10 research outputs found
Literasi Stunting pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 untuk Ibu Balita dan Kader Posyandu Desa Umbulrejo Kapanewon Ponjong Kabupaten Gunung Kidul
Empowering women was the most important efforts to create the nation's next-generation, including efforts to alleviate stunting children. The limitation of health knowledge was one of indirect determinant stunting children. Literacy may increase woman knowledge about children care, so they can meet nutritional needs and environmental health. This was a community engagement with classical methods, interactive discussions, brainstorming through virtual meetings with google-meet and WhatsApp groups about stunting on 18-21 September 2020. Participants were mothers and cadres at highest prevalance stunting children in Yogyakarta (Umbulrejo Village, District Ponjong, Gunung Kidul Regency) as many as 50 women. The output of literation was measured by attendance (75%), increasing of knowledge 25%, and participant anthusiasm. Overall, this was meet the target, as many as 80% attendance of participants, 32% increase of knowledge, and enthusiastically participating. Virtual literacy and telecounseling were effective method to provide education and health counseling in Covid-19 pandemic context.Pemberdayaan perempuan adalah salah satu upaya yang sangat penting untuk menciptakan generasi penerus bangsa, termasuk upaya mengentaskan stunting balita. Keterbatasan pengetahuan kesehatan pada ibu merupakan salah satu penyebab tidak langsung kejadian stunting balita. Literasi merupakan salah satu upaya penting untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu sebagai individu penting dalam pengasuhan anak, termasuk pemenuhan kebutuhan gizi dan kesehatan lingkungan. Literasi ini merupakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, yang dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi interaktif, brainstorming melalui virtual meeting dengan google-meet dan grup whatsapp tentang stunting pada tanggal 18-21 September 2020. Subyek adalah ibu balita dan kader Posyandu sebanyak 50 ibu daerah dengan prevalensi stunting tertinggi di DIY, yaitu Desa Umbulrejo, Kapanewon Ponjong, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul. Keberhasilan kegiatan diukur dari kehadiran minimal 75%, peningkatan pengetahuan 25% serta partisipan mengikuti kegiatan secara antusias. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat melalui literasi dan konseling ini berhasil, yakni kehadiran partisipan 80%, meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu balita dan kader sebesar 32%, serta partisipan antusias mengikuti kegiatan.Literasi virtual dan telekonseling merupakan cara yang efektif untuk memberikan edukasi dan layanan kepada masyarakat pada masa pandemic Covid-19
Policy Analysis of Healthy Community Movement (Germas) during Pandemi COVID-19 in Yogyakarta
The social environment, including policies, is one of the instruments to encourage health promotion toward a healthy life, preventing and controlling COVID-19. This was to analyze the content, process, content and policy actors related toThe Healthy Community Movement (Germas) and the prevention of COVID-19 in Yogyakarta.We apply a-qualitative research of policy. We apply rapid assessment procedures (RAP) using focus group discussion (FGD) and desk review to observe various of policy from the government website. Research conducted in Yogyakarta from March to May 2021. Data was analysis by qualitative content analysis based on content, process, context, and actor categories. Results showed that policies related to Germas already exist at all levels, both national, provincial and district/city locally. According to policy content, Germas was movement to promote the culture/behavior of healthy living based on community empowerment, that were 7 points were physical activity, consuming fruits and vegetables, not smoking, not consuming alcoholic beverages, early detection and medical examination routine, clean healthy and lifestyle, and using toilet. Base on process, there were national, provincial, and local policy level. At the national level there was presidential instructions, regulations of the minister of national development planning, while governor's, regent’s policy at level province and region respectively. Locally, some policy regulate special context on COVID-19 preventing and controlling to increase awareness of the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection in Yogyakarta. The policy actors were all of local government organizations, universities, CSR, and community. The conclusion is The Special Region of Yogyakarta already has many policies covering various sectors of life to support the implementation of Germas in the pandemic era and has been carried out by stakeholders, CSR, universities, and all of governmen
Soft skills merupakan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh seseorang terkait pemanfaatan dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain (interpersonal) serta keterampilan dalam mengatur dirinya sendiri (intrapersonal) agar mampu mengembangkan unjuk kerja seseorang secara maksimal. Soft skills pada dasarnya merupakan kemampuan yang sudah melekat pada diri seseorang, namun dapat dikembangkan secara maksimal. Hal tersebut sangat dibutuhkan pada kemampuan seseorang tersebut dimanfaatlam saat menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan.
