30 research outputs found


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    The character of peatlands has the ability to store large amounts of water, but the surface of the peatlands dries quickly and easy to burn during the dry season. Research aims to build a model to estimate groundwater level of peatland. Statistical analysis of Karl Pearson Product Moment correlation test was used to determine the relationship between the back scatter values and the Surface Soil Moisture (SSM) values from the Sentinel-1 SAR data processing with the groundwater level values measured using the Sipalaga instrument. Regression analysis was used to determine the model that could be used to estimate the groundwater level of peatlands in the study area based on the results of Sentinel-1 SAR data processing. The results showed that the Sentinel-1 SAR data with the Sigma_0 format in decibel (db) units with VV polarization had the highest correlation value with the groundwater level data of peatlands measured using the Sipalaga instrument, with a value of r -0.648 (moderate correlation). Model to estimate water level of peatlands was Y = -101.629 + (-7.414 x), where 'Y' was the groundwater level of peatlands in the study area and 'x' was the Sentinel-1 SAR data with Sigma_0 format in decibel (db) units with VV polarization. The spatial and temporal patterns of peatlands groundwater level in the study area from Sentinel-1 SAR data showed peatlands that to survive at a water level <40 cm was in the area around of the Rokan River and also in plantation areas, especially Acacia plantations, where canals were made to irrigate and land management

    Risiko Kepunahan Keanekaragaman Hayati di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi: Tinjauan Spasial

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    Gunung Merapi merupakan habitat dari berbagai spesies khas pegunungan Jawa bagian tengah. Namun demikian, tingginya aktivitas vulkanik Gunung Merapi dan besarnya tekanan masyarakat terhadap kawasan menyebabkan keanekaragaman hayati di sekitar kawasan Gunung Merapi berisiko untuk punah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis spasial risiko kepunahan keanekaragaman hayati di Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi (TNGM). Analisis risiko dilakukan dengan mengukur komponen risiko, yaitu: kerawanan, elemen yang berisiko, dan kerentanan. Identifikasi komponen risiko dilakukan dengan melaksanakan grup diskusi terarah dengan staf Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi. Analisis risiko diukur menggunakan analisis spasial dengan perangkat lunak ArcGIS 10.1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi memiliki kawasan dengan tingkat risiko tinggi seluas 2185.6 ha (35,6%), risiko sedang seluas 3910,1 ha (63,6%), dan risiko rendah seluas 49,8 ha (0,8%). Wilayah yang berisiko tinggi berada di wilayah Resort Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (RPTN) Dukun Kabupaten Magelang, RPTN Turi-Pakem Kabupaten Sleman, dan RPTN Kemalang Kabupaten Klaten.Kata kunci: analisis risiko, keanekaragaman hayati, Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi, analisis spasial, vulkanik. Risk of biodiversity extinction in Gunung Merapi National Park : Spatial assessionAbstractThe Mount Merapi (MM) has a unique landscape and becomes the habitat for mountainous species in the central Java, Indonesia. However, high volcanic activities and massive public pressure on its natural resources have increased the risk of biodiversity extinction in the MM. This study aims to assess the spatial risk of biodiversity extinction in the Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP). The risk analysis has been done by spatially measuring the risk elements i.e. hazard area, element at risk, and vulnerability rate. A Focus Group Discussion has been done to define and to identify components of each risk element. A spatial analysis using ArcGIS 10.1 has been used to measure the risk. The results showed that MMNP have three levels of risks: high risk level area (2185.6 ha, 35. 6%), moderate risk area (3910.1 ha, 63.6%) and low risk area (49.8 ha, 0.8%). The high risk areas were located in Resort Pengelolaan Taman Nasional (RPTN) Dukun in Magelang Distict, RPTN Turi-Pakem in Sleman District, and RPTN Kemalang in Klaten District

    The Role of Stakeholders in the Management of Jurang Jero Nature Tourism Object in Mount Merapi National Park, Central Java, Indonesia

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    National parks, as an ecosystem protection function, are also encouraged to support local economic development. Meanwhile, community-based tourism (CBT) in the utilization zone is identified as a viable strategy to improve livelihoods for local communities and support the conservation of the national park. This research aimed to identify stakeholders and their roles in the management of the Jurang Jero Nature Tourism Object (JJNTO) in Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP). There were 16 existing stakeholders, including government officials, community members, and the private sector, from the two villages adjacent to JJNTO, who were interviewed using an open-ended interview guide. The data were analyzed using social network analysis (SNA) with the software NodeXL Basic, followed by network visualization with Kumu.io software. The results showed that the strength and closeness of the relationship among all stakeholders were at a moderate level, approaching 57% of network density. Centrality analyses identified the Head of Jurang Jero Tourism Group, the Head of Randu Ijo Forest Farmer Group, and the Head of Srumbung Resort as the three most important stakeholders. Therefore, the role of all stakeholders still needs to be improved to support the management of CBT and MMNP conservation efforts, specifically from the private sector, the environment, and tourism agencies, by improving communication and joint commitments to create cooperation and partnerships

