9 research outputs found

    Low-cost measurement for a secondary Mode S radar transmitter

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    A low-cost, multiple-purpose, and high-precision timing test setup for the measurements of secondary Mode S radar transmission signal was proposed. The goal was to fully guarantee compliance of the proposed transmitter under test with the really hard International Civil Aircraft Organization requirements using traditional measurement equipment, which was difficult or even impossible to ensure up to now. The low-cost structure proposed in this paper allows the user to perform measurements independently of the measurements performed by the pieces of test equipment shelled by the manufacturer of radar, which is a very important aspect since the independence of the verifications is a mandatory requirement established by the safety standards of civil aviation. The proposed setup has been used to verify several transmitters with some defects that are not detected by monopulse secondary surveillance radar specific pieces of test equipment that are focused on more high-level functionalities. It also is valid and it has been used, as a general-purpose setup, for testing other radio navigation aids

    Linfoma en pacientes con enfermedad reumática y COVID-19 recidivante

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    Introducción: Las enfermedades reumáticas y los linfomas tienen como elementos comunes la afectación del sistema inmune, específicamente los linfocitos T y B, y la presencia de infecciones virales como posible factor desencadenante. La presencia de enfermedades reumáticas aumenta el riesgo de aparición de linfomas. La COVID-19 es una enfermedad viral que afecta el sistema inmune, por lo que pudiera ser el detonante para la aparición de linfomas en pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas. Objetivo: Dar a conocer las características clínicas, epidemiológicas y de laboratorio de 2 pacientes con enfermedad reumática, historia de afectación por la COVID-19 en 3 ocasiones y manifestaciones clínicas de linfoma. Caso clínico: Se presentan 2 pacientes con diagnóstico de enfermedades reumáticas que tuvieron infecciones por SARS-CoV-2 en 3 ocasiones cada uno. Un año después del último cuadro respiratorio comenzaron con manifestaciones clínicas que permiten llegar al diagnóstico de linfoma de Hodgkin, en un paciente masculino, de 27 años de edad con artritis reumatoide y linfoma no Hodgkin y una paciente femenina, de 58 años de edad con antecedentes de artritis reumatoide y síndrome de Sjögren. Conclusiones: La COVID-19 pudo haber favorecido la aparición de linfomas en los pacientes con enfermedad reumática, sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios y evidencias para confirmar este hallazgo

    Ecompetentis: a tool for evaluation of generic competences

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    [ES] Uno de los objetivos del proyecto “Desarrollo de la herramienta eCompetentis para la evaluación de competencias transversales” (EA2009‐0040) financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, fue elaborar un portal web (http://www.ecompetentis.es)   que pretende ser una plataforma de apoyo a los docentes universitarios españoles. Su uso puede ayudarles a desarrollar competencias genéricas en sus actividades docentes y a evaluar a sus estudiantes. Respecto a competencias genéricas, en el portal se ofrecen: instrumentos de evaluación, proyectos de innovación e investigación,   experiencias de éxito y otras utilidades.A día de hoy, el portal incluye instrumentos para la evaluación de las competencias genéricas “trabajo en equipo” y “resolución de problemas”. Pero eCompetentis se ha planteado como un espacio colaborativo, y en breve, dispondrá de otros instrumentos, proyectos y experiencias de compañeros que han manifestado su interés en participar.[EN] One of the aims of the project "Development of eCompetentis tool for assessing generic competences" (EA2009‐0040) funded by the Ministry of Education and Science, was to develop a website (http://www.ecompetentis.es) which has been conceived to be a support framework for Spanish professors. This framework could help them develop generic competences regarding their teaching activities and assess their students. As far as generic competences is concerned, this website offers: assessing tools, innovation and investigation projects and successful experiences, among other tools.At present, the website included tools for the assessment of the generic competences “teamwork” and “problem solving”. However, eCompetentis has been presented as a collaboration space and would soon provide some other tools, projects and experiences of colleagues who are interested in participating.Uno de los objetivos del proyecto “Desarrollo de la herramienta eCompetentis para la evaluación de competencias transversales” (EA2009‐0040) financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, fue elaborar un portal web (http://www.ecompetentis.es) que pretende ser una plataforma de apoyo a los docentes universitarios españolesGarcía García, MJ.; Arranz Manso, G.; Blanco Cotano, J.; Edwards Schachter, M.; Hernández Perdomo, W.; Mazadiego Martínez, L.; Piqué, R. (2011). Ecompetentis: una herramienta para la evaluación de competencias genéricas. REDU. Revista de Docencia Universitaria. 8(1):111-120. https://doi.org/10.4995/redu.2010.6220OJS11112081Fernández Ballesteros, R. (1997). "Evaluación psicológica y tests", en A. Cordero (coord..) La evaluación psicológica en el año 2000, Madrid: TEA, pp.1‐26.Gairín, J. y otros (2009) Nuevas funciones de la evaluación. La evaluación como autorregulación. Madrid, MEC.Gully, S. M., Incalcaterra, K. A., Joshi, A., & Beaubien, J. M. (2002). A meta‐analysis of team‐efficacy, potency, and performance: Interdependence and level of analysis as moderators of observed relationships. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 819-832. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.87.5.819Hambleton (1994) Guideline for Adaptating educational and psychological test: a progress report. European Journal of Psychologycal Assessment, 10, pp. 229‐ 244.Heppner, P.P., & Peterson, C.H. (1982). The development and implications of a personal problem‐solving inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 29, p. 66‐75. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-0167.29.1.66Heppner, P. P.; Witty, T. E. y Dixon, W. A. (2004). Problem‐Solving Appraisal and Human Adjustment. A Review of 20 Years of Research Using the Problem Solving Inventory. The Counselling Psychologist Vol. 32(3):344‐428. https://doi.org/10.1177/0011000003262793Ibarra Sáiz, M.S. et al (2007) EvalCOMIX: Evaluación de competencias en un contexto de aprendizaje mixto. Memoria Programa Estudios y Análisis MEC EA2007‐ 0099.Porter, C. O. L. H. (2005). Goal orientation: Effects on backing up behavior, performance, efficacy, and commitment in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 811-818. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.90.4.811Rey Ardid, R. (1974) Psicología Médica. Espaxs, Barcelona.Tasa, K.; Taggar, S. y Seijts, G. H. (2007). The development of collective efficacy in teams: a multilevel and longitudinal perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology Vol. 92(1):17‐27. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.92.1.17Tovar Caro, E. et al (2009). Estudio comparativo sobre nivel de desarrollo de competencias transversales en alumnos de nuevo ingreso en enseñanzas de informática. PROYECTO EA2008‐0043. MEC.Villardón Gallego, L. (2006). Evaluación del aprendizaje para promover el desarrollo de competencias. Educatio siglo XXI, 24: 57 - 76.Wiggins, Grant (1990). The case for authentic assessment. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation, 2(2). Retrieved November 15, 2010 from http://PAREonline.net/getvn.asp?v=2&n=2

