12,164 research outputs found

    How are Spanish academics coping with changes? Responses from a life histories research.

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://diposit.ub.edu/dspace/handle/2445/20983[eng] This report is part of the research project, The effects of social changes in work and professional life of Spanish academics, partially financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (SEJ2006-01876), that has explored change in legislation, organisation, research schemes and so on, in the last thirty years. The main aim of this project is deepening our understanding of the impact of undergoing economic, social, cultural, technological and labour change in Spanish universities in the life and professional identity of the teaching and research staff, taking into account the national and european context. This paper gathers part of the results gained from the project, being its primary objective to contribute to an improved knowledge-base on professional knowledge and work experience in higher education institutions in Spain and, as a consequence, to understand how Spanish academics are coping with current changes.[spa] Este documento forma parte de la investigación, Los efectos de los cambios sociales en el trabajo y la vida profesional de los docentes universitarios, parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (SEJ2006-01876), en el que hemos explorado los cambios en la legislación, la organización, los contextos de la investigación y la docencia, etc., en los últimos treinta años. El principal objetivo de este documento es profundizar en nuestra comprensión sobre el impacto del cambio económico, social, cultural, tecnológico y laboral que están experimentando las universidades españolas en la vida y la identidad profesional del personal docente e investigador, teniendo en cuenta el contexto nacional y europeo. Este trabajo recoge parte de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto, siendo su principal objetivo contribuir a mejorar el conocimiento basado en la investigación sobre el saber profesional y la experiencia laboral en las universidades españolas, y en consecuencia, favorecer nuestra comprensión sobre cómo los académicos se están enfrentando con los cambios actuales.[cat] Aquest document forma part de la investigació, Els efectes dels canvis socials en el treball i la vida professional dels docents universitaris, parcialment finançat pel Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (SEJ2006-01876), on hem explorat els canvis de la legislació, l'organització, els contextos d'investigació i docència etc., durant els darrers trenta anys. El principal objectiu d'aquest document és aprofundir en la comprensió de l'impacte del canvi econòmic, social, cultural, tecnològic i laboral que s'està experimentant a les universitats espanyoles en la vida i en la identitat professional de les persones docents i investigadores, tenint en compte el context nacional i europeu. Aquest treball recull part dels resultats obtinguts en el projecte, essent el seu principal objectiu contribuir a la millora del coneixement basat en la investigació sobre el saber professional i l'experiència laboral a les universitats espanyoles, i conseqüentment, afavorir la comprensió sobre com els acadèmics estan encarant els actuals canvis

    Explaining High Economic Growth in Small Tourism Countries with a Dynamic General Equilibrium Model.

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    This paper shows that tourism specialisation can help to explain the observed high growth rates of small countries. For this purpose, two models of growth and trade are constructed to represent the trade relations between two countries. One of the countries is large, rich, has an own source of sustained growth and produces a tradable capital good. The other is a small poor economy, which does not have an own engine of growth and produces tradable tourism services. The poor country exports tourism services to and imports capital goods from the rich economy. In one model tourism is a luxury good, while in the other the expenditure elasticity of tourism imports is unitary. Two main results are obtained. In the long run, the tourism country overcomes decreasing returns and permanently grows because its terms of trade continuously improve. Since the tourism sector is relatively less productive than the capital good sector, tourism services become relatively scarcer and hence more expensive than the capital good. Moreover, along the transition the growth rate of the tourism economy holds well above the one of the rich country for a long time. The growth rate differential between countries is particularly high when tourism is a luxury good. In this case, there is a faster increase in the tourism demand. As a result, investment of the small economy is boosted and its terms of trade highly improve.High growth, Small tourism countries, Terms of trade, Luxury good, Dynamic general equilibrium.

    The role of snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere winter to summer transition

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    This paper examines the role of North Hemisphere snow cover in the linkage between the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the summer Northern Annular Mode (NAM). This transition is partially supported by the persistence of the NAO-induced snow cover anomalies and the asymmetric thermal distribution induced by summer snow cover. We define an index of subpolar temperature difference which links winter NAO with the subsequent summer NAM. The index is also significant in the linkage between summer and winter climates and can be used as an useful predictor of the upcoming winter NAO

    An estimate of necessary effort in the development of software projects

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    International Workshop on Intelligent Technologies for Software Engineering (WITSE'04). 19th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Linz, Austria, September 20th - 25th, 2004)The estimated of the effort in the development of software projects has already been studied in the field of software engineering. For this purpose different ways of measurement such as Unes of code and function points, generally addressed to relate software size with project cost (effort) have been used. In this work we are presenting a research project that deals with this field, us'mg machine learning techniques to predict the software project cost. Several public set of data are used. The analysed sets of data only relate the effort invested in the development of software projects and the size of the resultant code. For this reason, we can say that the data used are poor. Despite that, the results obtained are good, because they improve the ones obtained in previous analyses. In order to get results closer to reality we should find data sets of a bigger size that take into account more variables, thus offering more possibilities to obtain solutions in a more efficient way.Publicad