    The Effects of Green Open Spaces on Microclimate and Thermal Comfort in Three Integrated Campus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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    This study aims to assess the effect of green open space (GOS) on the microclimate and thermal comfort in three integrated campuses namely Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), and Universitas Pembangunan Nasional (UPN) Veteran. In order to achieve the research objective, three main steps were conducted. First, we mapped the GOS area and density of the three integrated campuses using a high-resolution satellite imagery. Second, three microclimate parameters such as air temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed were measured to each detected green spaces in the morning (08:00 am), at noon (01:00 pm), and afternoon (5:00 pm). Subsequently, the results of microclimate measurements were used to calculate the level of thermal comfort using Thermal Humidity Index (THI) method. Third, we carried out statistical analysis to investigate the correlation between the distribution and the density of GOS and the microclimate conditions. The results showed that a negative (-) correlation occurred between the pattern and density of GOS with temperature and wind speed indicating that clustered GOS significantly reduces the air temperature as well as the wind speed. On the contrary, the relative humidity has been increased. UPN campus has the highest temperature and wind speed and the lowest humidity among other campuses. According to the results of THI, a 100% of the UPN areas are uncomfortable, while at UGM and UMY 42,08% and 11,28% of their area are uncomfortable, respectively. This study found that the existence of GOS has an effect on microclimate depending on pattern and density

    Effects of changes in land use and climate on water availability of a tropical catchment

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    Land use changes such as deforestation and urbanization influence the hydrology of catchments and hence water availability. Together with climate change, land use changes can affect the frequency of floods or droughts and thus threaten local or regional socio-economic development. For Indonesia, the effects of changes in land use and climate have been projected to cause a food crisis and eventually increase the degree of poverty in the future. In order to mitigate future risks, knowledge on the extent and directions of land use change and climate change impacts on water availability is essential. The objective of this research is to assess the effects of land use change and climate change on the water availability in the Samin catchment (278 km2) in Java, Indonesia. The research is divided into four parts (papers). The first two papers address the attribution of observed changes in hydrological processes to land use change and climate change, using a data-based approach (first paper) and a modelling approach (second paper). In the third paper, the future hydrological response due to expected land use change and climate change is estimated. Finally, in the fourth paper, the effects of different land use patterns on streamflow characteristics are assessed


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    A corridor is an area located between two or more protected areas that are important to support the sustainability of the protected areas. This study is aimed at assessing landslide and drought hazard in the corridor area between Mt. Merapi National Park (MMNP) and Mt. Merbabu National Park (MMbNP) as a part of the corridor management strategy. The corridor area of MMNP and MMbNP comprises four sub-districts in Central Java Province, namely, Sawangan, Selo, Ampel, and Cepogo. A spatial analysis of ArcGIS 10.1 software was used to assess landslide hazard map and the Thorntwaite-Matter Water Balance approach was used to assess drought hazard map. The results have shown that three villages in Cepogo Sub-district and all villages in Selo Sub-district are highly prone to landslide hazard. Furthermore, two villages in Cepogo Sub-district and four villages in Selo Sub-district are prone to drought hazard. This study suggests that these villages should initiate a program called conservation village model based on disaster mitigation for mitigating future landslide and drought disasters


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    Ecological loss assessment at the Mount Merapi National Park (MMNP) after Mount Merapi (MM) eruption in the year 2010 has not been done before. The present study aims to estimate the ecological loss at the MMNP after 2010 eruption based on Rapid Damage Appraisal Assessment. Three steps were executed: (1) identifying and mapping damages in the MMNP using remote sensing data, (2) collecting in-situ information through field assessment, (3) estimating ecological loss assessment using economic valuation approach. Two methods of economic valuation were used, namely the change in productivity (i.e. carbon stock loss) and replacement cost (i.e. land restoration cost). The results showed that approximately of 1,242 ha (19.37%) of MMNP area was heavily damaged, 1,208 ha (18.84%) was moderately damaged, and the rest was slightly damaged. The heavy damage and the moderate damage were occurred in the forest block of resort Pakem-Turi, Cangkringan, Srumbung, Dukun, Sawangan, Selo and Kemalang. The slight damage was occurred in the forest block of resort Musuk-Cepogo, Kemalang and Selo. The ecological loss was estimated in a total of 766 Billion Indonesian rupiah consist of 747.50 Billion Indonesian rupiah from carbon stock loss and 18.5 Billion Indonesian rupiah from land restoration cost. The total ecological loss was estimated approximately 38.3 Trillion Indonesian rupiah, which was a raw estimation and considered undervalued. © 2015 GJGP UNDIP. All rights reserved.<br /

