2,369 research outputs found

    Effects of thermal fluctuations on the magnetic behavior of mesoscopic superconductors

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    We study the influence of thermal fluctuations on the magnetic behavior of square mesoscopic superconductors. The strength of thermal fluctuations are parameterized using the Ginzburg number, which is small (Gi1010G_i \approx 10^{-10}) in low-TcT_c superconductors and large in high-TcT_c superconductors (Gi104G_i \approx 10^{-4}). For low-TcT_c mesoscopic superconductors we found that the meta-stable states due to the surface barrier have a large half-life time, which leads to the hysteresis in the magnetization curves as observed experimentally. A very different behavior appears for high-TcT_c mesoscopic superconductors where thermally activated vortex entrance/exit through surface barriers is frequent. This leads to a reduction of the magnetization and a non-integer average number of flux quanta penetrating the superconductor. The magnetic field dependence of the probability for the occurrence of the different vortex states and the fluctuations in the number of vortices are studied.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The effects of superior ovarian nerve sectioning on ovulation in the guinea pig

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    The effects on spontaneous ovulation associated with the unilateral or bilateral sectioning of the superior ovarian nerves (SON) were analyzed in guinea pigs at different time intervals of the estrous cycle. Day 1 of the estrous cycle was defined as the day when the animal presents complete loss of the vaginal membrane (open vagina). Subsequent phases of the cycle were determined by counting the days after Day 1. All animals were autopsied on the fifth day of the estrous cycle after surgery. Sectioning the right, left, or both SONs on day 5 (early luteal phase) resulted in a significant increase in the number of fresh corpora lutea. Ovulation increased significantly when the left SON (L-SON) was sectioned during late follicular phase (day 1) and medium luteal phase (day 8). When surgery was performed on days 1 or 8, neither sectioning the right SON (R-SON) nor sectioning the SON bilaterally had an apparent effect on ovulation rates. Similarly, ovulation rates were not affected when unilateral (right or left) or bilateral sectioning of the SON was performed during late luteal phase two (day 12). Unilateral or bilateral sectioning of the SON performed during the early luteal phase (day 5) was associated with a significant decrease in uterine weight. A comparable effect was observed when the L-SON was sectioned during late follicular phase (day 1), or medium luteal phase (day 8). No effects on uterine weight were observed when unilateral or bilateral sectioning of the SON was performed during late luteal phase. Our results suggest that in the guinea pig the SON modulates ovulation, and that the degree of modulation varies along the estrous cycle. The strongest influence of the SONs on ovulation occurs during early luteal phase, and decrease thereafter, being absent by late luteal phase. In addition, sectioning the left or the right SON caused different responses by the ovaries of adult guinea pigs. This paper discusses the mechanisms by which ovulation increased when the SON was surgically cut

    Nonlinear field theories during homogeneous spatial dilation

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    The effect of a uniform dilation of space on stochastically driven nonlinear field theories is examined. This theoretical question serves as a model problem for examining the properties of nonlinear field theories embedded in expanding Euclidean Friedmann-Lema\^{\i}tre-Robertson-Walker metrics in the context of cosmology, as well as different systems in the disciplines of statistical mechanics and condensed matter physics. Field theories are characterized by the speed at which they propagate correlations within themselves. We show that for linear field theories correlations stop propagating if and only if the speed at which the space dilates is higher than the speed at which correlations propagate. The situation is in general different for nonlinear field theories. In this case correlations might stop propagating even if the velocity at which space dilates is lower than the velocity at which correlations propagate. In particular, these results imply that it is not possible to characterize the dynamics of a nonlinear field theory during homogeneous spatial dilation {\it a priori}. We illustrate our findings with the nonlinear Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation

