5,200 research outputs found

    Improving Frequency of Hand Hygiene Education from Providers to Patients

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    Hand hygiene compliance is one of the most simplest forms of preventing infection. This paper focuses on improving the frequency and standardizing hand hygiene education to patients delivered by health care professionals from a primary care clinic. The ambulatory suburban community clinic in Oakland primarily serves the underserved population. The target population are the following providers: Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, and Medical Assistants. A survey was adapted from evidence-based studies, WHO, and CDC to collect data on current hand hygiene education provided to patients from healthcare professionals. An additional survey was given to patients to assess baseline hand hygiene compliance and education that was provided by their health care providers. An educational tool was created for Physicians, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse, Medical Assistants and Nursing Students to have available during patient calls to promote standardized hand hygiene education. Eighteen of 38 providers responded to surveys. Of those 18, 61.1% of health care providers stated hand hygiene education was not at all provided to their patients. The results called for standardizing hand hygiene education to be implemented using the educational tool four weeks to test effectiveness. Due to the competing demands of staff involvement during the COVID-19 transition, the clinical staff did not buy-in. For the implementation tool to take place, we recommended that future nursing students pilot the study by using the hand hygiene educational tool in person to test effectiveness. After the implementation of the educational tool during patient appointments, we would like to see an 20% increase of healthcare professionals providing hand hygiene education

    Asymmetric adjustment between oil prices and exchange rates : empirical evidence from major oil producers and consumers

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    This paper investigates the long-run relationship and asymmetric adjustment between the real oil prices and the real bilateral exchange rates of twelve major oil producers and consumers in the world. It uses threshold autoregressive, TAR, and momentum threshold autoregressive, M-TAR models. The data-set used is monthly series that covers 1970:01–2012:01. The results reveal the existence of cointegration in six of the twelve countries studied and cointegration and asymmetric adjustment in four countries of which Brazil, Nigeria and the UK show higher adjustment after a positive shock than after a negative shock while the Eurozone shows the opposite behaviour

    Electrochemical Properties of Al2O3-Fe/Si Composites Prepared by High-Energy Mechanical Milling

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    open accessThe growing demand in the manufacture of advanced materials with desired and unique properties (e.g. high mechanical strength, durability, good corrosion resistance and low cost of maintenance/replacing) is one of reasons to motivate the researchers to pay special attention in Ceramics as high performance materials for industrial applications. This is because conventional materials cannot meet the engineering requirements during their service that is why the need for advanced ceramic materials to achieve these industrial requirements. In the present work a study was made on Al2O3-matrix ceramic composites reinforced with 2%wt. or 5% wt. of Fe/Si particulates that were produced using a mechanical ball milling at high-energy condition. The electrochemical behavior of these ceramics was investigated by anodic polarization and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) measurements in a solution containing 0.5N NaCl, whereas the morphology and microstructural features were examined by optical or Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

    Synthesis and Electrical Characterization of PLZT Piezoelectric-Ceramic

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    This research describes the synthesis of an outstanding ceramic-composite piezoelectric CCP (lead-lanthanum-zirconate-titanate, PLZT) by means of powders technique procedures. Full dense CCP compacts were obtained with a platinum wire implanted in the center of the piezoelectric, which were used to investigate the microstructural and opto-thermal properties. The microstructural details of this ceramic were investigated by optical microscopy; whereas the opto-thermal characterization was performed by measuring the electrical signal in a bidimensional setup under four different temperatures: 20°C, 35°C, 50°C and 75°C. A 160mW/cm2 LASER beam was used in order to produce the optical energy which is detected by the CCP. A total of one hundred of measurements were registered. Measurements showed that, in the explored thermal range, the CCP signal magnitude increased from 87.2 to 147.2 pA. About the microstructural analysis, the microstructure obtained show different phases as characteristic of the processing method, including porosity. The peculiar optical and thermal properties observed in the piezoelectric ceramic are promising for possible applications in temperature-controlled optical devices that require electrical outputs

    La gestión directiva y competencias laborales en docentes de las instituciones educativas públicas del nivel Inicial, Carabayllo, Lima, 2021

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general determinar la relación entre la gestión directiva y las competencias laborales en docentes de Instituciones Educativas Iniciales de Carabayllo. Siendo esta investigación de tipo aplicada, con enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel correlacional, asimismo, fue de diseño no experimental transversal y el método empleado fue el hipotético-deductivo. La población estuvo conformada por 480 docentes de nivel inicial de las instituciones educativas del Carabayllo entre las edades de 23 a 45 años. Por su parte la muestra quedó compuesta por 164 docentes cuyas edades fueron entre los 23 a 45 años del nivel inicial de tales instituciones. La técnica aplicada fue la encuesta y el instrumento los cuestionarios de la Escala de Gestión Directiva y Prueba de Competencias Laborales Básicas. Los resultados demostraron una correlación entre la variable Gestión Directiva y la variable Competencias Laborales, cuyo valor equivalente fue de =0.421** de Rho de Spearman con una significancia bilateral de =p> 0,05 y 0.01. Como conclusión se determinó que existe una relación positiva moderada entre las variables Gestión Directiva y Competencias Laborales en docentes de Instituciones Educativas Iniciales de Carabayllo

