68 research outputs found

    Aplicación de TIG en la generación de indicadores de calidad ambiental de sistemas playa-dunas

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    Se presentan resultados parciales del subproyecto “Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad: vigilancia de espacios arenosos protegidos de Canarias y África”, incluido en el 'Programa para el desarrollo de redes tecnológicas y de aplicación de datos de teledetección en África Occidental', TELECAN (MAC/3/C181), financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) 2007/2013. El objetivo principal era definir, mediante el uso de imágenes de satélite, indicadores de calidad ambiental para sistemas playa-dunas, al ser éstos espacios fundamentales en el desarrollo socio-económico de estos territorios, dado su atractivo turístico. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos para una de las áreas piloto, Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, islas Canarias). Los indicadores se obtuvieron mediante el procesado de imágenes del satélite WorldView-2, con validación, en 2013, mediante campañas marinas. Asimismo, se utilizaron imágenes de archivo, correspondientes a los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Estos indicadores se basaron en variables relacionadas con las características físicas y biológicas de las aguas litorales y de las playas y dunas. Los resultados indican una calidad, por lo general, alta y muy alta, tanto para el medio terrestre como para el marino, con superficies dentro de estas categorías del 20,3% y 75,3% y del 26,1% y 70,6%, respectivamente.Esta es una contribución del 'Programa para el desarrollo de redes tecnológicas y de aplicación de datos de teledetección en África Occidental', TELECAN (MAC/3/C181), financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) 2007/2013

    Oligotrophic Phytoplankton Community Effectively Adjusts to Artificial Upwelling Regardless of Intensity, but Differently Among Upwelling Modes

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    Artificial upwelling has been proposed as a means of enhancing oceanic CO2 sequestration and/or raising fishery yields through an increase in primary production in unproductive parts of the ocean. However, evidence of its efficacy, applicability and side effects is scarce. Here we present part of the results of a 37-day mesocosm study conducted in oligotrophic waters off the coast of Gran Canaria. The goal was to assess in situ the effects of artificial upwelling on the pelagic community. Upwelling was simulated via two modes: i) a singular deep-water pulse and ii) a recurring supply every 4 days; each mode at four different intensities defined by the total amount of nitrate added: approx. 1.5, 3, 5.7, and 11 µmol L-1. In this study we focus on the phytoplankton response through size-fractionated 14C primary production rates (PP), Chlorophyll a and biomass. We observed increases in PP, accumulated PP, Chlorophyll a and biomass that scaled linearly with upwelling intensity. Upwelling primarily benefitted larger phytoplankton size fractions, causing a shift from pico- and nano- to nano- and microphytoplankton. Recurring deep-water addition produced more biomass under higher upwelling intensities than a single pulse addition. It also reached significantly higher accumulated PP per unit of added nutrients and showed a stronger reduction in percentage extracellular release with increasing upwelling intensity. These results demonstrate that oligotrophic phytoplankton communities can effectively adjust to artificial upwelling regardless of upwelling intensity, but differently depending on the upwelling mode. Recurring supply of upwelled waters generated higher efficiencies in primary production and biomass build-up than a single pulse of the same volume and nutrient load

    Deep ocean prokaryotes and fluorescent dissolved organic matter reflect the history of the water masses across the Atlantic Ocean

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    Organic matter is known to influence community composition and metabolism of marine prokaryotes. However, few studies have addressed this linkage in the deep ocean. We studied the relationship between fluorescent dissolved organic matter and prokaryotic community composition in meso- and bathypelagic water masses along a surface productivity gradient crossing the subtropical and tropical Atlantic Ocean. Four fluorescence components were identified, three humic-like and one protein-like. The distributions of the humic-like components were significantly explained by water mass mixing, apparent oxygen utilisation (AOU) and epipelagic productivity proxies in varying degrees, while the protein-like component was explained only by water mass mixing and epipelagic productivity. The diversity and taxonomic composition of the prokaryotic community differed between water masses: the Nitrosopumilales order dominated in water masses with high AOU and humic-like fluorescence (notably, the SubPolar Mode Water), and tended to co-occur with Marine Group II archaea, the SAR324 clade and Thiomicrospirales, while bathypelagic water masses displayed greater abundances of members of Marinimicrobia, SAR202 and SAR324. Water mass mixing regression models suggested that the distribution of some taxa (e.g., Marinimicrobia, SAR202) was dominated by mixing and selection within the water masses during ageing, while others (chiefly, Alteromonadales) were mostly influenced by local processes. Our results suggest a link between the composition of the prokaryotic community, oxygen utilisation and the signal of fluorescent dissolved organic matter, and has implications for our understanding of the processes that shape carbon cycling and prokaryotic communities in the deep ocean.3,26

