104 research outputs found

    Inscriptions from Belorado (Burgos) in a manuscript of the Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid)

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    En este artículo se presentan y analizan cinco inscripciones romanas procedentes de Belorado (Burgos), algunas de ellas inéditas, que se registran en un manuscrito, de autor desconocido, conservado en la Biblioteca Nacional de España (Ms. 21.696/4).This paper shows and analyses five roman inscriptions from Belorado (Burgos province). These inscriptions, some of them unpublished, are registered in an anonimous manuscript preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional de España (Ms. 21.696/4).Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación HAR 2011- 26561Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad FFI 2012-3471

    Los toros de Guisando y las glorias ajenas

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    El Padre Andrés Marcos Burriel y la procedencia de CIL II 2323 Y CIL II 2324

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    The aim of this paper is to explain the reasons for the removal of CIL II 2323 and CIL II 2324 from the epigraphic group of Carbula (Almodóvar del Río, Córdoba) and their relocation to the corpus of Cuenca’s province. A. M. Burriel, the Jesuit who saw and described these tombstones in 1745, specifies that both of them were indeed found in Almodóvar del Pinar (Cuenca)

    Manuel Martí o la legitimación del documento epigráfico

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    The aim of this paper is to emphasize the work developed by Manuel Martí in the field of Epigraphy, showing how his new conception of the epigraphic document as well as the methodological bases established by him were the premises that made possible the turn experienced by the epigraphic investigation during the Spanish Enlightenment

    Francisco Pérez Bayer as Alejandro Javier Panel’s Informant and Some Notes on Roman Inscriptions from the Salamanca Province

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    After briefly reviewing the career of Francisco Pérez Bayer, one of the most important figures of the Hispanic cultural scene of the 18th century, we analyse his work in the field of epigraphy and his relationship, as an informant, with Alejandro Javier Panel. Pérez Bayer provided the French Jesuit with notes about numerous epigraphs, epigraphs that Panel then integrated into his inconclusive corpus of Roman inscriptions of Hispania. Among the manuscripts of Panel, his notes related to various pieces of Salamanca are almost unknown, but are a good sample of the quality of the Valencian’s epigraphic work

    Francisco Pérez Bayer as Alejandro Javier Panel’s Informant and Some Notes on Roman Inscriptions from the Salamanca Province

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    After briefly reviewing the career of Francisco Pérez Bayer, one of the most important figures of the Hispanic cultural scene of the 18th century, we analyse his work in the field of epigraphy and his relationship, as an informant, with Alejandro Javier Panel. Pérez Bayer provided the French Jesuit with notes about numerous epigraphs, epigraphs that Panel then integrated into his inconclusive corpus of Roman inscriptions of Hispania. Among the manuscripts of Panel, his notes related to various pieces of Salamanca are almost unknown, but are a good sample of the quality of the Valencian’s epigraphic work.Tras repasar de modo sucinto la carrera de Francisco Pérez Bayer, una de las más importantes figuras de la escena cultural hispana del siglo xviii, analizamos su labor en el ámbito de la epigrafía y su relación, en calidad de informador, con Alejandro Javier Panel. Pérez Bayer proporcionó al jesuita francés apuntes sobre numerosos epígrafes, epígrafes que este último integró en su corpus, inconcluso, de inscripciones romanas de Hispania; los apuntes relativos a diversas piezas salmantinas, conservados entre los manuscritos de Panel y casi desconocidos, dan buena muestra de la calidad del trabajo del valenciano en materia epigráfica

    A propósito del teónimo "Ilurbeda": Hipótesis de trabajo

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    El hallazgo de nuevas aras dedicadas a Ilurbeda en Narros del Puerto (Ávila) ha venido a ampliar el área de culto de esta divinidad propia del pueblo vetón. La localización geográfica de todos los testimonios conocidos hasta la fecha, y la conexión expresa de Ilurbeda con los Lares Viales en el santuario existente en la referida localidad abulense, permiten deducir un patrón común que podría ayudar a identificar la naturaleza y carácter últimos de esta diosa