69 research outputs found

    Propuesta metodológica para el diseño de itinerarios didácticos de Ciencias de la Naturaleza

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    Las salidas de campo ofrecen incontables ventajas desde el punto de vista educativo, promoviendo el aprendizaje significativo de los alumnos. Sin embargo, éstas se realizan de manera poco habitual por parte de la mayoría de los docentes debido a las dificultades de planificación. Este trabajo ofrece una metodología sencilla que puede servir de referencia a los docentes de educación secundaria para organizar itinerarios didácticos en el campo. Dicha metodología se basa fundamentalmente en la selección y valoración del grado de adecuación de puntos de interés didáctico en base a una serie de indicadores relevantes desde el punto de vista de la educación formal. Se ofrecen también los resultados obtenidos de la puesta en práctica en el término municipal de Patones (Madrid)Field trips provide countless advantages in educational terms, promoting the student´s significant learning. However, field trips are commonly unusual due to its arduous planning for instructors. This paper provides a straightforward methodology that may serve as a reference for Secondary School teachers to organize their educational itineraries in the field. This methodology is based primarily on the selection and assessment of the proper degree of Didactic Interest Points founded on a series of relevant indicators from the formal education point of view. This paper also offers the results of its implementation in the municipality of Patones (Madrid

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    An approach to some classical libration point orbit problems by means of artificial intelligence tecniques

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    Rapid developments in the last decade have demonstrated the potential of new techniques within the Artificial Intelligence (AI) field as an effective approach for different classical problems in the area of astrodynamics. Pathfinding strategies in multi-body dynamical regions of space implies some challenges which have traditionally relied on simplifications of the dynamical model or heavy computational loads. However, modern machine learning techniques are likely to provide more lightweight solutions that could be applied to automated on-board guidance systems in future missions traveling though complex environments. This work aims to leverage Artificial Neural Network techniques to study how they can be applied to Libration Point Orbits in the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. In particular, new ANN-approaches to compute heteroclinic connections between planar Lyapunov orbits are proposed, and their performance is compared to that of classic methodologies. In order to train, validate and test the ANNs used throughout the work, sufficiently large datasets containing information that accurately represents the dynamics of the Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem are required. To this effect, the datasets are generated by means of solving the problem using well-known classic techniques, since it is the only way to acquire an ensemble of accurate observations of the model. The following steps are taken: first, the heteroclinic connections are computed with arbitrarily high accuracy by numerical propagation of the unstable/stable invariant manifolds of the departure/arrival orbits respectively, using a Runge-Kutta 45 integrator; second, the data from the propagations are tabulated and stored in datasets; third, the datasets are used to train and validate a series of ANNs; and finally, the performance of the obtained ANN models is analysed and compared to the benchmark results. Also, the influence of the sampling technique when generating the datasets and the robustness of the developed method are studied. As a result of this work, it can be concluded that the two new ANN methods developed here can be considered as good as the classical method on terms their fitness to be used as a seed in a realistic ephemeris model, since the Restricted Three Body Problem model used here as a reference is also not an accurate representation of realistic trajectories anyways, but it is an acceptable approximation in early stages of mission design.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::9 - Indústria, Innovació i Infraestructur

    Strong conservatism of floral morphology during the rapid diversification of the genus Helianthemum

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    Premise: Divergence of floral morphology and breeding systems are often expected to be linked to angiosperm diversification and environmental niche divergence. However, available evidence for such relationships is not generalizable due to different taxonomic, geographical and time scales. The Palearctic genus Helianthemum shows the highest diversity of the family Cistaceae in terms of breeding systems, floral traits, and environmental conditions as a result of three recent evolutionary radiations since the Late Miocene. Here, we investigated the tempo and mode of evolution of floral morphology in the genus and its link with species diversification and environmental niche divergence. Methods: We quantified 18 floral traits from 83 taxa and applied phylogenetic comparative methods using a robust phylogenetic framework based on genotypingby‐ sequencing data. Results: We found three different floral morphologies, putatively related to three different breeding systems: type I, characterized by small flowers without herkogamy and low pollen to ovule ratio; type II, represented by large flowers with approach herkogamy and intermediate pollen to ovule ratio; and type III, featured by small flowers with reverse herkogamy and the highest pollen to ovule ratio. Each morphology has been highly conserved across each radiation and has evolved independently of species diversification and ecological niche divergence. Conclusions: The combined results of trait, niche, and species diversification ultimately recovered a pattern of potentially non‐adaptive radiations in Helianthemum and highlight the idea that evolutionary radiations can be decoupled from floral morphology evolution even in lineages that diversified in heterogeneous environments as the Mediterranean Basin.Spanish Government CGL2014-52459-P CGL2017-82465-PNext Generation funds of the European Union through a Margarita Salas postdoctoral contractSpanish Sistema Nacional de Garantia Juvenil y del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil 2014-202