    Effects of Elevated CO2 on a Natural Diatom Community in the Subtropical NE Atlantic

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    Diatoms are silicifying phytoplankton contributing about one quarter to primary production on Earth. Ocean acidification (OA) could alter the competitiveness of diatoms relative to other taxa and/or lead to shifts among diatom species. In spring 2016, we set up a plankton community experiment at the coast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) to investigate the response of subtropical diatom assemblages to elevated seawater pCO2. Therefore, natural plankton communities were enclosed for 32 days in in situ mesocosms (∼8 m3 volume) with a pCO2 gradient ranging from 380 to 1140 μatm. Halfway through the study we added nutrients to all mesocosms (N, P, Si) to simulate injections through eddy-induced upwelling which frequently occurs in the region. We found that the total diatom biomass remained unaffected during oligotrophic conditions but was significantly positively affected by high CO2 after nutrient enrichment. The average cell volume and carbon content of the diatom community increased with CO2. CO2 effects on diatom biomass and species composition were weak during oligotrophic conditions but became quite strong above ∼620 μatm after the nutrient enrichment. We hypothesize that the proliferation of diatoms under high CO2 may have been caused by a fertilization effect on photosynthesis in combination with reduced grazing pressure. Our results suggest that OA in the subtropics may strengthen the competitiveness of (large) diatoms and cause changes in diatom community composition, mostly under conditions when nutrients are injected into oligotrophic systems

    Plankton Community Respiration and ETS Activity Under Variable CO2 and Nutrient Fertilization During a Mesocosm Study in the Subtropical North Atlantic

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    The enzymatic electron transport system (ETS) assay is frequently used as a proxy of respiratory activity in planktonic communities. It is thought to estimate the maximum overall activity of the enzymes associated with the respiratory ETS systems in both eukaryotic and prokaryotic organisms. Thus, in order to derive actual respiration rates (R) from ETS it is necessary to determine empirical R/ETS conversion algorithms. In this study we explore the temporal development of R and ETS activity in natural plankton communities (from bacteria to large phytoplankton) enclosed in mesocosms, treated with different CO2 concentrations. The experiment lasted 30 days, during which abrupt changes in community structure and biomass occurred through a sharp transition from oligotrophy (phase I) to highly eutrophic conditions (phase II) after nutrient-induced fertilization (day 18). R and ETS did not show any response to CO2 under oligotrophic conditions, but R increased significantly more in the two high CO2 mesocosms after fertilization, coinciding with a sharp rise in large phytoplankton (mostly diatoms). R and ETS were significantly correlated only during the eutrophic phase. The R/ETS ranged more than threefold in magnitude during the experiment, with phase-averaged values significantly higher under oligotrophic conditions (0.7-1.1) than after nutrient fertilization (0.5-0.7). We did not find any significant relationship between R/ETS and community structure or biomass, although R correlated significantly with total biomass after fertilization in the four mesocosms. Multiple stepwise regression models show that large phytoplankton explains most of the variance in R during phases I (86%) and II (53%) and of ETS (86%) during phase II, while picophytoplankton contributes up to 73% to explain the variance in the ETS model during phase I. Our results suggest that R/ETS may be too variable in the ocean as to apply constant values to different communities living under contrasting environmental conditions. Controlled experiments with natural communities, like the present one, would help to constrain the range of variability of the R/ETS ratio, and to understand the factors driving it

    High CO2 Under Nutrient Fertilization Increases Primary Production and Biomass in Subtropical Phytoplankton Communities: A Mesocosm Approach

