158 research outputs found

    Modelling the ventilation-perfusion mismatch of the cardiopulmonary system in Matlab Simscape

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    A novel model of perfusion distribution in the lung and a novel model of ventilation distribution are developed in this thesis. Both models are focused on the pressure distribution along the thorax due to the gravitation. The lung is divided into three zones: upper zone, middle zone and lower zone. Blood flow increses with the distance from the top of the lung. The upper zone is characterized by a complete collapse of the pulmonary capillary vasculature, thus there is no flow in this zone. The second zone have a “Waterfall effect”, the blood flow is determinated by the difference between the pulmonary artery and alveolar pressures. In the lower zone, the flow is purely driven by the difference between the pulmonary artery pressure and the pulmonary vein pressure. In ventilation, the upper lobe of the lung are more expanded than the middle and lower lobes at resting position. Consequently, ventilation during spontaneous breathing was found nonuniform with more air entering the lower lobes than the middle and upper lobes. As a result, a complete model of perfusion and ventilation in the lung is created and the results obtained in both models are in good agreement with the litetature. Both models are implemented in the object-oriented modeling and simulation module Matlab Simscape.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Health education program for COPD patients

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaLa Enfermedad Pulmonar Crónica (EPOC) se caracteriza por la presencia de síntomas respiratorios persistentes y limitación crónica al flujo aéreo, causado por alteraciones de la vía aérea o alvéolos. La EPOC supone un problema sanitario de primera magnitud por su elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial, europeo, español y, dentro de éste, en la Comunidad de Madrid. Además, su elevado coste tanto humano como económico, la convierte en un problema de salud a nivel mundial. Las repercusiones en salud si no se llevan unos cuidados adecuados implican un aumento en el número de ingresos hospitalarios, la aceleración del progreso de la enfermedad y la disminución de la calidad de vida de la persona que lo padece y su entorno. Las personas que tienen este problema tienen dificultades para aceptar la enfermedad, manejar el tratamiento e incorporar los cuidados a su vida cotidiana. Se ha demostrados que las personas que participan en programas de educación para la salud tienen un mayor compromiso con su autocuidado, una mejora en su adherencia al tratamiento, y por tanto mejoran su calidad de vida. Por todo ello, se cree conveniente elaborar y poner la puesta en marcha de un programa de educación para la salud para personas diagnosticadas de EPOC en la zona del centro de Salud Colmenar Viejo Sur, basado en sus necesidades educativas para mejorar su capacidad de autocuidado, así como su calidad de vida.Chronic Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is characterized by the presence of persistent respiratory symptoms and chronic limitation to airflow, caused by alterations of the airway or alveoli. COPD is a major health problem due to its high prevalence worldwide, in Europe, in Spain and, within it, in the Community of Madrid. Its high cost, to both human and economy, makes this disease a global health problem. The repercussions on health if inadequate treatment or necessary self-care is neglected reflects in a significant worsening of the disease, an increasing number of hospitalizations, and the acceleration of the progress of the disease. In consequence, there is a decrease in the quality of life of the person and their environment. It has been shown that receiving or participating in health education programs on the management of the disease leads to a greater commitment and awareness of the importance of self-care, as well as, an improvement in their adherence to treatment, and therefore, bettering their quality of life. For all these reasons, it is considered convenient to elaborate and implement a health education program for people diagnosed with COPD in the area of the Colmenar Viejo Sur, based on their educational needs to improve their self-care capacity and in consequence their quality of life

    Análisis genético-molecular del papel de la vía endocítica en la ruta de transducción de la señal de pH ambiental en Aspergillus nidulans

