6,081 research outputs found

    Estudio de la herramienta de desarrollo JASPERREPORTS en aplicaciones web con tecnología JSP

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    Sistema de administración y control de recursos tecnológicos para la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Atuntaqui Ltda.El presente trabajo de investigación se fundamenta en el uso de la herramienta de desarrollo JasperReports para la generación de documentos listos para imprimir desde nuestras aplicaciones de escritorio o portales web; mismos que permitirán disponer de información clara, precisa y oportuna, necesaria para el cumplimiento de nuestras tareas cotidianas, como la planificación de actividades, la toma de decisiones, generación de informes, entre otras. La implementación de un sistema informático en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito "Atuntaqui" Ltda., simplificó notablemente el proceso de administración y control de los recursos tecnológicos con la automatización de tareas repetitivas y registro de manera organizada de todas las actividades. Además, con la puesta en marcha del sistema en la Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Atuntaqui Ltda., se dispone de información eficiente, precisa, clara y oportuna de los recursos tecnológicos existentes y de sus respectivas modificaciones y adaptaciones

    Violence With Femicide Risk: Its Effects on Women and Their Children

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    The objective of this study is to assess the effects that a specific type of severe violence—violence with femicide risk (VFR)—has on women’s physical and mental health, as well as the physical health of their children. I focus on Peru, a country in which 7 out of 10 women have been victims of some form of intimate partner violence. In Latin America, Peru is one of the countries with the highest rates of violence against women. Methodological gaps in the existing literature (sampling size, selection bias, and reverse causality) are covered using an important nationally representative sample (Demographic and Health Survey: N = 84,136) and the use of propensity score matching. Results show that VFR increases symptoms of depression, as well as alcohol and tobacco consumption. The children of victims of VFR had significantly more recent episodes of bloody stool, diarrhea, fever, and coughing. These effects are heterogeneous. They vary based on violence characteristics (history of sexual violence) and on victims’ socioeconomic status. According to the relevant literature, these effects can be understood to stem from somatization, stress, substance use (as a facilitator of violence), and neurological damage due to exposure to this type of violence. Results suggest VFR may have life-course altering effects given victims’ distinct coping strategies

    Do criminal justice reforms reduce crime and perceived risk of crime? A quasi-experimental approach in Peru

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    The objective of this study was to assess the effect of the new Code of Criminal Procedure (NCCP) on crime and perceived risk of crime in Peru. The progressive implementation of the NCCP allowed us to (1) use differences-in-differences (to control for the effect of time invariant characteristics) with matching estimator (to control for bias selection), and (2) to differentiate the impact based on whether the NCCP was earlier (2010) or later (2012) implemented. A large sample was used (N=445,838). The impact of NCCP was evaluated on aggregated and individual measures of crime and perceived risk of crime, including violent crime. Results show that the impact of the NCCP on crime was low and lost strength every year. Moreover, the impact is selective (it only affects some forms of crime) and differentiated (it reduces some forms of crime while increasing others). It also reduces the most common forms of crime committed with arms. On the other hand, the NCCP decreased most indicators of perceived risk of crime. Our findings point to the need to better manage the implementation of the NCCP as well as to highlight the deterioration of its impact mechanisms in time (particularly its celerity)

    Why are property crimes reported to the police? An empirical assessment for Peru

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    Peru has not only one of the highest victimization rates in Latin America (24%), but also the lowest rate of reported crimes (15%) (Latinobarómetro, 2016) The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the crimes and the characteristics of the individuals that predict the decision of reporting four different property crimes (burglary, auto theft, auto parts theft, and motorcycle theft). To this end, a seven-year survey of households at the national level in Peru was used (2010-2016). The estimations were made using multilevel mixed effects logistics regression, in order to control for characteristics of the environment that also influence the decision to report. Use of a weapon by the criminal is the factor that most increases the probability of reporting any of the four assessed crimes. Repeated victimization is also an important predictor, although for a lower number of crimes. Trust in the police is not associated to the decision to report. This is the first study to quantitatively analyze the factors that affect the decision to report in Peru. Its results are useful for a better understanding of the low reporting rates in the country

    Does context matter? Examining robbery reporting in a high crime country

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    Most empirical studies that examine why individuals report property crimes to the police have focused on Global North countries where crime rates are low. This study is situated in the most violent area of the world, Latin America, and examines Peru, which has the highest robbery victimization rate in the Americas. This article examines the applicability of theories of crime reporting in this Global South context using a large sample and multilevel modeling. We find that trust in the police has no impact on the reporting of the robbery of one’s cellphone, purse or wallet. The theories of rational choice and Black’s stratification of law provide strong explanations for the reporting of robbery of these personal items. Individuals of higher social status and those who reside in districts with low levels of social disadvantage are more likely to report, as well as those who have experienced violent victimization

