8 research outputs found

    La necrópolis de la catedral de El Burgo de Osma (Soria) bioantropología de una población medieval y moderna

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 23-02-2001Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu

    Eating in silence: Isotopic approaches to nuns’ diet at the convent of Santa Catalina de Siena (Belmonte, Spain) from the sixteenth to the twentieth century

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    Advances in geochemical and physical anthropological studies have provided new tools to reconstruct ancient lifestyles, especially of those minorities not commonly mentioned in historical texts. In comparison to males, little is known about everyday life in female monastic communities, and how it has changed over time. In this paper, we present a paleodietary (δ13C and δ15N in bone collagen) study of human (n = 58) and animal (n = 13) remains recovered from the former Convent of Santa Catalina de Siena in Belmonte (Cuenca, central Spain). Two funerary areas used by Dominican nuns were sampled: one dated to the sixteenth (n = 34) and the seventeenth (n = 15) centuries, and the other dated in the nineteenth and twentieth (n = 9) centuries. The isotopic values for sheep (n = 7) suggest the animals consumed at the convent came from diverse ecosystems or were raised under a range of management strategies. The human samples reflect a terrestrial diet, and those from the nineteenth to twentieth century, in some cases, reveal the presence of C4 plants (millet, corn or sugar cane). Due to their religious practice, the consumption of terrestrial animal protein was restricted, and although they were allowed to eat fish, the isotopic signatures show little evidence of this. The individuals from the sixteenth and seventeenth century show a continuous shift in δ15N (9.7–12.7‰), with few significant differences in relation to the period, age, or pathologies (osteoporosis, periostitis, and brucellosis). The nineteenth- to twentieth-century samples can be divided into two groups: (a) one that fits the trend of previous centuries, albeit with a higher δ15N, possibly related to extensive access to animal protein; and (b) a second group with elevated δ13C values (up to − 15.7‰). Different customs in the assumed homogeneous monastic life are discussed as possible sources of isotopic variation, including access to luxury products such as animal protein or sugar, or the practice of periods of food abstinence, which were especially popular with these communities, according to historical recordsThe isotopic study was carried out with funding from the CONSILIENCIA network (R2014/001; ED 431D2017/08) of the Consolidation and Structuring Programme of Research Units of the Xunta de Galicia, and a consolidating grant of the Xunta de Galicia for emerging research groups to the group CULXEO (GPC2015/024). OLC is funded by Plan Galego I2C mod.B (ED481D 2017/014)

    La necrópolis de la catedral de El Burgo de Osma (Soria) bioantropología de una población medieval y moderna

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, leída el 23-02-2001Depto. de Biodiversidad, Ecología y EvoluciónFac. de Ciencias BiológicasTRUEpu

    Autopsy and its role in Franco’s dictatorship: a case of the last Republican mayor of the town Calera y Chozas (Toledo, Spain)

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    In the town of Calera y Chozas (Spain), fve mass graves containing the remains of 28 individuals were discovered during a 2012 excavation. The witnesses and historical evidence indicated that the body of the last Republican mayor of the town, Felipe Fernández Varela, who had died in September 1939, was located in the mass grave designated as no. 1. Within this particular grave, only two bodies were found. Anthropological analysis showed that the frst individual was signifcantly younger than 50 years, being the mayor’s age at the time of death, while the age of the second individual was closer to 50. This second individual had a fractured skull, with a depression on the left parietal bone, and there were unmistakable signs of autopsy, which consisted of cut marks on the frontal bone and the sternal extremity of the right clavicle. Further historical research revealed documents concerning the autopsy performed on this individual. Although, according to the report, the cause of death was a stroke — the consequence of atherosclerosis and alcoholism — no reference was made to the forceful impact to the skull or intracranial bleeding. Considering the size of the fracture on the skull and the fact that there were no signs of bone healing, we believe that this impact, and not the stroke, was the direct cause of the death of the last Republican mayor. The mayor’s case is a clear example of the role forensic medicine performed at the beginning of Franco’s dictatorship. The task was not only to conceal the crime but also to tarnish the victim’s name