    Degron tagging for rapid protein degradation in mice

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    Degron tagging allows proteins of interest to be rapidly degraded, in areversible and tuneable manner, in response to a chemical stimulus.This provides numerous opportunities for understanding diseasemechanisms, modelling therapeutic interventions and constructingsynthetic gene networks. In recent years, many laboratories haveapplied degron tagging successfully in cultured mammalian cells,spurred by rapid advances in the fields of genome editing andtargeted protein degradation. In this At a Glance article, we focus onrecent efforts to apply degron tagging in mouse models, discussingthe distinct set of challenges and opportunities posed by the in vivoenvironmen

    Study of Thermal Properties on the Different Layers Composing a Commercial Ceramic Tile

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    In this study the thermal conductivity of a commercial ceramic is determined considering that this property is an essential factor on the building materials. This is the primary indicator of the material suitableness for energy transfer, considering that this kind of construction supplies has many applications as thermal insulations. In this sense, we consider that a commercial tile is usually composed of three layers: substrate, a so-called engine layer, and an enamel layer. Likewise, the thermal properties of the different layers were obtained individually by using two photothermal techniques on the ceramic material; the ceramic tile density was obtained using the Archimedes method. The calculated values show a wide range of thermal conductivity values for the different layers, ranging from1.3 to 4 W m¡1K¡1

    Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): A Review Study of Basic Aspects of the Corrosion Mechanism Applied to Steels

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    AC impedance measurements have been applied for over twenty years in electrochemistry and physics to investigate the electrical properties of conductive materials and their interfaces using an external electrical impulse (VOLTAGE, V or CURRENT, I) as driving force. Furthermore, its application has recently appeared to be destined in the Biotechnology field as an effective tool for rapid microbiologic diagnosis of living organism in situ. However, there is no doubt that the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is still one of the most useful techniques around the world for metal corrosion control and its monitoring. Corrosion has long been recognized as one of the most expensive stumbling blocks that concern many industries and government agencies, because it is a steel destructive phenomenon that occurs due to the chemical interaction with aqueous environments and takes place at the interface between metal and electrolyte producing an electrical charge transfer or ion diffusion process. Consequently, it is experimentally possible to determine through the EIS technique the mechanism and control that kinectics of corrosion reactions encounter. First, EIS data is collected through a potentiostat/ galvanostat apparatus. After, it is fitted to a mathematical model (i.e. an equivalent electrical circuit, EEC) for its interpretation and analysis, fundamentally seeking a meaningful physical interpretation. Finally, this review reports some basic aspects of the corrosion mechanism applied to steels through the experimental EIS response using Nyquist or Bode plots. Examples are given for different applied electrochemical impedance cases in which steel is under study intentionally exposed to a corrosive aqueous solution by applying a sinusoidal potential at various test conditions

    Políticas públicas vinculadas al turismo en el marco de los procesos de innovación a escala local

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el proyecto de investigación en curso, denominado “El proceso de las políticas públicas relacionadas con el turismo y su incidencia en el desarrollo en territorios de la Patagonia”, Facultad de Turismo, Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Uno de sus objetivos principales es conocer el origen y las características de instrumentación de políticas públicas vinculadas al turismo en municipios de la patagonia, y en este marco indagar sobre la existencia y características de procesos de innovación a escala local. Se toma como unidad de este análisis, la escala de los gobiernos locales como ejecutores de políticas públicas y se analizarán algunos casos de estudio particulares como lo son las ciudades de Centenario, y Picún Leufú. Estas ciudades se caracterizan por tener perfiles económico-productivos diferentes y desarrollar el turismo en forma incipiente, a partir de iniciativas de los gobiernos locales a través de las políticas públicas. En este contexto y considerando este proceso como una innovación respecto de las actividades económicas tradicionales que se desarrollan en esas ciudades surge la necesidad de abordar con mayor profundidad la cualidad de innovación en materia de políticas públicas y que rol cumple el turismo como tal. Este trabajo abordará las dimensiones conceptuales que permiten caracterizar la innovación en las políticas públicas en relación a la complejidad del turismo como objeto de análisis en cuanto actividad socioeconómica y una amplia perspectiva del turismo que considera también los viajes o desplazamientos originados por razones no vacacionales pero que igualmente generan un impacto socioeconómico en el territorio. Los casos de estudio incluyen ciudades que en términos teóricos no se constituyen como centro turísticos consolidados o destinos turísticos y una de las razones es que la actividad turística en la ciudad es reciente y además que los viajes son originados por razones diferentes a las tradicionalmente vacacionales. Dado los diferentes perfiles económicos que las caracterizan es que la introducción del turismo en la agenda de las políticas públicas locales puede analizarse como una innovación en sí misma. Este trabajo profundizará respecto de ellas a partir de ejemplos que se presentan.Facultad de Ciencias Económica