    Robust analysis of PM2.5 concentration measurements in the ecuadorian park La Carolina

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    In this article, a robust statistical analysis of particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration measurements is carried out. Here, the region chosen for the study was the urban park La Carolina, which is one of the most important in Quito, Ecuador, and is located in the financial center of the city. This park is surrounded by avenues with high traffic, in which shopping centers, businesses, entertainment venues, and homes, among other things, can be found. Therefore, it is important to study air pollution in the region where this urban park is located, in order to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life in the area. The preliminary study presented in this article was focused on the robust estimation of both the central tendency and the dispersion of the PM2.5 concentration measurements carried out in the park and some surrounding streets. To this end, the following estimators were used: (i) for robust location estimation: α-trimmed mean, trimean, and median estimators; and (ii) for robust scale estimation: median absolute deviation, semi interquartile range, biweight midvariance, and estimators based on a subrange. In addition, nonparametric confidence intervals were established, and air pollution levels due to PM2.5 concentrations were classified according to categories established by the Quito Air Quality Index. According to these categories, the results of the analysis showed that neither the streets that border the park nor the park itself are at the Alert level. Finally, it can be said that La Carolina Park is fulfilling its function as an air pollution filter

    A method to classify digital images by means of statistics of a wavelet decomposition

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    There is a wide variety of methods for the analysis of textures and the extraction of image characteristics based on wavelet decomposition. The objective of this paper is to find a vector of characteristics of each image and to determine a classification among them using principal component analysis. The procedures presented here are for classifying test images. After fragmenting the image, a wavelet decomposition of the fragmented images is performed both in scale and in orientation. To characterize the images, statistics of marginal and joint distributions based on local neighborhoods of spatial, orientation and scale type are used

    A method to classify digital images by means of statistics of a wavelet decomposition

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    There is a wide variety of methods for the analysis of textures and the extraction of image characteristics based on wavelet decomposition. The objective of this paper is to find a vector of characteristics of each image and to determine a classification among them using principal component analysis. The procedures presented here are for classifying test images. After fragmenting the image, a wavelet decomposition of the fragmented images is performed both in scale and in orientation. To characterize the images, statistics of marginal and joint distributions based on local neighborhoods of spatial, orientation and scale type are used

    A method of image classification by using multidimensional scaling

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    In this paper, a method for image classification based on multidimensional scaling (MDS) is presented. Once the image has been fragmented into smaller cells and the wavelet decomposition has also been performed, up to a certain level, statistics are obtained from the new cells with the aim of constructing vectors of characteristics of the original image. Then, these vectors are grouped in a matrix and the MDS of said matrix is performed. Finally, the principal coordinates of the MDS indicate the proximity between vectors and, therefore, between images