    Downscaled climate change scenarios for Central America

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    The intersectoral workshop held in December 2016 among the Ibero-American networks on water, climate change and meteorology, identified the need of downscaled climate change scenarios for Central America. Such scenarios would be developed by National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the region, based on a common methodology, allowing the assessment of climate change impacts on water resources and extreme hydro-meteorological events. This project was supported by the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Administration and Public Policies of Spain in the framework of the EUROCLIMA+ programme. One final outcome of the project has been a freely accessible web viewer, installed on the Centro Clima webpage (https://centroclima.org/escenarios-cambio-climatico/, last access: 26 September 2022), managed by the Regional Committee on Hydraulic Resources of the Central American Integration System, where all information generated during the project is available for consultation and data downloading by the different sectors of users. A key element in this project has been to integrate many downscaled projections based on different methods (dynamical and statistical), totalizing 45 different projections, and aiming at estimating the uncertainty coming from different sources in the best possible way. Another essential element has been the strong involvement of the different user sectors through national workshops, first, at the beginning of the project for the identification and definition of viewer features, and then for the presentation of results and planning of its use by prioritized sectors. In a second phase of the project, a regional working group made up of experts from the participating National Meteorological and Hydrological Services will be in charge of viewer maintenance and upgrade, including new sectoral parameters, developed in collaboration with interested users, and computation and addition of new downscaled projections from CMIP6 in collaboration with the State Meteorological Agency of Spain.</p

    Genetic diversity and differentiation in narrow versus widespread taxa of Helianthemum (Cistaceae) in a hotspot: The role of geographic range, habitat, and reproductive traits

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    We thank the authorities of the Sierra Nevada National Park and the Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Regional Government) for granting permission to collect samples even of species under protection. We also thank the Centro de Investigación Tecnología e Innovación de la Universidad de Sevilla (“Celestino Mutis” CITIUS-2 center) for facilities to use the Coulter Multisizer 3. This research was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (National Parks Authority ref. 296/2011) and by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2014-52459-P and partially CGL2013-45037-P and CGL2017-82465-P). S. MartínHernanz was supported by a fellowship from the Spanish Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (FPI 2015, BES-2015-073314). All samples in this study were collected under permission by the Sierra Nevada National Park and the Andalusian Regional GovernmentUnraveling the relationships between ecological, functional traits and genetic diversity of narrow endemic plants provide opportunities for understanding how evolutionary processes operate over local spatial scales and ultimately how diversity is created and maintained. To explore these aspects in Sierra Nevada, the core of the Mediterranean Betic‐Rifean hotspot, we have analyzed nuclear DNA microsatellite diversity and a set of biological and environmental factors (physicochemical soil parameters, floral traits, and community composition) in two strictly endemic taxa from dolomite outcrops of Sierra Nevada (Helianthemum pannosum and H. apenninum subsp. estevei ) and two congeneric widespread taxa (H. cinereum subsp. rotundifolium and H. apenninum subsp. apenninum ) that further belong to two different lineages (subgenera) of Helianthemum . We obtained rather unexpected results contrasting with the theory: (a) The narrow endemic taxa showed higher values of genetic diversity as well as higher average values of pollen production per flower and pollen‐to‐ovule ratio than their widespread relatives; and (b) the two taxa of subg. Helianthemum , with larger corollas, approach herkogamy and higher pollen production than the two taxa of subg. Plectolobum , displayed lower genetic diversity and higher values of inbreeding. Altogether, these results disclose how genetic diversity may be affected simultaneously by a large number of intrinsic and extrinsic factors, especially in Pleistocene glacial refugia in mountains where the spatial context harbors a great ecological heterogeneity. On the other hand, differences in mating system and the significant effect of the substrate profile, both being highly diverse in the genus Helianthemum , in the genetic variability illustrate about the importance of these two factors in the diversification and species differentiation of this paradigmatic genus in the Mediterranean and open the field to formulate and test new hypotheses of local adaptation, trait evolution, and habitat diversification.Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Grant/Award Number: BES-2015-073314; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Grant/Award Number: CGL2013-45037-P, CGL2014- 52459-P and CGL2017-82465-P; Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Grant/Award Number: 296/201