Lulusan mahasiswa kesehatan merupakan salah satu calon tenaga kesehatan yang akan bekerja di berbagai bidang antara lain pada bidan pelayanan kesehatan. Pada saat melakukan penugasan pekerjaan, tenaga kesehatan tidak cukup hanya memiliki kemampuan hard skills, namun juga harus memiliki kemampuan soft skills. Thomas J. Neff dan James M. Citrin (1999) dalam bukunya Lessons From The Top mengatakan bahwa kunci sukses seseorang ditentukan oleh 90% soft skills dan hanya 10% saja yang ditentukan oleh hard skills. Perguruan tinggi penyelenggara pendidikan bagi mahasiswa kesehatan harus menyiapkan lulusannya agar memiliki kemampuan kedua tersebut. Begitu juga mahasiswa juga harus menyadari pentingnya hal tersebut.
Buku Menyiapkan Soft Skills Bagi Lulusan Mahasiswa Kesehatan ini memberikan wawasan lengkap terkait konsep maupun tataran praktik tentang pengembangan kemampuan bagi tenaga kesehatan. Khususnya berkaitan dengan kecerdasan emosional, sifat kepribadian, keterampilan sosial, komunikasi, berbahasa, kebiasaan pribadi, keramahan, dan optimisme yang mencirikan kemampuan seseorang dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain. Alhasil dengan membaca buku ini Anda dapat meningkatkan interaksi individu, kinerja sebagai anggota tim dan jenjang prospek karir yang cerah. Akhirnya soft skills akan menghantarkan Anda pada kesuksesan. Selamat membaca
Literasi Stunting pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 untuk Ibu Balita dan Kader Posyandu Desa Umbulrejo Kapanewon Ponjong Kabupaten Gunung Kidul
Empowering women was the most important efforts to create the nation's next-generation, including efforts to alleviate stunting children. The limitation of health knowledge was one of indirect determinant stunting children. Literacy may increase woman knowledge about children care, so they can meet nutritional needs and environmental health. This was a community engagement with classical methods, interactive discussions, brainstorming through virtual meetings with google-meet and WhatsApp groups about stunting on 18-21 September 2020. Participants were mothers and cadres at highest prevalance stunting children in Yogyakarta (Umbulrejo Village, District Ponjong, Gunung Kidul Regency) as many as 50 women. The output of literation was measured by attendance (75%), increasing of knowledge 25%, and participant anthusiasm. Overall, this was meet the target, as many as 80% attendance of participants, 32% increase of knowledge, and enthusiastically participating. Virtual literacy and telecounseling were effective method to provide education and health counseling in Covid-19 pandemic context
Social determinants of health protocol adherence among adults during COVID-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Introduction: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) must be controlled by involving all stakeholders, including the community. Community protocol compliance with COVID-19 health guidelines is essential. This study assessed the social determinants of health on community protocol compliance with COVID-19 health guidelines among adults in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Materials and methods: This study was a mixed-method study of 461 adults from February through May 2021 in Yogyakarta Province. We collected data through an online survey, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews. Logistic regression was used to analyze the results.
Results: Most respondents (86%) always wore masks, followed social distancing (51.8%), and washed their hands regularly (99%). Subjects older than 45 years, women, and community leaders demonstrated greater compliance with COVID-19 health protocols compared to other people. On the other hand, the occupation has become a healthy lifestyle practice indicator.
Conclusion: Gender, age, educational level, economics, and social status were determinants of health protocol adherence among adults in Yogyakarta. Therefore, health providers need to consider social determinants for health promotion approaches and COVID-19 prevention and control strategies
Social determinants of health protocol adherence among adults during COVID-19 pandemic in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Introduction: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) must be controlled by involving all stakeholders, including the community. Community protocol compliance with COVID-19 health guidelines is essential. This study assessed the social determinants of health on community protocol compliance with COVID-19 health guidelines among adults in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Materials and Methods: This study was a mixed-method study of 461 adults from February through May 2021 in Yogyakarta Province. We collected data through an online survey, focus group discussions, and in-depth interviews. Logistic regression was used to analyze the results. Results: Most respondents (86) always wore masks, followed social distancing (51.8), and washed their hands regularly (99). Subjects older than 45 years, women, and community leaders demonstrated greater compliance with COVID-19 health protocols compared to other people. On the other hand, the occupation has become a healthy lifestyle practice indicator. Conclusion: Gender, age, educational level, economics, and social status were determinants of health protocol adherence among adults in Yogyakarta. Therefore, health providers need to consider social determinants for health promotion approaches and COVID-19 prevention and control strategies. © 2022, Malaysian Medical Association. All rights reserved