    Late-onset thymidine kinase 2 deficiency: a review of 18 cases

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    BACKGROUND: TK2 gene encodes for mitochondrial thymidine kinase, which phosphorylates the pyrimidine nucleosides thymidine and deoxycytidine. Recessive mutations in the TK2 gene are responsible for the 'myopathic form' of the mitochondrial depletion/multiple deletions syndrome, with a wide spectrum of severity. METHODS: We describe 18 patients with mitochondrial myopathy due to mutations in the TK2 gene with absence of clinical symptoms until the age of 12. RESULTS: The mean age of onset was 31 years. The first symptom was muscle limb weakness in 10/18, eyelid ptosis in 6/18, and respiratory insufficiency in 2/18. All patients developed variable muscle weakness during the evolution of the disease. Half of patients presented difficulty in swallowing. All patients showed evidence of respiratory muscle weakness, with need for non-invasive Mechanical Ventilation in 12/18. Four patients had deceased, all of them due to respiratory insufficiency. We identified common radiological features in muscle magnetic resonance, where the most severely affected muscles were the gluteus maximus, semitendinosus and sartorius. On muscle biopsies typical signs of mitochondrial dysfunction were associated with dystrophic changes. All mutations identified were previously reported, being the most frequent the in-frame deletion p.Lys202del. All cases showed multiple mtDNA deletions but mtDNA depletion was present only in two patients. CONCLUSIONS: The late-onset is the less frequent form of presentation of the TK2 deficiency and its natural history is not well known. Patients with late onset TK2 deficiency have a consistent and recognizable clinical phenotype and a poor prognosis, due to the high risk of early and progressive respiratory insufficiency.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16-01843 PI16/00579 CP09/00011Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación Sanitaria PI16-01843 PI16/00579 CP09/00011 PI 15/00431 PMP15/0002

    Role of leaf hydraulic conductance in the regulation of stomatal conductance in almond and olive in response to water stress

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    11 páginas..-- 5 figuras.-- 1 tablas.-- 55 referencias.-- We thank A. Montero for field work assistance, J. Perez Hormaeche for helping us with the VD images analysis and T. Brodribb and J.M. Torres-Ruiz for discussion.The decrease of stomatal conductance (gs) is one of the prime responses to water shortage and the main determinant of yield limitation in fruit trees. Understanding the mechanisms related to stomatal closure in response to imposed water stress is crucial for correct irrigation management. The loss of leaf hydraulic functioning is considered as one of the major factors triggering stomatal closure. Thus, we conducted an experiment to quantify the dehydration response of leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) and its impact on gs in two Mediterranean fruit tree species, one deciduous (almond) and one evergreen (olive). Our hypothesis was that a higher Kleaf would be associated with a higher gs and that the reduction in Kleaf would predict the reduction in gs in both species. We measured Kleaf in olive and almond during a cycle of irrigation withholding. We also compared the results of two methods to measure Kleaf: dynamic rehydration kinetics and evaporative flux methods. In addition, determined gs, leaf water potential (Ψleaf), vein density, photosynthetic capacity and turgor loss point. Results showed that gs was higher in almond than in olive and so was Kleaf (Kmax = 4.70 and 3.42 mmol s-1 MPa-1 m-2, in almond and olive, respectively) for Ψleaf > -1.2 MPa. At greater water stress levels than -1.2 MPa, however, Kleaf decreased exponentially, being similar for both species, while gs was still higher in almond than in olive. We conclude that although the Kleaf decrease with increasing water stress does not drive unequivocally the gs response to water stress, Kleaf is the variable most strongly related to the gs response to water stress, especially in olive. Other variables such as the increase in abscisic acid (ABA) may be playing an important role in gs regulation, although in our study the gs-ABA relationship did not show a clear pattern..This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (research project AGL2009-11310/AGR). V.H.-S. benefited from a Juan de la Cierva research fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and C.M.R.-D. benefited from a FPDI research fellowship from the Junta de Andalucí

    Relación que se establece entre la comunidad de Viñales y el Parque Nacional Viñales

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    Faced with the presence of population within or near the Protected Areas, the assimilation of the nature protection process becomes necessary in these communities, as a basic principle  to achieve a sustainable use of the natural resources. That is why the main objective of this work was to determine the relations that are established between the community of Viñales and the Viñales National Park. After discovering these relations and the opinions of the inhabitants of the community about the park, a plan of action was created to educate the inhabitants and make them environmentally aware, in order to achieve its protectionAnte la presencia de población dentro o cercana a las Areas Protegidas, se hace necesario la asimilación, del proceso de protección de la naturaleza en estas comunidades, como principio básico para lograr un uso sustentable de los recursos naturales. Por lo que este trabajo tuvo como principal objetivo determinar las relaciones que se establecen entre la comunidad de Viñales y el Parque Nacional Viñales. Conociendo estas relaciones y las opiniones de los habitantes de la comunidad acerca del Parque se creó un plan de acción para educar y concienciar ambientalmente a sus habitantes, con el fin de lograr su protección

    Educación, inclusión y tecnología: el modelo didáctico DIPCE.