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    Memoria presentada por Silvia Herranz Fernández para optar al grado de Doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas-Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular I), realizada en el Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas “Alberto Sols” (CSIC-IIBM) y el Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas (CSIC-CIB).[EN]: Regulation of gene expression by ambient pH in filamentous fungi and yeast is mediated by the pal/RIM signaling pathway and the transcription factor PacC/Rim101. The ambient pH signaling pathway is conserved in the fungal kingdom and has been mainly studied in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans and in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, although several studies have also been carried out in the yeasts Yarrowia lipolitica and Candida albicans. Ambient pH signal transduction involves the products of the pal genes and the transcription factor PacC in A. nidulans, and the corresponding RIM homologs in S. cerevisiae. The pal/RIM signaling pathway is activated in response to external pH increase. In response to this signal, the PacC transcription factor in A. nidulans and Rim101 in S. cerevisiae are activated by proteolytical processing. Studies carried out in A. nidulans showed that the proteolytical processing of the transcription factor regulates its nucleo-citoplasmic localization. The molecular mechanisms involved in the transduction of the ambient pH signal are highly conserved among fungi. The different components of the pal/PacC signaling pathway in A.nidulans have their corresponding homologs in the RIM pathway in S. cerevisiae. The putative ambient pHsensing complex contains a protein with 7 transmembrane domains (7TM), PalH in A. nidulans. In S. cerevisiae, two PalH homologs, Rim21 and Dfg16, have been reported, and both are required for pH signaling. Besides these 7TM proteins, there is a 3TM protein, which is also involved in pH signal reception: PalI in A. nidulans and its homolog Rim9 in S. cerevisiae. Other two main components of the signaling pathway, PalA and PalB in A. nidulans and their respective homologs Rim20 and Rim13 in S. cerevisiae, are likely involved in the proteolytical processing of the transcription factor. PalB/Rim13, which is predicted to be, by sequence analysis, a cysteine protease of the calpain family, appears to be responsible for the pH-dependent proteolytic processing of PacC/Rim101, whereas the proteasome would be responsible for a second proteolytical cleavage in PacC. PalA/Rim20 contains a Bro1 domain and interacts with the transcription factor PacC/Rim101. PalA recognizes two YPXL/I motifs in PacC, located at each side of the first proteolytical cleavage site, and the interaction of PalA with PacC is required for this first proteolytic processing step, presumably catalyzed by PalB. A second protein with a Bro1 domain, PalC in A. nidulans and its homolog Ygr122w in S. cerevisiae, appears to have a function in the signal transduction from the pH sensor to the complex involved in proteolytic processing of the transcription factor. Finally, our previous work in A. nidulans showed thatthe last component of this pathway, PalF (Rim8 in S. cerevisiae), interacts with the C-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the 7TM protein PalH. Previous studies uncovered an unexpected link between ambient pH signaling and the endocytic pathway in fungi. PalA, and its yeast ortholog Rim20, were shown to interact in the two-hybrid system with Vps32 (Snf7), a component of the ESCRT (Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport) machinery, which plays an essential role in multivesicular body (MVB) formation. MVB results from the maturation of the late endosome by invagination of vesicles that contain membrane proteins from Golgi or the plasma membrane, enroute to be processed or degraded in the vacuole. The fusion of the MVB membrane with that of the vacuole allows the discharge of these vesicles into the vacuole lumen and the proteolyses of its content. The formation of these vesicles by invagination of the endosome membrane requires a multi-protein complex, with several sub-complexes, ESCRT-I, ESCRT-II and ESCRT-III that associate to the endosome membrane. Snf7, a component of the ESCRT-III complex, recruits Bro1, a protein of the PalA/Rim20 family, which acts as an adaptor for the Doa4 deubiquitinase. A second possible link between ambient pH signaling and theendocytic pathway is that PalF shares sequence similarities with mammalian arrestins. Arrestins were originally discovered by virtue of their ability to bind to activated 7TM receptors, leading to desensitization of these receptors. This regulatory mechanism uncouples receptors from heterotrimeric G proteins and inactivates the corresponding signaling pathway. It was discovered later on that these proteins play important additional functions and act as adaptors in several processes. On one hand, they are involved in the activation of alternative signaling pathways, such as MAP kinases pathway, by mediating the recruitment of components of these signaling pathways to the activated receptors. Most importantly, they play a key role in endocytosis of 7TM receptors since they work as adaptor between these receptors and the endocytic machinery. The internalization by endocytosis of activated 7TM receptors lead to the dephosphorylation, resensitization and recycling of these receptors to the plasma membrane or their traffic and degradation in the lysosome. Arrestins play a key role in this process by mediating the interaction between the activated and phosphorylated receptor and several components of the endocytic machinery including clathrin and clathrin adaptor AP2. The adaptor function of arrestins is based on their ability to interact with other proteins once bound to the 7TM receptor. Several studies indicate that the interaction with the activated and phosphorylated receptor produces a conformational change in the arrestin and allows the interaction of other proteins with inaccessible domains in its inactive conformation. However, this conformational change is not the only mechanism that regulates arrestin function in 7TM receptors endocytosis. It has also been demonstrated that phosphorylation / dephosphorylation and ubiquitination of arrestins play a key role in this process. For example, the beta-arrestin is constitutively phosphorylated in a serine residue closed to the clathrin binding site. Arrestin dephosphorylation in response to 7TM receptor activation is a requirement for clathrin binding and allows receptor endocytosis. Arrestin ubiquitination in response to 7TM receptor activation is another key regulatory mechanism involved in receptor endocytosis. PalF shares with mammal arrestins both sequence similarities and the ability to interact with the cytoplamic domains of 7TM proteins. We thus hypothesized that PalF could, as mammalian ß-arrestins, function as an endocytic adaptor, thus providing a second possible link between ambient pH signaling and the endocytic pathway.El trabajo recogido en esta memoria ha sido financiado por fondos públicos de la Dirección general de Investigación a través del proyecto BIO2002-00803 y por una beca F.P.I. del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia al doctorando Silvia Herranz Fernández.Peer Reviewe