    Pemodelan Spasial Koneksitas Kawasan Konservasi di Pulau Jawa Bagian Tengah

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    Pulau Jawa bagian tengah saat ini mengalami ancaman kepunahan keanekaragaman hayati yang disebabkan tingginya laju konversi lahan hutan menjadi non hutan. Keberadaan kawasan konservasi yang dikelola oleh BKSDA Yogyakarta dan BKSDA Jawa Tengah, ternyata belum mampu mendukung kelestarian keanekaragaman hayati karena dalam proses penunjukkannya belum berdasarkan pada konsep jaringan kawasan konservasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Mengidentifikasi koneksitas antar kawasan konservasi di Pulau Jawa bagian tengah, 2) Mengidentifikasi kawasan konservasi yang terisolasi dari kawasan konservasi lainnya di Pulau Jawa Bagian Tengah, dan 3) Menyusun strategi pembuatan koneksi antar kawasan konservasi di Pulau Jawa bagian tengah berdasarkan faktor yang paling berpengaruh Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemodelan spasial dengan tools Least Cost Path menggunakan software ArcGIS 10.1. Unit kawasan knservasi yang dianalisis adalah adalah 37 kawasan konservasi terestris dari total 44 kawasan konservasi yang ada di wilayah penelitian. Dalam mengidentifikasi konektivitas dan keterisolasian antar kawasan konservasi, digunakan target spesies mamalia kecil. Koneksitas dan keterisolasian antar kawasan konservasi ditentukan berdasarkan keterhubungan antar pulau (patch) kawasan konservasi oleh jalur hijau dengan faktor pembatas pemilihan jalur adalah kondisi topografi. Kriteria jalur hijau yang mampu menjadi media koneksitas target spesies mamalia kecil adalah hutan, kebun campuran, tegalan, dan semak. Kriteria faktor pembatas pemilihan jalur adalah skor kelas kelerengan yang semakin tinggi tingkat kecuraman, semakin tinggi nilai pembatasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa di Pulau Jawa Bagian Tengah terdapat 4 blok jaringan kawasan konservasi yang mampu mengkoneksikan 27 kawasan konservasi melalui kombinasi tutupan lahan hutan, tegalan, semak, dan kebun campuran. Blok 1 menghubungkan 19 kawasan konservasi, yaitu: CA Jatinegara, CA Comal/Bantarbolang, CA Guci, CA Telaga Ranjeng,CA Telogo Dringo, CA Telogo Sumurup, TWA Telogo Warno Pengilon, CA Peson Subah I, CA Kecubung U., CA Pringamba I, CA Pringamba II, CA Pantodomas, SM Sermo, CA Pagerwunung D., CA Gebugan, CA Sepakung, TN Gunung Merbabu, dan TN Gunung Merapi. Blok 2 menghubungkan antara CA Gunung Butak, TWA Sumber Semen, CA Cabak I/II, dan CA Bekutu. Blok 3 menghubungkan CA Keling II/III dengan CA Kembang. Blok 4 menghubungkan SM Paliyan dengan CA Imogiri. Terdapat 4 kawasan konservasi yang terisolasi dari kawasan konservasi lainnya, yaitu : TWA Gunung Selok, SM Gunung Tunggangan, CA Donoloyo, dan CA/TWA Gunung Gamping. Faktor yang paling berpengaruh dalam koneksitas antar kawasan konservasi adalah keberadaan penggunaan lahan kebun campuran. Strategi pembuatan koneksitas antar kawasan konservasi dilakukan dengan menambah jumlah dan luasan kebun campuran pada jalur-jalur yang berpotensi untuk menghubungkan kawasan konservasi yang terisolasi dengan jaringan kawasan konservasi yang lebih besar

    Perception Analysis on the ConflictBetween Javan Leopard and Community Around Mount Sawal Wildlife Reserve

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    Mount Sawal Wildlife Reserve is known as one of the places that has the highest number of conflict cases between Javan leopard and human in Indonesia. There were 38 conflict cases recorded in the period of 2001-2016 with the highest number of cases occurring in Kertamandala and Cikupa Villages, Ciamis District, West Java. This study assessed the community perception of those two villages towards the conflict by using Q-method in combination with the R-Studio statistics to analyze the data. There were 19 participants who were tested with 16 consent statements called Q-sorting were ranked based on approval scale. The results showed that the community perceptions of conflict can be grouped into three, namely: 1) the importance to preserve the existence of javan leopards, 2) wildlife conflict management is a shared responsibility between communities and authorities, and 3) in the future, wildlife conflicts must not take place again. In addition, all participants shared consensus that the community do not accept the existence of javan leopard in their village area and they also agreed that conservation authorities have taken actions to deal with the conflict