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    Propuesta educativa de uso de la tecnología para favorecer la inclusión después de las consecuencias del COVID-19. La propuesta se fundamenta en los principios de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje inclusivo, recogidos en un modelo didáctico con el fin de incorporar recursos curriculares digitales en el ejercicio profesional del profesorado inclusivo. Para implementar la propuesta es clave la formación especializada de los docentes en tecnología. Esta formación debe estar centrada tanto en la adquisición de competencias digitales como de competencias pedagógicas.2022-2

    Influencia de los parámetros nutricionalesen cirugía de cadera

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    Bajo la hipótesis de que los parámetros nutricionales influyen en el desarrollo perioperatorio de la cirugía de cadera realizamos un estudio prospectivo observacional de tipo clínico sobre 100 pacientes con una edad media de 76 años. Realizamos una evaluación clínica al ingreso: talla, peso, pliegue cutáneo, circunferencia braquial y muscular. Medición de proteínas plasmáticas y linfocitos totales al ingreso, en el postoperatorio y cada 7 días. Definimos los pacientes según los valores nutricionales analíticos y clínicos. El 51% de nuestros pacientes presentaban desnutrición caloricoproteica. La media transfusional en malnutridos fue 600 c.c. frente a 350 c.c. del grupo nutrido (p < 0,05). El 73% de las complicaciones se presentaron en pacientes malnutridos. No hallamos diferencias en los períodos de sedestación y deambulación, aunque sí en la estancia hospitalaria, 15 días frente a 18,5 días (p < 0,01). La prealbúmina mostró variaciones de forma más precoz ante el acto quirúrgico.A prospective observation was conducted with the hypothesis that the nutritional situation has influence in postoperative development of hip surgery [n = 100; age 76 years (55-95)]. A nutritional evaluation was performed before surgery through the evolution of height, body weight, skin fold and braquial and muscular circunference. Serie proteins and lymphocytes levels were measured during hospital admission, in postoperative and each seven days. A 51% of patients showed protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). Transfusional haematic requirements were 600 c c . in malnutrition patients and 350 c.c. in the rest (p < 0.05). Complications appeared in PEM patients in 73% cases. The hospital stay was longer in those patients who presented PEM upon admittance (p < 0.01). Postoperatively, the prealbumin was the protein whose serie level had faster changes

    Linking changes in radial profiles of sap flux density with the response of water vapour exchange to water deficit

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    8 páginas, 5 figuras, 1 tabla, 19 referencias.-- IX International Workshop on Sap Flow, celebrado del 4-7 de junio 2013, en Gante, Bélgica.Knowledge of temporal variations in radial profiles of sap flux density (Js) and its relation to canopy water vapour exchange would help to improve our understanding of plant water relations. In this study we aimed to test if there is a consistent radial profile of Js in olive trees under optimal soil water availability and severe water stress conditions. Furthermore, if the radial profile of Js is not consistent through time we aimed to assess whether this radial variability can be explained through differential water exchange response to evaporative demand (D) of sun-exposed, new foliage and shade, old foliage. We measured sap flux density in the trunk of 6-year-old olive trees under two different irrigation treatments: a full irrigation treatment and a treatment replacing 30% of the of irrigation needs. We related the hourly radial profiles characterized with the Beta probability distribution function with independent water vapour exchange measurements at different exposures in the tree canopy (sun-exposed, young foliage and shade, old foliage). Results showed that under well irrigated conditions the shape of the radial profile of Js hardly varied, but under water deficit situations most of the sap appears to be conducted deeper into the sapwood and Js is also more variable throughout the sapwood. Accordingly, results demonstrated that in shade, old foliage water vapour exchange varied less than in sun-exposed new foliage. As a result, in days under severe water deficit, the contribution of shade old foliage to the whole tree transpiration was greater. Radial profile changes and canopy measurements were found to respond in a similar way to D. During conditions of low D and soil water deficit it was observed a greater contribution of the inner xylem to total stem flow and shade, old leaves to canopy gas exchange.Peer reviewe