516 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    Reviews of Salvadoran Imaginaries: Mediated Identities and Cultures of Consumption and Sacrificing Families: Navigating Laws, Labor, and Love Across Border

    Financial information and restructuring of spanish savings banks in a context of crisis. Changes in the regulation; content and evolution of FROB

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    The worsening of the financial crisis in September 2008, coinciding with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, set off unprecedented action in the European states to support the stability of their markets and financial institutions. Different forums asked for joint and faster implementation. This lead the Spanish authorities to take a series of measures. In the first part of this paper we make a theoretical review of previous studies at international level on early warning systems and about prediction of failure in the banking sector. No doubt it helps to situate and understand better the later Spanish analysis, why it is necessary and its development. We also analyze the evolution of the Spanish financial system between 2008-2011 with the focus on explaining the reform and restructuring of savings banks. Specifically, a study of the accounting and financial standards evolution is made, as well as an examination of the changes in banking regulations that emerged during this period and the role of the Banking Management Restructuring Fund (FROB) and the Institutional Protection Systems (SIP).FROB, SIP, banking regulation changes, early warning systems.

    Reaching Out: The Basque Transnational Body in the Poetry of Kirmen Uribe

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    In this paper we explore the contribution of Kirmen Uribe, a Basque writer, artist and cultural activist, to the process of political reconciliation in the Basque country, a socially transforming compromise brought about by the dissolution of the Basque terrorist organization ETA in October 20th, 2011. Uribe achieved literary recognition and public notoriety within the Iberian cultural landscape with the publication of his novel Bilbao-New York-Bilbao in 2008, for which he received the Spanish National Literature Prize for Narrative in the following year. However, we argue that it is with his earlier collection of poems Bistatean Heldu Eskutik ‘Meanwhile Take my Hand,’ originally published in Euskara—the Basque language—in 2001, that Uribe initiates a strong, symbolic act towards reconciliation in Basque social relations. Using a methodological framework built on the juxtaposition of transnational and affect studies, we analyze the transformational thrust of an affective, reconciliatory language in Uribe’s poems. Building on Deleuze and Guattari’s notion of a minor literature, we first consider how this affective language overflows and deterritorializes the traditional geographical and discursive boundaries of Basque cultural nationalism; then, we analyze the production of Uribe’s poetic expression within a specific temporality, in which Basque society demanded the end of violence in the Basque country; and, finally, we argue that this poet’s self-conscious poetics of affect provides a cultural model for the democratization of the Basque social body reterritorialized in the transnational realm

    Efficacy, security and stability: the obligatory race of a medicine

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    Cualquier persona posee medicinas para el dolor de cabeza y para el dolor de estómago en casa. Incluso hay personas con enfermedades crónicas que necesitan un tipo específico de medicamento. Todo el mundo convive con productos para tratar alguna dolencia. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de la sociedad desconoce cómo estos medicamentos han llegado a la farmacia para su dispensación o venta. El proceso de desarrollo de una medicina innovadora puede durar más de una década y se alcanzan cifras millonarias para conseguir que el producto salga adelante. Para ello, son necesarios grupos de investigadores, herramientas y financiación que tienen como objetivo el desarrollo de un medicamento eficaz, estable y seguro. También es indispensable que los organismos reguladores aprueben estos productos y su comercialización. Y ese no es el final, ya que, aunque salga al mercado, las agencias reguladoras siguen vigilando periódicamente el medicamento. Agencias que deciden finalmente si se mantiene en el mercado o debe dejar de comercializarse ya que, un error en la cadena de investigación, desarrollo y comercialización puede acarrear problemas con los pacientes que toman la medicina. Es por ello que se exigen unas determinadas condiciones, fases y ensayos clínicos para aprobar medicamentos. Aunque, en muchas ocasiones, no todos los proyectos llegan a comercializarse. Este reportaje tiene como objetivo explicar las fases y autorizaciones por las que debe pasar un medicamento para su comercialización, desde su investigación hasta su compra en farmacia. Y, de esta forma, conocer mejor cuáles son las dificultades, requisitos y etapas que pasan los medicamentos que más tarde se consumen en casa.Anyone has headache and stomachache medicine at home. Even there are people with chronic diseases who need a specific medicine. Everybody coexists with products which treat some illness. Nonetheless, the most society does not know about how those medicines have arrived to chemists for their distribution or sale. The innovation medicines process of development can last more than a decade and reaches millionaires numbers to get the product keeps on going. For that, researchers groups, tools and financing are necessary that have to aim the development of effective, steady and safe medicines. Moreover, is essential that regulatory organizations pass those products and their commercialization. And that is not the end, because, although the product is going to market, regulatory organizations continue guarding the medicine regularly. Regulatory organizations that decide if the medicine continues in the market or must not sell finally because a mistake on research, development and commercialization chain can result in problems for patients who take that medicine. For that, certain conditions, phases and clinic tests are required to pass medicines, although, many times, not every project reaches to be commercialized. This report aims to explain the phases and authorizations which must through a medicine for its commercialization, since its study until its buying in pharmacy. And, in this way, knowing better which are the difficulties, requisites and phases that must through the medicines to consume at home later

