371 research outputs found

    Spatial development of transport structures in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.) fruit

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    The void network and vascular system are important pathways for the transport of gases, water and solutes in apple fruit (Malus x domestica Borkh). Here we used X-ray micro-tomography at various spatial resolutions to investigate the growth of these transport structures in 3D during fruit development of ‘Jonagold’ apple. The size of the void space and porosity in the cortex tissue increased considerably. In the core tissue, the porosity was consistently lower, and seemed to decrease towards the end of the maturation period. The voids in the core were more narrow and fragmented than the voids in the cortex. Both the void network in the core and in the cortex changed significantly in terms of void morphology. An automated segmentation protocol underestimated the total vasculature length by 9 to 12% in comparison to manually processed images. Vascular networks increased in length from a total of 5 meter at 9 weeks after full bloom, to more than 20 meter corresponding to 5 cm of vascular tissue per cubic centimeter of apple tissue. A high degree of branching in both the void network and vascular system and a complex three-dimensional pattern was observed across the whole fruit. The 3D visualisations of the transport structures may be useful for numerical modeling of organ growth and transport processes in fruit

    Impact of inactivated poliovirus vaccine on mucosal immunity: implications for the polio eradication endgame.

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    The polio eradication endgame aims to bring transmission of all polioviruses to a halt. To achieve this aim, it is essential to block viral replication in individuals via induction of a robust mucosal immune response. Although it has long been recognized that inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) is incapable of inducing a strong mucosal response on its own, it has recently become clear that IPV may boost immunity in the intestinal mucosa among individuals previously immunized with oral poliovirus vaccine. Indeed, mucosal protection appears to be stronger following a booster dose of IPV than oral poliovirus vaccine, especially in older children. Here, we review the available evidence regarding the impact of IPV on mucosal immunity, and consider the implications of this evidence for the polio eradication endgame. We conclude that the implementation of IPV in both routine and supplementary immunization activities has the potential to play a key role in halting poliovirus transmission, and thereby hasten the eradication of polio

    Large differences between test strategies for the detection of anti-Borrelia antibodies are revealed by comparing eight ELISAs and five immunoblots

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    We investigated the influence of assay choice on the results in a two-tier testing algorithm for the detection of anti-Borrelia antibodies. Eighty-nine serum samples from clinically well-defined patients were tested in eight different enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) systems based on whole-cell antigens, whole-cell antigens supplemented with VlsE and assays using exclusively recombinant proteins. A subset of samples was tested in five immunoblots: one whole-cell blot, one whole-cell blot supplemented with VlsE and three recombinant blots. The number of IgM- and/or IgG-positive ELISA results in the group of patients suspected of Borrelia infection ranged from 34 to 59%. The percentage of positives in cross-reactivity controls ranged from 0 to 38%. Comparison of immunoblots yielded large differences in inter-test agreement and showed, at best, a moderate agreement between tests. Remarkably, some immunoblots gave positive results in samples that had been tested negative by all eight ELISAs. The percentage of positive blots following a positive ELISA result depended heavily on the choice of ELISA–immunoblot combination. We conclude that the assays used to detect anti-Borrelia antibodies have widely divergent sensitivity and specificity. The choice of ELISA–immunoblot combination severely influences the number of positive results, making the exchange of test results between laboratories with different methodologies hazardous

    Melody Generation using an Interactive Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Music generation with the aid of computers has been recently grabbed the attention of many scientists in the area of artificial intelligence. Deep learning techniques have evolved sequence production methods for this purpose. Yet, a challenging problem is how to evaluate generated music by a machine. In this paper, a methodology has been developed based upon an interactive evolutionary optimization method, with which the scoring of the generated melodies is primarily performed by human expertise, during the training. This music quality scoring is modeled using a Bi-LSTM recurrent neural network. Moreover, the innovative generated melody through a Genetic algorithm will then be evaluated using this Bi-LSTM network. The results of this mechanism clearly show that the proposed method is able to create pleasurable melodies with desired styles and pieces. This method is also quite fast, compared to the state-of-the-art data-oriented evolutionary systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 images, submitted to MEDPRAI2019 conferenc

    Characterizing the tissue of apple air-dried and osmo-air-dried rings by X-CT and OCT and relationship with ring crispness and fruit maturity at harvest measured by TRS

