la mitad de los participantes solicitan resonancia magnética de CAI/APC (68,7%), y el 88,2% utiliza contraste con gadolinio en esta prueba. El factor pronóstico que se consideró con mayor frecuencia en la encuesta fue la demora hasta inicio del tratamiento con un 84,8%. Respecto al tratamiento empleado en casos primarios, la gran mayoría de los encuestados (99,7%) coinciden en la administración de corticoides. La vía oral es la más utilizada (66%), seguida de la administración intravenosa (29,6%), e intratimpánica (1,4%). El 92% no han tenido complicaciones mayores con el tratamiento corticoide sistémico. La vía intratimpánica es empleada en un 70% como rescate en fracasos Conclusiones: En España, existe actualmente una importante disparidad en el uso de los medios diagnósticos en la sordera súbita y un mayor acuerdo en el uso de corticoides como su tratamiento. Sería necesario implementar medidas que permitan un mejor abordaje, homogéneo y consensuado de esta patologí

    Efficacy of a mindful-eating programme to reduce emotional eating in patients suffering from overweight or obesity in primary care settings: a cluster-randomised trial protocol

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    Introduction Little is known about the applicability of mindfulness-based interventions in Spanish adults with overweight/obesity. The objective of the present study protocol is to describe the methods that will be used in a cluster randomised trial (CRT) that aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a mindfulness eating (ME) programme to reduce emotional eating (EE) in adults with overweight/obesity in primary care (PC) settings. Methods and analysis A CRT will be conducted with approximately 76 adults with overweight/obesity from four PC health centres (clusters) in the city of Zaragoza, Spain. Health centres matched to the average per capita income of the assigned population will be randomly allocated into two groups: ME +treatment as usual (TAU)'' and TAU alone''. The ME programme will be composed of seven sessions delivered by a clinical psychologist, and TAU will be offered by general practitioners. The primary outcome will be EE measured by the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (DEBQ) at post test as primary endpoint. Other outcomes will be external and restrained eating (DEBQ), binge eating (Bulimic Investigatory Test Edinburgh), eating disorder (Eating Attitude Test), anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder-7), depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9), mindful eating (Mindful Eating Scale), dispositional mindfulness (Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire) and self-compassion (Self-Compassion Scale). Anthropometric measures, vital signs and blood tests will be taken. A primary intention-to-treat analysis on EE will be conducted using linear mixed models. Supplementary analyses will include secondary outcomes and 1-year follow-up measures; adjusted models controlling for sex, weight status and levels of anxiety and depression; the complier average causal effect of treatment; and the clinical significance of improvements. Ethics and dissemination Positive results of this study may have a significant impact on one of the most important current health-related problems. Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the Regional Authority. The results will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals, and reports will be sent to participants

    Mindfulness at Universities: An Increasingly Present Reality.

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    Learning to adapt and adjust to the constant changes and hurdles presented by university life poses a great challenge for students. University students are often critically exposed to a signi cant increase in academic workloads, enhanced by the great strain exerted on them by examinations, quali cations and grades. Not only can all of this have a negative impact on the students’ academic performance, but also on their mental health and well-being; furthermore, research shows how during critical stress periods university students tend to include risk-taking behaviours as part of their lifestyle. For these reasons, different mindful- ness programmes are being developed in order to enhance students’ adaptability to the academic context and thus reduce the high prevalence of mental health problems. Some of these programmes are standardised protocols offered as extra-curricular activities; however, some universities are designing and implementing their own programmes, using available scienti c knowledge and adapting it to the academic context. Mindfulness programmes may be a suitable resource for the promotion of a healthy learning environment, by boosting students’ academic achievement together with their emotional and social development. Nevertheless, most of the programmes implemented to date within the university context are still to be validated and integrated into everyday academic life. The protocol created at the University of Zaragoza is currently at this validation stage and aims to contribute to the advancement of scienti c knowledge in the eld
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