    Estudio de una instalación solar fotovoltaica para una vivienda unifamiliar aislada

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    [ES] En este trabajo se abordará el estudio de una instalación eléctrica mediante energía solar para el autoconsumo de una vivienda aislada. Dicho estudio investigara diferentes tipos de instalaciones posibles para las características requeridas por el usuario. Para ello se realizaran los cálculos técnicos precisos para la ejecución de cada una de las diferentes posibilidades aplicando la normativa vigente (BOE del 6 de abril de 2019). Para finalizar se elaborarán una serie de presupuestos y un estudio de viabilidad para el diseño propuesto.[EN] The following final grade work tries to approach the design of an electrical installation by means of solar energy for the self-consumption of an isolated house. In order to elaborate the design the different possible alternatives for the characteristics required by the user are studied, proceeding later to the accomplishment of the precise technical calculations and design of the different parts of the installation for the execution of the same one. An exhaustive budget and a feasibility study for the proposed design will also be prepared. For all this, we will have an understanding of the operation of each of the parts that make up the self-supplying solar photovoltaic installation as well as its components, and everything will be determined by applying the regulations in force (BOE of 6 April 2019).[CA] El següent treball de final de grau tracta d'abordar el disseny d'una instal·lació elèctrica per mitjà d'energia solar per a l'autoconsum d'una vivenda aïllada. Per a elaborar el disseny s'estudien les diferents alternatives possibles per a les característiques requerides per l'usuari, procedint posteriorment a la realització dels càlculs tècnics precisos i disseny de les distintes parts de la instal·lació per a l'execució de la mateixa. També s'elaborarà un exhaustiu pressupost i un estudi de viabilitat per al disseny proposat. Per a tot això, es compta amb la comprenssió del funcionament de cada una de les parts que conformen la instal·lació solar fotovoltaica d'autoabastiment així com dels seus components, i es determinarà tot aplicant la normativa vigent (BOE del 6 d'abril de 2019).Hernández García, E. (2020). Estudio de una instalación solar fotovoltaica para una vivienda unifamiliar aislada. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/139419TFG

    Combinatorial expression of Lef1, Lhx2, Lhx5, Lhx9, Lmo3, Lmo4, and Prox1 helps to identify comparable subdivisions in the developing hippocampal formation of mouse and chicken

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    We carried out a study of the expression patterns of seven developmental regulatory genes (Lef1, Lhx2, Lhx9, Lhx5, Lmo3, Lmo4, and Prox1), in combination with topological position, to identify the medial pallial derivatives, define its major subdivisions, and compare them between mouse and chicken. In both species, the medial pallium is defined as a pallial sector adjacent to the cortical hem and roof plate/choroid tela, showing moderate to strong ventricular zone expression of Lef1, Lhx2, and Lhx9, but not Lhx5. Based on this, the hippocampal formation (indusium griseum, dentate gyrus, Ammon's horn fields, and subiculum), the medial entorhinal cortex, and part of the amygdalo-hippocampal transition area of mouse appeared to derive from the medial pallium. In the chicken, based on the same position and gene expression profile, we propose that the hippocampus (including the V-shaped area), the parahippocampal area (including its caudolateral part), the entorhinal cortex, and the amygdalo-hippocampal transition area are medial pallial derivatives. Moreover, the combinatorial expression of Lef1, Prox1, Lmo4, and Lmo3 allowed the identification of dentate gyrus/CA3-like, CA1/subicular-like, and medial entorhinal-like comparable sectors in mouse and chicken, and point to the existence of mostly conserved molecular networks involved in hippocampal complex development. Notably, while the mouse medial entorhinal cortex derives from the medial pallium (similarly to the hippocampal formation, both being involved in spatial navigation and spatial memory), the lateral entorhinal cortex (involved in processing non-spatial, contextual information) appears to derive from a distinct dorsolateral caudal pallial sector.Supported by a grant to Loreta Medina from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (MINECO) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER): grant no. BFU2012-33029