2,686 research outputs found

    Application of the biomization technique in the Eastern Colombian Andes

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    Two pollen records (Lake Fuquene and Pantano de Martos) are analyzed in order to test the usefulness of the Biomization technique to management on forest adaptation to climate change. This work focuses on Biomes and Plant Functional Types response to climate changes on specific dates (18, 14, 12.5, 8 and 6 Kyr) along the Late Quaternary, as deduced from the pollen composition. Results show different responses of vegetation to changes in past environmental conditions, which can be attributed to the different altitudes of the two study sites. While biomes in Lake Fuquene (2500 m a.s.l.) shift from Cool Grassland at 18 Kyr to Cool Mixed Forest and Cool evergreen Forest at 6 Kyr ago, no biome shift is detected in Pantano de Martos (3200 m a.s.l.) through the Late Quaternary. A look to the different Plant Functional Types taking part on the surroundings of the study sites at different ages, together with the analyses of Arboreal / Non Arboreal pollen percentages, give a detailed idea of the ecosystem response to past climate changes. This study shows the potential of the Biomization technique as a simple and powerful tool to analyze ecosystem responses at local and regional scales

    Transient Sinus Node Dysfunction in a Postpartum Female with Sinus Bradycardia: A Case Report

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    Background: Conduction disorders are common cardiac complications during pregnancy in women with and without structural heart disease. Sinus bradycardia has been described in few case reports secondary to increased vagal tone. Prevalence of newly acquired sinus node dysfunction without structural heart disease is unknown. In this case, we present a post-partum female with symptomatic acquired sinus node dysfunction who presented with severe sinus bradycardia. Case Presentation: A 32-year-old Hispanic lady with a past medical history of obesity and obstetric formula of G4P4, who recently delivered her 4th child via C-section 4 weeks prior, presented to the Women´s Hospital as a transfer due to 4-day history of abdominal pain and subjective fever. Patient stated that her delivery was uneventful, and she was discharged 3 days later with iron pills due to recently diagnosed iron deficiency anemia. She complained of sudden onset episodes of subjective fever, that were associated with chills, diaphoresis, and abdominal pain on the incision site. These episodes were not associated with any foul discharge. She denied any history of heart disease in the past. She presented to an urgent care clinic and CT abdomen and pelvis without contrast revealed a collection anterior to the left uterine wall, suspicious for an abscess. She was later transferred to Women´s hospital and her vital signs were T 98.4, HR 65 BPM, RR 18 and BP 122/87 mm Hg. Her physical exam was remarkable for tenderness at the incision site, with no redness, pus expression, rebound or guarding. She was started on broad spectrum antibiotics and underwent emergent CT guided fluid collection with Fentanyl for pain management. Minimal drainage of dark blood was collected. Four days after procedure, patient suddenly became bradycardic. Her vitals were HR 37 bpm, BP 77/51 mm Hg and EKG was consistent with sinus bradycardia. Labs did not reveal any electrolyte abnormalities, cardiac enzymes, TSH and chest radiograph were within normal limits. Due to lack of response to atropine, the patient was transferred to ICU after placement of transvenous pacemaker. Emergent echocardiogram revealed normal left ventricular function, ejection fraction between 60-70% and normal RVSP. Two days later, her pacemaker was turned off and her baseline was sinus rhythm with a rate in the 60s. Leads of transvenous pacemaker were then removed and she was later discharged with close follow up with Cardiology and OBGYN. Conclusions: Sinus bradycardia can be due to various medical conditions, including secondary to vasovagal response. This is called hypervagotonic sinus node dysfunction (HSND). HSND can be due to intrinsic abnormalities as well as secondary causes such as infections or drugs. Usually, HSND can be treated with conservative management. In our case, four days after the patient underwent interventional procedure, the patient presented symptoms consistent with sinus bradycardia. Holter monitoring and echocardiogram did not reveal significant abnormalities and after 24-48 hours it improved with conservative measures. This is an uncommon and unexpected presentation; however, further studies are required to understand if there is presence of predisposing factors in such population to present this abnormality

    Huellas de la presencia pasada de pinares montanos en la submeseta norte de la Península Ibérica: Tubilla del Lago y Tubilla del Agua

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    Se presentan los resultados de los estudios de macrorrestos e impresiones vegetales hallados en dos localidades de la submeseta norte de la Península Ibérica. Los troncos y piñas subfósiles extraídos en las obras de la turbera de Tubilla del Lago (Burgos), así como el molde de piña encontrado en los travertinos de Tubilla del Agua (Burgos), han sido identificados mediante morfología comparada con apoyo de la microtomía en el caso de las maderas. Los restos subfósiles han sido datados mediante 14 C mientras que la antigüedad del molde ha sido deducida por su posición en el edificio travertínico y la edad del mismo, en base al conocimiento de la cronología de la génesis de este tipo de estructuras. Los resultados indican la presencia holocena de Pinus nigra Arnold en ambas localidades. Estas evidencias se suman a otras paleobotánicas, históricas y toponímicas ya existentes, que reflejan una mayor extensión de esta especie en la submeseta norte anterior a la generalización de la alteración antrópica del paisaj