    Proyecto de exposición temporal: Me Bes, arte urbano y compromiso.

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    Me Bes es un artista zaragozano que realiza retratos en stencil pegándolos por las calles céntricas de la ciudad. A pesar de su anonimato y de mantenerse al margen de festivales de arte, su obra es de gran calidad, habiendo quedado hasta tres veces finalista en el mayor certamen de stencil del mundo, Stencil Art Prizes. Este proyecto pretende poner en valor al artista además del medio de expresión que representa, el arte urbano, puesto que a veces es bastante incomprendido. Por ello se plantea una exposición con alguna obra original y sobre todo reproducciones fotográficas, respetando en todo momento su línea de intervención. Esto se complementará con una App, visitas guiadas, talleres y conferencias.<br /

    Amputación infracondílea del miembro inferior por causa diabética

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    Las amputaciones se realizan por diversas causas, clasificándose por orden de mayor a menor prevalencia las siguientes mas importantes: vasculares, traumáticas y neoplásicas. En este trabajo se estudia el caso de un paciente geriátrico amputado por causa diabética. Estos pacientes representan el 90% de los amputados. Para el estudio, se expone un tratamiento fisioterápico con el objetivo principal de dar una mayor independencia al paciente para sus actividades de la vida diaria. Para ello, se debe tratar varios aspectos para alcanzar dicha meta. Se enfocará el tratamiento en tres fases: la primera fase se centrará en la adaptación del muñón a la prótesis, en el fortalecimiento de miembros superiores e inferiores imprescindibles para la evolución del tratamiento y en el dolor del miembro fantasma común en la mayoría de los amputados. En la segunda fase, se trabajará en la progresión de la deambulación a nivel más básico. Para finalizar, en la tercera fase, se dificultará la deambulación para perfeccionar el equilibrio, se añadirán nuevos retos como subir y bajar escaleras y se enseñará al paciente la manera de levantarse del suelo de manera autónoma en el caso de caída. Previo al tratamiento, se realizará una valoración del estado general del paciente, del estado del muñón, del balance muscular y articular y una valoración funcional y cognitiva mediante unos test y escalas. Esta valoración será comparada con la final para trazar la evolución y la eficacia del tratamiento

    Protocolos de Ejercicio Excéntrico en tendinopatía Aquílea. Revisión sistemática

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    AIM: This systematic review aims to summarize and update present knowledge about the effects of different eccentric exercise protocols of the lower leg, and to investigate which training parameters were most effective for pain and patient-reported function. METHODS: A bibliographic search was conducted up to February 2015. A systematic review was performed in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines. A total of 11 studies focusing on eccentric protocols met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. RESULTS: Although eccentric exercise training has shown favourable results in Achilles tendinopathy, the optimum dosage remains unknown. Strong evidence was found for the Alfredson exercise protocol. In this 12-week protocol, exercises are performed 3 × 15 repetitions twice daily, both with a straight and bent knee. Exercises are performed at a slow speed, and load is increased when exercises are painless. Nevertheless, other exercise protocols did achieve similar results. CONCLUSION: Most of the studies included in this review showed a lack of detailed description of their training parameters. A definitive conclusion regarding the most effective training parameters could not be made. Further research comparing the content of different exercise protocols is required

    ¡Qué monumento!: Una app de reconocimiento de imágenes para la difusión del patrimonio.