    Experiências de professores em formação na construção e redefinição de suas concepções sobre o ensino de línguas

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    Beginning teachers are often left on their own to endure life at school perhaps as a result of the assumption that learning to teach comes from the experience of teaching, or that the theoretical knowledge gained in teacher education programs is sufficient to deal with such an endeavor. This narrative study investigated student teachers’ retrospective conceptions of English language teaching as they entered a teacher education program and as they completed their practicum at a public school, to better understand their process of learning to teach English. By analyzing participants’ reported experiences, we identified a growing awareness of the contextual circumstances regarding students’ needs and social realities which led to a confrontation of the theoretical insights’ participants had gained through the teacher education program. Findings also revealed participants’ overall dissatisfaction with the learning experiences during their English lessons in public schools and a rather positive view of their learning experiences in language institutes and in English vocational education and training courses.Los docentes principiantes a menudo enfrentan solos la cotidianidad de la escuela, tal vez, como resultado del supuesto de que se aprende a enseñar por medio de la experiencia, o que el conocimiento teórico adquirido en los programas de formación docente es suficiente para hacer frente a tal propósito. Este estudio narrativo tuvo como objetivo investigar las concepciones retrospectivas de la enseñanza del inglés de futuros docentes cuando ingresaron a un programa formador de docentes, y la revisión de las mismas al completar sus períodos de práctica en una escuela pública, en un intento por entender mejor su proceso de aprender a enseñar inglés. Al analizar las experiencias reportadas por los participantes, encontramos una conciencia cada vez mayor sobre las circunstancias contextuales con respecto a las necesidades de los estudiantes y las realidades sociales, lo que llevó a una confrontación de los conocimientos teóricos que los participantes habían obtenido en el programa formador de docentes. Los hallazgos también revelaron insatisfacción por parte de los participantes respecto a sus experiencias de aprendizaje durante las clases de inglés en las escuelas públicas, y una mirada un tanto más positiva de sus experiencias de aprendizaje en los institutos de idiomas, además de los cursos de educación y formación profesional en inglés.Os professores iniciantes muitas vezes enfrentam sozinhos o cotidiano da escola, talvez, como resultado do pressuposto de que se aprende a ensinar por meio da experiência, ou que o conhecimento teórico adquirido nos programas de formação de professores é suficiente para enfrentar tal finalidade. Este estudo narrativo teve como objetivo pesquisar as concepções retrospectivas sobre o ensino de inglês de futuros professores quando entraram em um programa de formação de professores, e a revisão delas após a conclusão de seus estágios em uma escola pública, na tentativa de compreender melhor seu processo de aprender a ensinar inglês. Ao analisar as experiências relatadas pelos participantes, encontramos uma consciência cada vez maior sobre as circunstâncias contextuais em relação às necessidades dos alunos e às realidades sociais, o que levou a um confronto dos conhecimentos teóricos que os participantes obtiveram no programa formador de professores. Os achados também revelaram insatisfação por parte dos participantes em relação às suas experiências de aprendizagem durante as aulas de inglês nas escolas públicas, e uma visão um pouco mais positiva de suas experiências de aprendizagem em escolas de idiomas, além dos cursos de educação e formação profissional em inglês

    Research and design of a mathematics game in Scratch for children with deficit of attention

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    Actualmente las TIC han penetrado todo el quehacer humano, tenemos millones de celulares y ordenadores que usamos para desarrollar todos los aspectos diarios en nuestra vidas, de acuerdo a esto y a cifras presentadas por la UNESCO en el mundo existen alrededor de 123 millones de jóvenes que usan los teléfonos móviles para jugar, estudiar y comunicarse, debido a esto y en niños menores de 5 años se presentan problemas de déficit de atención lo que los limita de forma drástica al momento de adquirir sus primeras competencias en matemáticas, por lo tanto el presente proyecto permite presentar una contribución al usar juegos didácticos basados en herramientas computacionales como es el caso de Scratch que permite crear juegos de destrezas para que estos estudiantes aprendan a sumar y restar de una manera lúdica y divertida y de Unity como motor de videojuego multiplataforma, disponible como plataforma de desarrollo para Microsoft WindowsCurrently, ICT have penetrated all of human activity, we have millions of cell phones and computers that we use to develop all the daily aspects in our lives, according to this and figures presented by UNESCO in the world there are about 123 million young people who use mobile phones to play, study and communicate, due to this and in children under 5 years of age there are problems of attention deficit which limits them drastically when they acquire their first competences in mathematics, therefore the present project allows to present a contribution when using didactic games based on computational tools such as Scratch that allows to create skill sets so that these students learn to add and subtract in a playful and fun way and Unity as a multi-platform videogame engine, available as a development platform for Microsoft Window