    La imagen como medio para fortalecer los procesos orales en personas sordas y oyentes

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados del estudio realizado acerca de cómo fortalecer los procesos orales a través de la imagen en la población sorda y oyente, en las instituciones Manuela Beltrán I.E.D ciclo 2 y Vista Bella I.E.D ciclo 3. Para llevarlo a cabo se estableció un enfoque metodológico cualitativo de tipo Investigación- Acción- Participación, para diseñar, implementar y analizar el grado de argumentación por parte de los estudiantes y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos; para ello se aplicó una prueba diagnóstica y como estrategia la secuencia didáctica, adicionalmente se realizó un registro a través de diarios de campo, fotografías, videos y cuestionarios, para la recolección de la información. En conclusión, la imagen es el canal de aprendizaje en común de las personas sordas y oyentes; además de ello, la lectura de imágenes fortaleció la argumentación oral de los estudiantes tanto en la comunidad sorda como oyente

    La imagen como medio para fortalecer los procesos orales en personas sordas y oyentes

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    Este artículo presenta los resultados del estudio realizado acerca de cómo fortalecer los procesos orales a través de la imagen en la población sorda y oyente, en las instituciones Manuela Beltrán I.E.D ciclo 2 y Vista Bella I.E.D ciclo 3. Para llevarlo a cabo se estableció un enfoque metodológico cualitativo de tipo Investigación- Acción- Participación, para diseñar, implementar y analizar el grado de argumentación por parte de los estudiantes y alcanzar los objetivos propuestos; para ello se aplicó una prueba diagnóstica y como estrategia la secuencia didáctica, adicionalmente se realizó un registro a través de diarios de campo, fotografías, videos y cuestionarios, para la recolección de la información. En conclusión, la imagen es el canal de aprendizaje en común de las personas sordas y oyentes; además de ello, la lectura de imágenes fortaleció la argumentación oral de los estudiantes tanto en la comunidad sorda como oyente

    Myocardial infarction ´through the window´: dual dynamics for cardiac fibroblasts activation

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    Activated cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) are responsible for the healing of the heart tissue after a myocardial infarction (MI). Based on high throughput technologies, several groups have recently demonstrated their heterogeneity and a unique role of each subpopulation of CFs during the ventricular remodelling process. This is relevant towards the discovery of personalized treatments to control the initial post-MI healing scar that will contribute to preserve ventricular function and prevent the onset of heart failure. However, little is known about the moment that CFs are activated, and which genes are potentially involved in this process. Using a mouse model for MI and single cell RNA-Seq, we demonstrate that the activation of Reparative Cardiac Fibroblasts (RCFs), the CFs responsible for the healing scar, happens within the first week after MI. Interestingly, our data reveals that all CFs show high expression of the top markers genes for RCF in a specific moment, but only few of them finally evolve to an RCF transcriptomic identity. Furthermore, we describe two different molecular dynamics that could give rise to this activation and, in consequence, the appearance of definitive RCFs. Using Spatial Transcriptomics, we localized the genes related to each dynamic in different anatomical regions of the infarcted heart, but, remarkably, only one persists seven days after MI. These results highlight the existence of a specific “window of activation” of RCFs at the beginning of the ventricular remodelling process. This potential ´therapeutical window´ could allow us to regulate the size of the healing scar and, in consequence, the poor prognosis for patients that have suffered an ischemic event.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Generalidades de la farmacovigilancia

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    La farmacovigilancia es un área de vital importancia en la salud de la comunidad, la cual tiene como objetivo principal vigilar la seguridad y eficacia de los medicamentos. Para lograr estos estudios se debe contar con la participación de pacientes, médicos, farmacéuticos secretarias de salud y hospitales quienes se encargan de reportar las reacciones adversas el uso inapropiado y las posibles complicaciones que se generaron al usar un medicamento en específico. Los eventos o reacciones adversas son definidas como cualquier suceso medico desafortunado que se puede presentar durante un tratamiento con un medicamento, pero no siempre se relaciona con el mismo, por esta misma razón la farmacovigilancia tiene como objetivo principal realizar la vigilancia después de que estos son comercializados y dados al público para su uso y administración, y así poder determinar la seguridad, efectividad y errores de medicación asociados con el mismo, Por lo consiguiente a continuación veremos esto más al detalle.Pharmacovigilance is an area of vital importance in the health of the community, whose main objective is to monitor the safety and efficacy of medicines. To achieve these studies, it is necessary to have the participation of patients, doctors, pharmacists, health secretaries and hospitals who are responsible for reporting adverse reactions, inappropriate use and possible complications that are generated when using a specific medication. Adverse events or reactions are defined as any unfortunate medical event that can occur during treatment with a medication, but is not always related to it, for this same reason pharmacovigilance has as its main objective to monitor after these are marketed and given to the public for its use and administration, and thus be able to determine the safety, effectiveness and medication errors associated with it, therefore, we will see this in more detail below