    Minors who are victims of non-physical family violence: three complementary views

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo el análisis de las situaciones de violencia familiar no física en los menores. Durante los últimos años es una realidad que está adquiriendo significación en el estudio de la violencia familiar, y en la que los profesionales tienen un papel especial en su detección. La investigación combina la visión de tres grupos distintos de experiencias, atendiendo las diversas perspectivas de un fenómeno complejo. Se han realizado 32 entrevistas en profundidad a personas víctimas de esta violencia, a personas que no se consideran víctimas y a profesionales que han tratado estas situaciones. Como resultado, se constatan claros factores de riesgo, especialmente las relaciones violentas con la madre o el padre, violencia entre la pareja o adicciones. Destaca, asimismo, que el proceso de violencia tiene una alta probabilidad de repetición por las propias víctimas. Para el resto de grupos, destaca la infravaloración de esta violencia y la falta de formación en profesionales.The aim of this work is to analyse situations of non-physical family violence among minors. In recent years, this reality has acquired significance in the study of family violence and in the notion that professionals play an essential role in detecting it. This research combines the views of three groups of experiences, taking into account the various perspectives of a complex phenomenon. Thirty-two in-depth interviews were conducted with victims of this violence, with persons who do not consider themselves victims and with professionals who have handled these situations. Clear risk factors were identified as a result, particularly violent relationships with the mother or father, violence between the couple, and addictions. It is also notable that the process of violence is highly likely to be repeated by the victims themselves. Of note in terms of the other groups are the underestimation of this violence and a lack of training among professionals

    Tracking gypsophily across the phylogeny: 3 study cases

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    To gain an evolutionary understanding of plant gypsophily, is essential to incorporate phylogeny in the analyses. Here we present an overview of three different approaches that we are currently undertaking to tackle this issue. (I) we have selected 5 Iberian genera with gysophite or gypsovag species in which a fairly complete and reliable phylogeny is published (Ononis, Helianthemum, Chaenorrhinum, Reseda and Teucrium). In each of these 5 lineages we plan to explore the events of gypsophily and to evaluate the existence of preadaptations along the clades in terms of ionome. (II) Within the Ononis tridentata-fruticosa-rotundifolia clade, we intend to carry out Hyb-Seq taking the leaf and soil chemical composition into account. Among other biogegraphic and phylogenetic inferences, we are particularly interested on the comparison of the ionome of O. fruticosa populations growing in and out gypsum. (III)We plan to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus Frankenia based on HybSeq, which comprises a relevant amount of halophyte, gypso-halophyte and gypsum species, particularly in Australia. This worldwide distributed genus is crucial for the understanding of chemical adaptations of gypso-halophytes, a poorly described functional group, but requires a taxonomic and phylogenetic clarification before further analysis. Approaches II and III will use the Angiosperms-353 kit (myBaits), which will allow integrating the results in further studies beyond our current particular purposes

    Cannabis use and involuntary admission may mediate long-term adherence in first-episode psychosis patients: a prospective longitudinal study

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    Background: This study aimed to examine factors associated with treatment adherence in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients followed up over 8 years, especially involuntary first admission and stopping cannabis use. Methods: This prospective, longitudinal study of FEP patients collected data on symptoms, adherence, functioning,and substance use. Adherence to treatment was the main outcome variable and was categorized as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Cannabis use during follow-up was stratified as continued use, stopped use, and never used. Bivariate and logistic regression models identified factors significantly associated with adherence and changes in adherence over the 8-year follow-up period. Results: Of the 98 FEP patients analyzed at baseline, 57.1% had involuntary first admission, 74.4% bad adherence,and 52% cannabis use. Good adherence at baseline was associated with Global Assessment of Functioning score (p = 0.019), Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score (p = 0.017) and voluntary admission (p < 0.001). Adherence patterns over 8 years included: 43.4% patients always bad, 26.1% always good, 25% improved from bad to good. Among the improved adherence group, 95.7% had involuntary first admission and 38.9% stopped cannabis use. In the subgroup of patients with bad adherence at baseline, involuntary first admission and quitting cannabis use during follow up were associated with improved adherence. Conclusions: The long-term association between treatment adherence and type of first admission and cannabis use in FEP patients suggest targets for intervention to improve clinical outcomes