    Construction and validation of instruments for the evaluation of pedagogical practice in Elementary Educational Level of the State of Yucatan

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    La evaluación de la práctica pedagógica supone la observación y verificación del quehacer pedagógico del docente, tanto dentro como fuera del aula: fuera del aula rescata los elementos propios de la planeación didáctica, mientras que dentro se refiere al aspecto de la clase como tal y la dinámica de la misma. Aunado a lo anterior, se ha considerado la reflexión del docente sobre su propia práctica pedagógica como un elemento para su mejora y desarrollo. El presente trabajo tiene como propósito la construcción y validación de instrumentos para la evaluación de la práctica pedagógica en las asignaturas académicas de Educación Básica en el Estado de Yucatán. Para esto, se contempló la participación de las figuras del supervisor, director y docente de Educación Básica del Estado de Yucatán, los cuales integraron Comités de trabajo en diferentes momentos del proceso de construcción. Los resultados psicométricos obtenidos y los resultados del grupo de enfoque proporcionan evidencia de instrumentos de medición que cumplen con los requerimientos de validez y confiabilidad para ser implementados en los niveles y modalidades planteadasThe evaluation of pedagogical practice involves monitoring and verification of pedagogical work of teachers, both inside and outside the classroom: outside the classroom rescues the elements of educational planning, while in the classroom refers to the aspect of the class as such and dynamics thereof. In addition to this, it is considered the teacher reflection on their own teaching practice as a potentiating element of its improvement and development. This article describes the construction and validation of educational measurement instruments for evaluating teaching practice in academic subjects in elementary educational level in Yucatan. Participated supervisors, directors and teachers of elementary educational level in Yucatan, which integrated working committees at different times of the construction process. Psychometric and focus group results provide evidence of measuring instruments that complied the necessary requirements of validity and reliability to be implemented in the levels and types programme

    Business intelligence maturity models: opportunities and recommendations for future investigation - a systematic literature review - part 1

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    La globalización de la economía representa grandes desafíos. Uno de ellos es la explotación de la información y el conocimiento de la empresa. Convertir datos en información y la información en conocimiento se denomina inteligencia de negocios- BI. Se han desarrollado varias herramientas de BI para apoyar el proceso de toma de decisiones. Los modelos de madurez son una de estas herramientas. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo mostrar en dos partes, lagunas y proponer oportunidades para el avance en este campo. En general, se reveló un predominio de características genéricas y descriptivas. Se detectaron algunas lagunas relacionadas con modelos que pueden adaptarse a segmentos industriales específicos. Este campo todavía ofrece amplias posibilidades para nuevos modelos de investigación y madurez.The economy globalization represents significant challenges. One of them is information exploitation and company knowledge. Converting data into information and information into knowledge is called Business Intelligence – BI. Several BI tools have been established to support the decision-making process. Maturity Models is one of these tools. This research aims to show in two parts, breaches and to propose prospects for the progression of this field. In general, the prevalence of generic and descriptive features was revealed. Some gaps related to models that can be modified to specific industrial sectors were detected. This field offers great promises for new investigations and maturity models

    Pedagogical-didactic strategies that help boost listening comprehension and production of English

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    This article is an attempt to establish the effectiveness of the creation of an intended environment for foreign language learning in order to diminish the passive approach of listening and speaking skills of students in communes 1 and 2 of Bucaramanga-Colombia; supporting inclusion from the curriculum, through multichannel stimulation and the implementation of strategies for meaningful learning. The quantitative research design was configured by setting two groups: a control group and an experimental one with students from an institution that assists population in vulnerable situations. In the experiment, a Manova analysis was performed taking into consideration the results of a pre-test and a post-test for listening and speaking skills, establishing correlations with the perception channels characterized for each of the students in both groups. A significant difference was achieved (Traza Pillai p <0.05) for the variable listening skill between the control group and the experimental group, with the last one being higher. There was a tendency to show significant differences in speaking ability (p = 0.062). Effective strategies are the ones that encourage language interaction in context, collaborative learning, comprehensible input, the reduction of students’ anxiety as well as their active and self-directed participation