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    The subtropical oceans are home to one of the largest ecosystems on Earth, contributing to nearly one third of global oceanic primary production. Ocean warming leads to enhanced stratification in the oligotrophic ocean but also intensification in cross-shore wind gradients and thus in eddy kinetic energy across eastern boundary regions of the subtropical gyres. Phytoplankton thriving in a future warmer oligotrophic subtropical ocean with enhanced CO2 levels could therefore be patchily fertilized by increased mesoscale and submesoscale variability inducing nutrient pumping into the surface ocean. Under this premise, we have tested the response of three size classes (0.2-2, 2-20, and > 20 μm) of subtropical phytoplankton communities in terms of primary production, chlorophyll and cell biomass, to increasing CO2 concentrations and nutrient fertilization during an in situ mesocosm experiment in oligotrophic waters offof the island of Gran Canaria. We found no significant CO2-related effect on primary production and biomass under oligotrophic conditions (phase I). In contrast, primary production, chlorophyll and biomass displayed a significant and pronounced increase under elevated CO2 conditions in all groups after nutrient fertilization, both during the bloom (phase II) and post-bloom (phase III) conditions. Although the relative increase of primary production in picophytoplankton (250%) was 2.5 higher than in microphytoplankton (100%) after nutrient fertilization, comparing the high and low CO2 treatments, microphytoplankton dominated in terms of biomass, contributing > 57% to the total. These results contrast with similar studies conducted in temperate and cold waters, where consistently small phytoplankton benefitted after nutrient additions at high CO2, pointing to different CO2-sensitivities across plankton communities and ecosystem types in the ocean

    Extracellular enzyme production in the coastal upwelling system off Peru during different upwelling scenarios: a mesocosm experiment

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    The Peruvian upwelling system is a highly productive ecosystem that could be altered by ongoing global changes. We carried out a mesocosm experiment off Peru, with the addition of water masses from the regional oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) collected at two different sites simulating two different upwelling scenarios. Here we focus on pelagic remineralization of organic matter by extracellular enzyme production of leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) and alkaline phosphatase activity (APA). After addition of the OMZ water, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N) was depleted, but the standing stock of phytoplankton was relatively high even after nutrient depletion (mostly &gt;4 &micro;g chlorophyll a L-1). During the initial phase of the experiment, APA was 0.6 nmol L-1 h-1 even though the PO43- concentration was &gt;0.5 &micro;mol L-1. Initially, the dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) decreased, coinciding with an increase in PO43- concentration probably linked to the APA. The LAP activity was very high with most of the measurements in the range 200&ndash;800 nmol L-1 h-1. This enzyme degrades amino acids and these high values are probably linked to the highly productive, but N-limited coastal ecosystem. Also, the experiment took place during a rare coastal El Ni&ntilde;o event with higher-than-normal surface temperatures, which could have affected the enzyme production. Using a non-parametric multidimensional scaling analysis (NMDS) with a generalized additive model (GAM), we found that biogeochemical variables (e.g. nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations), phytoplankton and bacterial communities explained up to 64 % of the variability in APA. The bacterial community explained best the variability (34 %) in LAP. The high hydrolysis rates for this enzyme suggests that pelagic N remineralization supported the high standing stock of primary producers in the mesocosms after N depletion.</p

    Coastal-ocean variability in primary production in the Canary Current upwelling region: comparison among in situ and satellite-derived estimates

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    Poster.-- Conferencia sobre los Sistemas de Afloramiento de Borde Oriental (EBUS): Pasado, Presente y Futuro & Segunda Conferencia Internacional sobre el Sistema de Corrientes de Humboldt, 19-23 de Septiembre de 2022, Lima, PerúThe Canary Current Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystem (CanC-EBUE), unlike other EBUE, has been unabatedly warming, and decreasing (or at least not increasing) in wind intensity during the last 60 years. However, past trends in net primary production are uncertain, due to differences in the outputs of remote sensing models and the lack of in situ data to validate these models in the region. Here we compare four widely-used models – the Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) and its variant based on Eppley’s description of the growth function (Eppley-VGPM), the Carbon-based Production Model (CbPM), and the Carbon, Absorption and Fluorescence Euphotic-resolving model (CAFE)- with in situ primary production (PP) data. Together with chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) and phytoplankton biomass (B), we measured PP by 14C and 13C uptake, and oxygen evolution inside incubation bottles, along 11 stations across the transition zone expanding from the coastal upwelling to the open ocean waters at the Cape Verde Frontal Zone (17-23ºN; 16-26ºW). We compared in situ PP, Chl a and B with models’ outputs (NPP) and inputs (satellite derived Chl a and B), respectively. Although carbon and oxygen –based in situ PP estimates were frequently correlated, we found that only the Chl a-based VGPMs were significantly correlated with in situ estimates, yet these are among the the first-described models in the literature. Models based on B, however, did not correlate with in situ PP estimations, in spite that satellite-derived B presented better correlations than Chl a with the in situ dataN