    أكفان أوزيرية من العصر الروماني المبكر من ذراع أبو النجا

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    Most of the shrouds hitherto studied and published come from private collections or museums, and lack archaeological contexts, so that it has very rarely been possible to relate them to their owners. This paper presents an interdisciplinary study of two shrouds found at Dra Abu el-Naga, their archaeological context, typology and technical details, and an anthropological and paleopathological analysis of the mummies with whom they were associated. The two painted shrouds offer evidence of surviving funerary beliefs and practices in early Roman Thebes and, from a gender perspective, offered, for the first time, the possibility to study enveloping textiles which iconography and texts were designed for males but used on female mummies.La plupart des linceuls étudiés et publiés à ce jour proviennent de collections privées ou de musées et leur contexte archéologique de découverte nous est inconnu. Dans ces conditions, il a été rarement possible jusqu’à présent d’établir un lien entre les linceuls et leurs propriétaires. Cet article s’intéresse, d’un point de vue interdisciplinaire, au contexte archéologique dans lequel deux linceuls, exceptionnels, ont été découverts à Dra Abou el-Naga, et à leur typologie. Il procède à leur étude technique et à une analyse anthropologique et paléo-pathologique des momies auxquelles ils sont associés. Ces deux linceuls, qui sont peints, nous offrent de nouvelles perspectives sur les croyances funéraires et les coutumes relevant de la tradition pharaonique dans la région thébaine au début de l’époque romaine. D’autre part, dans une perspective liée au genre, il a été possible de constater et étudier pour la première fois l’utilisation d’un matériel textile destiné initialement à une momie masculine (comme en témoignent les informations iconographiques et épigraphiques qu’il révèle) pour une momie de femme.إن معظم الأكفان التي تمت دراستها ونشرها حتى الآن تأتي من مجموعات خاصة أو متاحف، وتفتقر إلى السياقات الأثرية، بحيث نادرًا ما كان من الممكن ربطها بأصحابها. تقدم هذه الورقة البحثية دراسة متعددة التخصصات لاثنين من الأكفان التي تم العثور عليها في ذراع أبو النجا (البر الغربي – الأقصر)، من حيث: سياقهما الأثري، ونمطيهما وتفاصيلهما الفنية، والتحليل الأنثروبولوجي والباليوباثولوجي للمومياواتهما. يُقدّم الكفنان المرسومان دليلاً على بقاء المعتقدات والممارسات الجنائزية في طيبة حتى العصور الرومانية. ومن منظور اختلاف نوع المتوفى؛ يُقدّم الكفنان، للمرة الأولى، إمكانية دراسة تزيين المنسوجات بالتصاوير والنصوص المرسومة، والتي تمَّ تصميمها للرجال ولكنها اسْتُخْدِمت أيضًا كأكفان لمومياوات السيدات.Depto. de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y ArqueologíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEpu

    LA TUMBA T7 DE LA NECRÓPOLIS DE EL CAÑO, TRADICIÓN ARQUEOLÓGICA GRAN COCLÉ, ISTMO DE PANAMÁ (Grave T7, El Caño Necropolis, Gran Coclé Archaeological Tradition, Isthmus of Panama)

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    Recientemente se ha excavado en El Caño un entierro múltiple, la tumba T7 —cal d. C. 770-905 (cal AP 1180-1045)/cal d. C. 920-965 (cal AP 1030-985)— con 43 individuos de diferentes estatus, edades y sexos y un paquete de huesos humanos, así como depósitos rituales post-entierro. Tanto los entierros múltiples como los depósitos rituales post-entierro ya habían sido observados en otras tumbas de El Caño y su presencia en la tumba T7 ha servido para depurar y definir el patrón funerario básico del yacimiento. Los símbolos de alto estatus del ajuar de uno de los infantes de la tumba podrían reflejar un estatus social heredado. ENGLISH: Recent excavations of Grave T7 at El Caño—radiocarbon date 770–905 cal AD (1180–1045 cal BP)/920–965 cal AD (1030–985 cal BP)—have revealed a multiple-individual burial containing 43 individuals of different social statuses, ages and sexes, a bundle of human bones, and post-burial ritual deposits. While multiple-individual burials and post-burial ritual deposits have both been observed in other tombs at El Caño, their presence in Grave T7 has helped to identify and refine the fundamental burial pattern at the site. The elite attire of one of the infants buried in T7 may provide evidence of inherited social status