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    El presente TFM pretende desarrollar una aplicación de reconocimiento de imágenes para dispositivos móviles, denominada ¡Qué monumento!, con la finalidad de aportar al usuario información histórico-artística sobre la edificación objeto de su interés a través de una fotografía de la misma. Siguiendo el mismo carácter divulgativo, la empresa encargada de desarrollar esta aplicación diseñará también una serie de actividades complementarias, tales como concursos y juegos didácticos. Esta empresa quiere distinguirse por la defensa tanto del disfrute y crecimiento personal del visitante como del mantenimiento del espíritu de la ciudad visitada, generando un turismo de calidad, sostenible y respetuoso con el medio ambiente, unido a un uso responsable de las nuevas tecnologías, evitando el gasto de papel y fomentando el slow tourism y la preservación de las obras y espacios de la ciudad. This End-of-master work aims to develop an image recognition app for mobile devices, called ¡Qué monumento!, that provides the user with historical-artistic information about the building object of interest through a photograph of it. Following this informative purpose, the company in charge of developing this application will also design some complementary activities, such as contests and educational games. This company wants to be characterized by the defence of the enjoyment and personal growth of the visitor and the maintenance of the city’s spirit, generating tourism of quality, sustainable and respectful with the environment, together with a responsible use of the new technologies, avoiding paper wasting and encouraging slow tourism and the preservation of the city's monuments and spaces.<br /

    Rapid and safe continuous-flow Simmons-Smith Cyclopropanation using a Zn/Cu couple column

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    Flow chemistry has recently opened new chemistry windows thanks to the safer use of hazardous and sensitive reagents. Furthermore, flow procedures usually outperform their batch counterparts due to improved mass and heat transfer, offering a good opportunity for industrial application. Herein, a rapid Simmons-Smith cyclopropanation flow process is presented. Taking advantage of the in situ production of the zinc carbenoid species, several olefins bearing aromatic rings of different electronic nature, aliphatic chains or heterocycles were smoothly cyclopropanated with a residence time of just 15 minutes. In addition, industrial applicability of the protocol is assured thanks to a successful 12-mmol scale experiment, which represents a 3.59 grams per hour production of a selected example, and to the satisfactory synthesis of pharmaceutical drugss Financial support was provided by the Spanish Government (PID2021-122299NB I00, TED2021-130470B I00, TED2021- 129999B C32), ‘Comunidad de Madrid’, European Structural Funds (S2018/NMT-4367), proyectos sinérgicos I+D (Y2020/ NMT6469). J. L. N. thanks “Comunidad de Madrid” for his industrial doctorate fellowship (IND2019/AMB-17142

    Cinetours Aragón

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    Nuestra Comunidad Autónoma, es rica en un patrimonio, desconocido para la mayoría del gran público, como son los lugares donde se han rodado toda una serie de películas, es por lo que hemos pensado en crear una empresa, que se dedique a realizar unas rutas guiadas y tematizadas por los distintos lugares donde se filmaron las mismas. En este presente proyecto, vamos a explicar todo el proceso para llevarla a cabo

    Caring and mutual incidences: An unavoidable ethicalpolitical debate in the field of disability/mental health

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    En el presente artículo desarrollamos un análisis centrado en la categoría de los cuidados en el campo de la discapacidad/salud mental, recuperando el aporte de las ciencias sociales críticas para desvincularlo de lo individual/doméstico/rehabilitador y de este modo reconceptualizar los cuidados de otres, problematizando ciertos sentidos anudados a su familiarización/feminización. Planteamos algunos interrogantes simples, pero de profundo alcance, para hacer de los cuidados un campo de disputa, de debate ético-político: ¿quiénes cuidan? ¿para qué se cuida? ¿cómo se cuida? A partir de allí, presentamos tres apartados que abordan: el aporte de las epistemologías críticas en ciencias sociales para la comprensión del carácter social de los cuidados; luego algunas precisiones conceptuales que ubican a los cuidados en el campo de la discapacidad/salud mental como un debate ético-político ineludible, y por último propondremos tres ejes para una praxis social transformadora de los cuidados: reconocimiento, responsabilidad y acompañamiento.The article analyses the category of care in the field of disability/mental health. We draw on the contributions of critical social sciences to discuss certain meanings connected to the individual/domestic/rehabilitative approach, which leads to their familiarization/feminization. We pose some key questions for an ethical-political debate: who cares? what is it taken care of for? how is it cared for? We address these issues throughout the article, organizing three sections: the contribution of critical epistemologies in social sciences for understanding the social character of care; then, some conceptual clarifications that place care in the field of disability/ mental health as an unavoidable ethical-political debate; finally, we propose three axes for a transformative social praxis of care: recognition, responsibility and accompaniment.Fil: Herranz, Silvana Melisa. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Centro de Investigaciones María Saleme Burnichón; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Gandolfo, Mariana Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Torres, Lucas Exequiel. Universidad Nacional de Cordoba. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentin