7,110 research outputs found

    Opinión de egresados en enfermería sobre la congruencia de los contenidos curriculares con los requerimientos laborales

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    ResumenLos perfiles profesionales de los egresados en área de la salud, y en particular de enfermería, requieren ajustarse a la compleja interacción que demandan las necesidades sociales y las exigencias del mercado laboral. Esto crea la necesidad de identificar fortalezas y debilidades durante su formación profesional a través de la sistematización de estudios de egresados, los cuales orientan a la mejora continua de los programas educativos, para facilitar la incorporación y desarrollo de los(as) egresados(as) en el ámbito laboral.ObjetivoDescribir la opinión de los egresados de enfermería de la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala sobre la congruencia de los contenidos curriculares y requerimientos laborales al ofrecer el cuidado profesional.Material y métodosEstudio descriptivo, transversal. Incluyó 84 egresados de 3 generaciones, seleccionados por muestreo simple aleatorio. Se empleó un cuestionario adecuado y estructurado con base en la propuesta de la Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior de 1998, organizado en 6 apartados.ResultadosEl 87% opinan que los contenidos curriculares son congruentes con las actividades que realizan al ofrecer el cuidado, el 86% perciben satisfacción de sus conocimientos, el 85% se consideran bien aceptados laboralmente, el 95% aprecian relevante su desempeño laboral, el 66% son contratados en 2.° y 3.er nivel de atención en el sector salud.ConclusionesLos egresados consideran que existe congruencia entre los contenidos curriculares con el desempeño profesional; se ubican mayormente en áreas asistenciales del 2.° y 3.er nivel de atención, y perciben satisfacción de los conocimientos adquiridos y aceptación laboral.AbstractProfessional profiles of graduates from the health areas, and particularly those from nursing, require adjustments in order to meet the complex interactions which social needs and labor market characteristics demand. This situation creates the need to identify strengths and weaknesses in the formation of these graduates. By systematizing and continuously improving their studies, a successful incorporation and development into the complex labor markets is more likely to be achieved.ObjectiveTo describe the opinion which the nursing graduates from the Tlaxcala Autonomous University have on the congruency of the curricular contents and the working requirements while providing professional care.Materials and methodsDescriptive and transversal study which included 84 graduates from 3 generations who were selected by random simple sampling, and which used a structured and convenient questionnaire following the 1998 ANUIES proposal organized in 6 dominions.Results87% of the participants opined the curricular contents are congruent with the activities they do while providing care; 86% perceive satisfaction with their knowledge; 85% consider they are well fit regarding labor; 95% consider their working performance relevant; 66% are hired into the Health Sector's 2nd and 3rd levels of attention.ConclusionsThere is congruency between the curricular contents and their professional performance; the graduates are mainly located within the assisting areas of the 2nd and 3rd levels of attention; they feel satisfied with their knowledge and perceive labor acceptance

    Effects of a simulation-based workshop on nursing students' competence in arterial puncture

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    Objective: To evaluate whether a short simulation-based workshop in radial artery puncture would improve nursing students’ competence to a level in which they could practise the procedure on a live patient without compromising his safety. Methods: Quasi-experimental one-group pretest-posttest study with 111 third-year nursing students. A 1.5-hour simulation-based workshop was implemented. This included a video-lecture, live demonstrations, selfdirected simulated practice in dyads and individual intermittent feedback. Participants’ skills, knowledge and self-efficacy in arterial puncture were measured before and after attending the workshop. Results: After the intervention, a total of 61.1% of the participants showed the level of competence required to safely practice radial artery puncture on a live patient under supervision. Conclusion: Effective simulation-based training in arterial puncture for nursing students does not necessarily need to be resource-intensive. Well-planned, evidence-based training sessions using low-tech simulators could help educators to achieve good educational outcomes and promote patient safety

    Adverse events of ERCP at San José Hospital of Bogotá (Colombia)

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    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) has become the preferred treatment method for hepatobiliary and pancreatic disease. Despite technological progress this technique continues to account for the greatest morbidity and mortality caused by digestive endoscopic procedures. ERCP carries a risk of pancreatitis, perforation, hemorrhage, cholangitis and cardiopulmonary events occurring in upto 10% of patients in referral centers, implying a mortality of up to 1%, not including therapeutic failures or the need for re-intervention. A greater mortality rate has been demonstrated in prospective studies rather than in retrospective studies, but overall, the number of complications described in the literature is much lower than the number of complications that actually occur. A descriptive prospective study was conducted at San José Hospital from April 1, 2006 to April 30, 2007 in patients who underwent an ERCP and had a 1-month follow-up. A total of 381 patients were included; 9 (2.3%) were excluded, and of the remaining 372 there was an overall success in 79.6% of cases, 8.3% had a second intervention, 7.6% developed complications (pancreatitis, perforation, hemorrhage, cholangitis, pain, intolerance to sedatives, and cardiopulmonary events), and 4.3% were failed ERCP studies. The mortality rate of the ERCP procedure was 0.8%. ERCP-related complications were determined at a teaching center, and this suggests the need to implement centers of excellence in order to improve the efficacy of the procedure

    Involvement of Free Radicals in the Development and Progression of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a major dementia related to an overproduction of free radicals (FRs), which leads to the generation of oxidative stress in brain tissue. Amyloid beta-peptide of 42 amino acid residues (Aβ1–42) is the main source of FRs in patients with AD. βA1–42 results from hydrolysis of the amyloid precursor protein by β-secretase in a process known as the amyloidogenic pathway. During βA1–42 aggregation, the peptide interacts with various transition metals to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by the Fenton reaction, generating the hydroxyl radical (•OH), which damages lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, thereby contributing to neurodegeneration. In addition, βA1–42 is recognized by microglial receptors; it activates these cells, causing overproduction of superoxide anion (O2•−) by NADPH oxidase; O2•− is also converted into H2O2 and finally to •OH in the Fenton reaction. Other factors that contribute to oxidative stress during microglial activation are the overproduction of nitric oxide and interleukins and the overexpression of some enzymes, including cyclooxygenase and inducible nitric oxide synthase, all of which contribute to FR production. Currently, various models in vitro and in vivo exist that permit quantification of O2•− and H2O2 and determination of the effects of these reactive oxygen species

    Predicting key educational outcomes in academic trajectories: a machine-learning approach

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    Predicting and understanding different key outcomes in a student's academic trajectory such as grade point average, academic retention, and degree completion would allow targeted intervention programs in higher education. Most of the predictive models developed for those key outcomes have been based on traditional methodological approaches. However, these models assume linear relationships between variables and do not always yield accurate predictive classifications. On the other hand, the use of machine-learning approaches such as artificial neural networks has been very effective in the classification of various educational outcomes, overcoming the limitations of traditional methodological approaches. In this study, multilayer perceptron artificial neural network models, with a backpropagation algorithm, were developed to classify levels of grade point average, academic retention, and degree completion outcomes in a sample of 655 students from a private university. Findings showed a high level of accuracy for all the classifications. Among the predictors, learning strategies had the greatest contribution for the prediction of grade point average. Coping strategies were the best predictors for degree completion, and background information had the largest predictive weight for the identification of students who will drop out or not from the university programs.Fil: Musso, Mariel Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental "Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi". Grupo Vinculado CIIPME - Entre Ríos - Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Psicología Matemática y Experimental "Dr. Horacio J. A. Rimoldi"; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez Hernández, Carlos Felipe. Katholikie Universiteit Leuven; BélgicaFil: Cascallar, Eduardo C.. Katholikie Universiteit Leuven; Bélgic

    Eficacia del diclofenaco tópico vs. nepafenaco tópico en la reducción del dolor durante la fotocoagulación panretiniana

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    ResumenPropósitoComparar la eficacia del diclofenaco tópico 0.1% vs. nepafenaco tópico en reducir el dolor asociado a la fotocoagulación panretiniana con láser argón.Material y métodosEnsayo clínico aleatorizado doble enmascarado, 132 pacientes (183 ojos) con diagnóstico de retinopatía diabética proliferativa tratados con fotocoagulación panretiniana. Aleatorización en 2 grupos: diclofenaco y nepafenaco tópicos. Se aplicaron 2 dosis de los analgésicos tópicos previas a la fotocoagulación panretiniana, se evaluó el dolor inmediatamente y 15min después. Se analizó nivel de dolor, efectos adversos y síntomas asociados al finalizar la fotocoagulación retiniana.ResultadosLa mediana de la edad para ambos grupos fue de 55 años, relación H:M de 1:1.4. El nivel de dolor inmediato fue de 35.5 (RIC 14-72) para el nepafenaco y de 45 (RIC 14-70) para el diclofenaco (p=0.48). A los 15min fue de 30 (RIC 4-50) para el nepafenaco y de 20 (RIC 2-50) para el diclofenaco (p=0.48). No hubo diferencias significativas en síntomas asociados entre los grupos ni efectos adversos en la superficie ocular.ConclusionesEl tratamiento previo con nepafenaco y diclofenaco tópicos es igualmente eficaz y seguro para reducir el dolor asociado a la fotocoagulación panretiniana en pacientes con retinopatía diabética proliferativa.AbstractPurposeTo compare the efficacy of topical diclofenac 0.1% vs topical nepafenac in reducing pain associated to argon laser retinal photocoagulationMaterial and methodsDouble blinded, randomized clinical trial. One hundred thirty two patients with diagnosis of proliferative diabetic retinopathy treated with retinal photocoagulation. Randomization in to 2 groups: topical diclofenac and nepafenac. Before retinal photocoagulation 2 doses of topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were applied, pain was assessed immediately and 15minutes after. Level of pain, adverse effects and associated symptoms at the end of retinal photocoagulation were analyzed.ResultsThe median for age in both groups was 55 years, M:F ratio of 1:1.4. The immediate level of pain was 35.5 (ICR 14-72) for nepafenac and 45 (ICR 14-70) for diclofenac (P=.48). At 15minutes the pain level was 30 (ICR 4-50) for nepafenac and 20 (ICR 2-50) for diclofenac. There was no difference in associated symptoms or adverse effects among groups.ConclusionsThe preventive treatment with topical nepafenac and diclofenac is equally effective and safe for reducing the pain associated with retinal photocoagulation in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
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