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    Air-dried apple rings were prepared from ‘Golden Delicious’ apples selected at harvest as less mature and more mature according to the absorption coefficient measured at 670 nm by time-resolved reflectance spectroscopy (TRS), stored in air for 5 months, and subjected to air-drying with (OSMO) and without (noOSMO) osmodehydration pre-treatment (60% sucrose syrup). Selected rings were submitted to microstructural analysis by X-ray computed tomography (X-CT), to subsurface structure analysis by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and to texture and sound emission analysis by bending–snapping test. Higher crispness index, higher number of sound events and higher average sound pressure level (SPL) characterized the OSMO rings. Total porosity was related to SPLav 60, pore fragmentation index to fracturability and specific surface area to the work required to snap the ring. A differentiation of the drying treatments, as well as of the products according to the TRS maturity class at harvest was obtained analyzing by principal component analysis (PCA) microstructure parameters and texture and acoustic parameters. The differences in mechanical and acoustic characteristics between OSMO and noOSMO rings were due to the different subsurface structure as found with OCT analysis

    Machine learning research that matters for music creation : a case study

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    Research applying machine learning to music modeling and generation typically proposes model architectures, training methods and datasets, and gauges system performance using quantitative measures like sequence likelihoods and/or qualitative listening tests. Rarely does such work explicitly question and analyse its usefulness for and impact on real-world practitioners, and then build on those outcomes to inform the development and application of machine learning. This article attempts to do these things for machine learning applied to music creation. Together with practitioners, we develop and use several applications of machine learning for music creation, and present a public concert of the results. We reflect on the entire experience to arrive at several ways of advancing these and similar applications of machine learning to music creation.QC 20180827</p

    Nondestructive measurement of fruit and vegetable quality

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    We review nondestructive techniques for measuring internal and external quality attributes of fruit and vegetables, such as color, size and shape, flavor, texture, and absence of defects. The different techniques are organized according to their physical measurement principle. We first describe each technique and then list some examples. As many of these techniques rely on mathematical models and particular data processing methods, we discuss these where needed. We pay particular attention to techniques that can be implemented online in grading lines

    Als de batterij leegloopt

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    Mensen met een lage opleiding leven korter en hebben veel meer ziekten en beperkingen dan hoger opgeleiden. Dit komt onder meer door hun ongunstige leefstijl, maar ook door het werk en de vaak slechtere of zwaardere werkomstandigheden die lager opgeleiden hebben. Vaak hebben de werkenden niet in de gaten dat hun werkomstandigheden niet optimaal zijn. Maar ze ervaren wel dat hun gezondheid werkende weg minder wordt. Of ze overlijden op jongere leeftijd aan een ziekte waarvan niet is vastgesteld dat het door het werk komt. Werkenden die langdurig zijn blootgesteld aan gevaarlijke stoffen overlijden vaak aan een beroepsziekte zonder dat ze het door hebben. Er is heel weinig bekend over beroepsziekten door stoffen. Over bedrijfsongevallen is bijvoorbeeld veel meer bekend. Daar kan bij de preventie van beroepsziekten door gevaarlijke stoffen dan ook van geleerd worden. We introduceren daartoe het model van de organisatorische beroepsziekte. Dit model biedt inspiratie en handelingsopties voor de preventie van ziekten die ontstaan door de blootstelling aan gevaarlijke stoffen. Ten eerste door te investeren in informatie en kennis. Ten tweede door te investeren in de organisatie van bedrijven en de cultuur op de werkvloer. Ten derde door werknemers met een lage opleiding te helpen met een vriendelijk duwtje in de veilige richting. Want beroepsziekten pak je aan

    Non-travel related Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 infections in the Netherlands; A case series 2004 – 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections are considered an emerging disease in industrialized countries. In the Netherlands, Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infections have been associated with travel to high-endemic countries. Non-travel related HEV of genotype 3 has been diagnosed occasionally since 2000. A high homology of HEV from humans and pigs suggests zoonotic transmission but direct molecular and epidemiological links have yet to be established. We conducted a descriptive case series to generate hypotheses about possible risk factors for non-travel related HEV infections and to map the genetic diversity of HEV.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case was defined as a person with HEV infection laboratory confirmed (positive HEV RT-PCR and/or HEV IgM) after 1 January 2004, without travel to a high-endemic country three months prior to onset of illness. For virus identification 148 bp of ORF2 was sequenced and compared with HEV from humans and pigs. We interviewed cases face to face using a structured questionnaire and collected information on clinical and medical history, food preferences, animal and water contact.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We interviewed 19 cases; 17 were male, median age 50 years (25–84 y), 12 lived in the North-East of the Netherlands and 11 had preexisting disease. Most common symptoms were dark urine (n = 16) and icterus (n = 15). Sixteen ate pork ≥ once/week and six owned dogs. Two cases had received blood transfusions in the incubation period. Seventeen cases were viremic (genotype 3 HEV), two had identical HEV sequences but no identified relation. For one case, HEV with identical sequence was identified from serum and surface water nearby his home.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results show that the modes of transmission of genotype-3 HEV infections in the Netherlands remains to be resolved and that host susceptibility may play an important role in development of disease.</p
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