30 research outputs found

    Pictorical market in Spain. Forties and Sixties years (Biosca, Edurne and Mordó Galleries)

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    Las galerías de arte Biosca, Edurne y Mordó, son divulgadoras del arte contemporáneo en España. Con ellas se abrió un camino hacia el arte más actual, contribuyendo a un mayor conocimiento de pintores que en España no eran muy conocidos. Tuvieron una gran variedad expositiva, mezclando no solo obras de arte figurativo sino también de arte abstracto. De las tres, Biosca es la que tuvo una línea más conservadora, aunque se preocupó de dar a conocer pintores poco conocidos. Juana Mordó, apostó desde el principio por los artistas españoles contemporáneos y la galería Edurne, la más ecléctica, dando a conocer junto a obras de artistas consagrados, obras de pintores poco conocidos.Art galleries, Biosca, Edurne and Mordó are disseminators of the contemporary art in Spain. With them, a new way was opened towards the art current, because of that, they contribute a better painters knowledge, who in Spain were not known. They had a variety exhibitions, and involved figurative master pieces but also abstract art. They have exhibit paint of european artists and spanish abstracts artists. Of the three galleries, Biosca was the only one that was more conservative, although the gallerie was worried to published artists who was not known. Juana Mordó, exhibited the last artistic trends, and Edurne was the most eclectic, because they have exhibited acclaimed artists, with not very known artists

    Epstein–Barr virus-mediated transformation of B cells induces global chromatin changes independent to the acquisition of proliferation

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    Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects and transforms human primary B cells inducing indefinite proliferation. To investigate the potential participation of chromatin mechanisms during the EBV-mediated transformation of resting B cells we performed an analysis of global changes in histone modifications. We observed a remarkable decrease and redistribution of heterochromatin marks including H4K20me3, H3K27me3 and H3K9me3. Loss of H4K20me3 and H3K9me3 occurred at constitutive heterochromatin repeats. For H3K27me3 and H3K9me3, comparison of ChIP-seq data revealed a decrease in these marks in thousands of genes, including clusters of HOX and ZNF genes, respectively. Moreover, DNase-seq data comparison between resting and EBV-transformed B cells revealed increased endonuclease accessibility in thousands of genomic sites. We observed that both loss of H3K27me3 and increased accessibility are associated with transcriptional activation. These changes only occurred in B cells transformed with EBV and not in those stimulated to proliferate with CD40L/IL-4, despite their similarities in the cell pathways involved and proliferation rates. In fact, B cells infected with EBNA-2 deficient EBV, which have much lower proliferation rates, displayed similar decreases for heterochromatic histone marks. Our study describes a novel phenomenon related to transformation of B cells, and highlights its independence of the pure acquisition of proliferation

    La Montaña Palentina

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    Producción CientíficaEstudio del medio físico, población, poblamiento, economía y nivel de vida de la Montaña Palentina, analizando los problemas existentes, potencialidades y propuestas de actuación.GeografíaEstudio realizado en el marco del Convenio firmado entre la Consejería de Economía y Hacienda de la Junta de Castilla y León y la Universidad de Valladolid con fecha 26 de febrero de 1999

    Activation-induced cytidine deaminase targets SUV4-20-mediated histone H4K20 trimethylation to class-switch recombination sites

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    Activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) triggers antibody diversification in B cells by catalysing deamination and subsequently mutating immunoglobulin (Ig) genes. Association of AID with RNA Pol II and occurrence of epigenetic changes during Ig gene diversification suggest participation of AID in epigenetic regulation. AID is mutated in hyper-IgM type 2 (HIGM2) syndrome. Here, we investigated the potential role of AID in the acquisition of epigenetic changes. We discovered that AID binding to the IgH locus promotes an increase in H4K20me3. In 293F cells, we demonstrate interaction between co-transfected AID and the three SUV4-20 histone H4K20 methyltransferases, and that SUV4-20H1.2, bound to the IgH switch (S) mu site, is replaced by SUV4-20H2 upon AID binding. Analysis of HIGM2 mutants shows that the AID truncated form W68X is impaired to interact with SUV4-20H1.2 and SUV4-20H2 and is unable to bind and target H4K20me3 to the Smu site. We finally show in mouse primary B cells undergoing class-switch recombination (CSR) that AID deficiency associates with decreased H4K20me3 levels at the Smu site. Our results provide a novel link between SUV4-20 enzymes and CSR and offer a new aspect of the interplay between AID and histone modifications in setting the epigenetic status of CSR sites

    Población y poblamiento en Castilla y León

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    Producción CientíficaAnálisis de la evolución de la población y modelo de poblamiento en la Comunidad Autónoma de Castilla y León, incluyendo aspectos relacionados con la normativa sobre ordenación del territorio, la evolución de la población en España, demografía, inmigración, mundo rural, industria, áreas y redes urbanas, centros comarcales de servicios y gestión del territorio.GeografíaInforme elaborado para el Consejo Económico y Social de Castilla y León

    Pictorial Collecting: the hidden pasion of the artist in the fifties (the Cuenca group, Eusebio Sempere, Salvador Victoria, Lucio Muñoz y Amalia Avia)

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    Los artistas merecen ser destacados no solo por la calidad de sus obras, sino también por una faceta que ha sido poco estudiada y que es apasionante: el coleccionismo pictórico. Nos vamos a centrar en una serie de pintores de la década de los cincuenta, en concreto el grupo de Cuenca (Fernando Zóbel, Gerardo Rueda y Gustavo Torner) y por una serie de pintores, que eran compañeros de generación (Eusebio Sempere, Salvador Victoria, Lucio Muñoz y Amalia Avia). Nuestros artistas no solo han atesorado cuadros de pintores de su generación, sino también de todas las épocas. Muchos han creado sus colecciones a base de intercambios, también a través de regalos, comprándoles sus obras, o por encargo directo al artistaArtists individually have given important contributions in to the contemporary art history, but also for a phase that has been studied little and is exciting: pictorial collection. We are going to focused on a group of painters in the fifties, the Cuenca Group (Fernando Zóbel, Gerardo Rueda y Gustavo Torner) and by other painters who were generation partners (Eusebio Sempere, Salvador Victoria, Lucio Muñoz y Amalia Avia). Our artists have not only treasured painters of their generations, but of all ages. Some of them have created their collections by exchanging their art works among each other, also by giving them gifts, helping each other with economic problems, buying their works, or by direct order with the artis

    Development of a high-throughput screening platform to identify new therapeutic agents for Medulloblastoma Group 3

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    Pediatric brain tumors (PBTs) represent about 25 % of all pediatric cancers and are the most common solid tumors in children and adolescents. Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most frequently occurring malignant PBT, accounting for almost 10 % of all pediatric cancer deaths. MB Group 3 (MB G3) accounts for 25–30 % of all MB cases and has the worst outcome, particularly when associated with MYC amplification. However, no targeted treatments for this group have been developed so far.Here we describe a unique high throughput screening (HTS) platform specifically designed to identify new therapies for MB G3. The platform incorporates optimized and validated 2D and 3D efficacy and toxicity models, that account for tumor heterogenicity, limited efficacy and unacceptable toxicity from the very early stage of drug discovery. The platform has been validated by conducting a pilot HTS campaign with a 1280 lead-like compound library. Results showed 8 active compounds, targeting MB reported targets and several are currently approved or in clinical trials for pediatric patients with PBTs, including MB. Moreover, hits were combined to avoid tumor resistance, identifying 3 synergistic pairs, one of which is currently under clinical study for recurrent MB and other PBTs