4,058 research outputs found

    Control Properties and Thermodynamic Analysis of Two Alternatives to Thermally Coupled Distillation Systems with Side Columns

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    The thermally coupled distillation configurations have received considerable attention because of their efficiency to reduce the energy required for the separation of ternary mixtures. The structure of the complex systems offers some control challenges arising from the transfer of vapor (or liquid) streams between the columns. Recently, some alternate schemes to thermally coupled distillation arrangements, that might provide better operational properties than the complex columns, have been proposed. In this work, we analyze the control properties of two alternative distillation schemes to the coupled systems. The theoretical control properties are analyzed with the application of the singular value decomposition technique. The results indicate that a reduction in the number of interconnections of the alternate configurations does not necessarily provide an improvement of its controllability properties. Also, second law calculations and energy consumptions were performed for the two alternate distillations schemes

    Gender studies and feminist film theory as a theoretical and methodological framework for research in Audiovisual Culture

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    El artículo presenta como objetivo fundamental la reivindicación de la teoría fílmica feminista y de los Estudios de Género como un marco teórico competente y unas metodologías adecuadas para la investigación en Comunicación Audiovisual. Para ello desarrolla un análisis de las fuentes así como un discernimiento sobre el valor de las metodologías y una puesta en diálogo de las diferentes líneas de investigación que confluyen en los estudios audiovisuales (como, por ejemplo, el estructuralismo, la semiótica, el psicoanálisis, la hermenéutica, la fenomenología, estética y el análisis textual) posicionando, en dicho contexto, la aportación de los Estudios de Género y de la Teoría Fílmica Feminista y mostrando como resultado, de este modo, su validez metodológica más allá de ciertos posicionamientos positivistas, en lo que Casetti ha venido en denominar “teorías de campo”. Dicho de otra manera, se muestra la posibilidad de una vuelta a posiciones metodológicas de corte teórico y que profundizan en un sentido crítico desde una investigación posicionada que pretende dar con las preguntas adecuadas para su objeto de estudio que tiene que ver con la visión, la representación, la construcción de la subjetividad y de la identidad, el placer y la cultura contemporánea así como la lógica interna, los procesos de significación y el análisis de contenido de los textos audiovisuales, afirmando tanto su interdisciplinariedad como su apertura comprehensiva propiciando ver la práctica del audiovisual como una práctica de producción de significado que envuelve tanto al director como al espectador en una relación dialéctica como una práctica social (Johnston).The fundamental objective that this paper presents is the vindication of the feminist film theory and gender etudies as a competent theoretical framework with adequate research methodologies in audiovisual communication. It develops an analysis of the sources as well as an insight into the value of the methodologies and a commissioning in dialogue of the different lines of research that converge in media studies (for example, Structuralism, Semiotics, Psychoanalysis, Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, Aesthetics and Textual Analysis) positioning, in this context, the contribution of gender studies and the feminist film theory and showing as a result, thereby, their methodological validity beyond certain positivist positions, in what Casetti has come to call “field theories”. In other words, it shows the possibility of a return to theoretical methodological positions and a deepening into a critical sense from a positioned research that aims to find the right questions to its subject matter which is related to the vision, representation, the construction of subjectivity and identity, pleasure and contemporary culture as well as the internal logic, the processes of meaning and content analysis of audiovisual texts, claiming both its interdisciplinarity and its comprehensive opening in favour of seeing the audiovisual practice as a ‘meaning production’ practice that surrounds both the director and the audience in a dialectical relationship as a social practice (Johnston) audiovisual production “as a practice of meaning-production involving both filmmaker and filmviewer in a dialectical relationship — as a social practice” (Johnston)

    Forage Yield and Quality of Signal Grass-Clitoria Mixture Grazed at Different Frequencies

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    A Signal grass-Clitoria mixture provides good quality forage in the dry tropic of southern Mexico. Grazing frequency is a management tool that determines yield, botanical components and quality of pastures. The objective of this study was to determine forage yield, quality and botanical components in a Signal grass (Brachiaria decumbens)-Clitoria (Clitoria ternatea) mixture when grazed at different frequencies

    Gender and women in scientific literature on bioeconomy: A systematic review

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    A social vision is slowly emerging of the bioeconomy as an avenue towards sustainability. This paper presents a systematic review of the existing literature on the connection between gender (as a social dimension) and bioeconomy. We have reviewed 244 scientific publications which explicitly mention bioeconomy and gender/women in their title, abstract, keywords or text; 127 documents were identified as having high (19) or medium (108) gender-oriented centrality. The literature is fragmented but six cross-sectional key themes have been identified: Gender and social impacts of the bioeconomy; gender equality as a goal and a just policy; gender differences in perceptions, discourses and strategies relating to the bioeconomy; women as potential stakeholders and actors in the transition towards bioeconomy; frameworks, strategies, and tools to connect gender and the bioeconomy; and gender inequalities and geography. Moreover, they show hardly any connection with the three predominant social currents in the struggle for gender equality: grassroots social movements, ecofeminism, and intersectionality. The paper concludes by identifying key pathways for future research to address current gaps. We suggest integrating a feminist metatheoretical base with an integrative ontology, an epistemology that recognises its own partiality and situationality, and a methodology sensitive to the specificities of the contexts which are committed to the goal of transforming women''s everyday contexts. © 202

    Plant Biomass and Bovine Live Weight Changes in Mono-Specific and Mixed Pastures during the Rainy Season in Dry Tropical Mexico

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    Dry tropics suffer long drought periods each year, negatively affecting the amount and digestibility of forage for cattle production. The aim of this study was evaluate different pasture types, grazed by cattle during the rainy season. Three hectares were prepared to compare: grass monoculture, Andropogon gayanus (G); a grass-legume mixture of A. gayanus and Clitoria ternatea (GL), and a grass-legume-tree mixture of A. gayanus, C. ternatea and Morus alba (GLT). Two grazing cycles (4 d grazing followed by 32 d resting; 72 d total) were completed. Three heifers (average initial weight 192 kg) grazed each experimental unit. The amounts of forage offered, remaining after grazing, and removed by animals differed significantly among the pasture treatments. Total forage offered by period was 2007, 4089, and 4192 DM kg/ha for G, GL, and GLT, respectively. Total residual forage was 1074, 1878 and 2613 DM kg/ha respectively, while total forage removed was 934, 2209, and 1579 DM kg/ha, respectively. Differences for offered forage were detected only for residual and consumed forage for GL prairies. Differences in available forage were mainly due to differences in the amount of stem and live material. Daily weight gain was 0.138, 0.504 and 0.501 kg per animal for G, GL, and GLT, respectively. Mixed pasture treatments yielded better live weight gain due to the better quality of available forage